TER General Board

By constantly making useless comments like this. -e-
serpius 525 reads
1 / 58

Hello Cyber,

... if I am listed on the Top 10 posters. I just post as I go along not even looking at the numbers. If my name is on the list, I don't lose sleep over it.

TER decided one day long ago that they thought it would be fun to have this Top 10 Poster list.

Ask TER why they have this up.


Posted By: Cyberneticintelligence
Before the opt out days, I used to watch the post counters to do my best to stay off of them. I never felt that being a top 10 poster on a fuck board was anything worth bragging about. I preferred to make my posts mainly under alias for a myriad of reasons, and that included my nice guy newbie board posts. However, a couple around here talk 24/7 and seem more like parrots then speakers.

Can someone explain to me why some member/s insists on climbing to the # 1 spot with enough inane posts to gag a starving maggot. What drives someone to be on a quest to have his name up there like it is some sort of trophy? What causes the infatuation?

For once, I would even invite a little psycho-babble. Perhaps it will make me have a little pity on someone.

serpius 479 reads
2 / 58

Hey Julia,

I doubt that is what Cyber meant by a few posters being in the Top 10 Poster lists.

I'm not speaking for Cyber, but I think he's wondering about the legitimaticy of having a Top 10 Poster list in the first place. That's the gist I am getting from his post. I can be wrong, though.

Like you said... if there is someone that posts a ton that you really don't want to see... yea, you can 'Ignore' that person. That's everyone's option.


Posted By: JuliasLilSecret
...so that anyone who gets on your nerves can just disappear and make you a happier person.  :)

Cyberneticintelligence 2208 reads
3 / 58

Before the opt out days, I used to watch the post counters to do my best to stay off of them. I never felt that being a top 10 poster on a fuck board was anything worth bragging about. I preferred to make my posts mainly under alias for a myriad of reasons, and that included my nice guy newbie board posts. However, a couple around here talk 24/7 and seem more like parrots then speakers.

Can someone explain to me why some member/s insists on climbing to the # 1 spot with enough inane posts to gag a starving maggot. What drives someone to be on a quest to have his name up there like it is some sort of trophy? What causes the infatuation?

For once, I would even invite a little psycho-babble. Perhaps it will make me have a little pity on someone.

DT_lover 188 Reviews 506 reads
4 / 58

I happen to be one of the top 10 in Boston.  Not that I try to be there, it just does not take much. (11 post to be on the 30 day list, 108 post to be #8 for 6 months).

Maybe you are on the current list?  Post count includes alias posts...although that has dropped tremendously since the "one-alias" rule, I am sure.

I do find (and even anticipate) humor/scarcasm in all of your posts.  When I see your post i think...oh here is the cynical-intellegent guy.

-- Modified on 5/12/2012 7:52:52 PM

MSHSEX 627 reads
7 / 58

That's funny -  I don't pay attention to the "Top Poster" lists. Then again, I'm not overly concerned with how much or how little TER members post. I've more important things to do and be concerned about than something is trivial as that.

Posted By: Cyberneticintelligence
Before the opt out days, I used to watch the post counters to do my best to stay off of them. I never felt that being a top 10 poster on a fuck board was anything worth bragging about. I preferred to make my posts mainly under alias for a myriad of reasons, and that included my nice guy newbie board posts. However, a couple around here talk 24/7 and seem more like parrots then speakers.

Can someone explain to me why some member/s insists on climbing to the # 1 spot with enough inane posts to gag a starving maggot. What drives someone to be on a quest to have his name up there like it is some sort of trophy? What causes the infatuation?

For once, I would even invite a little psycho-babble. Perhaps it will make me have a little pity on someone.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 421 reads
9 / 58

But that's my answer for everything.

Naomi_Sweets See my TER Reviews 543 reads
10 / 58

I enjoy contributing plus there are days when I have time to kill.

But it seems like I am not here that often and yet I'm in the top ten, so maybe that just means these boards are slow and it doesn't take much to become a top ten poster.

Dr Who revived 578 reads
11 / 58

You've covered alot of ground in just the past couple of days.

I'm sure if you work a tad harder you'll be successful in insulting the rest of society that you've missed.

prepkid 1 Reviews 548 reads
12 / 58


Dr Who revived 585 reads
14 / 58
Cyberneticintelligence 630 reads
15 / 58

Don't tell everyone that you have not been keeping count and that you have not been clawing your way up to the top spot like a cat in panic escaping up a tree.

