TER General Board

But you had plenty of energy to argue about it
GaGambler 53 reads

So I am going with stupid AND lazy. Final answer. lol

JakeFromStateFarm5340 reads

Why no contest, LOL? Hey how about some free VIP days for noticing?

Jake has proven his inability to do basic simple arithmetic.

Let me help ya out jake, It is 930 shy of 1.5 million.

Now will jake cowardly pull his post and deny he ever posted it ?

or will he have the balls to admit he cannot do simple subtraction?

or will he come up with some lame stupid excuse and whine cry and play the victim?

How does it feel to be right, for once?  Poor, old swallowpee, it happens so rarely.
Wallow in it.
Oh, and I'll admit I suck at math.
But I still get the envelope right, so there's that.
This is fun.

I've got my party hat, noise maker, and bottle of 7 UP all ready to go.

Go all the way and get yourself of bottle of Sparkling Martinelli's.

No math or reading skills. Sad.

JakeFromStateFarm118 reads

1) I don't go to that page. Ever.
2) Re the math part, you're right.
3) You need to chill.  LOL.

Okay, but you have to tell all these fuckers who caught your bad math to "chill" too.

Well, "I never go to the announcements page and didn't think to check it" is actually a great excuse.

Oh, and yeah I'm a lightweight. As a drinker anyway lol. Especially since I started spending most of my booze money on pussy.

Very important to have booze money and pussy money. I do. LOL

I just have "necessities of life money" which is kind of a catch all for booze, hookers, gambling, etc. You know, the things in life you just can't go without,  

Can you honestly imagine having to choose between booze and pussy? The very thought sends shivers down my spine.

My income last year on hookers, drinking and horse racing. The rest I completely wasted.

You have told me on many occasions that you had a post pulled either for "being negative" or because the "thread was removed" or some other reason that your post was reviewed.  

Well dumbass, the only way you could know WHY your post/s where removed would be to go into "my posts" and see the reason Admin gave for deleted your post/s and the only way to do that is to click on "My TER" which brings you right to the homepage where the contest is there where even a drunken fool like you would have seen it.

Talk about an epic FAIL, you can't seem to get anything right lately. Too bad Fatvern isn't around lately, it would have been fun watching you two having a "dumboff"

If you’re using a computer you can go to My TER  and check your posts  from  any discussion board and check your posts without going through the screen in question. So in future please don’t get on your high horse even to lecture  Fatvern. You’ll lose.
I really am concerned about you. Over the last week your posts are riddled with even more errors and idiocies than usual. Please get a brain scan.

GaGambler110 reads

It is indeed the only way to find out why one of your posts was deleted.

You can click on "my posts" to see all of your "active posts" but not your posts that have been deleted, and you have more posts deleted than anyone I know, The ONLY way to find out why your posts were deleted is to go to "My TER" and then on to My Board Posts, I know for a fact that you often comment on WHY your posts were deleted so you MUST have gone through My TER page to find out, and at the very top of that page, clear as day is the announcement you claim you never saw.

So either you are blind, lying or stupid. Which one is it, or is it a little (or a lot) of all three?

I would suggest you take your own advice and get a brain scan yourself, but we all know that would be a waste of time as they would find nothing to scan except a large vacant space where your brain was supposed to be.

JakeFromStateFarm132 reads

How many times have I told you to go back and read what I wrote? And you always fail to do it. I NEVER said you didn’t have to go to My Posts. I simply said that your way of getting there through the Home Page is NOT the only way to do it. Please read the entire branch before you post again. You have embarrassed yourself enough today.

Go back to my original post on this. What I said was that when logged on to a computer you can pick My TER at the top of the screen. So I would never have to go to the home screen first. All I said that addled GaGa disagreed with is that I never go to the home page. The Demented One  called bullshit, saying I  couldn’t check my posts if I did that, so I explained how. But the poor dunce didn’t get it. I hope and assume you now will. But to see how it all developed you have read the entire branch.

I defy you to find a single one of your deleted posts without going through "My TER" first.  You can't do it.  

There is a huge difference between "See my posts" and "My board posts"

The method you describe will allow you to see only your active posts under that handle/alias. You claim you have never been to the "My TER" page EVER. If that were the case you never would have been able to see any of your deleted posts to find out why they were deleted. So you are either lying, blind or stupid.  

Go ahead, try to find any of your deleted posts without going through "My TER" first.

OK, guilty with explanation.  I was on my phone all day and the display is different.  Now I'm back on my computer and see that when you click on "My TER" it actually is on the home page.  So, as I said, Mea Culpa.  It's worth noting that I never even look to see what page the banner containing "My TER" is on so I didn't even know I was on the home page.  Hence my statement that I "never" go there.
Oh, well.  The good news is the branch brought out my little stalker rodent alias01blahblahblah, so there's that.

-- Modified on 10/15/2017 6:30:14 PM

Too lazy to look down and care what page I'm actually on.
And you say YOU'RE lazy? LOL.
Oh, and it was all my phone's fault. LULZ

Not going to lie, as I am too lazy to post all my reviews.  Already have my review ready to go, just waiting to post it so I can have a chance at a year free.

Does the provider the winning review is of get any VIP?

What's good for the goose is good for the gander, so to speak.  

TER ought to pony up a year's VIP for the provider who gets that review. Failing that, the client who wins ought to gift half the VIP days to the provider.

Who wouldn't want the bragging rights to being the monger that dipped his wick in the provider that was that notorious?

Ah crap, I must be really horny to want to make excuses to fuck someone.

Yeah, the monger should buy the lady a years VIP.......... it's not that much.

