TER General Board

But you ARE a prostitute
GaGambler 105 reads

I suppose your major in college was "Denial" with a minor in "Delusion" lol

If you are going to make a career out of being a prostitute, you should take ownership of what you are. Can you imagine a lawyer ( who have much worse reputations than prostitutes) telling their prospective clients on a Legal board that they are NOT a lawyer? lmao

bbfs4ever10663 reads

When I seek to spend time with a prostitute, I always search for those that are at least prostitutes with a Masters degree, preferably a Doctorate.  Only problem is that when I meet them and discuss various topics it's usually a disappointment as none have those educations they claim to have.  I recently met a HDH claiming to be working on her PhD from a school that I am quite familiar with.  I walked into her incall, sat down and she immediately tells me that she really isn't working on her Doctorate.  I don't know why prostitutes need to make up these fantastic claims that are so easily refuted.

I guess I can believe a prostitute who claims she's a world traveler?

JakeFromStateFarm124 reads

For example, I've even heard that Dr. Who is not a real doctor.  And neither are Dr. Pepper or Dr. Brown.  Shocking.

you can still play doctor with them.

I'm not a real lawyer, but I like to play one on the Legal Board sometimes.

There are a bunch of medical websites that got it into their heads some years ago that I'm an orthopedist.   I'm constantly bombarded with requests to attend conferences, buy the latest bone stretchers, etc.   I'm awfully tempted to take them up on the offers some day.

If Doc Suess were a fake it'd just kill me.  I'd never eat green eggs and ham again!

Look Mr Khakis, you didn't even give me a good deal on my insurance.  

Nah, gals don't lie.... whatcha talkn about Willis?

Some of them are for real and I have spoken to them enough that they could hold a great conversation, but most are of the mindset to have an image to draw guys to see them. Some are stuck being something they are not because they feel it will get the big money guys. Much easier and not so stressful to just be you.  

The only thing they forget, it eventually it shows through.

edited for clarification.

-- Modified on 8/24/2017 9:27:31 PM

Similar to those with idiotic handles.  Glad to hear you've found each other.  

Oh geez. Sort of what decides for me if I see a gal. I want lively discussion!!!

They have stayed at a lot of hotels.

She says she got her degree from the School Of Hard Knockers.

I have both Bachelors and Masters Degrees. My blog "The Life and Times of Wild Anita" on my website that I write myself is proof enough. I have 1,800 readers a week.

Many hookers have someone else write their blogs. Usually it's done by a well educated trick.

I have pictures of my degrees hun. I used to write a lot and all of my regulars know that my blog is written by me. I don't charge enough in this business to be hiring any ghost writers. I manage my business well and make plenty because I have wealthy men that come and spend 2 to 3 hours a week with me.

So I am not sure what that "proves" babe.
You also seem confused on how successful you are in this line of work. First you said you don't charge enough then you said make plenty. Which is it? #MAGA!?!

I pay my bills on time, I have great return business and my men that are "regulars" are classy educated mature (above the age of 40) gentlemen. I am not addicted to any substances and never have been and I don't smoke. I live in a beautiful townhouse in Schaumburg, Illinois. To me, that is being successful. I guess everyone has a different view of success. It's working "smart" that is important.  

hewhomustnotbesaid110 reads

Those amazing TER review scores seem to confirm her clients are properly impressed.

I knew it! Where can one find this photographic proof? It's for a friend.

GaGambler141 reads

just how are pictures of "your" degrees any proof?

Or do you have pictures of your "real degrees" under your "real name" for all to see? Yeah, that would really prove how smart you are, wouldn't it? lol

Posted By: GaGambler
Re: Well assuming your degrees don't have "Wild Anita" on them
just how are pictures of "your" degrees any proof?  
 Or do you have pictures of your "real degrees" under your "real name" for all to see? Yeah, that would really prove how smart you are, wouldn't it? lol
In my area there were two girls who tried that on me. They used fake "real names." :)

GaGambler147 reads

Hooker,    "I do too have a degree and I can prove it"

OTM,          "Ok prove it"

Hooker      "See here is a copy of my degree"

OTM,          "Ok, you have a degree, now suck my cock"

Hooker,      "Slurp, slurp"

End of conversation. lol

You pay them to fuck, not to work a spreadsheet. The only thing you should be concerned that they know how to do is to give head, and that's not something they'd teach her to do at college, that's a skill that's only developed from being on the job. I personally don't care if she's dumber than bricks because I'm not going to have a good time based on what's inside her head.

souls_harbor111 reads

Actually the higher the class of escort, the greater the ego boost to her clients.   I mean who wouldn't feel better about themselves scoring Marilyn vos Savant (50 years ago) than a retarded lady who wanders the streets.

