TER General Board

Change your handle. "cute" doesn't exactly give the impression...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 639 reads

...that you are not to be trifled with.  Maybe she would have ripped you off anyway, but "cute" doesn't help.

Just got back from seeing a provider who robbed me.  She took the money into the bathroom and then came out, asked to see my id.  Then went into a speech about how she is with the group that got backpages censored.  The was saying how her boss is officer something or other and they are outside, and she picked up her phone acting as if calling him.  So I got the fuck out of there.  She even went so far as to go out another door of her apartment to pretend to try to get my license number.

Needless to say, I'm pissed.  What makes it even worse is that she had two recent reviews here on TER, both of which were good.

So a couple of questions.  How many hobbyists here have been robbed/scammed?  Also, has anyone in such a situation called their bluff on these things and salvaged the situation?

Probably best to just be happy you got off with a small money loss.  

You could call her bluff and things could get really ugly. That said, it's pretty clear she's not in LE or you would not have been able to leave. If she was will any of the moral crusaders then she's committed a more serious crime than you -- you can decide if reporting her to the cops and confessing to a misdemeanor just to see her face when they charge her with robbery, possible assault, possible trying to impersonate law enforcement officers and possible even racketeering charges is worth it or not.

Two new reviews? How old were the other reviews? Did not check the review history of those two new reviews -- may contact them? Take it as a learning experience and be more careful in who you see and how you research those you do see.

If this is true, then you need to post the user on here.  Until you do that, I am calling BS.

I agree, but so long as he brought it up here, might as well post it here. Don't leave us hanging.

JakeFromStateFarm414 reads

Because it's most important that the mongers on his local board know about the danger of booking with this thief.  They are the ones who most need the info.

Posted By: darmody
I agree, but so long as he brought it up here, might as well post it here. Don't leave us hanging.
Good point.Made topic

I submitted it just before posting this. It is under admin review.

Posted By: alabama1963
If this is true, then you need to post the user on here.  Until you do that, I am calling BS.

Just before I posted to the discussion board, I had posted a review -- it is awaiting approval.  Also, this evening I just noticed that another person posted a review of her with the same situation.
For reference, her TER ID is 320671.

So stick your sanctimonious BS up your ass.

Posted By: alabama1963
If this is true, then you need to post the user on here.  Until you do that, I am calling BS.

You have a right to try to show up the above poster, but please learn the definition of "sanctimonious."

Posted By: darmody
You have a right to try to show up the above poster, but please learn the definition of "sanctimonious."
He might need to learn the definition of parsimonious. She did have a couple of reviews but she is selling her ass for 150 bucks an hour. Anytime a girl is way below the "going rate" there is always something wrong.

If he didn't meet her he would still have his money or are you claiming the whole post was a fabrication.

Posted By: 702touch

From a girl working out of a fleabag motel. So now you will have to pay another girl, which when combined with what you're already out, could have got you a classy provider at a 4-star hotel.  Going low end always costs you more in the long run.

In fact, she was working out of her condo.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
From a girl working out of a fleabag motel. So now you will have to pay another girl, which when combined with what you're already out, could have got you a classy provider at a 4-star hotel.  Going low end always costs you more in the long run.

Make her any less low-end?

You said apartment in your OP. Now you're saying condo. It's starting to smell like BS on the whole story.

-- Modified on 3/11/2017 7:52:54 AM

JakeFromStateFarm393 reads

A condo generally IS an apartment, but one that is owned as opposed to rented.  Thus it may be a distinction without a difference, and doesn't necessarily make his story smell more like BS.  I doubt there is any way to be sure he is (or is not) telling the truth.

And you were the one telling him don't see gals in fleabag motels. He never said he saw her in a motel in the first place. He is just confirming that now.

-- Modified on 3/11/2017 8:35:57 AM

Don't you see mostly kgirls? Since when do kgirls work out of 4 star hotels? Since when are kgirls considered "high end?"
Where did the OP say he saw her in a fleabag hotel?

