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Compensated Dating in Hong Kong / China
impposter 49 Reviews 1138 reads

A CNN report from Oct 13, 2009.

HONG KONG, China (CNN) -- She doesn't want to be identified, except by her nickname "Sze," and she has a secret past. Her father doesn't know what she did as a 16-year-old, and she hopes he never finds out. But Sze, now 19, wants young girls to hear her story so they never make the same mistake. [...]

See link for full story (or search "compensated dating").

I saw this on CNN yesterday. Such an interesting story and what really stood out to me was the fact that the teen girls feel so empowered by dating for money as they call the shots and are able to end the relationship when they choose. Its wonderful to see a segment that is about girls going into this world for themselves rather than trafficking of women which is so common in the media.

Sitara Devi

and this was two decades ago.

In a culture where women have a sharply defined and subjugated role, to the point of having a feminine subdialect, enjo-kousai is experienced by these young women as liberating, and extremely empowering.

During my time working in Japan, the majority of these young women were in their early 20s. I have to admit that seeing the phenomenon involve high school girls is a bit troubling to me as a westerner.

However, the entire conceptualization of sexuality is fundamentally different in the Eastern milieu. Note that most of the Japanese "AV Idols" are young teens, or are portrayed as such....

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