EzekielKarl107 reads

He doesn't. Just a poor, lonely troll with no bridge to live under.

Not to pick nits, but you don't need a college degree to work a spreadsheet.  

And though I agree they don't formally teach her to give head at college, college is in fact where many women learn how to suck a dick.  

That's why I don't like to be called "Daddy" but I do like to be called "Professor" while she's on her knees, or lying on her back on the bed with her head hanging over the edge, or lying on top of me while I eat her pussy, or letting me fuck her face while her head is propped up on pillows against the head board, or... well, you get the idea. :p

Just had a session with a provider who went the whole nine yards on the "professor/student" thing and it was amazing!  Oral exams were out of this world!

bwaahhaaaaaahaaa    you think girls don't learn to suck cocks at college?    

At the much higher rates , men that are taking their escorts to dinner, they want a woman that can hold a conversation on a variety of subjects. I am not HIGHLY educated but I do have a Bachelors degree and I'm working on my Masters in Accounting. I can't have in depth conversations about pharmacy or engineering, but I can hold a conversation. I too have a blog that I've been writing in myself for the better of 10 years. It's not a escort blog, I had this blog before I ever became a escort but I still update it. The point being you can get an idea about my personality from there and decide if you want to take me to dinner before taking me back to a upscale hotel to fuck, as you say.

The women who lie about their education and then can't discuss the subjects they claim to study make the rest of us look bad and make men not trust the process that some of us require.

You can't say every provider lies though.. some truly are working their way through college.  If you look past the pictures and a brief look at a bio you can generally tell if she's well educated or not if that matters to you.  If she's boastful about her education but stammers when asked about her dissertation obviously she's full of it.

Posted By: breannabreeze
Re: Some lie, some don't...
 If she's boastful about her education but stammers when asked about her dissertation obviously she's full of it.
Not necessarily. It's 20 years ago since I competed my bachelors. I would literally have to try and dig the dissertation out (if I even have it still) to remember what the topic was. I opted not to do a dissertation in post grad study - once was more than enough

WTF are you talking about?  

Of course you can't remember what it was about...it never happened  LOL

You'd know this.

A dissertation is generally reserved for those seeking a Doctorate.  But I'm sure you did one to get some Bachelor's degree  LOL

Not so fast. I don't know what country you are from but your insular view has just left you with some serious egg on your face. You clearly think your country is representative of the whole world. Fail. In the U.K. A dissertation is the staple of your undergraduate degree. So in a word you know NOT what you are talking about. Google is your friend but failing that there's a link below that is fairly idiot proof. Next you'll be telling me that law is not an undergrad in the UK either...😏

Posted By: Dr Who revived
Re: Had you received your Bachelor's degree
You'd know this.  
 A dissertation is generally reserved for those seeking a Doctorate.  But I'm sure you did one to get some Bachelor's degree  LOL

-- Modified on 8/25/2017 4:32:59 PM

Posted By: CamilleUK
Re: How about YOU go and educate yourself?  
Not so fast. I don't know what country you are from but your insular view has just left you with some serious egg on your face. In the U.K. A dissertation is the staple of your undergraduate degree. So in a word you know NOT what you are talking about. Google is your friend but failing that there's a link below that is fairly idiot proof. Next you'll be telling me that law is not an undergrad in the UK either...😏
Posted By: Dr Who revived
Re: Had you received your Bachelor's degree  
 You'd know this.  
  A dissertation is generally reserved for those seeking a Doctorate.  But I'm sure you did one to get some Bachelor's degree  LOL

That is simply NOT the case.

Please try and keep up with the topic.

So you want to state that you earned a degree in the States?  Or you'd rather stick with some nonsense across the pond?

I'll let you heed your own advice...try Google.  It's your friend.

You just assumed that and implemented your insular view. I never said I completed my bachelors in the US
I completed my masters there

Very touchy aren't you? I'm not surprised after that bullshit schoolboy error lol.

Posted By: Dr Who revived
Re: And here in the States....
That is simply NOT the case.  
 Please try and keep up with the topic.  
 So you want to state that you earned a degree in the States?  Or you'd rather stick with some nonsense across the pond?  
 I'll let you heed your own advice...try Google.  It's your friend.