GaGambler940 reads

You appear to be "assuming facts not in evidence" here.

The OP did nothing wrong that I can see after reading the previous reviews. He is doing the community a public service with this thread, he named names AND is writing his own rip off review. He deserves props and a bit of empathy here, NOT ridicule.  

Both of the previous reviewers have plenty of reviews between them, maybe they are the ones who should be questioned here?

It is very possible that those two actually did have a great time with her, and then the others got ripped off. Drugs could easily be the cause of that.

GaGambler443 reads

She isn't making any more money by ripping guys off. Quite the contrary, I am sure she is making less, it's just that she isn't giving anything in return, and she is taking quite the risk in ripping guys off this way. Someday, somebody is going to call her bluff and the sparks are going to fly.

I suppose it's like the scorpion and the frog, some people simply can't change their nature. AAR she is about to have two TER rip-off reviews, which will hopefully dry up her market her at least. Until she changes her name of course.

Posted By: GaGambler

AAR she is about to have two TER rip-off reviews, which will hopefully dry up her market her at least. Until she changes her name of course.
I wouldn't bet on that just yet. The OP's ripoff review has already come down.

In his other post he said it was deferred so I'm not sure it ever went up. Did you see it go up and then get pulled?

Yes, I read it earlier today. Don't know how the timing fits in with his other post explaining the deferred. But it was up for a while today.

Since you say you met, you can write a review. Report it in the ripoff section. Tell us on this board who it was.

Where is the ripoff section?

Posted By: darmody
Since you say you met, you can write a review. Report it in the ripoff section. Tell us on this board who it was.

Actually, now that I've said that, I think the way providers end up in the rip-off section is for you to give her a "1" for her performance score, which is defined as a rip-off.  

Anyway, you can find that section by going to the site map and looking under reviews. TER has then sorted by region

Get a burner phone book another session to her Incall.
Call the cops report a crime in progress at her location make up something.
Throw away the phone

but I do feel very strongly about hookers who rip off others.  

For those of us that keep things honest (even in reviews), don't play games, don't do NCNS, don't lie, and treat you guys with respect .... I seriously am on a guy's side if something like this is true.

The more ripoffs gone, the better for the honest and caring gals. Reward good behavior. Bad should get it's karma.

Posted By: Bob77
Get a burner phone book another session to her Incall.  
 Call the cops report a crime in progress at her location make up something.  
 Throw away the phone

Skyfyre588 reads

The OP hasn't been back to respond to posts responded to his question.

Hard to believe anybody with half a brain and not a complete rookie would fall for this kind of lame scam.


Geez, unless someone's born yesterday or just fell off a turnip truck... Haven't everybody seen COPS or similar LE reality show?  

First and foremost the decoy would NEVER reveal her true self until her backup companions busted through the door ready with handcuff. No way would a real decoy risk that.

Secondly what kind of decoy cop has to pick up phone and call? that's LAUGHABLE. What are they? a police department so poor and/or so backward they never heard of "wiring up the decoy with secret microphone"?

Thirdly where was the backup that she had to call, at Starbucks sipping Expresso? reality cop shows if not logic dictate that the backup is in the room next door ready to pounce while listening in.

So on and so on...

JakeFromStateFarm530 reads

FIRST:  The OP never said he believed what she was saying.  He simply reported that she said it and he wisely chose to get the hell out.
SECOND: While he didn't say so, you can be damn sure she had muscle behind her in case he threw a shit fit and went after her.
Anyone who does not get this is dumber than a

Gag needs to come up with a new award for posters who can't comprehend anything beyond a grade school level.

Skyfyre521 reads

How about Gay Bromance of the Year: Jerk from State Farm and his beloved Old Time Monger?

JakeFromStateFarm360 reads

OTM hasn't even been seen on this board for months, so how can we be having a "bromance" (another pathetically old term).
Face it, Spermflower, you are one of the stupidest, most witless posters on this board.  Own it.  Then you might have a shot at the SPOTY.

