TER General Board

Cuntgratufuckinglations - you's smart as me.
inicky46 61 Reviews 3128 reads
1 / 89

And it's also quite instructive, for those of you who wish to improve your communications skills.  Conan hastens to point out he got all 15 questions right.

-- Modified on 12/24/2014 7:02:04 PM

mrfisher 108 Reviews 989 reads
2 / 89
Heathergfe See my TER Reviews 1098 reads
4 / 89

Scratching my head on which one I missed. Thank you for the test.

Arovet 62 Reviews 1074 reads
7 / 89

but then I'm half in the bag...

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1446 reads
8 / 89
89Springer 1049 reads
9 / 89
mojojo 1 Reviews 1005 reads
10 / 89

I took logical guesses on two. Those are the kinds of mistakes one sees on this board from time to time. But grammar matters little when things are running hot and heavy.

Dr Who revived 943 reads
11 / 89

"fiften an tht iz thu weigh he ment it"

I'll bet that none of you really got 15/15....it's like getting those TER 10/10's

Is my apostrophe in the right place?
Posted By: inicky46
And it's also quite instructive, for those of you who wish to improve your communications skills.  Conan hastens to point out he got all 15 questions right.

-- Modified on 12/24/2014 7:02:04 PM

Back_In_Black 1187 reads
12 / 89

Posted By: inicky46
And it's also quite instructive, for those of you who wish to improve your communications skills.  Conan hastens to point out he got all 15 questions right.

-- Modified on 12/24/2014 7:02:04 PM

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1074 reads
13 / 89

Stop fooling around and publish your results :D

I wonder if TERAdmin can post his/her results..

Dr Who revived 1082 reads
14 / 89
Dr Who revived 986 reads
15 / 89
xyz23 45 Reviews 1036 reads
17 / 89
Dr Who revived 1262 reads
18 / 89

Why would I start again?

Maybe if Nick would pay for the grand prize that I affixed below I might send him the results...certified by the world renowned accounting/law firm of Dewey, Cheatum and Howe.

Does he need my PayPal account info again?
Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
Stop fooling around and publish your results :D  
 I wonder if TERAdmin can post his/her results..

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 1114 reads
19 / 89

Some of the incorrect answers were pretty funny. "A pronoun is a particularly imoressive noun!" :D

russbbj 89 Reviews 1170 reads
21 / 89

I got 13 out of 15, I feel that's impressive for a Scientist. Of course you already know I'm not an Attorney, as I had two chances the other day and failed twice. Oh well, spelling and grammar aren't what brings home the bacon in my household.

Thanks for the link to the quiz, I'm happy I did so well and I only took an educated guess on one question.

Oldmember 36 Reviews 1089 reads
22 / 89

...had to guess on whatever-the-hell "pluperfect tense" meant (that term doesn't even sound familiar from Honors English umpty-three years ago), and lucked out!  lol

russbbj 89 Reviews 1108 reads
23 / 89
russbbj 89 Reviews 967 reads
24 / 89

But I have no idea how to copy the image into here, I don't have Facebook so perhaps that's why I can't get it to copy.

You got
13 out of 15: You're a grammar genius!
You've definitely got our respect! 13 out of 15 is a really, really impressive score. Your grammar skills are so good, you're probably the person that picks your friends up on their mistakes, right? We'll happily admit that this test was pretty hard and we're pretty sure that you're friends can't do better – why not test them and find out

russbbj 89 Reviews 1024 reads
25 / 89
JohnyComeAlready 1393 reads
26 / 89

Posted By: Oldmember
...had to guess on whatever-the-hell "pluperfect tense" meant (that term doesn't even sound familiar from Honors English umpty-three years ago), and lucked out!  lol
The word tense is a "an inflectional form of a verb expressing a specific time distinction" I don't think a verb can exist before the action takes place. Take the word sex for example, the word sex is a noun before the action takes place. The word sex is a verb while the action is taking place. The word sex is a pluperfect tense of the verb, after the action has taking place.  

I want to have sex(noun) with her.

I'm having sex(verb) with her.

I had sex(verb [pluperfect tense]) with her.