Your goal is simple. To annoy as many people as possible and then beat your chest like you have accomplished some lofty goal. Pathetic if you ask me.

You have also annoyed so many members with your stupid antics and irrevelent comments, that I can't figure why you can't take so many other member's advice and STFU for a change.  

BTW, your TER ass kissing is getting old too.

Butterscotch13 2 Reviews 457 reads
16 / 58

Particularly when it goes with an officious attitude, a TER membership beginning in Dec 2011 and  0 reviews.  I am not saying  one must have reviews to be credible, or that no reviews equals no experience,  but a self appointed full time instructor  to the rest of us should maybe have more credentials than an inflated sense of his own wisdom and importance

Just speaking hypothetically of course, none of us would have heard of anyone like that...

I should ignore him, but the combination of the posting statistics the OP noticed (he's top 10 on at least 3 different discussion boards!), the attitude of the posts, and the zero reviews is just too tempting to pass up

My vote on your psychobabble question is that I thinks there's some chance he's a 14 year old.  Some of his posts seem painfully naive as well as judgmental.

If so, he writes well for his (or her) age.

It's not the stupidity that gets to me.  An inane post is kind of in the eye of the beholder.  It's the apparent arrogance.  

He could also be an inexperienced and insecure adult.

Just my 2 cents.

Butterscotch13 2 Reviews 481 reads
17 / 58

Well, you know who is no longer listed on the top poster lists.  I guess he took dddbabe's advice.  I doubt that it will slow him down, though we can hope.

JustAGal See my TER Reviews 463 reads
18 / 58

Guess we paid escorts know a thing or two that he does not.


JustAGal See my TER Reviews 523 reads
19 / 58

I can bet my garters he's got another handle on this board.


Considerthis 425 reads
20 / 58

Posted By: Cyberneticintelligence

Can someone explain to me why some member/s insists on climbing to the # 1 spot with enough inane posts to gag a starving maggot. What drives someone to be on a quest to have his name up there like it is some sort of trophy? What causes the infatuation?

Life in cyberspace tends to disrupt factors that support self-boundary. The physical body and its five senses no longer play as crucial a role as in face-to-face relationships. What others know or don't know about a particular poster is not always clear. The feeling of a linear past, present, and future becomes more obscure as we move back and forth through synchronous and asynchronous communication. As a result, this altered state of consciousness in cyberspace tends to shift or destabilize self-boundary. The distinction between inner-me and outer-other is not as clear. The person shifts to what psychoanalytic theory calls "primary process thinking" in which boundaries between self and other representations become more diffuse, and thinking becomes more subjective and emotion-centered. Within the transitional space of online communication, the psyches of self and other feel like they might be overlapping. We allow the hidden self to surface because we no longer experience it as a purely inner self; but at the same time we also sense, sometimes vaguely and sometimes distinctly, the intrusion of an unknown other into our private world, which results in suspicion, anxiety, and the need to defend our exposed and vulnerable intrapsychic territory.
Quite often when some people are online, some other aspect of their personality is inhibited. After all, the anonymity that contributes to online disinhibition means that the person is "without a name" - something about that person is not known. In online communication, consciously or unconsciously, people conceal or misrepresent aspects of themselves as often as they honestly reveal aspects of themselves. Any particular media encourages some aspects of identity to be expressed while inhibiting other aspects. Something is revealed while something else is hidden. Expressions of self are compromise formations within any particular online enviroment.

Cyberneticintelligence 595 reads
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Cyberneticintelligence 532 reads
23 / 58
JustAGal See my TER Reviews 347 reads
24 / 58
AnotherPerspective 438 reads
25 / 58

I've had my top ten blocker on since it was offered .
   I am sure of this .
You escorts know a lot of things most guys don't know .

 I'm betting he wears garters .

Posted By: dddbabe
Just turn off "top poster" option in your profile.
You would think that a veteran like himself would know about that option
I can bet my garters he's got another handle on this board.
Guess we paid escorts know a thing or two that he does not.Lina

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 566 reads
26 / 58

hey cyberman..i am the no 1 poster on the porn star board..maybe you dont care for porn stars..a lot do..everyone who is on a board enjoys contributing to it..let them enjoy it..your nonsense is inane at best..

McDonald000 90 Reviews 548 reads
27 / 58

I'm not doing it for any form of accolades, and I have no motivation to even be on there. I just like to post threads, and if I happen to be on that site because of my post, then so be it. I don't view that as any form of achievement or recognition.