GaGambler454 reads

but it's certainly worth considering. and this douche bag would be one of the early frontrunners, that's for sure.

I also find it hilarious that you and Jake are being accused of having a "bromance". I think this is the first thing the two of you have EVER agreed on. So like I said, there is a huge overlap with the SPOTY's here.

JakeFromStateFarm373 reads

I'm pretty sure we have agreed at least once before.  Maybe twice, LOL!  But SpermFarter certainly is a dunce-supreme.

Skyfyre391 reads

So say the Jerk from the Funny Farm. Obviously the OP believed in the tale and that's why he re-acted the way he did. No doubt if he had been Jerk he would have shitted in his pant as the coward he is.

Evidently the Jerk from the Funny Farm is 12 y.o. with Down Syndrome can't understand English so please everyone forgives him.

JakeFromStateFarm439 reads

Then try (again) to pass the test for the GED.  Based on your posts, the results are not going to be promising.

GaGambler345 reads

I agree with your underlying point. Of course she wasn't working with LE. So let's stipulate this was purely a con, so now what? What would you have done, physically taken the money from her? Waited for her pimp/partner/BF to show up so you could kick his ass too?  

I know it's really easy to be a tough guy sitting from behind your computer screen, but in the heat of the moment there were really only a couple of options the guy had, and when it comes to "fight or flee" for the average guy where the money is inconsequential, but getting shot, stabbed, arrested or worse is not, fleeing the scene makes the most sense even though it doesn't sound as manly to the peanut gallery.

So tough guy, tell us. What would you have done?

...that you are not to be trifled with.  Maybe she would have ripped you off anyway, but "cute" doesn't help.

Perhaps, except I didn't contact her through TER and so my handle here is irrelevant.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...that you are not to be trifled with.  Maybe she would have ripped you off anyway, but "cute" doesn't help.

You probably can't post a ROB review, but warn the hobbyists in your area.

His only mistakes were finding her through a less reputable forum and then checking her TER Refs.  She had 2 reviews prior to  his ill-fated rendezvous?  Well she probably wrote them herself.  She probably has a laptop, a I-Pad, and a smartphone.  Anybody with a minimum of tech-savvy knows you can have one profile on each item!

It's hard to know this before it happens, but  
if someone is out to rip you off, 9X out of 10, you will be ripped off, just like law enforcement stings,
If Uncle Leo is out to catch you, 9X out of 10, you will be arrested.

One last bit of advice to Cuteprof, be grateful you got out of there without injuries and without citations. You posted her TER ID, and informed our community about an unsavory operator.  Stop over-analyzing!  I am sure it stings to be ripped off, but it could have ended so much worse!

You can see her two prior reviews were written by guys with many reviews, so they were not self reviews. A lot of people would take a chance seeing a lady with only 2 reviews if they were good, and both were by hobbyists with many reviews.

Just a thought for you guys in that area. Anonymously report that someone is robbing people by posing as an escort. Robbery is a more serious offense than solicitation and the police do have a duty to investigate any reported crime as serious as robbery.

Posted By: Jensen36363
Just a thought for you guys in that area. Anonymously report that someone is robbing people by posing as an escort. Robbery is a more serious offense than solicitation and the police do have a duty to investigate any reported crime as serious as robbery.
First two reviewers (did not report ripoffs) have many reviews between them.

Yeah, I was looking at that then too.  Because like someone else pointed out the possibility of the positive reviews being fake.  But looking at the history of posts for those two hobbyists I think it is less likely that their reviews of her were fake.

Posted By: impposter
Posted By: Jensen36363
Just a thought for you guys in that area. Anonymously report that someone is robbing people by posing as an escort. Robbery is a more serious offense than solicitation and the police do have a duty to investigate any reported crime as serious as robbery.
First two reviewers (did not report ripoffs) have many reviews between them.

I am ASSUMING you have submitted a rip off review report to accompany the one that's there now.  Same MO.  No reason I can think of that you wouldn't submit the review.