Why didn't YOU preface that you earned a degree in another country?   As GaG pointed out...you'd think that this DW would know that some hooker is talking about foreign education vs. the topic here.  But as I've said numerous times..."I'm not that kind of Doctor".

Now you want to proclaim you have earned a Masters degree as well?

Why stop there?

And I'd think with all that education you'd have been able to actually get a job....and not simply be a cum receptacle.

You should get a Doctorate...maybe then you can earn a living?  And do a dissertation.  

another sure tip off that you are losing badly.

Dumb hooker   2

Dr Who              0

BTW her handle clearly states that she is from the UK

Dumb hooker     2

Dr Who                -1

Hey, this White Knighting stuff is kind of fun. Especially when you make it so fucking easy, dig doc dig. lol

So all the hookers who claim to be "exotic" aren't just black hookers?  Please explain all of this to the class again  LOL

I think you are getting all your info from Laffy.

I challenge you to see Camille and report back to the class if she is really a Brit...or just pretends  ;)

Oh...and please take a gander at all of her degrees.   That is very important.  And ask her to supply her dissertation.   I'm sure she'd love to meet you.

I believe everything posted on these boards.  And I know YOU do too.

Did you do any reasearch to earn your 'doctorate'.  I haven't been here too long, but you are definitely an idiot if you don't know she is a Brit.

No where did I claim that Camille was/is black.

Go and read that post again and then try to compose something that makes sense.

How do YOU know she is a Brit?  Because she has UK in her TER handle?   Good grief Andy...stop taking this literally.  You look foolish in doing so.  So many hookers have "hot" "cute" "young" in their handles....and they are none of those descriptors.

Even if it is rhetorical?  Dr. Who doesn't even make enough money to afford a P411 account to check out Camille's profile.   You're a proctologist, correct?

Of are you just completely and utterly dense?

Now you also want to claim you know my finances?

Take your steed in for the night.  

I invented the phrase.  Enjoy arguing with a Camellion?

My 2 cents: you can take every word she says to the bank. No, I have not seen her degrees, but spend some time with her, and get to know her, and there will be little doubt that she is as smart and educated as they come.  Not that that matters.  And not that she needs me to mention this lol.  

PS Camille is rare. I have had providers tell me they are everything from valedictorians to PhD candidates though it was clear within the first five minutes that there was no way they could even spell valedictorian and long odds that they could even spell PhD - not that that mattered either lol

-- Modified on 8/26/2017 1:38:22 PM

Thank you Jack - just seen but always good when a true friend has your back 😉 Xx

Oh you really can't help yourself can you jumping to conclusions without first doing research
On this very board I have written in another post that I have a full-time job. Yep, imagine that - a hooker with a FT job!!! Yes, I still dip my toe into this pool - how atrocious of me to actually ENJOY doing this!  

There is no proclamation about having a masters it's a fact. As for not prefacing where I got my undergrad from - nice try! The error was on you pal not me to not assume not me to realise you would -  either admit it or stop digging lol

Posted By: Dr Who revived
Re: Of course I believe you  
Why didn't YOU preface that you earned a degree in another country?   As GaG pointed out...you'd think that this DW would know that some hooker is talking about foreign education vs. the topic here.  But as I've said numerous times..."I'm not that kind of Doctor".  
 Now you want to proclaim you have earned a Masters degree as well?  
 Why stop there?  
 And I'd think with all that education you'd have been able to actually get a job....and not simply be a cum receptacle.  
 You should get a Doctorate...maybe then you can earn a living?  And do a dissertation.  

And the Tardis is not working properly either.

Sorry...but hookers that have those claimed "higher degrees" and sucking cock for a living....yeah.  Pardon me for calling bullshit on your claims.  I'm sure that you finished up high school (or whatever equivalent in whatever country you were in during those years...way back when).  But to claim you have advanced degrees and nearly 30 years later are still sucking cock to pay your rent is simply an oxymoron.

Good luck to you in the future.  I'm sure that with all of your "credentials" you'll finally find someone who may bring you on board and pay you for all that schooling.   I'm wondering why it hasn't happened so far.  And at your age, the finish line is much closer than the start line.

So...what was your "dissertation" on?  All this verbiage must have refreshed your memory.  And don't lie.  Not that hookers ever lie  LOL

There's no doubt there are ladies with degrees.  This is either a part time gig for them or they decided to get a fairly useless degree they can't get a job in, like philosophy or some other liberal arts degree.  Either way having a college degree doesn't always mean you are intelligent.  

