TER General Board

Christ, are you gay?
PocketFisherman 17 Reviews 547 reads

Kidding, guess all the testosterone in this thread got to me, LOL.

No clue how I compare to other guys in the size department, as I might just be the only guy on the planet who has never measured my dick.  If it helps, several providers have told me I'm HUGE! ;)
If I woke up tomorrow with an 8 or 9 inch penis it would make no important difference whatsoever in my life.

Honestly, hobbying (for me) has nothing to do with needing more sex or having to pay in order to get laid.  I'm in a (mostly) happy, sexually satisfying LTR and hobby on occasion purely for the variety and fantasy fulfillment.

Many of the posts lately have been about falling in love with a provider, or building a relationship with a provider, or whether such a relationship can work, etc.  WTF?  Falling in love?!  Building a relationship?!?  What is this, the message board for the Lifetime Network?  In case you've all forgotten, we're supposed to be immature, emotionally stunted perverts who pay to get laid.  So I thought I'd bring some good, old-fashioned, masculine insensitivity back to this board by asking two questions about cock.

Anyway, here's what I want to know.  First, a question for the ladies about size:  do you notice a difference in the average penis-size between your paying clients and your boyfriends/SO/lovers/civilian dates?  It's something I've always wondered.

And here's one for the men-folk.  Guys, some (many) of us suffer from what I like to call small-dickitis.  There's just not enough hang in your wang.  So, I'd like to know, if you smaller fellas magically woke up tomorrow with an 8 or 9 inch tool, would you still feel the need to pay providers?  Or would you venture out into the world of dating and relationships more often?  I, for one, would probably never pay again, ever.  At least, I don't think I would.  Any thoughts?  Everyone can feel free to use an alias to respond to this one (as usual).

I really don't feel the need to use an alias for this. I'm average size and  I think if I woke up and magically was  larger, I don't think I'd be doing anything much diffent than I am now. Maybe I'd venture out into the world of dating and relationships more, but I don't think that being larger would give me any  more success with the ladies.  I think size preference is another one of those aspects that varies with each lady.
I'd probably be slightly  more confident if I was larger, but I don't think it would change my behavior much.  


-- Modified on 9/17/2007 2:14:43 AM

why is it that the guys with the teeny peenies are the ones asking all the penis-size questions? i bet aug5 could fuck a cheerio without breaking it...something you girls might want to think about if he invites you to stay for breakfast...

Aug5 is a legit hobbyist, with a question.
Commenting about is size is uncalled for by a fellow  hobbyist.

Hey, LA, long time.
Nothing wrong with falling in love with the hobby.
I guess some of us love the hobby in different ways and display our opinions differently. Some guys drip with estrogen, and some guys don't.
Some just take a more practical view.

heck, every now and then I get accused of too much of that other hormone... you know, the one with the balls! lol!!!  

Yes, there are dudes on here who seem to want to "suck up" to the ladies... Me among them at times...  But for the most part, I think that the dudes are pretty sincere... as are the ladies.....   falling in love is fine... but I do question what that means in this hobby...

As far as prick size is concerned... some dudes are bigger pricks than others.... 'nough said?  and as far as tits are concerned, I prefer the natural look to the "bolt on" look...and feel...  I have been fooled by some enhancement jobs that are just incredible... but give me a nice c-cup on a lady that is natural... over a whopping D-cup that feels like a hunk of steel under the skin any day...

so, if I've dripped estrogen here... well, at least it is not intended!

Just for your information, Clarence, I posed the penis question because a) I was curious and b) it's been awhile since anyone here asked about cocks, so I thought I'd break up the monotony.  After all, we're all here because of our cocks.  Even the women are here because of our cocks.  Where would we be if it weren't for our cocks?!  Well, wealthier, I suppose LOL.  

I've been a member here since like 2002, and back in the day, hardly a week would go by without someone raising the age-old question of whether their schlong is big enough.  I guess I just got nostalgic.

it helps keep me feeling young and my cock energized!  :)

do you think that's wide enough?

sometimes i smartmouth people i don't even know. any opportunity for a joke. in my neighborhood, if somebody didn't insult your mother, your girlfriend, or your dick size you figured you weren't loved. anyway, i sometimes forget to type "lol" or post one of those gay little smiley faces when i am speaking tongue in cheek or just trying to be a wise ass. good luck with your dick research, really.

ahh, "lol"

"sometimes i smartmouth people i don't even know. any opportunity for a joke. in my neighborhood, if somebody didn't insult your mother, your girlfriend, or your dick size you figured you weren't loved."

