TER General Board

Customer Service
EstellaAyrs See my TER Reviews 164 reads

"Hard to believe the world's oldest profession has such poor business practices, but that is just a testament to how much demand can skew what would normally be considered mandatory customer treatment and service"

I hate to say this to you guys, and not to damper your line on getting the type of service you want from the type of provider you want - I completely agree with that and have basically changed my life with that in mind. However, since no one else is saying it..... All this "in no other business..." commentary, men seem to forget that it's also "in no other customer service industry" that your customer physically ENTERS you in a number of ways AND seems to want you calling him asking for more. This isn't something I ever think it's fair to look at as a normal "service".
You guys gripe about customer service and feeling like you have to beg a provider to take your money and relate that to an Attorney? Seriously? I know sometimes it's frustrating to try and book someone and go through the hoops but after awhile, I sense that a lot of hobbyists out there start forgetting how difficult offering someone companionship is. Some of us, like myself, are able to choose to spend time with those they like, but I would never assume that there aren't others out there without the opportunity to be so discerning. And by the way, Attorneys certainly don't call you and ask you if you've recently committed a crime and if you need them. They also don't take every case, I know because my father is an attorney who turns away hundreds of cases a year.
Sure, there will definitely be providers out there who are willing and naturally go the extra mile, but just because you are getting something from them, don't forget about all the other people who want the same thing with the same extra mile. That's pretty hard to be doing on top of all the stuff you're doing during your actual time with them. Give her a break.

onealias1546 reads

When I correspond with a provider, especially one I've seen repeatedly, I really enjoy it when they respond with with some sense of excitement to see me or reconnect.   It's like the dating part of the hobby, if you know what i mean.   Is this important to you as well?

I ask because recently I reached out to a provider I have seen repeatedly and with whom I correspond frequently, albeit superficially.  Historically I've seen her for 3-6hr dates.  My most recent inquiry requested a 12hr or 24hr 'date'.  I was expecting/hoping, for a "that would be wonderful to see you an extended time,  I can't wait", and to my surprise I got only a "I'll need to check my calendar"; and now 48hrs later, nothing further.  A real buzz kill for me.

So... what say you?, is it reasonable to expect correspondence to be part of the 'service', or is it more of an administrative function and service begins on commencement of date?

AnotherPerspective340 reads

48 hours is not enough time to fret about rejection . If she has the talent to hurt your heart  enough you are considering a 24 hour date , she could  be on a week trip with someone else.
Would you want her replying to  emails when she's spending time with you ?


Posted By: onealias
When I correspond with a provider, especially one I've seen repeatedly, I really enjoy it when they respond with with some sense of excitement to see me or reconnect.   It's like the dating part of the hobby, if you know what i mean.   Is this important to you as well?

I ask because recently I reached out to a provider I have seen repeatedly and with whom I correspond frequently, albeit superficially.  Historically I've seen her for 3-6hr dates.  My most recent inquiry requested a 12hr or 24hr 'date'.  I was expecting/hoping, for a "that would be wonderful to see you an extended time,  I can't wait", and to my surprise I got only a "I'll need to check my calendar"; and now 48hrs later, nothing further.  A real buzz kill for me.

So... what say you?, is it reasonable to expect correspondence to be part of the 'service', or is it more of an administrative function and service begins on commencement of date?

We all have our own personalities and personality differences. While I would certainly like if she shows a little bit of excitement, especially when I've met her before, I wouldn't take it to heart. Some people are just short and abrupt in email/text message communications.

Wait another day or two and try contacting her again.

Some of them will communicate, most of them won't. They're  busy, they run a business, the OTC communication is not part of the service, sometimes they will keep in touch with a few favorites, but most of the time it's administrative.

The more important question is why do you want it ?  Are you looking for a relationship or a session ?  If you're looking for a relationship, someone to talk to, some one to make happy, you might be looking in the wrong place.  There are dating sites, and Asley Madison for that, it will cost less, but it might come with some drama.

Are you looking to book a 12 hr or 24 hour date to make her happy or to make you happy?  Just remember, it's your fantasy, it's her job.  Keep your perspective, the pain you feel may be of your own making.

There is no other business that I can think about where the customer goes to lengths to make the supplier happy and work hard to have the opportunity to see the supplier again.  And no business where the supplier makes no effort to let valued customers know they want their business.

I am not into having sex with someone that brings no energy or engagement to the table. So when I am communicating with a provider, it piques my interest in the event if they show some sign that they actually want to see me, and when we get together they are bringing some game to play with.  

Overall, only 2 of the 10 providers I have been with have customer service skills.  And none of them has been so bold as to say  "please come back, I enjoyed that" unless it was in echo to me saying, I really enjoyed that and will be a repeat client.

I am not looking for a girlfriend or a wife.  I just would like to have a ATF to get together with that will bring sexual excitement to my life that I don't get at home.  Seeing new providers is a pain in the ass, because you have to spend the time getting comfortable, and I would rather spend that time (that I am paying for) having sex.  

Maybe I am completely repulsive to providers (although they don't give me that sort of vibe or feedback), and others have more positive experience with providers letting them know they want repeat business.   I don't get it.  I would think providers would want to cultivate a client list for safety, security, and less worry about whether the next john is a complete psycho or asshat.

Hard to believe the world's oldest profession has such poor business practices, but that is just a testament to how much demand can skew what would normally be considered mandatory customer treatment and service.

Right on.  I was just thinking what a strange business this is.  Sometimes I feel like I'm "begging" someone to take my money.  Nowhere else in my life do the services go this way.  Some charge more than my Attorney who would never treat clients like they were subordinates.