I actually got a Bachelors degree in something useless, even though technically it's a business degree in Management, it's such a specialized field of management that most employers don't value it. I'm lucky to have gotten a entry level job in finance. Hence why I am returning for my graduate degree in Tax Accounting. Good thing I have a Bachelors and could get into graduate school.

Your problem is you believe escorting is a horrible job and women only do it because they HAVE to , to pay bills. That's actually far from the truth. I have a day job in a financial career and THAT pays my bills.  

I like to escort on the side because I got addicted to the way the men treat me as a escort. I got addicted to the high of receiving money to spend time with me or even to fuck me. It's awesome and trust me men would do it to, if they could (some men do). I get treated way better by my escort clients than I do from 'civilian' dates. And yes it's nice to have extra money to save or invest with.

PS: I have pictures of me in my cap and gown taken the day I graduated from college with my Bachelors and my degree from Arizona State University is displayed prominently in my home.

Ms. VICKI is exactly right.  I also have a college degree and work full-time as a paralegal in a law firm.  Being a provider is a side income for me and in this day and age living in California especially Los Angeles you need two incomes.  I don't have to be a provider I choose to be a provider and I genuinely like sex and always have so, I might as well get paid for it.


Posted By: GaGambler
Re: Haha You would think a British "Doctor" like the good Dr Who would know these things
Dumb Hooker  1  
 Dr Who             0  

Perhaps by extension we should also assume that prostitution is legal?

Nah...I'll just presume that the hookers that are here are US citizens and understand that the topic is related to US schools.  

Do you think Camille is really from the UK?    Do you think Jake really wears khaki's?  

Hhhhmmm, you are wrong again. Not all the hookers here will be US citizens, let alone US legal residents. Some will be here on visas and some will be in other countries.  
Not all of the mongers will be citizens either.  
Too many assumptions in your small view of the world.  
There used to be a spoof radio show called Doctor Pooh. He traveled in the Turdis, it made a flushing sound. Not unlike the sound your argument about the lady's degrees.

I guess the boards are full of fakes then.  Sure seems like most on TER are from the US.  Which board are you on that shows differently?  

I guess you can help out Camille and find her dissertation?  Maybe she's done a thesis for her Masters she claims to have received in the States....dredge that up too.

Thanks in advance.

Your ad hominem is pretty weak as well.  I'll bet you also have a dissertation to present?  

.... high school dropout from Australia that has had my own, fairly successful, business for 35 years.  
I do know several p4p ladies that have degrees, full time professional jobs, a couple with their own legitimate businesses and all of those seem to enjoy the way their lives are while doing this.  

One that I know just retired, because she had had enough.  

Of course there are some that don't like doing this, but do it anyway. Of course there are some that lie about lots of different things.  

But, you talk in terms of all are a certain way. Which of course is bullshit.  

I still hear the flushing sound from your posts.

How can you call it successful?

Give Camille a shout.  She likes guys like you.  You do tip them $ 100...right?

I do like the accent.  Almost as much as a Brit accent.

GaGambler120 reads

"When you find yourself in a hole, STOP digging" lol

Personally, I don't give even a single fuck what kind of degree/s Camille has or does not have. I am just enjoying watching the good doctor contort himself into a pretzel trying to salvage a victory over a "dumb hooker" who just made him look VERY VERY foolish.

I think he really believes that if he huffs and puffs and bloviates enough, she is going to give up her victory and allow him to put her (or the any of the rest of us) on the defensive.  

Dumb hooker        + 257

Dumb doctor          -458      

You're as weak with your twisted logic as mickie.

So when are you seeing Camille?  She's right up your alley  LOL

GaGambler100 reads

Don't stop digging now. lmao


BTW I have started a pool as to where you got your doctorate, right now the morning line is split between Trump University and JDU. My money is on Trump U as I remember you and Bob Sugar having an issue over some bounced checks and a old Dodge Dart that you tried to pass off as a Bentley to the Dean of JDU. I think it is very unlikely that he would have issued you any kind of degree without full restitution from the two of you.

That I shouldn't go to JDU? I Already paid.

I am trying my best to get in at MWU (Man Whore University) but they are so damn picky.

Oh so now you're questioning my nationality?

Posted By: Dr Who revived

 Do you think Camille is really from the UK?    

Wrong again.  I won't name my school but you'd recognize the initials.  Well regarded place.  

Posted By: Dr Who revived
Re: And here in the States....
That is simply NOT the case.  

Thesis for your masters, dissertation for your phd but I had a special class I had to complete to get my bachelors and it was like a mini thesis.  I have no idea what happens in different countries but I would think a person would always remember the subject of a major piece of their education.

