TER General Board

client posted review from my pc and i got in trouble
courtesanmonroe 1103 reads

i got accused of reviewing myself because a client of mine decided to review me right after a session on my pc. what gives?

wrps07304 reads

The client should never use your pc to post the review. TER keeps ip addresses and you will be accused of doing a self review. Next time tell them to use his own pc that is not in your hotel room to post the review.

...kept me out of the Provider Only board for a long time tho it got straightened out.  I was a super newb and tried to let a client (it'd been his 2nd time seeing me then) wanted to take a little time and write a review before he left.  I of course signed out of my acct on my laptop and he signed into his and he wrote the review, submitted it and left.  I waited for it to post and it never happened and I learned why a long time later (when I began applying for the Provider Only board after my like 13th review or something).  I of course didn't know then being a super newb that a client could not use my laptop (especially in the same hotel room) to write a review for me.

Kat_RT215 reads

They won't even give me access to the Provider Only board because my partner and I use the same computer. Which really doesn't make much sense to me. I can see a provider and client using the same computer being an issue, but the two owners of an agency shouldn't be.

Posted By: TrulyMsMocha
...kept me out of the Provider Only board for a long time tho it got straightened out.  I was a super newb and tried to let a client (it'd been his 2nd time seeing me then) wanted to take a little time and write a review before he left.  I of course signed out of my acct on my laptop and he signed into his and he wrote the review, submitted it and left.  I waited for it to post and it never happened and I learned why a long time later (when I began applying for the Provider Only board after my like 13th review or something).  I of course didn't know then being a super newb that a client could not use my laptop (especially in the same hotel room) to write a review for me.

...it still makes sense even for an agency. I guess they still expect us to be responsible for what we do as individuals on our own computers. So if something happens we can't blame anyone else (sort of saying that aloud partially like a question) *shrugs*.

serpius262 reads


Ok, I follow completely the rules of TER regarding 2 people using the same computer.

Now, I have a tablet that I use everyday and if I were to go to your hotel and after the session, I decided to write a review from my tablet.

Can TER ban the review the review that I just posted through my tablet? I am asking because the IP addresses would be similar, though not identical. Is that a case where TER can ban the review?


Posted By: TrulyMsMocha
...kept me out of the Provider Only board for a long time tho it got straightened out.  I was a super newb and tried to let a client (it'd been his 2nd time seeing me then) wanted to take a little time and write a review before he left.  I of course signed out of my acct on my laptop and he signed into his and he wrote the review, submitted it and left.  I waited for it to post and it never happened and I learned why a long time later (when I began applying for the Provider Only board after my like 13th review or something).  I of course didn't know then being a super newb that a client could not use my laptop (especially in the same hotel room) to write a review for me.

I find it more than amusing that providers are watching guys write their own reviews...why not just write the thing for him and email it if that's the case. It won't be any less credible.

See back then (maybe 6 months "in" tops) he tried to get me to help him write it but I just sat back on the other side of the room lol and let him do his thing I didn't/wouldn't ever want any part in helping someone write a review for me.   Lol if I'd ever....some of them would be much better than they are trust me.

That experience of letting a client simply just sit in the room to write it was the 1st time & the last.

-- Modified on 5/20/2012 3:39:18 PM

but my point was that TER not us, have heard it all before. Ask them what's the most common excuse when a provider gets busted writing self reviews. There was even a thread by the owner himself years ago about this very thing, and even HE said the best thing to do is come clean, admit you're wrong, and they might let you back. I don't pull these things out of my azz like some do, and every veteran here knows good and well it's true!

Well similar isn't the same so hmmmm...if it's similar but not the same ip I would think you should be fine if you decided to write a review using your own device but if I were you I wouldn't risk it until you left the provider's room.  But again I just think so....not certain.

serpius160 reads

Hey Mocha,

I should have mentioned that what IF I was staying in the same hotel that the provider was. That's happened to me twice before and I've often wondered about the IP addressing issue.

I know having similar IPs is not the same as having identical IPs.  But where does TER draw the line regarding IP addressing?

That was my question.


Posted By: TrulyMsMocha
Well similar isn't the same so hmmmm...if it's similar but not the same ip I would think you should be fine if you decided to write a review using your own device but if I were you I wouldn't risk it until you left the provider's room.  But again I just think so....not certain.

HookerCops169 reads

... how would some random poster know?

edited by admin

It's been mentioned here often. Looks like your new (?). Is he new too?

It's definitely a no-no to write a review from your PC. It looks like a self review whether it is or not. Since you posted this I assume you weren't banned/delisted. Be glad. I know of providers that were.

You are lucky you were not banned. That Rule has always been in place, and is pretty straightforward. You actually have to scroll through the list of rules before submitting a review. So no excuse.

Rule # 11 under 'Review submission guidelines':

'Reviews cannot be submitted by the provider (self review) or submitted by anyone directly related to the provider (husband, brother, roommate, other provider, etc). Review cannot be submitted from the provider's computer.  The profile will be delisted if caught.'

...that is what prevents girls or guys from logging onto 100 different computers to write false reviews.  Think about it, if there were not preventive measures in place, you could log into your last 5 clients computers and writes reviews about yourself as if it originated from them....

By accident one time, a client and I were talking about reviews and other ladies.  After our time together, we wanted to read something...without thinking, I jumped on his laptop, signed in, and within seconds, I was banned....my 100s of reviews...down!  With explanation of the event, I was granted access...but never made that mistake again.

-- Modified on 5/20/2012 12:54:42 PM

i dont read fine print. i never do. its my mistake. i wont make it again,. i really think people are getting nasty abpout it though. i mean come on. i am not really a computer pro. just a pro.

She didn't realize it was an issue and was just being nice. Took her a little bit to get it all straightened out.

I was logged in as a client named angelexotic i wasnt aware you have to give them an email address thats visible on site to match with the name you use here. the email is attached to contact form submissiion but guess i had to write my email on site then they fixed it and logged me in a provider. and i could then view option to whitlist i was eager to get started with utilizing this process and also i like that you can give oks and itl let some one else know he isnt mean, or at least wasnt that day, its not fool proof or bex=st way to screen but its better than crossin your fingers and invitin men in,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i think its good routin to whitelist after theyn come see you, i wrote detailed review of mutual masterbatioin after a massage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the reviews they make guys do, i kept submitting and it read__not enough details! they are forced to write a certain length  its not allowed to just write a quick one, then i got acvused of writin a review of myself, but..................................... a review of yourself would be just you not you and a client,

i wait to take my shower after the appt til theyve dressed n gone, because i dont like people in my house while i am off doing things...................................I def make sure we stay near  by and my desk is off limits in other room. who cares things happen, i had that happen too before I knew i was logged in under angel exotic as a client? reviewer....................things happen , dont stress.


Posted By: courtesanmonroe
i got accused of reviewing myself because a client of mine decided to review me right after a session on my pc. what gives?

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