TER General Board

Could be problem with divorce if you did that.
DaveMogal 74 Reviews 579 reads

You would have to end up paying recapture taxes.

Hello everyone,  
  How many providers out there have married their clients and vise versa?  What's the percentage of good and bad outcomes?  Please let me know.  

-- Modified on 10/28/2016 10:22:32 AM

That sucks! You are to sweet and beautiful to deal with that shit.  
I'm not sure how I would react over that :( I'd probably tell him to GTFO!
MUCH Love to you!  

-- Modified on 10/28/2016 10:10:13 AM

GaGambler778 reads

People meet and marry clients in other businesses, why not in the worlds oldest profession?

and it's not like hookers and johns are marrying in huge numbers, it happens, but there is hardly an outbreak of this type of thing.

good? in the case of a SB/Gold digger, money would be the over-riding factor. Just like trophy wives IRL or .... guys that don't care  that much about sex.  

I can exclude myself from that group but would be more than happy to TOFFT to audition for ya ... xoxo.

I think I told a guy recently that if I ever did fall for the marriage hoax, there's no way I'd tolerate some man paying me to live a life of no sex & loneliness while the hubby goes out and fucks other women.

That's like being a slave - not interested. 75% of the reason I left my faith was because I couldn't stand not having sex - and there was no way to know how the sex would be until after I committed myself to a life sentence with someone for convenience and social status. Fuck that noise. I'll just keep it easy and have multiple non-committed relationships. lol!

and a shit load of grief after 6 great years. Then wifey gets sick ...  
game changer. I hung around way too long after that because I didn't want to bail hoping she "come around" when her health improved. Never happened...  

Met two women in the past 10 years I thought I could hang with. One turned out to be a liar, the other HAD to be married ... to me.

Let's just say that didn't work out. The hobby works fine for me. I have a handful of women that I  (think I) could fuck until they put me out to pasture... and shoot me. They shoot horses, don't they?  

And I mean any one of them. All the time. But I do like variety.  
Not sure they wouldn't want a little variety tho. lol  hmmmm

-- Modified on 10/28/2016 9:44:05 PM

talking with his freind shortly after the wedding ..

" OO man .. you would not believe what I done ..at the morning after wild night I reached my wallet and placed money on her pillow...."

His friend response -

"that is nothing - I did the same on my fist night with my wife and she gave me the change.."


As well , men just should marry ONLY women who have been taking money for the sex  and are ok with that.  
Of course given she is also kept personality of not a hooker but warm loving female and not the one who become dry an bitter not to mention just her brains resolved over the years fucking joins .

So men just have to marry to woman who have been in this adult life and knows all mile stones of real life well . So no drama, no jealousy, understanding of male nature and desire to have a partner who loves sex and can do it is many ways without any barriers.  

Not a secret that many man would not do a lot with wives as they would do with women here. Holding back their desires and afraid to be judged and called perverts and even  then loose custody of own kids  

Women who have not been in adult life all the way .. to marry SUCH woman ?? ask for trouble down on the road and tears and scandals and drama and bad sex and feel always guilty for being passion man  

European men know that well so we marry and date without any Hooker john labels.  

Love as always from Europe and here is .. hot ..
Oh well may be will go to New Zealand .. or you think in states be safer

LasVegan438 reads

but no matter how hard I try, it is ALWAYS so difficult to understand your posts.  Your website says you are highly educated could you have exaggerated, a LOT?

It seems like the right thing to do at the time

Good Morning,  

.... If you like it, then you should put a ring on it.  

Zoe Piers

GaGambler601 reads

Just because I "like it" is hardly reason enough to put a ring on it, despite what the song lyrics say. lol

There are literally hundreds of hookers and sugar babies I "like" NONE of them are getting a ring out of me.

-- Modified on 10/28/2016 10:24:11 AM

GaGambler515 reads

Don't get married PERIOD.  