... and I can't even spell my own name.

JohnyComeAlready 1085 reads
27 / 89

The quiz read more like a reading test to me... I still can't write.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1102 reads
28 / 89

I used Grab utility that comes in with my OSX. If you have Win 7 you could use Snipping tool..

Then once I grab the part I like, I save it as tiff image (that's what OSX defaults to). Imagecoast doesn't work well with tiff image. So I used free utility to convert from tiff to jpeg.  

Hope you are able to do it..

inicky46 61 Reviews 996 reads
29 / 89
russbbj 89 Reviews 1106 reads
32 / 89

And I'm not the most tech savvy guy, especially on my IPad.

sgtrock432 55 Reviews 861 reads
34 / 89
LillianRose See my TER Reviews 910 reads
35 / 89

dang I am good😉. Awesome little grammar test!!

Blowing Chunks 1122 reads
36 / 89

In order to increase accuracy of this test, they need to put in more choices so that people can't "guess" the correct answer.

Crazy Diamond 12 Reviews 1061 reads
38 / 89

Oh, well, I was always better at math than English anyway.

BrielleDev See my TER Reviews 995 reads
39 / 89
xyz23 45 Reviews 1159 reads
40 / 89
xyz23 45 Reviews 1097 reads
41 / 89
rembrnad0284 12 Reviews 1072 reads
42 / 89

or is it, i gave myself a headache.

Regardless, great quiz, and always a humbling reminder that while English is my primary language one would never know it from my test scores -- but hey, at least I have a few other good qualities.  Or is it 'I've got a few other good qualities'?
Posted By: inicky46
And it's also quite instructive, for those of you who wish to improve your communications skills.  Conan hastens to point out he got all 15 questions right.

-- Modified on 12/24/2014 7:02:04 PM

inicky46 61 Reviews 1242 reads
43 / 89

He agrees the test would have been much better if it told you which answers you got wrong so you could learn what's right.  But Conan didn't write the test, he simply found it.  He hopes it elevated the communications skills of a few of you, which (as he continually notes here) are far too often sadly lacking.
Merry Christmas

Panthera12 1102 reads
44 / 89

1. Panthera12 already knew that he was a genius.
2. Panthera12 already knows that he is a genius.

Just keeping it simple for those who have to guess the correct answer, hence only two to choose from.

Panthera12 1137 reads
47 / 89

It took me years to escape "this here" and "that there", but I like to eat leftovers.

1705218 10 Reviews 820 reads
49 / 89

I missed 3. I took another test and found that I am Japanese. Hmmm? I don't look Japanese nor do anyone of my numerous relatives. LOL One of my favorite ladies is part Japanese.

impposter 49 Reviews 793 reads
50 / 89

I chose the "correct" answer, but Joe can call his ice cream parlor anything he wants and he can trademark and copyright it:  Joe's Ices; Jo'es Ices; Joe's Ice's; Joes Eysis.  And all of those could be the "correct" name for Joe's business.

Businesses use a lot of misspelled or otherwise incorrect words in their logos and ads to establish their identity and name brand recognition.  And now I can't think of a single one ... blanking out ... too much egg nog ... "How do you spell relief? R-O-L-A-I-D-S."  "Legg'o my Egg'o.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 786 reads
51 / 89
Back_In_Black 926 reads
53 / 89

happy holidays pal , to you and yours and a very happy and healthy new year ..!

1705218 10 Reviews 1098 reads
54 / 89

LOL, Nah, I'm not nearly that agile. Although in years past, long past, I enjoyed some girls in Japan. Once on dec. 7 I dreamed of attacking Pearl Bailey

MaxSpacer 1046 reads
55 / 89

Spending the day with my co-author and ATF.  She is on my tablet in the living room yelling questions to me in the kitchen about grammar questions.  I don't know why until she shows me her fb post showing off her perfect score.  I feel used, but for some reason, I don't mind.

89Springer 1089 reads
56 / 89

It has nothing to do with hobbying. Or do the admins make exceptions on holidays?

xyz23 45 Reviews 874 reads
57 / 89

..."already knew" because "knew" is prior knowledge. It makes using "already" unnecessary though not incorrect.

