TER General Board

Catch Her in the Wry?
faker415 1487 reads
1 / 16

With tech companies printing young and busy millionaires/billionaires, I'm curious as to the ladies here, whose the youngest client you've ever seen? Have you ever turned down a client because of their age

impposter 49 Reviews 578 reads
2 / 16

Posted By: faker415
With tech companies printing young and busy millionaires/billionaires, I'm curious as to the ladies here, whose the youngest client you've ever seen? Have you ever turned down a client because of their age?
Holden Caulfield was 16 years old when he arranged for a young prostitute to visit him in his NYC hotel room. He ended up paying her to leave without consummating any other business, presumably because he was not a young, entrepreneur multi-millionaire.  

So I guess you've got something there: before the hi-tech young millionaire thing of the 2000s came along, young men under the age of 25 or so just didn't have the money or guts to visit prostitutes

LoboGris 3 Reviews 500 reads
3 / 16

I guess I had best send a note through the time warp to my 20 year old self and tell him he doesn't have the guts or the money to see a prostitute. It would save me from getting the clap.

hey mikey 8 Reviews 329 reads
4 / 16

would have just gotten overly excited and shot her prematurely in the thigh.

Though, I guess over the years a LOT of Cather in the Rye fans shot other people elsewhere.  

-- Modified on 10/7/2016 2:08:06 PM

sdottaylor 19 Reviews 406 reads
5 / 16

But I was 27 when I saw Lorelei Leigh so it's possible I was her youngest.

impposter 49 Reviews 371 reads
6 / 16

OP laid down a premise "With tech companies printing young and busy millionaires/billionaires," before asking his actual Q, "whose [sic] the youngest client you've ever seen?"  I say that "young millionaires" is irrelevant to the basic Q about TER ladies and their youngest clients (TER members or not).  

Young guys have been seeking out P4P since the dawn of mankind. Even today, I think that it is fair to assume that young guys are still saving money from their paper route, drug dealing, or stealing from their parents, in the hope that they will somehow get lucky and get to P4P.  How many of them will score with TER ladies? Only some. Other internet savvy lads will save money from their regular jobs, internships, skim money from their college loans, and so on towards the same goal.  

"Regardless of where they got the money or their overall economic status ... who is the youngest client you've ever seen?" or more simply,  

"What is the age of the youngest client you've ever seen?

blondeandbusty83 See my TER Reviews 466 reads
7 / 16

I got into this business at 31 and I'm 37 now. :) The youngest guy that I know of was 24 and it was a great date. I don't have an age requirement, as long as the guy is over 18, of course. I know some ladies don't like to see men under 30 or under 40 because they've found the younger guys to be disrespectful, but I haven't had any problems with younger guys.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 325 reads
8 / 16

I was only earning just over minimum wage too.

I had to budget very carefully, but it was worth it

PenleyDuke See my TER Reviews 311 reads
10 / 16

fun as watching grass grow

Posted By: faker415
With tech companies printing young and busy millionaires/billionaires, I'm curious as to the ladies here, whose the youngest client you've ever seen? Have you ever turned down a client because of their age?  

GaGambler 396 reads
11 / 16

But then again "high tech" was still vacuum tubes back then and my first hooker only cost me five bucks.

I think the OP needs a new premise, this one has been blown all to hell.

ginab4you See my TER Reviews 379 reads
12 / 16

I never see anyone under 40..Young ones are drama( just my opinion) the older the berry the sweeter the juice for me..just my opinion...

emsjhs2009 264 reads
13 / 16
GaGambler 352 reads
14 / 16

Slut is about as high as the praise-meter on the GaGa scale goes. lol

Naughtyfrederica See my TER Reviews 400 reads
15 / 16

I have many very wealthy young men ages 18-22 who seek me out to accompany them to events such as proms, parties and shopping sprees.  They are so lonely and insecure that they feel the only way they can be with a woman is to pay her, and with them money is no issue.  One 18yr old client has an allowance of $25,000 a week in cash and full use of his dad's Black American Express.   However, he feels he has nothing to live for, so I spend most of my time with him being his best friend, confidente and therapist.  Another young wealthy man wants us to spend time playing tricks on his body guards and the hotel staff, jumping on the bed and pillow fights, and other silly things he's never allowed to do or done before and always wanted to do.
The things you can do when you're young and very rich.
Sweet Kisses,

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 204 reads
16 / 16

even if he's not rich... just not with you I guess. lol

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