TER General Board

What a Good Week....
GeorgeSpelviniii 197 Reviews 1675 reads

.... We've had several new posts, good dialogue, interesting points and no skirmishes, bickering or demeaning/derogatory accusations!

I haven't seen any posts from CDL lately. Maybe that's why lol.

420Smoka4Eva42 reads

We bullied him into logging off I guess.

Met two new Massage providers who were sweet and fun.
Capped off the week with a session with my favorite duo in a symphony of flesh.  
And I found 5 bucks in a pair of pants I hadn't worn in months.😁

you don't wash your clothes very often.  Lol

I guess you didn't die, so.....arrested or mentally institutionalized? Or both?

It's pretty amusing how he follows me around commenting on my posts. The poor dear has been reduced to stalking even people who have him on ignore. Sad face.

RespectfulRobert33 reads

My response to him is always the same. Treat people with respect and I will respond to him in kind. But be the boards bully, and I will continue to mock him. Eventually every child reaches adolescence at some point right? It is just taking our mutual stalker a bit more time than usual. lol.

Some of them just get older in their mother's basement watching porn, and then become serial killers😄

Rehearsing the line "It puts the lotion on its skin."

"Put the fucking lotion in the basket!"

Posted By: helixir
Re: I can just hear him  
Rehearsing the line "It puts the lotion on its skin."

Maybe you guys never bothered to read TER's own description of these boards . . . . .

" . . . .an engaging platform for intelligent, humorous, and sometimes wild debate."   Are you new to the internet, or do you just not know that "Lol" means someone is saying something in jest?  Scarlett is smarter than all of you.  She got that I was making a joke about something you said, and she said something funny back to me.  Made me laugh.  It's funny how the low-volume mongers here are always so serious and full of themselves.  You suck the life out of the fun of being here.  

You, Huckster, are a post-pulling weasel that removes your own posts in order to take down the posts of others that you don't like.  Who made you the board Nazi when it comes to content?  When it comes to "intelligence, humor and debating" it's three strikes for you.  You would have more fun here if you lighten up a little.  When you have a stick up your ass all the time, you just make yourself the low-hanging pinata on this board.  Lol

420Smoka4Eva32 reads

Nothing you say is ever engaging, intelligent, humorous or wild. LOL. Why do you bother posting here? LOL

However, thank you for explaining your jokes here. LOL I always appreciate it. LOL Sometimes I'm very dumb and don't laugh at jokes that are too intelligent for me. I usually just think that the joke wasn't very funny. However, after I get your explanation I realize the joke was actually funny and I was just too dumb to laugh. LOL. There's an old saying in comedy, "if you have to explain the joke, then it was very funny and your audience is dumb." LOL.

Someone said Beetlejuice 3 times

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