I agree with inicky about the use of that.

-- Modified on 12/25/2014 3:20:46 PM

rrasha88 See my TER Reviews 961 reads
58 / 89

You guys dangle your participles every chance you get.  Some of you even split your infinitives when you try to conjugate.

JohnyComeAlready 846 reads
59 / 89

I guess some folks consider writing reviews as a hobby.

89Springer 1035 reads
60 / 89

Now I'm going off to play with my participles.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 993 reads
61 / 89

I'm a 9th grade drop out, top of my class in Elementary Math, well versed in computational complexity, while speaking English with a care free ability to disagree.  
   My Grammar score of 14 leads me to believe, I could start  a new career in Pseudoscience.  
    If Conan was as wise in the ancient art of word expression, as he sees in his  own reflection, he wouldn't have felt the need to feed his compulsion and modify his post.  
  Just saying............. Merry Christmas .    :-D

"14 out of 15: You're a grammar pro!

With 14 out of 15, your score really is truly outstanding. Your grammar knowledge really must be exceptional, because it normally takes an experienced linguist to get such a high score first time. Have you ever thought about going into teaching? We're quite sure your friends won't be able to beat your score – why not put them to the test?"
Posted By: inicky46
And it's also quite instructive, for those of you who wish to improve your communications skills.  Conan hastens to point out he got all 15 questions right.

-- Modified on 12/24/2014 7:02:04 PM

Back_In_Black 858 reads
62 / 89

omg rrasha ..happy holidays to you xo  

Posted By: rrasha88
You guys dangle your participles every chance you get.  Some of you even split your infinitives when you try to conjugate.

Back_In_Black 824 reads
63 / 89

made me think about kids today , texting , on internet and writing very little at least that's what I see with nieces and nephews of mine . and test scores and lower standards along with the elimination of writing classes in school . this makes me wonder what the future holds for provider ads , kinda .

hi            pic         text          call              $            sup                

above may very well be the future ad , well as long as the pics are good and the $ right I guess it'll work out.  
Posted By: quadseasonal
  I'm a 9th grade drop out, top of my class in Elementary Math, well versed in computational complexity, while speaking English with a care free ability to disagree.  
    My Grammar score of 14 leads me to believe, I could start  a new career in Pseudoscience.  
     If Conan was as wise in the ancient art of word expression, as he sees in his  own reflection, he wouldn't have felt the need to feed his compulsion and modify his post.  
   Just saying............. Merry Christmas .    :-D  
 "14 out of 15: You're a grammar pro!  
 With 14 out of 15, your score really is truly outstanding. Your grammar knowledge really must be exceptional, because it normally takes an experienced linguist to get such a high score first time. Have you ever thought about going into teaching? We're quite sure your friends won't be able to beat your score – why not put them to the test?"  
Posted By: inicky46
And it's also quite instructive, for those of you who wish to improve your communications skills.  Conan hastens to point out he got all 15 questions right.  
 -- Modified on 12/24/2014 7:02:04 PM

mtdewking2015 731 reads
64 / 89
Back_In_Black 861 reads
65 / 89

yes im speechless .  

-- Modified on 12/25/2014 10:04:29 AM

mtdewking2015 913 reads
68 / 89
CorbinCandor 1137 reads
69 / 89

... to check the test’s validity, I went back and redid it with same answers and I got 12 out of 15. I went back a third time with same answers again and got 13 out of 15. So, I’m thinking, maybe there is a glitch in the system? So several days later (today), I did it a fourth time with same answers and I got 14 out of 15. What’s up with the person who created this test?

Since no corrected answers are given to the ones that are less than the total of 15 (or the wrong answers), I’m thinking it’s questionable and not legit. Please check for yourself to verify what I’m saying

rickyrocket67 27 Reviews 1112 reads
70 / 89

Posted By: inicky46
And it's also quite instructive, for those of you who wish to improve your communications skills.  Conan hastens to point out he got all 15 questions right.