The two reviewers have a long history of reviews.  It's really not unreasonable for you to have taken that seriously.    That said - I don't think I would have booked her based on two new reviews - but I am not you.  I have less of a risk tolerance than you do.  

Sometimes the system doesn't work.  Shit happens.  Maybe she decided it would be easier to rip you off than get you off.   Maybe she became a social justice warrior and truly wants to stop the oppression of womyn by the patriarchy.  Maybe her boyfriend/girlfriend was OK with the money -- but didn't like the sex part.   Who knows?  

Sorry it happened to you.  The only consolation I can offer is to give her another RO review and she won't be able to use that TER profile for more business and at least it will make her life slightly harder so that she needs to get another cell and set up another TER profile.  

As far as anything else - I would let it go and move on with your life.  It's not like the money was that important to you.  If it was important (like rent, food, whatever), you shouldn't be doing this.   You knew there were risks involved - your number came up and you did survive the experience - without a booking record or a hospital visit.  Your best revenge is to live well and find another fine young thing to nail.  

And BTW Jensen36363 - yes it's robbery - yes, in a perfect world, the police SHOULD investigate.  

The Police don't investigate garden variety burglaries beyond taking a report.   You need to get murdered - or at least sent to the ER with big gushing wounds and/or parts missing - before anyone is going to pay a damn bit of attention.   But this is just so damn amusing they MIGHT pay attention just long enough to book you so they can laugh about it after work at the cop bar.

So what. If she's changed and is now ripping people off it really doesn't matter how may prior good reviews she had. Moreover, one of the reviews has a rather spotty record -- lots of long gaps. That doesn't necessarily mean anything bad -- people do stop reviewing and do drop out of the scene for extended periods but it's a flag to me -- I would not put much weigh on reviews from such a reviewer. The other seems pretty active so I'd give that some credence which raises other questions. What if the provider's ad site was high-jacked? The reviews could be for a completely different person.

Seems like a number of questions need answers here because all the known facts are not adding up well.

At the end of the day, you have someone working out of a fixed location and who is doing things we don't like that are legally worse than what we we do.  An anonymous report to the police might solve the problem better than just a Rip Off review.  Now, not my market or neighborhood so I'm not all that concerned. But as one person mentioned, things could have gone a lot worse for the twp guys. Just because we are not law-violation free ourselves doesn't mean the police cannot be used to protect us from such rip offs. That' what our taxes are paid for after all.

Maybe that first reviewer is just superstitious. He only writes reviews in odd years.


Just as bad as being left-handed; just should not be trusted.

I hope you aren't too shaken up, I'd suggest attempting to report to TER with proof of meeting, such as texts. Also, if her reviews are within the past month or two its a very good chance those reviews were written by friends of hers, or herself. Hence why contacting the reviewers hoping to get a few answers is a good thing to do from now on, or girls with an obvious history.

Posted By: cuteprof
Just got back from seeing a provider who robbed me.  She took the money into the bathroom and then came out, asked to see my id.  Then went into a speech about how she is with the group that got backpages censored.  The was saying how her boss is officer something or other and they are outside, and she picked up her phone acting as if calling him.  So I got the fuck out of there.  She even went so far as to go out another door of her apartment to pretend to try to get my license number.  
 Needless to say, I'm pissed.  What makes it even worse is that she had two recent reviews here on TER, both of which were good.  
 So a couple of questions.  How many hobbyists here have been robbed/scammed?  Also, has anyone in such a situation called their bluff on these things and salvaged the situation?

AnonymousHo617 reads

Posted By: cuteprof
Just got back from seeing a provider who robbed me.  She took the money into the bathroom and then came out, asked to see my id.  Then went into a speech about how she is with the group that got backpages censored.  The was saying how her boss is officer something or other and they are outside, and she picked up her phone acting as if calling him.  So I got the fuck out of there.  She even went so far as to go out another door of her apartment to pretend to try to get my license number.  
 Needless to say, I'm pissed.  What makes it even worse is that she had two recent reviews here on TER, both of which were good.  
 So a couple of questions.  How many hobbyists here have been robbed/scammed?  Also, has anyone in such a situation called their bluff on these things and salvaged the situation?
TER ID cuteprof provided in one of his posts.

