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Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 263 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
We all know they are in it for the money, but when the claws come out over a few bucks it kind of kills the fantasy.  
 As for your quote, I think it was actually Corinthians, but personally I am with you in preferring Batman.

Q: What do you call a blonde in a rich Corinthian leather jacket?

A: A rebel without a clue.

DatyRookie3757 reads

Ok...what are some threesome Do's and Sony's. Looking to schedule my first real soon. I am 40 and still not tried this.


The two girls having done this together before is a huge plus. There are certain things some girls will do menu wise and some things they won't, but the two girls will already know this about each other making it easier for you.

The last thing you want to do is if find out in mid session they won't do X or won't do Y with you or each other. It also helps if you know one girl well, as you can freely discuss what you want to happen before the session as many girl won't get into specifics with you before a first meeting, for obvious reasons.

Other tips are to plan plenty of time, at least 90 minutes, as one could be running late and then you are jammed up for time. You will be nervous but its important not to over drink as that can cause several problems.

Also, be sure to monitor the time as best as you can, especially at the beginning. Two girls can get chatty Cathy on you at the start and suddenly you realize you only have 30-45 mins or less to play, which many feel isn't enough time to fully enjoy such a great fantasy.

Lastly, remember to change condoms when switching between girls. Not doing so will def freak most out. Many find female condoms the answer around this but finding two girls that are both comfortable and experienced using them may not be easy.

Use Female Condoms - no changing required ... but changing condoms did cause the  extinction of the dinosaurs

had a date wirh two gals that I really had great times with. I thought they'd be perfect... I was sooo wrong.  

After meeting at the hotel lounge, my main squeeze and I retreated to gal 2's room. On the way up to the room, my fav mentioned she wasn't feeling it ... and neither was I ... I won't go into detail BUT AT NO POINT was I ever double teamed... yeah, my fault, but I "expected" something to happen ... something good. IT DIDN'T  ... total waste of money... learned a lot. The hard way.  

A totally UNIQUE dynamic ... not what ypu see in a porn movie. You better be prepared to be totally in charge. And don't EXPECT it to just happen.  

If i ever do this again, I'll ensure the girls will have gotten familiar with each other on their dime and then we'll all have a facetime, conference call or reasonable fascimile to avoid the time-wasting bullshit that transpired.  


-- Modified on 3/25/2017 9:47:19 PM


Seriously, I think the most important thing about doubles us ensuring the two ladies are excited about the idea of getting hot n heavy with each other, and with you.  It's a good idea if the ladies know each other, but I've seen cases where they didn't but knew OF each other and it worked out. Also,I've had the most success doing doubles where I knew one of the ladies very well and thus knew she is really, truly bi and loved doubles, and also she had some bi friends whom she could recommend.  

I presume all of that follows his 5 hour nap?  And he's already consumed a gallon of pineapple juice which washed down the goji berries.  When does he insert the catheter so he doesn't waste any time later on?

So...should he get to the incall and tell the 2 hookers that he'll need another 2 hours of stretching?  Maybe do an exercise regime using one of your old "Rockin to the Oldies" with Richard Simmons?

Or maybe he should just go about his normal day and show up and fuck?

Some of you guys crack me up.  You make this into quite the event  ;)

GaGambler348 reads

for me, I like to limber up by  doing a single before my double and "hydrating" with a few shots of tequila.  

How about you, what does the doctor order before a doubles session?

It's very important to make sure that I've placed my envelope in plain sight.  I then proceed to ask my 2 companions if they need anything.  I want to make sure that they are comfortable.  Once they head off to their favorite 5 star restaurant with my credit card, I wait patiently for their return.  But I also make sure I've done their laundry and cleaned up the incall so they don't get hit with any surcharges.

When they return I am then allowed to give them a peck on the cheek and leave.

All of this is put together months in advance (This rendezvous was set up back in November 2015...but it was worth the wait...and I was able to fantasize for months and months).

I then can go on TER and write a glowing review giving them 10/10's.

Of course I finish off my evening with another round of pineapple juice (this time a gallon as I've got a clear path to the bathroom).  Gotta be hydrated.  And well rested.

Gotta go now.  Need to send a respectful email request for another appointment with a Goddess for next year.  I'm sure she'll expect a $ 500-$1,000 payment in advance to hold my spot.  

I also just got my 2017 knee pad replacements from the universally acclaimed JDU.  Thanks Jack.

Posted By: GaGambler
for me, I like to limber up by  doing a single before my double and "hydrating" with a few shots of tequila.  
 How about you, what does the doctor order before a doubles session?

GaGambler377 reads

I didn't see any mention about the mandatory 30% tip.

With suggestions of things you can have sent to them prior to as well. You'll most likely see it posted on their Twitter and/or Instagram when it's arrived.

Come on gents, let's keep up with the trends.

Don't even think that you're going to pay one girl LESS than the other.  I remember a  scheduled double where my ATF demanded that she get the same higher rate that her "double" partner charged, which was more than double my ATF's normal rate  since we had an ongoing agreement.  