This is a leisurely board to me, and post more threads than most. BTW, it doesn't take that much to be at 5 or 6 on that board. The numbers are cumulative, and I'll probably post about 5 or 10 post a day, which only adds to the total number, and deduct that by the days listed. Again, it's not my intentions to be on that list, I just happen to be there because I post more than most.

McDonald000 90 Reviews 474 reads
29 / 58

that absolutely waste people's time with his post. Some providers will call that guy, "A time waster". If your on the top posters board, its great. However, that is not his point. The OP's point is directed to a particular individual, and from the apparent threads, he has removed himself from being the former #1 poster. Hey, if you Macdaddy1944 contribute on your boards, and it benefits the community, then great. However, this one particular individual does not, and reading his post is a waste of time and effort.

MSHSEX 452 reads
30 / 58

THIS is the most intelligent post on this entire thread. While I don't necessarily agree with it, I applaud it's insight.

Posted By: Considerthis

Life in cyberspace tends to disrupt factors that support self-boundary. The physical body and its five senses no longer play as crucial a role as in face-to-face relationships. What others know or don't know about a particular poster is not always clear. The feeling of a linear past, present, and future becomes more obscure as we move back and forth through synchronous and asynchronous communication. As a result, this altered state of consciousness in cyberspace tends to shift or destabilize self-boundary. The distinction between inner-me and outer-other is not as clear. The person shifts to what psychoanalytic theory calls "primary process thinking" in which boundaries between self and other representations become more diffuse, and thinking becomes more subjective and emotion-centered. Within the transitional space of online communication, the psyches of self and other feel like they might be overlapping. We allow the hidden self to surface because we no longer experience it as a purely inner self; but at the same time we also sense, sometimes vaguely and sometimes distinctly, the intrusion of an unknown other into our private world, which results in suspicion, anxiety, and the need to defend our exposed and vulnerable intrapsychic territory.
Quite often when some people are online, some other aspect of their personality is inhibited. After all, the anonymity that contributes to online disinhibition means that the person is "without a name" - something about that person is not known. In online communication, consciously or unconsciously, people conceal or misrepresent aspects of themselves as often as they honestly reveal aspects of themselves. Any particular media encourages some aspects of identity to be expressed while inhibiting other aspects. Something is revealed while something else is hidden. Expressions of self are compromise formations within any particular online enviroment.

MSHSEX 629 reads
31 / 58

Interesting deductive reasoning here. While I don't necessarily disagree with your thought process, it is a little basic and rudimentary. Still, I give you credit for exhibiting some form of logic where others possess none.

Posted By: Butterscotch13
Particularly when it goes with an officious attitude, a TER membership beginning in Dec 2011 and  0 reviews.  I am not saying  one must have reviews to be credible, or that no reviews equals no experience,  but a self appointed full time instructor  to the rest of us should maybe have more credentials than an inflated sense of his own wisdom and importance

Just speaking hypothetically of course, none of us would have heard of anyone like that...

I should ignore him, but the combination of the posting statistics the OP noticed (he's top 10 on at least 3 different discussion boards!), the attitude of the posts, and the zero reviews is just too tempting to pass up

My vote on your psychobabble question is that I thinks there's some chance he's a 14 year old.  Some of his posts seem painfully naive as well as judgmental.

If so, he writes well for his (or her) age.

It's not the stupidity that gets to me.  An inane post is kind of in the eye of the beholder.  It's the apparent arrogance.  

He could also be an inexperienced and insecure adult.

Just my 2 cents.

MSHSEX 578 reads
32 / 58

Completely agreed. Some members apparently have nothing better to do than observe other members' posting statistics. His nonsense is inane at best, indeed.

Posted By: macdaddy1944
hey cyberman..i am the no 1 poster on the porn star board..maybe you dont care for porn stars..a lot do..everyone who is on a board enjoys contributing to it..let them enjoy it..your nonsense is inane at best..

MSHSEX 457 reads
33 / 58

What advice are you referring to. Why would doing such a thing slow me down when such things never concerned me in the first place? You're not making much sense.

Posted By: Butterscotch13
Well, you know who is no longer listed on the top poster lists.  I guess he took dddbabe's advice.  I doubt that it will slow him down, though we can hope.

MSHSEX 535 reads
34 / 58

What is the one bubble to go? You're not making much sense.

Posted By: Cyberneticintelligence
One bubble down, one to go.

