TER General Board

Connecting with the lady is key...
Crazy Diamond 12 Reviews 557 reads

During a first or hundredth meeting, or any in between.  If I like her, and she communicates back similar vibes, the relationship can last for years...




Something else?

Whether or not she GF's.

If she doesn't respect that, I have zero interest seeing her again.

I have to say though, this really hasn't been an issue for me to any great extent.

Girls that are in the biz for the right reasons, respect and honor the GF tradition.

And I honor them with my repeat biz.

It's definitely the physical and sexual chemistry that brings me back.

performance is obviously a given, but it's that elusive chemistry that seals the deal.  

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
 Something else?

Chemistry. And I dream about her

Skyfyre570 reads

First and foremost consideration is PRICE. Sure once in a blue moon I may go over my budget to satisfy a curiosity or cross off a bucket list item but to keep me coming back again and again she has to fit into my budget. That is, no matter how good is her look, personality, service, etc...

It's still just a hobby and I'd be damned if I ever become pussy-whipped enough to harm my financial stability and long-term planning in any way.

So ladies take that as a hint: if you think you did a good job and guys seemed happy enough afterward but just never come back for repeat... voila

Bob.Sugar412 reads

Just so you know...meeting this evening went great.

Had my Caesar salad too.  

I'll be home soon....have Alfred prepare the bath.  See you soon sweetie.

Posted By: bobs.sugar.baby
Affording me.

bobs.sugar.baby486 reads

That little letter deserves something extra. Alfred is having the driver pick up some whipped cream and chocolate syrup. He will also be preparing another bath down the hall for after we splosh a while.

I had split pea soup earlier this afternoon. It was delicious! I tipped the chef and gave her the rest of the night off, after she prepared some light snacks and lemon water for us after our play time.


-- Modified on 8/11/2015 9:44:03 PM

derpy463 reads

Chemistry I'd say. Of course I'm not foolish enough to think any of the ladies actually like me, but some people "click" when it comes to conversation and such, which is something you can't really plan for or work on. So on the rare occasion it happens, it makes the encounter more memorable.

Or a great ass. That works too.

I said sometimes reviews because sometimes I see unreviewed ladies, but that would still be based on looks, cost and anticipated service.  

What brings me back is actual service, personality, and connection/chemistry (real or perceived on my part)

wrps07480 reads

A combination of all 3 will have a followup multiple hour appointments on a regular basis.

Within the hour, a lady has to show a genuine interest in me. Genuine being the optimal word. There are so many tell tale signs beyond her magical escort powers. And should a lady go over the hour? Well, then that's magic enough.

…however it rolls— it’s not a perfect world—but if she looks beyond the financial reward, well (you know) you can’t take it with you, so enjoy the rapture (meaning, a feeling of intense pleasure or joy).

During a first or hundredth meeting, or any in between.  If I like her, and she communicates back similar vibes, the relationship can last for years...

Epsilon_Eridani493 reads

... service.  

personality is an extension of service in my book.

looks... well, if you have done your homework, then you would have a good idea what the lady looks like before you meet her.  

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
 Something else?

If I get what I want and need..for a reasonable price...I will be back.

I really enjoy making beautiful women come and assuming she's pretty, reasonably priced and we have a nice connection, the key factor will be if she gets off on what I do to/with her. If I can make her come several times and she's somewhat vocal about it (and not fake), then I'll be back.

If I like someone and truoy enjoy myself, he often comes back. So to speak.  ;)
If I put on a good show but I'm not especially into it, I very rarely see them again.

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