The double was her suggestion but I did all of the work picking the other girl and setting it up.  Now I see why my ATF wanted to set everything up.  

My ATF became part of my DNS list almost immediately when she showed her true colors. For the love of money is the root of all evil.  I think Batman said that.

GaGambler283 reads

We all know they are in it for the money, but when the claws come out over a few bucks it kind of kills the fantasy.

As for your quote, I think it was actually Corinthians, but personally I am with you in preferring Batman.

Posted By: GaGambler
We all know they are in it for the money, but when the claws come out over a few bucks it kind of kills the fantasy.  
 As for your quote, I think it was actually Corinthians, but personally I am with you in preferring Batman.

Q: What do you call a blonde in a rich Corinthian leather jacket?

A: A rebel without a clue.

I raise the one with the lower rate to the other one's rate. But, I let my regular lady ask the other what her rate will be.  
Sometimes, the higher priced will lower her rate. But, mostly not.  
I usually give two envelopes with equal amounts without saying anything to my regular.  
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. " Batman also said that.

to get advice for setting up my own threesome in August of 2018. In the 17 months between setting up the appointment and the actual date, Doc sent both providers many gifts from their wish lists, including red bottom lobbies, coach purses, and AP lingerie. I'm was told that when you do that, the 30% tip is not mandatory anymore. Always appreciated, but not expected. :)

-- Modified on 3/25/2017 6:02:24 PM

macandcheese438 reads

I have yet to succeed having tried doubles three times.  In two cases the ladies were not into each other (they really were not bi) and I was attracted to only one of them.  In the other case one was just too dominant and the other too passive.  The other thing I learned was that I am more of a singles player than doubles and that you have to be careful with how much of a fantasy and expectation you have set in your mind.  I remain open to someday finding the right combination and moment but am not actively seeking it at this time.  

That's, are they experience in the use of a female condom. Going from person to person, changing the wrapper can be a drag and can break the momentum or flow. They may be a bit of an eye sore if you're DATY, but shit, nothing's perfect.
Also, are the girls into each other and are they truly "Bi".There's nothing worse then seeing two girl "faking it"...It's an insult to what little intelligence I have.
So enjoy the adventure..

......... well it's all freaking fun.  
I've always known at least one of the ladies and that lady suggested the other one. Like was said before, that way there is chemistry between the ladies. I've never had a let down that way. Even when I had 3 ladies together, they all knew each other so well, they kept me on the boil the whole time.  

And yes, at least 90 minutes. But, I found with 90 I wanted to extend to 2 hours, so I just do that.

DatyRookie482 reads

So far pretty good advice. Set expectations, be realistic,make sure the know one another and more importantly that they are into one another.  Change condoms (but they don't in porn...duh), be rested  and have fun.  

I have a lady in mind who has a friend. The friend I have never seen before, not I person, but I have seen pics.

I do enjoy DATY with my friend, but I dont do this with every date. I am curious about switching back and forth on both of  with DATY. Any rules there?

I really hope they play well with one another. That is part of my fantasy. I should make that clear to them.

Not all threesomes involve the ladies playing together. Many of them are about worshipping and adoring you...you worshipping the ladies.  Etc etc.  

All the ladies I've been with do BBBJ so there has never been a question about switching DATY either .  
I really enjoy having a lady sitting on my face while the other either BBBJ or rides me CG.  

Have fun!

but I expected (mistake) that they'd enjoy me more.  
This part is all about preparation. I won't call them demands, because that is the surest way to have zero success here, but being able to CREATE the scenario you'd like to experience is tantamount. Don't expect  
that it will just happen. It probably won't.

-- Modified on 3/25/2017 11:35:32 PM

Did you have your threesome, if so how did it go?

I would also advise you to communicate with the girls. Some guys like to be the very center of attention and don't seem to really be into the GOG action. I have a couple of girlfriends I do duos with and depending on what the guy is into, I can recommend which of my friends we would enjoy most. Although I'm very into each of them....I am wildly bi with one and that can be a little over the top for some guys who just want a sensual experience with two ladies making him the center of attention.

There are many that specifically advertise this service and who they partner with.
I have a duo scheduled in a couple of weeks and it is with a well established duo partnership so I have no worries.
We have a three way email going right now available for setting up plans. Not that there is a lot to set up.
I've set up menu. Not the kind of menu you are thinking about, actually snacks and refreshments.
You should know the payment etiquette as well. There is no discount. You compensate each one individually for their time.
A provider that advertises duos on her web site is more certain to be actually bi-sexual.

I haven't thought too much about the condom switching. The one that has set up the duo is an atf of mine and I know she offers female condom. But if the other doesn't offer that then I will stave off the extinction of the dinosaurs and switch condoms when needed.

Since it is my first time I do have trouble figuring out what we will be doing the whole time. The most trouble I can imagine is when I am daty on one, what will the other do? I'm sure they will figure it out.

if you read my post, be careful about expectations... have a fantastic time.

-- Modified on 3/25/2017 11:41:22 PM

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