Me, too.  I'm an Italian guy from Brooklyn (currently living large in Jersey).  Breaking balls is like our national pastime.  No offense taken.

hey, i had a buddy who lived on carroll street in the mid-eighties. his name is "sabato"; he said he made sure to drop his name everywhere, making sure that all the locals knew that his lineage :-)

he did say it was the safest place he ever lived

Carroll Street?  In Carroll Gardens?  My old stomping grounds.  Some of my family still lives there.

I would have to say that most of my clients are average to smaller. There are a few (less than 5) who have very large cocks but not too many. I would say my SO could not compete with my clients at all. She's much too pretty and her strapon was chosen together.

I think I got more truth from you than I ever have from any provider here ever.  But I have to ask, are you straight, bisexual or lesbian in your personal life?  And, if you're a lesbian, how would you know what an "average" size is?  Thank you for the response though.  

Edit -- Oops!  I meant to say, "are you bisexual or lesbian in your personal life?"  Obviously you aren't straight, otherwise you wouldn't be dating a woman, right?  My bad.

-- Modified on 9/16/2007 10:57:54 PM

I don't have small-dickitis, but neither do I have 8 or 9 inches. So size has never been a reason why I have seen providers most of my adult life.

I see providers for a couple of reasons. One, because they provide a different sexual experience from that of a wife or a girlfriend. Two, because my time is important to me, and providers never ask me for my time.

Oh, I forgot to answer the question. If I woke up tomorrow morning with 8 or 9 inches, I don't think it would change many things. I would still need my freedom.  

-- Modified on 9/16/2007 6:27:27 AM

More and longer oral time, more invitations to Greece, less wear and tear on the ladies equipment...to name a few plusses.

Also, there's no reduction in the sensation department.

I would think that my underwear last longer too.

Realtionships have nothing to do with penis size or logic of any kind for that matter.  One could make an argument that penis size has nothing to with the Hobby either, since the ladies are not selecting us on any criteria.  I think penis size is more of a gay thing anyway, when it comes to guys talking about it together.  Not that there's anything wrong with that.

I would rank penis size discussions down there with "relationship" discussions.  It think you pegged the "r" word pretty good.  Now lets but the maesuring tape away and start pegging something else.

BTW, how do you measure a pussy?

Sweetness, wetness. sensitivity to touch, pinkness of her lips. tightness, and muscle control.  Have I missed anything?

Lets not forget clit size. I have seen them tiny, and seen them not so tiny.

Sophomoric Humorist1076 reads

I think depth of the  vagina canal might bear some attention.

I've read somewhere that in the US a woman's vaginal canal averages 8 inches.  So guys packing more than that have a surplus of penetrative power which gets wasted.

Still, if I woke up with a 8-incher or better, I'd step up my tempo in both the civvie and the hobby worlds.  BBWs would be avidly sought, as I would look for as much   cushion as possible to allow me to pound away, without conscience like a jackhammer set on automatic.

Oh, wait, maybe not.  I'd still be plauged by premature ejaculation concerns.  Just forgwt it.

Great question.

Mine is not that long, tops out at about 6 inches. Anything larger and it starts to hurt some.

lilli1365 reads

i have noticed no difference as far as penis size between those who pay and those who do not. i have many overly-endowed clients, and have come across many under-endowed civvies.

first, i don't believe the theory here that there are more smaller-sized guys who pay...presumably because they believe a civvie woman would find them unsatisfactory? hobbyists are not a group of losers who cannot get laid, for the most part. i find most of my clients are perfectly normal, decent gentleman who are simply neglected by their wives or SO, and do not want to deal with the potential drama and danger of sex with a civvie.

I have had numerous providers comment on the size of my schlong -it's nine inches with considerable thickness, I have to wear a Magnum-XL, etc....but guess what- I you're inhibited and neurotic it does not really matter. The question is- if Woddy Allen had a wang ad big as John Holmes would he be any less of a whiny bitch?

