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Certainly why religions and cultures where premarital sex is
Cosette 723 reads

frowned upon are likely doomed for unhappiness. The likelihood that you are great sex partners simply based on things like looks, age similarity, income similarity, educational backgrounds or religious background can be slim, then off come the clothes, and BAM, it wasn't the right sex partner.

Cosette2402 reads

Myth: Women Who Have a Lot of Sex are Easy
Fact: Women who engage in casual sex set higher standards on their new boy-toy than they place on men considered relationship potential.  

Myth: Women Who Have a Lot of Sex Have Low Self-Esteem or Self Worth
Fact: Although evidence shows many women and men who have diagnosable disorders or emotional troubles tend to have frequent indiscriminate sex, having multiple sexual partners is a side-effect of their disorder not the cause.

Myth: Men are Wired to Have a Lot of Sex, Women to be Monogamous
Fact: There are multiple examples throughout history and in modern times where women, free from patriarchal dogma, have sex with multiple partners or even multiple husbands.

Myth: Women Who Have a Lot of Sex are Commitment-Phobic or Incapable of Monogamy
Fact: Research suggests men and women equally seek the loving arms of a committed partner. Studies indicate when a low sex-ratio is present (more marriage-aged men to marriage-aged women), infidelity in committed relationships decreases because women are in demand and set the rules in which sex and relationships occur.  

Myth: American Women Have a Lot of Sex Compared with Rest of the World
Fact: The media wants us to believe that the U.S. is the land of sluts; slamming down our throats in tasty 30 second sound-bites, not only are we the land of the free but the home of casual sex.  

Myth: Women Today Are Having More Sex than 10 Years Ago
Fact: Hook-up culture is all over the news and dominates the perspective we have on the modern woman's sexual behavior; however, looking at stats from the CDC paints a different story entirely! The number of sexual partners a woman between the ages of 15-44 in 2002 versus 2008 have remained virtually the same.  

What myth surprises you the most?

For the rest of the article..

but l would say that it is my belief that American women, on the whole, have less frequent sex than women in many parts of the world. Why? Don't know.

Cool thread.

If sex is not satisfying why do it? I think hookers have it in the bag. They get paid to have unsatisfying sex for the most part. Put it this way, if the sex is good they get paid, if the sex is bad they get paid. The money makes up for the subpar sex.  

I feel bad for civvies who don't charge.

-- Modified on 4/7/2014 4:25:05 PM

sure, the guys suck in bed. In others, NFW. Just as easy to say all guys visit hookers only because their partners suck in bed. I find it hard to believe that all men AND all women suck in bed. Or maybe, they all just need to switch partners?

Cosette724 reads

frowned upon are likely doomed for unhappiness. The likelihood that you are great sex partners simply based on things like looks, age similarity, income similarity, educational backgrounds or religious background can be slim, then off come the clothes, and BAM, it wasn't the right sex partner.

And that is most have no idea about general sexual anatomy. I hear this being said and cringe, "I can see your vagina". No you can't see a vagina, you can see a VULVA, sometimes a clit if it is prominent and you can see at least one set of labia, maybe sometime both sets of labia. Unless the lady has a speculum hanging out of her vaginal opening and you are at pussy level staring in, you CANNOT SEE a vagina.

If a guy has no idea about a woman's anatomy, how the fuck can he satisfy her? Even women say this which is even more astounding. I have heard of guys massaging the urethra, thinking that is where the clit is. Yep no friggen hope.

Cosette755 reads

Not sure where you are but here we have a huge Jewish Orthodox population and they marry as close to 18 as possible. They actually have to take rudimentary anatomy classes once engaged because otherwise these kids would not know where it goes, they're not allowed to kiss until married.

Religion at it's best to screw up what could be a great sex life for both at least they know where what goes but that in and of itself is rudimentary and not the recipe for a great hot satisfying sex life.

However when it comes to one on one sex, epic failure. We have less sex and less good sex. But watch porn like it is going out of fashion. And if guys are mimicking porn, I can see why the sex sucks for most women.

Because I have lived in three countries and this one is by far the worst for satisfying sex. It is clearly a religious cultural thing because europe and other countries don't seem to have the issues we do here.

Unsatisfying sex...I am appalled.

Are all those guys lying in the reviews about the multiple O's that the hookers are having.

And then some of those gals post on here about the fact that they really do squirt.

Tell me it's not just a myth  LOL

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
If sex is not satisfying why do it? I think hookers have it in the bag. They get paid to have unsatisfying sex for the most part. Put it this way, if the sex is good they get paid, if the sex is bad they get paid. The money makes up for the subpar sex.  
 I feel bad for civvies who don't charge.  

-- Modified on 4/7/2014 4:25:05 PM

But the age old question, "why do some women fake?" Because they can and at times need to. If only to get the unsatisfying action to stop more than anything. In hookerdom, to make the guy feel good and get repeat business, ergo more money.

There's still too many dudes here whose little feelings will really be hurt by the truth.

What some of these dudes should try is to actually get to know women IRL including hookers...and then they'll have a much better understanding of the "in's and out's"....and why many (if not most) simply fake this shit to get it over with.

But many gals are very good at making johns believe that they are the be all end all....and those reviews reflect their efforts.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
But the age old question, "why do some women fake?" Because they can and at times need to. If only to get the unsatisfying action to stop more than anything. In hookerdom, to make the guy feel good and get repeat business, ergo more money.

"But many gals are very good at making johns believe that they are the be all end all....and those reviews reflect their efforts".  

The guy is so bad that she has to put in an Oscar winning performance and that is NOT to get hers, it's just to get through it.

bonordonor558 reads

Looser than women that don't have sex. Oh wait, that's a fact. Never mind.

Cosette778 reads

The size of penis you are with consistently, how many kids you have, how tall/large you are...I have a lot of sex, and I'm nowhere near loose.

That's hilarious. I know virgins who are looser than some hookers. Some of us can't even take a super sized tampon in all the way. Just sayin.  

Posted By: bonordonor
Looser than women that don't have sex. Oh wait, that's a fact. Never mind.

nagging reduces intimacy and I conclude that must affect sexual frequency and satisfaction. Interesting that nagging seems to be nothing more than an ineffective way of communication from women to men:

It's not so cut and dry for them to write that women who just have a lot of sex have those issues, but the kind of sex and with whom has a lot to do with it. I know so many girls and women who use sex as a way to get attention and affection because that's the only way they can get a guy to notice them or pay attention to them. He won't notice her brain until she spreads her legs, and even then, he probably won't call her back because physically she is not even his type. But, delusion is that way. Some women can't live without affection or attention for even a day without going nuts, and addiction to sex is a symptom of that bigger issue.  

When I was in high school I went through that phase, then found self esteem. I never had an addiction though, so it was purely immaturity and insecurity at that time, even though I looked better than I ever have in my life during that time.  It's a proven fact that most female sex addicts are not addicted to the physical act of intercouse either... it's what comes with it that most are addicted to and that is usually the fact they could get a guy to be with them. Many assume because a guy fks them or even pays to fk them, that he must like something about her when that is so far from the case. Guys will fk just about anything and as you can see from reviews, some will pay to fk just about anything because that's all they can afford.  

The myth about U.S. women being bigger sluts than other countries is hilarious, because everyone knows how lax things are in Europe. Spend 2 weeks there and tell me who has more open sex.

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