Now not all clients are cheaters, and some would and have made every bit as good a husband as someone who has never been with a hooker, but it cracks me up when a woman (or a man) meets someone who is cheating on his present wife/husband, but thinks "that will never happen to me"

Cheaters are cheaters, changing spouses doesn't change a person's basic nature. Believe it or not, I NEVER cheated on my wife when I was married and I am almost positive she never cheated on me either. So not all tricks cheat.

You so totally missed the Holoween pun -- shouldn't it have been "So not all tricks treat."

"The eyes forgets the tears it shades"

I wont be surprised to read...

Once a "porn" at time there lived GG and her lover Miss So and so in a land of TER enchantment..... And they lived happily ever after

I have not had the pleasure of meeting him yet, I have maintained a curiosity about him and ChicagoCPA

Zoe Piers

GaGambler482 reads

I am still very interested in meeting you someday and satisfying all of your curiosity.

Lets leave CPA back in Chicago though:)

because that makes sure everything works out right in the end?

Quoting songs is fine and all but seriously it's hardly a good truth -- more an urban legend. If love is going to last it's going to do so on it's on and based on the relationship, not any symbols or financial incentives.

Such debates are left between two people, love, lust or more as basic considerations.  

My quoting the song was as easy as to say my name.  

All in all, if you REALLY like it, its ok to put a ring on it.

Zoe Piers

For hobbyists I think it's because it's more fun to watch a hot, sexy woman do your laundry than a fat, frumpy one. There may be other reasons, but I think this is the main one.

-- Modified on 10/28/2016 10:26:46 AM

You would have to end up paying recapture taxes.

along with the alimony... child support +10

alimony, paying for health insurance, etal is
a noose Massachusetts ... a woman can take  
you to court to change the toilet in her penthouse  
while you're living in the back of your smart car  

but I still love my wife ......... NOTTTTTTTT!!!!!!

ValuedCustomer398 reads

Because the first thing you have to find is a willing buyer....

LasVegan481 reads

all other levels, who could understand  a provider better than a hobbyist?  Who could understand a hobbyist better than a provider?

All other factors being equal...............

GaGambler802 reads

People talk all the time about "making the best of a bad situation" when sometimes the better solution is to simply "make a new situation"

LasVegan480 reads

TER admin to remove your post, you know?  This is way too profound (seriously).  If you keep posting things like this, you are going to ruin your reputation.

Please be more careful.  This only reinforces my earlier post.  You know the one.

LasVegan568 reads

Sorry beautiful, was referring to GaG.  He wants to paint himself as 100 percent renegade and antiestablishment.  Yet he can sound rather logical, ethical, and worthy of respect more times than he wants to admit.

He IS slipping.  Maybe I should edit his inputs for him, BEFORE he posts them.

Sorry everyone for the rantful original question.  Obviously there are those that marry clients and providers and get tangled in a big web.  It's great when we all fall in love as long as that love isn't living a lie.   It's better to be up front and honest and not steal the benefits of living like a rock star from the other honest person.  It's best to stay where we all are in the foundations that we all build and work it out and forgive in order to have a castle in the end.  Thanks for the input on a tough reality question.  

                       Luv Queeny

You're an amazing woman and only deserve the best in life.  Please don't let anything or anyone bring you down. Best wishes and positive thoughts are being sent your way.  
Jenna xox

Posted By: QueenyLuv

-- Modified on 10/28/2016 7:32:28 AM

Clients get tax write off.

Yes,  I married the wrong man for me...xoxoxox. I'll marry my Ben Franklin and all his brothers....xoxoxoxox

Posted By: QueenyLuv
Yes,  I married the wrong man for me...xoxoxox. I'll marry my Ben Franklin and all his brothers....xoxoxoxox
All levels escorts married to Ben Franklin and his brothers.No escorts doing it for free.oxoxo

honesty regarding your past is crucial to establishing real intimacy.  From a hobbies perspective,how many civie women would be accepting of a hobbiest's past "hobby"?  And how hard is it to find a civie woman who fucks like a provider?  I've thought about that question quite a bit and those are the two questions that keep coming up in my mind.  Marriage isn't a necessity but when looking for a real relationship, those two "obstacles" are ever present.  And how many "civie" guys would be willing to accept a provider's past?  Just food for thought. I don't know all the answers to those questions but I recently had that discussion with my ATF who lived with me for awhile.  She indicated that she turned down civilian guys who approached her in public largely for that very reason.