-noisemonger the denier

bob4chix1532 reads

I do not suffer from small-dickitis. I'm in the 8+ range, so dick size has nothing to do with the hobby. I simply like variety. I'm married and the misses takes good care of me, but I still like to experience other pussy from time to time (a few times a month).
Now as to the "what would you do" question, first you would start by not banging her so damn hard, b/c your dick is going to jab her cervix and they don't really like that. You can't go balls deep in most women although I have been with a few who are accomodating.
 Next, just b/c you guys have little dicks doesn't mean you have to pay for sex. You HAVE to pay for sex b/c you're so hung up on the fact that you have a little dick that you're self conscious. You just need to be confident in your ability to talk to a "real live women" and realize it's not your dick size that makes you a man, it's your attitude.  IMHO

I think my penis size is around average (6 to 7 inches with respective girth). I am good looking and have no problems finding girlfriends (I am 32 and had about 2 girlfriends a year since I was 17).

None of them have ever complained about my sexual ability and some of them have actually come back, just to get some "special treatment".

So, why the hell do I see providers you ask? I am on the road a lot, like variety, and am too lazy to invest the time to pick up chicks at some bar (first I have to find out where those bars are in my current location, have to go there to drink, find some suitable ladies, and it may or may not pan out...way too much time wasted).

I don't have enough $$$ to see $500+/hr  providers, but 1 or 2 per week below that level. None of the ladies I saw seemed unhappy, and some actually left me their private numbers to call them when I am in town for special discounts :). I think this is a win-win situation. They are (or at least seem) happy and some make money. I am happy and don't have to waste my time.

Good times everybody, good times!

Milton Bearle416 reads

... I'd be wondering where the second half of my cock went.

Maybe it happens, I don't know, but has anyone ever gotten more dates when flashing their penises at women?

When it comes to dating confidence, it has less to do with a guy's dick size than whether he is considered charming, or attractive enough in other ways [face, body shape].  If he's won her over in those ways, getting laid is a greater possibility on those bases alone.

Has anyone ever had a woman ready to go only to be shut down at the last minute because she realized you weren't as big as she had hoped?  I'm not big at all and it's never happened to me.  Penis size is literally the last thing the woman finds out about and that's AFTER she has made up her mind to fuck you.

Besides, there are other ways to get a woman off besides cock.

Trust me, you hit the nail on the head there -- confidence is key, and well-endowed guys are often the most confident.  It's not a perfect correlation, of course.  If it were, no civilian woman would ever have a story to tell her girlfriends about the smallest dick she'd ever seen.

And no, I've never heard any stories about women who turned a guy down after finding out about his size.  But I bet there are a lot of VERY disappointed women out there who didn't want to hurt someone's feelings.

An interesting question is whether confidence in penis size overrules confidence in one's other qualities.  One could easily say that men who are handsome, wealthy or muscular are the most confident regardless of penis size.  Before reducing confidence to one factor, we should take all circumstances into account.

If you look like Brad Pitt, have money like Trump, or a body like [insert athlete's name here], you could have a 2" penis and still never worry about getting a date or getting laid.  If you have all three - score!

The rest of us have to make do with luck, intelligence and charm.

I didn't mean to oversimplify this.  There's so much more to life than the size of your ding-dong.  Much more.  There are other things that would certainly give a man confidence, including looks, a good body, money, career success, fame, etc.  And some guys just have a charming I-don't-give-a-damn attitude that seems to win the ladies over regardless of looks, money, or cockery.  

BUT, if you don't have anything working in your favor... if you're average or even unattractive, and you don't have a good physique, and you don't have much money, and you aren't particularly successful in your career, and you sure as hell aren't famous, AND to top it off you have a small cock... well, what can I say?  Some people can STILL be successful in the pussy department with all those handicaps, and other guys can't.  And it's those guys who can't, I believe, who often go to see providers.  But that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.

In my experience, dating success had much more to do with the perceived desirability of a man: Fame, fortune or power; movies stars, rich guys, rock stars, athletes, politicians.

For most other guys, personality seemed to matter more.  The guys who were more outgoing, aggressive and charming did better no matter what they looked like.

Everything else seemed to matter a lot less.  

I was in high school during the Beatles era.  One new guy was extremely popular with the girls simply because he was from the UK and had a British accent.

You are making a fairly narrow minded assumption about why many, if not most men pay for sex. If you ask any good provider she will probably tell you that many of her clients are married men. We pay providers because we want uncomplicated sex with a strange beautiful woman. We don't have to worry about what she thinks about the size of our dick. Most providers don't want to see guys with big cocks all day long anyways...it gets tiring, sometimes it hurts and a lot of well endowed guys are big dicks in more ways than one.

