TER General Board

Damn, everyone's so nice today so I'll say it
jenniferxj6 See my TER Reviews 1589 reads
1 / 16

I do my owne pictures and all the selfie s are wwhhooo so hard!  Should I change up to professional or keep my ok junky but nice pictures and videos stuff. It’s hard to have a life and do my pics and travel and .......... but dealing with  photographer, and webmasters etc.  suck! They always want to f-c-k and sleazy  that just sucks.

keystonekid 114 Reviews 29 reads
2 / 16

your pics are sufficient assuming they are current. The pics portray you body type and show enough to attract business your way.

Your website video would seal the deal for me.  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 28 reads
3 / 16

Your photos make me want to be sleazy and f-c-k you, too.   Does that answer your question about the effectiveness of your current photos?

impposter 49 Reviews 38 reads
4 / 16

The photos are certainly good enough to get my attention (and your Profile and reviews keep my attention!).  
Those are selfies? Tripod and a timer? Tripod and a remote shutter release?  
(I can't find the date on the magazine cover. Were you really on the cover (inside, too?) or is that one of those fake Time Man of the Year things?)
Lastly, where are you these days? LA, NJ, FL, or someplace else?

cspatz 67 Reviews 30 reads
5 / 16

... and yours are ok but that’s just me.

JakeFromStateFarm 27 reads
6 / 16

She looks like her pix and is a hot fuck.

micktoz 41 Reviews 29 reads
7 / 16

........ excuse my crudity, but, Fucking A you are hot!

If I was in the same zip code or anywhere close I'd be on P411 immediately!  

Great pics!  
Even better threAD. ;-)

-- Modified on 10/25/2017 5:07:37 PM

AznWhtTailHntr 15 Reviews 28 reads
8 / 16

When are you going to post when you are sober?  Did you just get out of TX/AZ?  You’re showing off Thomas the Tank Engine with your Whooo  hoooo.

mrblond68 4 Reviews 24 reads
9 / 16

Why not offer a fantasy photography package? You provide the digital camera, pose anyway you want, customer takes pictures, you choose the best for your website, and you send the rest to the customer.

HappyChanges 21 reads
10 / 16

You're pictures are hot!!!

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 24 reads
11 / 16
IBDPhotography 25 reads
12 / 16

... not all photographers behave unprofessionally. It's unfortunate that that has been your experience, but it shouldn't be that difficult to find one where you can find photography references for. I would include a link to my website but I'm pretty sure it's a no-no here.


My suggestion would be find a reputable photographer who's work you like who doesn't overly use unskilled Photoshop techniques. Get professional photos for your business website and ad sites and save the selfies for the message boards and photo boards.

John_Laroche 27 reads
13 / 16

Nice threAD.

In answer to your question, you're not my type, but I still think the quality and variety of your pics is pretty good. There appears to be a significant age difference between your P411 pic and website, but that's just my opinion.

NDIB 23 Reviews 21 reads
14 / 16

You look amazing and the pictures are terrific.  

CharleneLove See my TER Reviews 41 reads
15 / 16

..veRy vEry pretty !   Perhaps I am missing something as I only see five photos total on your site ..
 And they look professionally taken.

BlueeyeJack 30 reads
16 / 16

I also have seen her and agree 1000%.  She is amazing in real life and a true milf!

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