Dfusethesituation470 reads

Posted By: cuteprof
Just got back from seeing a provider who robbed me.  She took the money into the bathroom and then came out, asked to see my id.  Then went into a speech about how she is with the group that got backpages censored.  The was saying how her boss is officer something or other and they are outside, and she picked up her phone acting as if calling him.  So I got the fuck out of there.  She even went so far as to go out another door of her apartment to pretend to try to get my license number.  
 Needless to say, I'm pissed.  What makes it even worse is that she had two recent reviews here on TER, both of which were good.  
 So a couple of questions.  How many hobbyists here have been robbed/scammed?  Also, has anyone in such a situation called their bluff on these things and salvaged the situation?

So here's is an update of the review I posted about Brittany.  The original one was denied since I had included the address that I met her at.  Frankly I think that was wrong.  I posted her address to help the other hobbyists in case she changes phones/names.  Nevertheless I removed her address from my review and resubmitted.  

Now the status of my review is listed as "Deferred."  I have no idea what that means, nor when my review will finally be posted.

I am a bit annoyed that the post of the review is being delayed.  I wanted to get that review up as soon as possible to help anyone else here avoid that.  Literally, the first thing I did when I got home from being scammed was to log on here to post that review.

GaGambler592 reads

One is revealing the personal information of even a ROB or rip off client on a public board, one of the others is listing specific hotels or addresses in reviews for what should be obvious reasons.

One suggestion I might make is to post an alert on your local board and invite the community to PM you for more specifics so if she changes her name, but not her location your fellow mongers will know to steer clear. Frankly I doubt she will stay in any one location for long, thieves are normally smart enough to keep moving before one of her victims stews about getting ripped off for while and then heads back to the scene of the crime to exact a bit of payback.

This includes putting addresses in reviews. And for good reason. As far as the current "deferred" status, after you removed the address, you can just contact them and ask them why it is deferred. "Deferred" just means they need more information, or perhaps another one of their staff members to look it over, before approving it. There can be a lot of different reasons for deferral. They won't tell you the reason unless you ask though. If it is some minor detail that you can help them with, it may speed up the approval. If not, then you just have to wait but at least you can get a reason.

Curious to know what personal information, if any, you gave to this "lady".  

I'm in the habit of only contacting ladies through P411 who accept the screening that P411 has already done. Lately, I've been having a problem arranging a date because they ask for more but I've been sticking to my guns even though my dick tells me to give up the information to get what I want. How long I will be able to hold out, I don't know.  

If she has all your personal information your resources for complaining are obviously limited which may be why we don't read more stories like this on TER.

Posted By: cuteprof
Just got back from seeing a provider who robbed me.  She took the money into the bathroom and then came out, asked to see my id.  Then went into a speech about how she is with the group that got backpages censored.  The was saying how her boss is officer something or other and they are outside, and she picked up her phone acting as if calling him.  So I got the fuck out of there.  She even went so far as to go out another door of her apartment to pretend to try to get my license number.  
 Needless to say, I'm pissed.  What makes it even worse is that she had two recent reviews here on TER, both of which were good.  
 So a couple of questions.  How many hobbyists here have been robbed/scammed?  Also, has anyone in such a situation called their bluff on these things and salvaged the situation?

AnonymousHo381 reads

Which has your name and address on it I assume. Make preparations for a possible home invasion! Sounds like she's a con artist who's most likely working with other people.  

Be prepared, and stay safe!

I carry pepper spray to help prevent being robbed.  I always watch to see where the escort puts the money.  If she ties to steal my money I will fight to get that money back, I just won't let her take it from me.  If she tries to call anybody after refusing to give back my money I will take her phone for my safety.  You people need to step up your game and use force when necessary, don't let the criminals take advantage of you.

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