It sounds like you are telling us that you have hangups about your appeal to civilian women. OK, that's your problem but let me suggest that any woman you meet that is going to judge you by the size of your dick is not really someone you want a "relationship" with anyway.

I know that many men who see providers are married.  They probably see providers because they are either in sexless marriages, or they still crave variety, but they don't want the headaches and complications of civilian cheating.  I understand that.  So I'm really primarily addressing the single guys here.  Single guys have many reasons for seeing providers, but it often boils down to "we can't get laid."  It's just a fact.  Me personally, I'm single and always have been, and I don't date civilian women.  To be honest, my size isn't the reason (I'm really pretty much average in that department, or only slightly below average).

Oh, by the way, whether you want to believe me or not, most young women WILL at least partially judge you on the size of your dick.  But again, that's not really what keeps me out of the dating scene.

That's how you should have posed the original question.
As far as women judging you by dick size, I think you hit the nail on the head when you said "younger women". I'm Fifty and I have no interest in any woman younger than 30 or so-escort or civie. Any woman with half a brain has figured out by then that dick size has nothing to do with compatibility or how well a guy will treat you in or out of bed.

If I had phrased the original question that way, it would have sounded less poetic LOL.

Unfortunately for me, I'm still young (Ha, I bet you never thought you'd hear someone say THAT, right?  I guess youth is wasted on the young).  At my age I'm in no position to date a woman in her 40s or 50s, so I'm pretty much stuck with the 20- and 30-year-old chicks (there's another thing I bet you never thought you'd hear!).  But seriously, I do notice that modern women in general are assertive about their size preferences, especially, but not exclusively, the younger women.  Was this the case when you were a young buck?  Everyone can feel free to chime in and answer this one.

You agreed with me about this in your last post!  You said:  "As far as women judging you by dick size, I think you hit the nail on the head when you said "younger women". I'm Fifty and I have no interest in any woman younger than 30 or so-escort or civie."

Did you change your mind?  So whose hang up is it?  Mine or theirs?  You can't have it both ways.

Exactly my situation.  I like variety, but "civilian cheating" (nicely put) is a hassle.  I also go for things I don't get anymore - for instance, my wife has an enormous rack, so I'm attracted to providers with smaller ones.  

And actually I find the concept of providers a turn-on.  Not sure why.  Probably the illicit quality.

I don't see any difference, only the difference how it's used...smaller can be as much fun as bigger.

I really don't see any significance in a guy having a big Johnson and seeing providers or civvies

just my observation

Kidding, guess all the testosterone in this thread got to me, LOL.

No clue how I compare to other guys in the size department, as I might just be the only guy on the planet who has never measured my dick.  If it helps, several providers have told me I'm HUGE! ;)
If I woke up tomorrow with an 8 or 9 inch penis it would make no important difference whatsoever in my life.

Honestly, hobbying (for me) has nothing to do with needing more sex or having to pay in order to get laid.  I'm in a (mostly) happy, sexually satisfying LTR and hobby on occasion purely for the variety and fantasy fulfillment.

Very interesting observations and very funny! If you read through all the thread it seems we have an obsession of whether we are big or small and how it is perceived! Should they add penis measurement to very guys profile - after all in the reviews of the providers we talk about breast size and their likes - which is why we are selective! Question - are you selective in chosing a provider? And should the providers get out a tape measure before seeing you? Are we cockinlocous in how we approach the hobby (thought I would create a new term)!

Hey - I worry more about how long I last and lately I am going 20 minutes plus! That's my tape measure of success!

"Should they add penis measurement to every guys profile?"

Shit, that would be hilarious.  Let's start lobbying TER to make this change.  The ladies deserve to know beforehand.  You know, before we pay them to fake an orgasm LOL.  JK.

"Question - are you selective in chosing a provider?"

I guess I'm a size-queen (size-king?) when it comes to providers.  I wasn't size-obsessed when I first started hobbying, but I am now.  Why should I pay for something I don't really want?  When I'm paying, I won't see anyone smaller than a C-cup, and I really prefer a D or larger.  It doesn't matter if it's natural or implants.  And I like a big ass, too -- at least plump, but the bigger the better.

...whether or not a guy pays a provider?? And what's up with this..."feel the need to pay a provider"???? I think you answered your curiousity with your own post!!