FatVern638 reads

I think it has more to do with them being civie guys minus the envelope. That and she is telling you she likes you as a client.

I am here seeing providers in states even do not do what regular woman  does  as peace of cake in europe .

-- Modified on 10/28/2016 4:10:28 PM

What is it that the ladies in Europe do that the ladies in the States don't do?  I might be interested in getting a slice of that cake.Lol

FatVern386 reads

Why commit to a relationship that you know is not going to be monogamous?

Posted By: QueenyLuv

-- Modified on 10/28/2016 7:32:28 AM

Posted By: FatVern
Why commit to a relationship that you know is not going to be monogamous?  
Posted By: QueenyLuv
Good advice.
 -- Modified on 10/28/2016 7:32:28 AM

You're a human being and nobody can fault you for that. I KNOW you're a strong woman. But, even the strongest women have weaknesses. I am no exception! Lean on your friends and family. No mattah what you're still a rock stah!

I find I get along better with clients than civilians.

That damn Marriage contract ruins things.

I hear he's a treasure trove of bad advice ...

NoB wishes you only the best, doll. xo

And orgasms with them while hes at the office working is beyond comprehesion.

Actually it could be the guy has a fetish where he likes knowing his wife is having thousands of guys suck on her pussy and she has them erupt their semen in her mouth.  To each to his own i guess then...

Posted By: dancebbq09
And orgasms with them while hes at the office working is beyond comprehesion.  
 Actually it could be the guy has a fetish where he likes knowing his wife is having thousands of guys suck on her pussy and she has them erupt their semen in her mouth.  To each to his own i guess then...

LasVegan459 reads

DFKs providers and licks hundreds of pussies?  What about his unsuspecting girlfriend/wife?  Is he of any better standing than the provider you reference?

GaGambler558 reads

I am not saying you are wrong, and I am part of the ten percent of the guys here that you are NOT talking about, just saying......

I will point the obvious however, you don't seem to have a lot of respect for the hookers you fuck. Why do you "lower yourself" to consort with such lowly creatures?

-- Modified on 11/1/2016 9:46:32 AM

Sex is not love. Sex is just sex. I enjoy my wife's bedroom antics, but that is not why I married her. She is kind and forgiving. (She would have to to put up with me.) She makes me laugh and stands by me when things aren't all roses. A good woman brings so much more than sex. You marry for much more then sex. Sex is just sex, most here sold know this. How many guys bed the providers here yet claim to love their wives? Honestly, what works for the men works for the ladies. Anything less is extremely hypocritical to say the least.

Sex involves some sort of emotion becusse its a such an intimate act youe sharing with someone.  DFK, cuddlling, etc.

If you want your justify your cheating as its purely some mechanical sex then just get a rubber pussy and enjoy and use that saved hooker money and get your wife a nice dinner and presents.

The other day I watched a movie and guess what I had an emotional response to it. But do I love the movie like my wife no I do not. It was an emotional experience yet it wasn't real and it wasn't lasting. Sex for the sake of sex is like a movie. Your feel it, it is fun, certain emotions can be triggered yet after it is over, well it was fun but it wasn't lasting or real. Sex is just sex when it is the end game.

Second, it isn't cheating if you aren't hiding it and you have you spouses concent. I have here blessing to see sex workers. Thus it is not cheating. In fact it was her idea. But don't worry there is plenty of money left for dinner's and presents.

GaGambler479 reads

It's not cheating if you are being completely honest about it and have your spouse's permission.