WhatUserNameIsntTaken 563 reads
35 / 58
DT_lover 188 Reviews 497 reads
36 / 58

Can't believe I read that whole post in one sitting.  Hope there is no quiz tomorrow.

prepkid 1 Reviews 328 reads
37 / 58

Who is the best porn star these days? I haven't been following much lately after I got into hobbying. LOL

Posted By: macdaddy1944
hey cyberman..i am the no 1 poster on the porn star board..maybe you dont care for porn stars..a lot do..everyone who is on a board enjoys contributing to it..let them enjoy it..your nonsense is inane at best..

Squeezylabeef 41 Reviews 487 reads
38 / 58

Keep smacking this imbecile!

"I have far more important things to do than pay attention to something so trivial".  Hilarious!!

MSHSEX 442 reads
39 / 58

I actually agree with you. The "Ignore Poster" functionality is contrary to the mission of a message board. One may as well not even bother having forums in the first place if one is going to selectively ignore other members. At the same time however, a good forum needs objective admins to enforce its Terms of Service objectively with neither passion nor prejudice.

HookerCops 401 reads
40 / 58
HookerCops 444 reads
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If you post 5 or 10 times a day it adds to the total? Wow, that is a brilliant observation!

You are on the top 10 list because you post more than most? Amazing, you must work for NASA to have figured that out!

Cyberneticintelligence 461 reads
42 / 58

It's a mere shell of what it used to be. Seven posts will get someone on the top 10 list on the PS board.

You are now the # 2 ranked poster on TER now that I have successfully knocked Ms. off of his perch.

Cyberneticintelligence 612 reads
43 / 58

The difference between being a contributor vs being an annoyance for the sake of being annoying. It's one thing to do it to create some fun and entertainment on occasion, but another to do it only for selfish reasons.

Thanks for playing everyone :)

WhatUserNameIsntTaken 490 reads
44 / 58
angelexotic See my TER Reviews 630 reads
45 / 58

i never been on these boards and well at first getting on here well over did it and was nuts over it, like a kid thatgets a new toy, it kinda lost its excitement for me n i laid off. me personally never had a dream of bein a tp ten nposter or intentially ended up doin it! it was brought my attention by some one else whom aid hey u r on the top ten poster list! I thought it was funny n that was the end of it, the thought hadnt really crossed my mind since, n i didnt really give it a secind thought til now. after readin your post, at least i got my 130 dollahs worth , what i npaid for my annula ter membership, i def got alot fun out it, n still do i love readin what people write , responding, i actually am also not completely opposed to engaging in the pccasional debate either , with any one, which innevidably seems to happen. getting into debates actually stimulates the brain n is healthy n keeps you n the brain workn so i also love the occasional heated debate with opposing forces to my two cents i toss in there,        you think theres folks intentionally seekin out to get on top ten????? post list??????                 i personally never had the thought in my ind any one would . What exactly would thier motive be in din that?                      i never really thought that would be a mission for any one, i mean certainly its not goin to win you free membership or respect from peers, i wouldhave guessed the majority as a whole dont even know or care or check the top ten list? no?                                                                    i did notice another two alias in top ten nwhile mine was n  i do like readin what they post, onhere, ... actually. whats wrong with people postin alot , any how why would this even bother you? women posters we actually pay pretty good money nfor our meberships we dont have to e option to post reviews {real or fake} to get free mebersjip , i belive its 130 yearly mebership,
sp who are you meaning that bragged about it/ i never heard any one ranting or braggin bout top ten list? it is sorta amusin tobe so much on here youd get on it, maybe funny if anythin, ................seems like alot hostility here about top ten posters? what got u so upset? have vpity on some one? i dont think you need to havepity on people postin oin a board, ,,,,? wow, thats a weird post, but ok, !

martythewall 36 Reviews 488 reads
46 / 58
ElleVegas See my TER Reviews 427 reads
47 / 58
HookerCops 377 reads
49 / 58


Butterscotch13 2 Reviews 607 reads
51 / 58

McDonald .  I turned you in.  You forgot I was the assistant janitor at the time..  You should remember me.  Everyone always made fun of my really small penis.

Posted By: McDonald000

Cyberneticintelligence 540 reads
52 / 58

Even hooker on phonics was understandable and coherent.

lungman 10 Reviews 518 reads
53 / 58

Go easy, their's a reason she has a hard time typing.