I know fish is a freak, but are you really so horny that you REALLY want to make such an open ended statement?

And it's seems like you two have forgotten that the provider is already getting paid for the session.  This is a "business" in every other business, it the business owner rewarding the customer, not the other way around. That would be like saying the 1,500,000th reviewer should reward TER just for the privilege of being the customer who wrote the 1,500,000th review. It sounds pretty dumb when put that way, doesn't it?

By that logic, writing a review makes no sense since it's mostly for the provider's benefit, though I concede it also helps the whole community...

And if it is a 2/2 review, I see no reason the provider shouldn't still get something.   Some VIP days would help alleviate the sting.  On the other hand the notoriety would not be any blessing.

Or even if it's a good review it could be a one hit wonder, some gal not even on TER, or who doesn't know or care about TER. Is TER supposed to track her down to give her free VIP days that she could care less about?

Great point Fisher. That would be a nice gesture. I'm just not sure about the math on half of a lifetime.

But the other 99 lucky clients could give their respective special lady friends 6 months worth. That would be nice.

Why start a thread that makes you look like an idiot? First your math is off by almost 1000, then you mention why no contest, just because you somehow miss the home page when you log in. The contest has been up for over a month, and of course they have a contest, as they did for the 500,000th, the 750,000th, the 1000,000th, etc.

Next time, don't be so lazy, and  do just a tiny bit of research before starting something like this.

reviewers will have a review all cued up waiting for the count to reach 1,499,999 to hit the send button.

Who knows, it might take down the internet, which would make people think N Korea is behind it, which could trigger WWIII.

Not a bad scenario for a movie, eh wot?

Or perhaps was already submitted yesterday.  

It's when the review is approved, not when it is submitted that counts. I don't know the exact rate that admin approves reviews, but I am pretty sure there are alway quite a few in the queue.

If I were a reviewer hoping to be number 1,500,000 I would be submitting my reviews today, not tomorrow, but I do agree there is going to be a flurry of reviews submitted over the next several hours as we near 1.5 million reviews.

TER can approve reviews in what ever order they want.

It's kind of like the MS TER contest, Admin picks the winners, the "voters" have some input, but there have been some past winners that were total "head scratchers" women that had very few likes, only a handful of reviews, average ones at that and almost no board presence, but were still picked as MS TER.

Can anyone really argue against the fact that quite often 'the fix is in"

Just based on what the numbers have done since this thread started, I'd be willing to bet all my booze money that the "winning" review has already been submitted.

but betting all of my own is a MUCH bigger bet i'd wager. lol

That said, I am inclined to agree with you, I don't write reviews personally, but I don't imagine too many reviews are approved as quickly as 24-48 hours, especially with the flood of reviews TER is probably getting right about now. I think anyone still waiting to submit their review/s in the hope of being one of the lucky 100 winner has probably already missed the boat.

Couldn't someone draft a whole bunch of reviews a few weeks prior.  Then a few days ago start transferring those reviews from word documents to submissions.  Start a few days ago and submit a review every 4 hours or so.  Get half a dozen in the queue.  If someone cared enough, then it would seem that they would take an approach like that.  I think that you could only be working on 1 review at a time, but you could have multiple in the queue.        

I thought I already mentioned that here, but I realized I actually was talking to someone in a PM.  

Anyway it is way too late now, but if someone wanted to give themselves the best chance at being one of the final 100, the most logical way would be to have a bunch of reviews ready, and then start submitting them when the number hit about 1,499,000, or s little sooner (depending how many reviews you had on hold) and submit one every few hours (like you mentioned) for a couple days until the number is at about 1,499,600. Still no guarantees. Wouldn't it suck yo do al that and end up being # 1,500,001?  
As I said earlier it is way too late now, but someone might remember that for the 2m mark.

How long did it take to get from 1 million to 1.5 million?

Ask me something harder, like when was the 750,000th, or the 500,000th. 😊
I actually had that info handy at one time but I lost it. I was actually planning to look it up again for this occasion. As to the 1,000,000th the info is right on the same MyTER home page. Just scroll down below the 1.5m contest, and Miss TER etc. 😊

-- Modified on 10/15/2017 1:57:22 PM

LoL. I like to throw a softball up here and there. I had to click show more, then scroll down. Who does that?😂 Anyway, she's cute. Three years without a review though, I wonder if she's still working.

When was the 500th review? You said ask something harder. LoL

It's funny just how much guys who spend hundreds of dollars an hour for "companionship" will go through to save a couple of hundred bucks in VIP charges.

TER approves a few hundred reviews every day, It really shouldn't be too hard to land a review or two in the 1,499,900-1,500,000 range that would pay off by doing exactly what you are suggesting. It's the reason I predicted the pending review queue has probably been rather full for the last day or so.

I wonder how many reviewers are following the count as we near 1,500,000

Oops, I was off by one, the first winner is at 1,499,901, not 1,499,900, so we are actually 80 reviews away from our first winner.

I was also thinking,  maybe we should throw a pity party for reviewer 1,500,001? lol

John_Laroche44 reads

Some well known GPS provider getting a 6/6 and going on her local board to cry fake.

Can you imagine if number 1,500,000 was a contested review that was eventually removed, along with the winner's lifetime VIP award? That would be hilarious.

Dmorgs and his review of Bridget of Chicago

***This is not an official TER announcement. I may actually be wrong depending how TER does their count, but I am pretty sure this is correct. It will probably be a few days before they make the official announcement on the home page.

-- Modified on 10/16/2017 11:03:32 AM

I would most definitely "stuff the ballot box" if that were the case.

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