Trying to explain even the simplest concept as this to Dance is a waste of time and energy.  

I might (ok, no might about it) be an asshole, but I am not a one dimensional asshole, Dance OTOH.....

Lastly, it's pretty clear from multiple posts that Dance really does NOT like or respect the hookers he fucks, Personally I LIKE hookers and not merely as cum receptacles.  

Now please go fuck yourself, I have a reputation to maintain. lol

...them then to be unpleasantly surprised with something that you didn't expect later.  

Let me put it to you this way: there are those of us who believe that kiss indeed could be just a kiss and fuck more often then not indeed is no more then a fuck but a phone call to your former big time flame could be the grounds for divorce.  

The fact that you know the "naughty" truth about each other, and are ok with the other's weaknesses and feel comfortable with one another not 'because' but 'despite' could prove to be the greatest glue that keeps you together and may even alleviate some of the sexual insecurity that men and women feel about each other when they know that both are trying to put their best foot forward, i.e. neither is real. There are no guarantees in romantic attachments. That's just the way it is.  

But I think how you met and how you grew to think in intimate terms of one another, despite of how society tells you that you should have viewed each other, actually may prove to be something extra which will help you to withstand a crisis or two which all couples eventually end up going through. The most important thing is the ability to forgive momentary weakness and distinguish between an emotional outburst (often referred to as "temporary insanity" - for example him telling you something bad or calling you something really bad in the heat of an argument) and something which points to his core. If you can handle that then I'm sure knowledge that you're an escort and he's your former (or maybe even a present) client would only strengthen your relationship, because that fact by itself would be the proof that both of you already overcame a certain barrier.  
You may even want to consider replaying your past relationship once in a blue moon where, even as your special man, he'd have to pay you in order to get whatever it is that he would be looking for. Sort of like "chasing a boogie man with a mask of a devil" thing. :)
Also make no mistake the fact that he'd be marrying you wouldn't mean that his sexual fantasies and habits would go away. If you want your relationship to have a chance you'd definitely should be prepared to cater to them somehow. Remember that in the old Japan a lady of the house would pick (or at least approve) a geisha for her SO.  

The most important thing is not to listen to other providers who already had such relationships and it didn't work. Chances are they also had relationships with men other then their clients and it didn't worked too. Every romantic venture is a risk. Period. But if you don't risk it you don't win. That's just the way it is in life... ...period! :)

Find similar situations that actually worked. They are out there. Maybe not on TER but ask around on blogs I'm sure you'd come across some. Talk to the lady-part of such bargain. Maybe even talk to a guy then too and have him explain how he feels about his wife. In order to be successful in something you have to listen to the success stories and most important of all ignore skeptics because, if there is a possibility of a good thing happening God knows there'd be plenty.  

One more thing I would suggest though. Don't tie the knot until you live with this man for a bit and then after living with him for a bit go on vacation together.  

And come up with a list of what you expect to do and expect him not to do. Like what if he's away and calls himself an escort, would it be a problem for you? What if at some point you decide to go back to work because "deep inside you're still such a slut" lol? Would it be a problem for him even if you keep it very discrete? Those hypotheticals are nice to work out at least in theory before going any farther.