Posted By: Dr Who revived
Re: Dissertation for a Bachelor's degree?
WTF are you talking about?
BS Theses at US universities? Absolutely. Or, since this is TER, abso-fucking-lutely.  
20 and more years ago it was not uncommon for some (not all) departments at top schools to have a thesis requirement. It is still true today, as well, although I don't have the stats to say many, most, or a few.  In some departments, the non-thesis degree was a BA but the extra work to research and write a thesis was needed to get a BS.  
If you can log in to some university libraries, search "Thesis - BS" and see what's up. (Some catalogs are easier to search than others. Not all on-line catalogs will show BS theses. Some departments do not deposit BS theses with the library, they just keep them in the main office.)
Hmmm ... maybe I should write a thesis on that?

Mosey on over to the P&R zoo  and listen to the monkey see monkey do Johnny boy dopes claiming  they have a College education.  
  I'm a ninth grade drop out and they don't fool me for a second unless I'm  giving credit for their dollar store degree.  

  I seriously saw  fake College diplomas at a dollar store years ago when I was buying my  groceries for the week.
  I'd hate to work there, big sign out front everything's  a dollar.
  Unbelievable how many times I've heard someone ask the clerk how much is this.  

I've never had a hooker tell me she was a College Grad or seen mention of it  in her web site but truth be told I only concentrated on their photos before we met, never talked  much face to face,  so there you go.  

   Thank the Gods I landed  a job with MAGA President Trump and I can afford to shop at  Harris Teeter now.  
   Year after year of  Dollar store steaks and single slice cheese cake was getting really old.  
I do fondly recall one hooker I visited many times, she was attending College, training to be  a nurse but she never acted uppity or flaunted her intelligence over me.
   She was mighty fine from my perspective,  I would have asked her to marry me if she didn't tell me when were out on a date she'd never marry a customer.  Glad I hadn't already bought her a ring.  
She made it through school,  became a nurse and that was that
 I'm fine with rejection but it would hurt my heart  if I asked a lover would she  marry me and she said no .  

  Now that I think about it, perhaps I wait too long to ask, worried of the ultimate rejection.
 Before I  realize how much I could  lose by stalling my proposal,l she's  packed her bags and gone.  

I haven't cheated on my recent GF, for two reasons, I don't want to cheat on her and if I did she's so smart I don't think I'd get way with it.  Well, three reasons, she would  likely kick my ass real quick if she caught me cheating .  
  If I were  rich I'd hire her to be my bodyguard whenever I wear my MAGA hat.  
   In  my experience with civilians over the years,  I couldn't help but notice,  most people boasting about their education and pedigree are posers to the tenth degree.
    I'm sure you know how broke some rich guys can be.     :-D

Posted By: breannabreeze
Re: Some lie, some don't...
You can't say every provider lies though.. some truly are working their way through college.  If you look past the pictures and a brief look at a bio you can generally tell if she's well educated or not if that matters to you.  If she's boastful about her education but stammers when asked about her dissertation obviously she's full of it.

Anyone, guy or gal, who tries to flaunt..... are shitheads and not nice people.

Very simple that we all are of the human race and we all have things we are better than the next. Trying to one-up someone will never get you far.  

Noone cares about my IQ or my degrees, they care about the task at hand if I can have a lively discussion with them. It's not a competition. Guys never like that. Just be you and be down to earth, always wins in the end.  

Men never care if I am a part of Mensa. They only care about how I look, how I treat them, and if I am flexible to making them feel nice. Not difficult.

for my Bachelors, I thought the dissertation happens in grad school or for a doctorate

But seriously ... I'm not big on a provider's education. Some very smart people decide to skip college, or get their education interrupted, and conversely, you can rack up degrees and still be awfully dumb.

I click better with smart women, but you can pick that up better from a provider's ads, website, TER posts, and initial communication, than from what they may say or not say about their education.

So speaks Dr. Cavalier, Ph.D.*

*Phull of Dimwittedness

Highly educated professionals work in adult business because of pay better that higher education jobs.Plus government doesn't take a cut of rates.Good marketing for paid service.

Providers are much smarter and better educated. Hands Down!  2 of my favorites are UTR and pre med majors.  Personally I prefer to experience good chemistry vs  type of degree.  Nonetheless smart is sexy!

