TER General Board

souls_harbor 274 reads

The story says the homeowner had a valid concealed carry permit.  That's interesting, but if I understand modern Supreme Court doctrine, you don't need such a permit to use a weapon to defend your own home, as that right is inherent in the 2nd amendment

Gentlemen;  this should make you think twice about hosting BP Ladies in your home, even if you have seen them twice without an issue.

This hits close to home.  Best Friend from High School lives in the same sub division.  We are talking about homes in the  Multi Million $$$$$$ value.  I seldom host from The Governors Mansion myself.  
Would love to hear everyone's thoughts about this, both from providers and hobbyists.

Sorry, my mobile device is having difficulty cutting and pasting,  otherwise I would have attached the link.

Have a great day and stay safe out there.

Do this stuff.  I mean really? I never understood asking a lady, (especially a crack ho from BP), to come to your private home and expecting everything to go right.  I bet this goof ball passed a 100 hotels, (high end ones to), that he could have pulled into and got his rocks off.

Just fu*king amazing.  He's lucking he didn't get killed.

He is also lucky he is not looking at a misdemeanor charge of solicitation.  Cook County Sherriff Tom Dart has been progressive in this regard.

and a liquor store robbery.  Nothing about BP or the hobby.

Your point is well taken however, bringing trouble to your home is not a good thing.

By the way, if the article features any names, TER policy would not allow a link to it anyways

souls_harbor472 reads

If the story contains names of providers/clients it will get deleted.

Posted By: sasha2cute

i take pride in being a great "googler" but i am out of luck on this one. can anyone PM me the link?

Makes no difference where a gal advertises only if she is verifiable.

I though this nonsense was dead and buried but someone always feels the need to resurrect it.

The deceased Google executive met the provider on a local respected site that has since been closed.

You are right Perfectstorm.  I did jump to conclusions. But somewhere in my wildest dreams, I cannot picture her working with an upscale agency.  I stand corrected.

Posted By: perfectstorm

If a death occurs during the commission of a felony, all participants are held responsible.

In this case the homeowner, inside his home, shot and killed one of the guys. He has been cleared of any charges in the death of the home invader.  

The hooker, her two female friends and the wounded guy have been charged with home invasion and first degree murder. Held on $2M dollars bond.

There was a case like this in another Chicago suburb. It was plead down to second degree. She received 15-18 years.  

I wouldn't be surprised if the guy gets a misdemeanor, "Patronizing a Prostitute" charge.

Dumb, dumb, dumb....



Posted By: TheGovernor
Gentlemen;  this should make you think twice about hosting BP Ladies in your home, even if you have seen them twice without an issue.  
 This hits close to home.  Best Friend from High School lives in the same sub division.  We are talking about homes in the  Multi Million $$$$$$ value.  I seldom host from The Governors Mansion myself.  
 Would love to hear everyone's thoughts about this, both from providers and hobbyists.  
 Sorry, my mobile device is having difficulty cutting and pasting,  otherwise I would have attached the link.  
 Have a great day and stay safe out there.

ghetto people are going to act ghetto.  

Odds are that he would not have run into this problem if he had a visit from a woman who was well educated, professional and within his same social class. By and large, it's not the middle or upper classes who are committing these types of crimes. Like it or not, violent crime correlates nearly directly with social class

How exactly would you determine a provider's social class? What do we display on an ad that implies our education level? I'm very confused by your comment could you explain further so us providers know how to not come across as ghetto and of a lower social class...

Posted By: I_run_the_table
ghetto people are going to act ghetto.  
 Odds are that he would not have run into this problem if he had a visit from a woman who was well educated, professional and within his same social class. By and large, it's not the middle or upper classes who are committing these types of crimes. Like it or not, violent crime correlates nearly directly with social class.  

...Maybe if they wouldn't have had kids so young,  they wouldn't have been so desperate as to think up this robbery.

I have done it once it was ok, but after reading this, never again.

GaGambler379 reads

I do believe you don't recklessly bring just anyone into your home, but I have been inviting hookers into my home for decades without any adverse consequences.

Saying "never bring a provider into your home" is just like hearing about one bad action from a group of people, lets say black people, and then concluding you can't trust all black people.

While I still recommend exercising caution and discretion whenever inviting "anyone" into your home, statistically the ladies have more to fear from us than vice versa. A LOT more.

what do I know ... I've had more different women at their incall, but I've seen almost as much action at my home because of a few frequent fuckers ...  I'd trust several with my house key.

Epicurus61409 reads

I've seen her several times now, but on this occasion, she brought a friend. VIPs read on for the juicy details.

Best comment I have seen on the boards in a long time.

Posted By: Epicurus61
I've seen her several times now, but on this occasion, she brought a friend. VIPs read on for the juicy details.

It was definitely a once in a lifetime experience.

Shouln't it be "read on for the bloody details?"

Posted By: Epicurus61
I've seen her several times now, but on this occasion, she brought a friend. VIPs read on for the juicy details.

souls_harbor275 reads

The story says the homeowner had a valid concealed carry permit.  That's interesting, but if I understand modern Supreme Court doctrine, you don't need such a permit to use a weapon to defend your own home, as that right is inherent in the 2nd amendment

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