Posted By: Nnoway
...them then to be unpleasantly surprised with something that you didn't expect later.  
 Let me put it to you this way: there are those of us who believe that kiss indeed could be just a kiss and fuck more often then not indeed is no more then a fuck but a phone call to your former big time flame could be the grounds for divorce.  
 The fact that you know the "naughty" truth about each other, and are ok with the other's weaknesses and feel comfortable with one another not 'because' but 'despite' could prove to be the greatest glue that keeps you together and may even alleviate some of the sexual insecurity that men and women feel about each other when they know that both are trying to put their best foot forward, i.e. neither is real. There are no guarantees in romantic attachments. That's just the way it is.  
 But I think how you met and how you grew to think in intimate terms of one another, despite of how society tells you that you should have viewed each other, actually may prove to be something extra which will help you to withstand a crisis or two which all couples eventually end up going through. The most important thing is the ability to forgive momentary weakness and distinguish between an emotional outburst (often referred to as "temporary insanity" - for example him telling you something bad or calling you something really bad in the heat of an argument) and something which points to his core. If you can handle that then I'm sure knowledge that you're an escort and he's your former (or maybe even a present) client would only strengthen your relationship, because that fact by itself would be the proof that both of you already overcame a certain barrier.  
 You may even want to consider replaying your past relationship once in a blue moon where, even as your special man, he'd have to pay you in order to get whatever it is that he would be looking for. Sort of like "chasing a boogie man with a mask of a devil" thing. :)  
 Also make no mistake the fact that he'd be marrying you wouldn't mean that his sexual fantasies and habits would go away. If you want your relationship to have a chance you'd definitely should be prepared to cater to them somehow. Remember that in the old Japan a lady of the house would pick (or at least approve) a geisha for her SO.  
 The most important thing is not to listen to other providers who already had such relationships and it didn't work. Chances are they also had relationships with men other then their clients and it didn't worked too. Every romantic venture is a risk. Period. But if you don't risk it you don't win. That's just the way it is in life... ...period! :)  
 Find similar situations that actually worked. They are out there. Maybe not on TER but ask around on blogs I'm sure you'd come across some. Talk to the lady-part of such bargain. Maybe even talk to a guy then too and have him explain how he feels about his wife. In order to be successful in something you have to listen to the success stories and most important of all ignore skeptics because, if there is a possibility of a good thing happening God knows there'd be plenty.  
 One more thing I would suggest though. Don't tie the knot until you live with this man for a bit and then after living with him for a bit go on vacation together.  
 And come up with a list of what you expect to do and expect him not to do. Like what if he's away and calls himself an escort, would it be a problem for you? What if at some point you decide to go back to work because "deep inside you're still such a slut" lol? Would it be a problem for him even if you keep it very discrete? Those hypotheticals are nice to work out at least in theory before going any farther.

...was a touring drummer-met an amazing woman in Lisbon-continued to see her-became real friends/and lovers-had no idea at the time she was provider-found out-didn't really matter too much,cause we were both doing the same thing,except she was getting paid-would share what we learned,which made our time together more exciting-she passed 2 years ago-still looking for a woman that compares....any ideas

Over the past dozen years, I've met around dozen or so providers with who I have developed long standing relationships, some of which pushed the limits of the client/provider relationship beyond the boundaries most of us consider typical.   Would I ever consider taking it to the next step and moving into the realm where a LTR or even marriage was possible?  Yes, maybe...  

I know of one provider who married a client, and as far as I know, she retired, they are happily married, and now have two children.  Good for them!  :)  

There have been twists and turns in this game that could never have been anticipated, but I am not a conventional hobbyist, as you know.  I play the game as I see fit, and adapt to conditions as they occur.   Whether it's a meeting in my NYC home area or on the road with old friends, or first time experiences,  all has been cool for the most part.  My approach has served me well, but my journey is...mine.  It has been a fun ride, and I can't wait for the net chapter!  The beat goes on!  That includes you, babe!  ;

I've known several such arrangements over the years. In each case the lady was looking for some type of security. One lady was specifically looking for health care coverage (I was her first choice, but politely said no. I'm like you. Regular marriage is hard enough, but I feel hobby marriage is even more difficult. There are too many skeletons in each other's closet. Actually, there are too many closets). What's interesting is that in the majority of the hobby marriages, both parties kept seeing other people. The ladies kept working, and the guys kept hobbying. So far, just like regular marriage, the hobby marriages have worked out about 50% of the time. So even though I wouldn't do it, I can see both points of view.

happy.merchant552 reads

So they can be as happy as the rest of us, of course lol

They probably like each other.

Posted By: QueenyLuv

-- Modified on 10/28/2016 7:32:28 AM

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