Posted By: TheGovernor
Re: Since WWW and Hobby intersected 20 years ago....
Providers are much smarter and better educated. Hands Down!  2 of my favorites are UTR and pre med majors.  Personally I prefer to experience good chemistry vs  type of degree.  Nonetheless smart is sexy!
Posts like this make me sick! I've known sex workers for 30 years and there is no way you can convince me modern day hookers are smarter or better educated than the ones pre WWW.  

Not one but Two faves are "pre-med?" How do you know? Let me guess, you know their real names, checked their IDs and ordered transcripts!  

At most colleges and universities, students do not have the option of pre-medical major or minor. They generally major in Biology or chemistry. Any major will work as long as they have taken pre-med courses. There is no "pre med"  major.

Even if it's true , anybody can take pre-med courses but only one out of six who apply are ever accepted to an American medical school.

GaGambler102 reads

but they don't call themselves hookers even though they fuck me for money. They call themselves Sugar Babies and most of them "pretend" that I am the only guy they are fucking for money. Quite frankly I don't care enough to argue the point with them or "catch them" fucking another guy.

Truth be told, these 18-22 year old girls fucking me for spending money don't seem to be any smarter than any of the 18-22 year old full time hookers I have fucked over the years although a couple of them do appear to be rather dedicated students with higher goals than the typical girls their age. That said, it doesn't make them any better or any worse in bed.

My observation.  I have played as long as you.  American Massage Parlors to YP Escort Services to TER. My experience is that there are more intelligent providers out there than 15 years ago.  But you also have to factor that the # off decent providers has increased exponentially.  More Ladies to Select means More Intelligent Ladies.  I travel Ohio and PA.  One of the PreMed majors attends a college in Ohio, the other in PA.  They both are studying for their MCATs and applying to Medical Schools this fall.  I don't think they are making this up.  Honestly though, OTM,you have no cause or qualifications to judge my observations and expertise.

Yes There are Really Intelligent Women,   In All Walks Of LIFE...ALL PROFESSIONS , Sorry To Burst Your  Bubble  LOL

I agree that it is a shame some feel the need to lie, although a lot of a ladies' persona is fantasy, so perhaps she felt that claiming she achieved a really high level of education contributed to the overall fantasy. I do also agree that admitting to not having that level of education and not being able to be that "fantasy" could be off putting. In the future, perhaps ask if a prospective lady really is that highly educated as it is important for you to know in session so she can prepare for tough questions or make a choice as to whether or not to see you.

Still waiting to see what that will get me.  

Your score probably won't get you much here.  Definitely didn't make me smart enough to stay out of this 'hobby'.

I have B.SA. with double major, and I have an M.A. degree in Liberal Arts fluff.  

That's one thing we don't have in the UK - double majors. In fact we don't even have a major at undergrad level - not sure if that's a good thing or not? Xx

Posted By: AnalAnarchy
Re: I have B.SA. with double major, and I have an M.A. degree in Liberal Arts fluff.  
I have B.SA. with double major, and I have an M.A. degree in Liberal Arts fluff.  

You need a graduate degree to be a fluffer?!!  I thought they were the bottom of the totem pole in the porn biz.  

Are a double waste of daddy's money and a double waste of time.  Very few get it right the first time in college.  Why would you pay more to figure it out?  Get out there and find what you like.

Posted By: AndrewDufresne
Re: Double majors  
Are a double waste of daddy's money and a double waste of time.  Very few get it right the first time in college.  Why would you pay more to figure it out?  Get out there and find what you like.
At regular full time schools that charge by the semester, rather than per course or per credit, students often load up to satisfy the requirements for two or MORE degrees in 8 semesters.  
Normal degree might be 4 courses per semester x 8 semesters = 32 courses for a single (major) degree, e.g., BA in Underwater Basket Weaving. Another 4 or 6 or 8 courses fulfills the requirements for a different major, e.g., BA in Whoreticulture. And another few credits can make you a triple major, triple BA recipient. That's a lot of BS!

On top of 30 credits from AP courses, I had been dual enrolling at a local university while at high school because my high school didn't have Calculus II or French VI and the school district was obligated to allow me to continue to progress in my coursework.  

Me and my ex took 22 credits each semester once, shared 6 out of 7 classes. whoooooo that was crazy

made the logical error of stereotyping! You must also be proud of your powers of observation, being able to belittle a young woman to no apparent purpose other than a self-serving sarcastic board post.

I think this calls into question your own intellectual acumen and educational prowess. No doubt, it exposes thee type of intellect you possess and makes clear the type of man you really are.  

Thanks for the troll!