-- Modified on 12/24/2014 7:02:04 PM

inicky46 61 Reviews 945 reads
71 / 89

He casts you out, into the wilderness.  Begone, or he will smite you.

inicky46 61 Reviews 877 reads
72 / 89
TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 915 reads
73 / 89
SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 785 reads
74 / 89
inicky46 61 Reviews 666 reads
75 / 89

Joyous Kwanzaa and Happy Hannukah!
I love you!

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 876 reads
76 / 89
CorbinCandor 921 reads
77 / 89

..recheck your answers by doing the test again with same answers to see if they are consistent. (I'm not playing games here, just saying that I came up with different scores with same answers.)

LynetteMarie See my TER Reviews 787 reads
78 / 89

and HTF did I get three wrong?  

Also blaming the eggnog here!  (whistling away..doo dee dooooo)


rembrnad0284 12 Reviews 1064 reads
79 / 89

Not to worry - I think these days all that really matters is a proper mastery of Internet acronyms, text message jargon, abbreviations, initialisms, cyberslang, leetspeak, and textese

Posted By: LynetteMarie
and HTF did I get three wrong?  
 Also blaming the eggnog here!  (whistling away..doo dee dooooo)  

mrfisher 108 Reviews 745 reads
80 / 89

In just the last 10 years, the quality of editing has taken a turn south.

It's not just spelling, which spell check usually (not always) corrects, but word usage (I go nuts when "further" and "farther" are interchanged.) and punctuation (usually involving the apostrophe) that gets butchered.  

Recently I saw an internet article on Steven Hawking that spelled his last name 3 different ways.  (Hawkins, Hawkings, and Hawking - Well, at least they got one right.)

I likewise blame everything on eggnog.

(Edited because I misspelt apostrophe 8o)

-- Modified on 12/26/2014 5:04:17 AM

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 845 reads
82 / 89

1) I have better things to do with my time (especially on Christmas day) then retaking a silly quiz over and over.
2) I am satisfied with my 15/15 and feel no need to take it over.
3) if you don't know the difference between one day and several days you are either really drunk or really stupid, so why would I believe you about anything else? You probably think you put in the same answers every time but are using different answers.

JohnyComeAlready 966 reads
83 / 89

Being a member of the whole-sale club and all.

CorbinCandor 973 reads
84 / 89

Wow! The time you took to write your 3-point tirade is the time you could have checked the tests for accuracy in score instead of making excuses.  

I actually like this post and don’t consider it a waste of time. Although, with what little time commitment I put into it, the multiple choice was easy and it made sense. Also, so what if several days lapsed; it gave me reason to reply to the post. (BTW: Not knowing the difference in the days that passed between test taking has nothing to do with the simple observation I've made. It only shows that what you've stated in (3) is irrelevant, as it is off subject to my point.) Finally, the test would be credible if the creator of it provided accurate scoring instead of being all over the place. Yet, if nobody comes forward with same situation, then it becomes a waste of time to argue—especially with you—as nobody wins an argument.

It begs the question, what are you on with your over-the-top reply?
(However, if you’re playing the game that trolls play; then your comments are laughable.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 917 reads
85 / 89

The first time I took the test I tried the best I could, when I saw my results were 14 out of 15 I suspected  something was wrong with my score,  but who would complain about  a better grade than they deserve.  
  I let it go as a test without meaning.


After you made note of the incorrect scoring key I took the test a few more times.  
  I tried again three times , intentionally filled in nine, ten and eleven wrong answers, yet my grade each time was  12 out of 15.  
  Perhaps it was an affirmative action test, designed to raise self esteem of  High school  
 drop outs, not considering the easy way out method sets into motion,  the wheels  
  for a harder life

inicky46 61 Reviews 922 reads
86 / 89

Right now Conan is chuckling into his loin-cloth

PenelopeM See my TER Reviews 786 reads
87 / 89
CoriolisFreeFall 1 Reviews 1172 reads
88 / 89

I'm happy with that score especially for a non-morning person like myself.  I can't let the wife find out (English Teacher). She'd have me up at the chalk board /rolleyes

Fridays117 27 Reviews 680 reads
89 / 89
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