I didn't mean that well-endowed men can see providers for free!  You've clearly misinterpreted me.  I meant that well-endowed men can date civilian women more often, and therefore they don't have to see providers at all because they are presumably getting more than enough sex for free.  But I never meant that providers should offer freebies just because a guy is well-hung.  Why give away what you can sell?  Leave that to the civilian women...at least until they get married.  At which point they have officially "sold it."

I'd charge double for the big ones! Lol. Seriously, though~ my delicate area can take a lot less from a huge cock than a smaller or average one. I find it a lot more strenuous and sometimes even painful to have a larger than average cock all the time (considering the fact that between my profession and my civvie life I have sex anywhere from 1-5 times a day!!) Come on now! Plus it is more difficult to perform oral and DT, and I like to be able to work the entire thing and do the best possible job. And.. I personally can't get off from just intercourse- there has to be some kind of clit stimulation.. which is completely irrespective of penis size. In fact, if a guy is insecure about his penis size he may overcompensate in other ways.. Yay for me! ;) So, civilian man or hobby man, I would really prefer NOT to be rammed by an 8-9 inch cock all too frequently. Once in awhile can be fun, if he knows how to use it skillfully, but any more than that could get kinda old. Variety is the spice of life, and personally the more, different cocks I can experience, the better!~

And one more thing- I can't stress this enough- you guys think about penis size way more than we ladies- and we work with cocks every day, for god's sake. And when I do think about cock size, I don't think in terms of a tape measure. For example.. I find width more pleasurable than length. Also, there is a guy I occasionally hook up with (one of my civvy fuck buddies) who has a slender and average to shorter length cock, but it naturally has the most amazing curve to it, which in itself is enough to keep me coming back :D

In fact, a guy with no cock at all could keep me perfectly happy with a talented tongue.. oh wait, that's why I sleep with ladies too! :)


-- Modified on 9/16/2007 11:14:30 PM

nmach635 reads

Thanks for the post.  As one of the Lifetime posters who is lost here, let me chime in:

I have a big cock, and I still pay for pussy.

How, exactly, would you make it known to women that you had a big cock?  Are you guessing they would come begging because they would somehow be attracted towards you?

In any case, thanks for the refreshing post.  This is exactly the kind of unique, thought-provoking topic that makes TER so great.

Indeed, it would be pretty awkward and weird to tell the provider your cock size in advance. And it would not affect my attitude towards seeing someone positively.. In fact, it would likely put me off from continuing to dialogue, as mentioning cocks or condoms implies sexual acts to occur. And we all know that's illegal. In addition, if a civvy were to try and impress me by making known his humongous schlong, I would likely be somewhat amused by the declaration and also highly put off by his arrogance.

However, I have had a couple guys discreetly let me know, presumably so I would be prepared with the correctly sized condoms- most ladies are, but I can see how it would be a let-down if she wasn't prepared and you had to interrupt the session the session to go and buy them. However, the best bet is to bring your own just in case if you need a "magnum" or a "snug fit"

That said, it was pretty clever when one guy sent me a profile with about twenty different categories, and there was "Raincoat size: large" sandwiched in between favorite foods and pants size, lol. ;) Points for creativity. It didn't bother me that he told me, but if someone were to simply inform me "I wear a ____ size or prefer ___ brand condoms" I would refuse to see them.


-- Modified on 9/17/2007 1:59:34 AM

"How, exactly, would you make it known to women that you had a big cock?  Are you guessing they would come begging because they would somehow be attracted towards you?"

Anyone who goes around bragging about the size of his tallywacker is probably acting inappropriately.  I don't care how big it is.  You could be delivering the biggest package in the history of cockdom, but bragging makes you sound immature and insecure.  Confidence is the key.  Confidence is like a master key that can open every snatch in the land.  The thing about having a big pecker is the confidence that it instills in its owner.  Chicks dig confidence.  Is it possible to be a confident man with a small ramrod?  Yes.  But confidence and a Gignormous Mandingorama go together like the Clergy and 10-year-old boys.

If you are of average male height or taller, women will assume that you have an average penis size or larger [even though in many instances it's not true].  If you are below average height, many will assume that your penis size is as below average well [also not true in many instances].

For the most part, I think women realize they have no way of telling a guy's penis size from external appearances, so they assume the average at minimum.  I don't know of any guy who's confidence is based on penis size.  Women decide if their going to date or fuck a guy based on other factors first.

If a guy with a large cock is going to get laid, he'll still need charm and looks.  Confidence in a huge schlong won't get you in the door.  And if you have the charm and looks, penis size is irrelevant.

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