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Cincinnati chili is bullshit. Real chili doesn't have cinnamon in it. (eom)
Ridgetucky 2 Reviews 1663 reads
1 / 19

Sex and Food (A Great Combo)

I always do I have noticed that it is the perfect combination.  Today I spent a great hour with a visiting Provider.  I shot a load harder and faster than a little Honduran kid trying to cross the border:)

After that I hour I drove to Skyline Chili (which was right off the highway, it's the only one in NE Ohio but they are all over Southern Ohio).  I placed my order of a 3-way and 2 coneys with no onions!!  

Then proceeded to bask in the glow of an endorphin releasing orgasm and stuffed my fat face while downing a Diet Pepsi - gotta watch the calories ya know.

To get the aforementioned reference you have to be a native of Southern Ohio or Northern Kentucky.

Just ask Tobi Telford she'll fill you in:)


P.S.  This Friday I will come home from work early and have sex with my wife.  Nothing like it boys.  First a mind numbing KINKY experience with a Provider.  Then FULL ON Bareback with the wife.  Whew, I am exhausted just thinking about it.  For the record after I bang the wife I just raid the fridge.

Blowing Chunks 650 reads
2 / 19

I eat after sex too but not that much. I'm not hungry when I drink, isn't that strange?

sweetman 93 Reviews 654 reads
4 / 19

I never eat before a date.  I don't want to feel boated or heavy from digesting a meal.  My GFs usually give me a major workout in bed.  Then I go to a restaurant and pig out.  I usually crave meat after a sex session.  Don't know why.

JessicaHavyn 665 reads
5 / 19

I crave juicy, sweet fruit after! Like watermelon, honeydew, peaches...

SexyJaye7 See my TER Reviews 552 reads
6 / 19

I can't DT properly with too much in my tummy.  Belches and heaves aren't sexy. LOL! ;)

RRO2610 51 Reviews 614 reads
7 / 19

Recently after a particularly robust session in LA I dropped by "Pink's" for their "All American"(a FAT, spicy 12" jalapeno Hot dog with pastrami, bacon, lettuce and tomato piled on). A big rack of ribs, or a humongous bacon cheese burger with EVERYTHING along with a pint(or 3) of crafted beer are also common post coital cravings I'm susceptible too.

Does this make me a "Foodie", a gourmand, a voluptuary, or simply a shameless hedonist?

-- Modified on 8/6/2014 4:11:42 AM

mrfisher 108 Reviews 647 reads
8 / 19

to celebrate the post-coitial experience along with some charming banter.

As for chili, I'm no aficionado, but my local deli serves up a tasty concoction that you can stick a spoon into and see it stand erect as if in mud.  

Few foods seem to create as much controversy as chili, especially in regard to what ingredients are allowed.  The closest food I can think of in that regard is beer. (Think German purity laws.)

One highly regarded food critic of yore opined that real chili has no meat, no tomatoes, nor beans (or vegetable of any kind for that matter).  From what I could tell, to him real chili is nothing more than pepper sauce, cumin, and cigar ash.  Not my cup of tea, that's for sure.

-- Modified on 8/6/2014 5:24:43 AM

MelodysMemoirs See my TER Reviews 547 reads
9 / 19

I feel like it makes my food taste better!  

After a round of orgasms, I need to replenish !!

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 599 reads
10 / 19

Ya know, the shit that gives you the munchies...Hit the Bellagio for wings in Vegas, or Manuels Burritos in LA...

lghtmyfire 2 Reviews 1080 reads
11 / 19

No kidding, on TV (before the internet and cell phones) years ago…

RRO2610 51 Reviews 667 reads
12 / 19

that was making me hungry.

:D      :D       :D
Posted By: hpygolky
Ya know, the shit that gives you the munchies...Hit the Bellagio for wings in Vegas, or Manuels Burritos in LA...

scoed 8 Reviews 586 reads
13 / 19

I have a fetish for all kinds of food play. But I like to eat after sex. Sex and food go great with each other.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 537 reads
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numpty88 14 Reviews 595 reads
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What better way to cap off an amazing time than with a meal which triggers the pleasure centers of the brain too?

Have had wine and light appetizers before a session with a lady, but nothing beats two exhausted, worn out, sated people breaking bread together.  And if it's just a solo meal afterwards that's okay too since the memories are so fresh - and the smell of her on my shirt is an aroma that just adds to the flavor of the meal.

Sex feeds the animal and food fuels the beast.  Great, now I'm horny AND hungry!

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 592 reads
17 / 19

no not talking about daty/o  even though of course that will happen......

but food can be good fun with sex -

and a lady who does not mind the mess makes a delightful banana split :p

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 590 reads
18 / 19

No onions?! That's just...wtf.

Arovet 62 Reviews 500 reads
19 / 19
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