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 442 reads
54 / 58

i will meditate while typing so itype slower. i tend to type at light speed and justrip thru it, Then to sit n go back and proof read, um yeah not happenin. thanks for remindin me to type clearly i can def type clear itjust takes longer when i type super fast i do tend to scramble the letters, sorry boutthat i will have to make an angel decdoder ring for people to read, i tend to type random sillythings anyways most the guys are probly too cool to read any ways,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 449 reads
55 / 58

but i di just get diagnosed with finromyalgia and its sorta a oain the ass at times, n its easier for mto rip thru my typing , i realize its making me come across hasty or un intelligent and will be makn an effort to consciously type better when responding, I know its not an excuse but i did also just have to thru physical theraoy,,,,,,,,,,,,,for now second time this year for adhesions in my neck i had from an in jury , atop fibromyalgia, at timnes i do typ crazy but for good reason,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,xo but thank you for noticing and i will make an effort to do it right to please you next time master......please dont hit me,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 481 reads
56 / 58

voice recognition software n should consider getn iut so as noit to be misunderstood , or taken for a dummy , i just hav a condition that can at times be a royal pain in my ass, !!!!!!!!! trust me i am intellegent and actually have written whole siongs myself . so dont mistake me for some one who cannot write i just have bad neck n then this fibromyalgia bullshit! so sorry bagin, if it annoys people, i did oay 130 for my annual dues, and i will continue to chime in when i feel the need to chiome in here or there on occasion despite the annoyandce it apparently is cUSING FEW YOU FOLKS,                  but its for good reason i def had a hard time w some bad neck issues ,its a condition called adhesions which is very very poainful{ and i need not get into who where when why but in my defen=se i have had some bad injury that landed me in physical therapy, and i am attempting , to continue my life as usual, which in any ones case would be best advice, as oppsed to curlin up in a ball and not doin anyb thing i used to do, which i beleive to be a death sebtence for any one, and its best to over come, and adjust accordingly and return to doi all norma activities,            so if you saw a guy walkn funny on the beach cuz he has ms would you point ans ay hey you ass wipe why arent you walkn right? well i have fibromyalgia, and it trust me is annoying, and yes I tyoe weird, so um i dint know uf you waznna pool a donation for eragon voice recognition software for me, id appreciate it,...............i have a pretty dam good excuse for not being capable of tyoping perfect and well whatev, i am defendin myselkf on this one, i am nby no means stupid or dumb, i did attend college as wekll as miore schooling after and yes , english com level one and two at quincy community college! so just in my defense , diont mistake me for some whos stupid because my tyoping isnt spotless, thank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 538 reads
57 / 58

and beleive bit or not just last week a really nice high hogh end client invited me to presidential suite , had this feast of choc dip strawberry brownies ect prepared was s , handsome and genrous, and guess what ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,he couldnt stop commentin on how he enjoyed readin all my funny crazy posts over past months and was actually followin them! so hey laugh poke fun if nyou may, but i am attractin great great folks as clients havn faily decent time, and alot it is due my posts i met alot what have now become regulars i happen to also click with thru my maybe some what scrambled at times posts,
and well the guys who ve met me know why, the guysb that r repeat custimers know my deal i have maybe mentioned it off n on on here, and i eill cintinue to post in my defense,  you mnay think it sux and hate it, theres alsi been many whove come to see me strictly from followin my posts and have become staedy regulkars so the few that want to make fun whe they nbever met me, DOnt know what i been thru with my neck cindition and want to make fun me, thats totally cool!
i am ai goin to sit back n be misunderstood and not tell you my story? wellk thats it ai also suffer from fibromyalgia, mny uncle also recently dies firm a fall related to crippling fibro in his legs, i hav it on both sides familym, my aunt is in ohysical therapy n sifferin bad w it now, its just a sucky ass diagnosuis n i watched people in both sides fam cope w itl one dies from falln, n had cripplin case it in legs, i have no issue explainexactly why ai ntyp weird and if you waznt to contin ue to make fun me thats perfectly fine, you are not payn my niolls, or seeinme as clients, and theres are plebty that have omd scheduled appts and gotten to be on my rotation that haooen to enjoy what I have to say despoite my incapoabvility tot yoe perfectly,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I do everything else in my life with ocd and perfectly and try very hard to do things as good i can, and would just like to say in my behalf exactly the nature of why i am unable to type neuritically perfect at this time, yes its sux , but i am ignorin it best i can n tryn to enjoy life as any nornmal person woudl with out ba some what debilitating at time condiotion,

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 687 reads
58 / 58

you dont need any baby..we will always love you..

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