Ok, so... I briefly read over the replies. I have to say my education is legit. However, I looked at your profile... you have never reviewed anyone. Perhaps you should consider getting some kind of supporting back stories to your claim before you say something like that. As it looks, you haven't spent any time w anyone. Probably means your posts are pretty much bullshit. I hate to be so negative, but according to your history, you are at home alone.

Correct,  except that he is probably unemployed and lives in his parents basement.

You might find one at NASA.  lol

GaGambler106 reads

I suppose your major in college was "Denial" with a minor in "Delusion" lol

If you are going to make a career out of being a prostitute, you should take ownership of what you are. Can you imagine a lawyer ( who have much worse reputations than prostitutes) telling their prospective clients on a Legal board that they are NOT a lawyer? lmao

This extra income gives people a chance to study what they really want. Some people actually enjoy school. I think some women may claim to be pursuing a higher education as part of the persona they want to convey.  

My men get more turned on when I play dumb ;) gotta hide my summa cum laude accomplishments !

illuminated the sex industry for me and most definitely influenced my decision to get into sex work. I am a soc major primarily interested in sexual "deviancy" and informal economies :D  

Also many of my girlfriends in school are/were working in the sex industry in some capacity, which encouraged my decision to become involved myself.  

Essentially college turned me into a very dirty girl :P

-- Modified on 9/3/2017 1:34:40 AM

The OPs moniker alone would deter most anyone with at least a Bachelor's Degree. Perhaps it's skewing your research to appear ignorant and careless by naming yourself bbfs4ever? Being totally serious, since I'm well-educated (and smart enough not to waste more money on college) and wouldn't see you as a client based on that alone.

I was hoping someone else caught that... I had a good chuckle off of that.

GaGambler106 reads

Are you two new to the internet, or just to TER?  Have you never heard of a board troll before?

BBFS4ever is about as subtle as a two by four upside your head, but he has still managed to fly right over both of your heads. I guess you both have Masters degrees in being gullible.

*sticks out hand for cookie*
There are a lot of comments on here that I would deem trolling but on this medium I would be giving too much credit.

I personally do not worry too much about whether or not a provider has a college degree, advanced degree or other formal education. While I do put a premium on my interaction before and after the sex, I have found very little correlation between my enjoyment and their educational achievements.

I did see a real doctor once (chiropractor) who was amazing.  She was an extremely bright lady ago had the body of a goddess and loved to fuck.  She is pretty close to being my atf, although she retired from the business rather quickly (not until after she had me come to her office, waiti in the waiting room with other patients then took me back for a very special "adjustment".

I alsomhave seen a provider who is a PhD candidate who was a nightmare to talk to!...but loved trips to Greece so I went back for more.

I guess the bottom line is...no chick is stupidwith your dick in her mouth!

I am very sorry as to what a provider has said in regards to her education. It is quite terrible that a women would have to lie to reel a client in but it is done. I understand when someone is looking for a type they seek out and it is not the truth, but then again I am sure this may happen alot. I am pursuing my bachelors as of now and I never lie about it as it limits my time with meeting people, but this will be my career one day and I am enjoying ever bit of it.

There are some providers who will do anything to get clients and there are some who are really have a degree. I have meet people in life who have degrees and after trying to have an intelligent conversation for a few minutes. I found them to be total idiots and end of conversation boring. It is not hard for me to weed through the bullshit and get to the truth very fast. You see it is hard to keep a lie going, then tell the truth, and just be you.  

souls_harbor96 reads

I think most people are boring to everyone outside their area of interests -- and boring to us if outside our area of interests.

Two people who have overlapping interests will generally have interesting conversations regardless of their formal education level.

You can sacrifice your sacro
Working in the back row
Bump in a dump till you're dead
But you gotta get a gimmick
If you wanna get ahead

I was in the mood for a rousing discussion of the finer points of quantum mechanics. A great thing about Boston is the plethora of top-notch (and expensive) institutes of education, and the consequent supply of highly educated co-eds in need of funds for said education. So I contacted my favorite escort service, Scholar's Mate Escorts, specialized in supplying exactly such fine minds and bodies to men in need such as myself. "I need a very highly educated young woman for tonight. Preferably a grad student at one of the best schools in the area". "Oh, we have just the girl for you. A Harvard grad student specializing in Medieval studies." I pondered the idea of exchanging thrusts with a nubile medievalist straight out of Game of Thrones, but I had my mind set on something else. "I was thinking more of a math and physics type" I said. "Well then, how about this MIT grad student specializing in theoretical physics?". "Excellent!" I said. I made an appointment for an incall.