... we hit it of from the get go!!  She sends me a text a week before she comes to town announcing her  tour !!  She says I can't wait to see you & Yay when the appt; day comes around!! She even sent me a "I had a nice time" text the day after!! These are very nice, unexpected gestures on her part!! I know enough not to read anything Into those text's other than let's have a great time, no strings attached!!

-- Modified on 4/23/2012 2:27:20 PM

Clearly you do not want to receive short incomplete replies with an additional 48 hour + turnaround in receipt of proposal.  I see nothing wrong with that.  
In fact, I see it as growth.

I have a client who I entertain for 12 hours, a few times a year, since 2008 and I gotta tell you...If I told him, via email, I had to check my schedule then put him on pause for 48 + hours, I wouldn't know him anymore.  

If you are not moved...move on.  Fabulous post by the way.


I need to check my calendar. Who cares man, did you enjoy the last experience with her? 48 hours past and she didn't respond. Fuck her and find someone her. If she doesn't appreciate your business, then move on, and I am sure someone will be GRATEFUL for your business. Some girls I've seen in the past are not appreciative of my gifts because they think I need them after I've seen them on multiple occasions.

They undervalue your business and are ungrateful. Tell you what, don't call that girl. And see what happens within the next month or so. She'll be calling you back, "Bo Bo, I miss you, where you been at? I want to see you Bo Bo", all in a lure for you to finance her. Find a new girl bro, and move on.

onealias198 reads

Thank you all for the great response to my post.  What a wide range of perspectives:
1.  Just wait, net out the whole experience: anotherperspective, Mr.fisher, conciencious
2.  Look in yourself, what are you wanting?:  IScraps, bicoastal
3.  It's the sorry state of the biz today, demands exceed supply:  thewinger, capricious
4.  Report to the contrary: cubbiefan
5.  Move on, find provider who respects ur biz: macdonald, sierrathehobby

I've experienced what cubbie reports and infact that is more the norm in my experience, an engaged "can't wait to see you again" attitude over email.  It's just that I'm spending more $ and mental energy on this woman with longer sessions and correspondence than I've spent on most other providers in many years of hobbling and yet am not getting the "customer service" attitude for which I'm looking.  A friend told me "she's getting too comfortable with you, doesn't think she needs to sell anymore"; I think there's no question there.  I know I'm guilty of this with my own business and clients.

The irony here is that she is exceptionally responsive to my txts and emails, but without the 'wooing' content which I have come to expect.  I think conciencious, is_craps and bicoastal have it closest: people are different, some better via txt/email/phone/in_person, and in the end it's what do YOU want.  you want great "head" in advance of meeting?  find it.  You willing to forgo some of that for better in_person, find it.     It's our own fantasy and for me it starts well in advance of the meeting...

In this case, I just thought the rates, duration and history with provider would get me all of the above.  The search continues... and the thrill of the hunt at least equals that of the kill, imho...  ;)

dates, others 2-3 hour playtimes, others dinner dates, and then there are those providers who like overnight and longer dates. If the lady has family obligations to deal with, she needs time to get those settled before she can commit to your request. Even if a lady does this full-time, she still has a personnal life to tend to.

"Hard to believe the world's oldest profession has such poor business practices, but that is just a testament to how much demand can skew what would normally be considered mandatory customer treatment and service"

I hate to say this to you guys, and not to damper your line on getting the type of service you want from the type of provider you want - I completely agree with that and have basically changed my life with that in mind. However, since no one else is saying it..... All this "in no other business..." commentary, men seem to forget that it's also "in no other customer service industry" that your customer physically ENTERS you in a number of ways AND seems to want you calling him asking for more. This isn't something I ever think it's fair to look at as a normal "service".
You guys gripe about customer service and feeling like you have to beg a provider to take your money and relate that to an Attorney? Seriously? I know sometimes it's frustrating to try and book someone and go through the hoops but after awhile, I sense that a lot of hobbyists out there start forgetting how difficult offering someone companionship is. Some of us, like myself, are able to choose to spend time with those they like, but I would never assume that there aren't others out there without the opportunity to be so discerning. And by the way, Attorneys certainly don't call you and ask you if you've recently committed a crime and if you need them. They also don't take every case, I know because my father is an attorney who turns away hundreds of cases a year.
Sure, there will definitely be providers out there who are willing and naturally go the extra mile, but just because you are getting something from them, don't forget about all the other people who want the same thing with the same extra mile. That's pretty hard to be doing on top of all the stuff you're doing during your actual time with them. Give her a break.

and never notice their advertising.  I was in an auto accident once that made the papers.  I had at least 100 attorneys contact me about representation.   And on business representation, all of my attorneys have done marketing, such as christmas cards, newsletters, take me to lunch, etc.  They market, flat and simple.

And in regards to the claim for special dispensation from providing customer service,  one cannot have it both ways.  There is a lot of "this is a business" response and positioning in the provider community to justify and rationalize practices.  Fine, I agree.  If it is a business, customer service is standard practice.

If one doesn't like the fact that in the business the compensation for services requires very close physical contact, then don't get in the business.  No one is forcing you to provide the services, at least I hope not.  And if that is the case, forget what I say.

a reply. 3 hours is a far cry from a whole night much less 24 hours. I hate to say this, but there are just different kinds of men made for those appts. Not all providers who are willing to see you for 1 to 4 hours are willing to see you for longer than that...it is what it is. I have turned down countless extended dates for this very reason. I too am a small doses type gal that guys tap out on after a dinner date. Sometimes it is just too much with a particular person..not saying that's the case here, but I would not rule it out.

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