I showed up at her student digs in Somerville and was shown upstairs. She was pretty in a nerdy sort of way - long dark hair, glasses, intelligent face. Lithe body with pale skin and a trace of dark down on her slender arms. The apartment had the requisite Einstein and Schrodinger posters on the walls. I was introduced to her pet rats Sheldon, Leonard, Raj, and Penny. "So, theoretical physics… string theory?" I asked to get things started. "More into twistor theory" she replied. "Ah, Penrose. I'm more of a Hawking guy myself". And there followed a lively discussion, wave and particles, multi-dimensionality, quantum state reduction, the whole she-bang. After a while I had enough foreplay. "Shall we move on to the main event?". "Oh yes", she replied, adding "I was worried you were just a theorist". "No, I'm also an avid experimentalist" I said.  The clothes came off, and soon we reached a highly excited state. "So", she said, "what kinds of experiments are you interested in?". I flipped her over and began to finger her ass. "Right now I'm interested in black holes" I replied. Soon we were delving the mysteries of anal. She reached back to feel my engorged member thrusting into her. "Oh my, I feel a collapse of the wave function coming" I said, and I gasped, and came with the energy of the big bang.

As we said our goodbyes, she expressed the hope I would return soon for more physics. I definitely shall.

I love educated women!

mrfisher has posted this several times before, when relevant. Apologies offered for scooping mrfisher but acknowledgements given:
"“Well, I heard of this young girl. Eighteen years old. A Vassar student. For a price, she’ll come over and discuss any subject—Proust, Yeats, anthropology. Exchange of ideas. You see what I’m driving at?”"  
MIT? Isn't their school mascot The Beaver? Shaved or natural?

I love it:

“Suppose I wanted to—have a party?” I said.
“Like, what kind of party?”
“Suppose I wanted Noam Chomsky explained to me by two girls?”
“Oh, wow.”

I can't compete with Woody Allen! Still, I tried with my own little creation. :)

Posted By: impposter
Re: The Whore of Mensa - Woody Allen and mrfisher
 MIT? Isn't their school mascot The Beaver? Shaved or natural?

Some women are under the impression that the less you know about their real lives, the better. The reasons for that mindset are infinite. Would you want to know that a woman can hardly read at high school level or that she has a learning disability as soon as you meet her? There are so many stigmas that come along with the hobby on both sides that fully disclosing the less awesome parts of our lives leave us emotionally vulnerable. Doctor or dropout, CEO or custodian, we are not on this site to make LinkedIn connections right?
      I agree with the OP that when you instantly see through an inflated persona- it can be disappointing. I've been disappointed by very successful people who lack the social skills that are needed in order to connect with people.... but going back to the original post- they never promised to be easy to connect with.  
      The best guesses I can provide as to why a provider would like about her education are 1.) she is working on it and trying to speak it into existence and 2.) she may believe that she will attract a "higher level" gentleman.  I empathize with the first reason and I kind of shake my head at the second. Again these are just two guesses.  
      I'm okay with the fact that I'm still in school and I talk about it if it comes up. Not being perfectly put together makes me human and it leaves the door open for the people I meet to give me advice and encouragement. Once the "I'm not perfect" reality is revealed- the pressure is off of both parties, and the connection can grow from an honest foundation.

Intelligence is a big turn on for me. When I was between marriages and dating a lot, I met many really bright women and enjoyed almost each one of them. (I did run into town very bright ladies who were just cranky and no fun and figured they either didn't find me appealing or they were just that way.) When it comes to providers, the one who were the most satisfying were the usually very smart ones. (One of them whom I met in Seattles decades ago and now is in Florida still occupies a special place in my memory.)  
Here's the thing: while educated people --men and women-- are often very interesting, some time the brightest are not necessarily the most formally educated.  One of the first non professional dates I had after my divorce was with a high school graduate who had opened and outdoor  a fruits stand right after finishing school. She then learned as much as one can know about her products and where and when to show up to get the best.  When I met her she owned a number of fruit and vegetable markets and was a one of the largest produce  distributors in this region. She was solid, self issued, and very very intelligent and curious about things and interesting to talk to..  
I generally don't ask providers about their education (unless we went to the same schools) but I have met some very memorable ladies in this hobby who were very very bright and interesting whatever their formal education.

They want to appear intelligent.  They don’t realize that how (and about what) they communicate speaks more to their intelligence than any degree.  I don’t care about a provider’s formal education necessarily, but the idea that a well spoken seemingly intelligent woman is also pursuing outside legitimate business interests and/or has an advanced degree is attractive to me.  

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