TER General Board

But, have you ever fondled matzot....
mrfisher 108 Reviews 1418 reads

with any other intention than to eat same?

Cosette3559 reads

With this realm granting the opportunity to meet many people, have you found it to be a source for exploring other races and groups of people or do you stick to your own background? Did you find out something that surprised you - whether negatively or positively?

This is not meant to be a racist comments inducing post.

I have found that the stereotype that black men have ample size and girth is quite true (you're probably thinking duh, but I wasn't sure when I started), granted mine is a small sample size but I continue researching and finding that it is true.

I've also found I really connect well with chosen men, especially those who are secular.

-- Modified on 12/29/2013 11:54:44 AM

Cosette1915 reads

I can't think of another name!

World? Land? I hate the word industry.

But Dungeons and Dragons isn't bad. Penises slashing away the enemies?

skarphedin1583 reads

-- Modified on 12/29/2013 12:51:00 PM

-- Modified on 12/29/2013 1:23:31 PM

...so that is a plus.

Cosette I'm curious. Men that are secular? I know what secular means but what do you mean by this?

GaGambler1603 reads

I see a huge variety of ladies, but I do seem to have a preference for chicas (maybe because I spend so much time down south) and asians, but I do see plenty of white and black ladies as well.

Thinking about it, growing up in a racially mixed environment, meaning my neighborhood, not my household, people of different races were never  much of a mystery for me, as they have always been part of my life. Truth be told I have lost track of how many women I have been with that I don't even speak the same language and that's not just in P4P, i have hooked up with civvie chicks in my life that didn't speak a word of English

Cosette1510 reads

That's fair. Background has always been iffy for me because I grew up in an area where chicas was not really a good term. It meant less intelligent, girls were getting pregnant in middle school. So culturally I became very "white". I mean so white that my ex showed me this blog stuffwhitepeoplelike because it was like they were talking about me. Then I got to NYC and was able to embrace being different. But it's still hard, and my profile on TER says White, because if it said Latina perhaps it wouldn't be accurate either, so it's always a big topic for me.

There are educated (my term for what you call being white) Latinas. Why not embrace your race and show clients you don't fit in any stereotypes they have for Latinas? Your profile can say your Latina, but you can demonstrate your intelligence or what you consider "white" culture through your ad copy and website. Maybe I read your post wrong.

GaGambler1433 reads

No wonder she relates so well to what she sees as secular Jews. lmao

I am sorry, I was really trying to be nice to Cossette here, but you are absolutely spot on with your observation.

Cosette1727 reads

I'm just sharing the insecurities I had when I was young.

Cosette1400 reads

This was not intended to be a heavy racial thread, I'm not self hating but yes I did go through stereotypes of being Hispanic in Texas where there's plenty of racism in the white community. A fucking fence wanting to be built and men volunteering to "watch the border". I don't think I'm alone in feeling lost and belittled when I was lumped into a category that was clearly seen as beneath someone else. But that was a long time ago.

As many people rag on NYC for being expensive and whatnot, it's been my way of embracing my culture, speaking different languages, and being spiritual in my own way.

I debated internally leaving the black men have above average dicks, but I thought that would be inviting to share other details....Asian women have tight vaginas! That's all I wanted to know.

GaGambler1705 reads

any more than all black guys have big dicks. I will say that in MY experience, with a sample size 25 times larger than yours, I have noticed a higher percentage of asian women had very small vaginas than other races in MY experience.

That is a far cry from claiming that all Asian women have tiny pussies.

and you might not have been "self hating" but you were definitely a sell out to your race, and before you accuse me of having never walked a mile in your shoes, I can assure that I have in spades. Try being a fifteen year old kid, two thousand miles from home without a friend or relative in sight, and being refused employment for being a "Jap" when you aren't even Japanese. You haven't a clue to what resentment is until you've lived it without a single soul within thousands of miles who is on your side or that you can count on for support.

and no I am not in a bad mood over football, I was simply reminded that I might have been wrong to be giving you the BOD on this, the more you post on the subject, the more I realize that I was mistaken in my original support of your post.

Cosette1899 reads

Surely you don't think that I'm claiming that ALL black men have big dicks...statistical analysis would still disprove that due to standards of deviation and normal distribution.

Maybe I sold out, maybe I didn't, it's a freaking journey. You don't have to support me.

I agree that Asian girls don't all have small pussies. Almost all of them tell me how big my cock is, and they're telling me the truth.. Aren't they??

I see it as she cant choose latina and white mix, so she had to choose one or other. Isnt that she like one or other better. Just kinda random selection. She never mention liking one of her race better but just had to kind flip the coin and choose.

Cosette1635 reads

I didn't make my profile on TER, the first person who reviewed me did that. I guess I can easily contact TER and say, hey I'm not white, I'm Latina, but when I've said Hispanic I get, "hey mami".

Believe me, it wasn't the easiest thing to do when I was growing up. Now in NYC I have embraced it. It's a work in progress, but identity issues in minorities are very popular. Have you ever felt that way?

they all identify themselves as being Latino. Their education speaks from itself without having to claim they're white.

If you want your profile to be accurate, you can click "report a problem" on your profile page. Then write an ad copy that highlights the qualities you want clients to know about. If you need an example of what I'm talking about, check out Sofia Vega. She's a great example of how you can embrace being Latina but demonstrate you're educated or cultured without claiming you're white. yum ---> http://sofiavega.net

GaGambler1723 reads

If you think you had it rough as a youngster, try working in the oil fields of Louisiana back in the 70's with my slanty eyes. I didn't get "closet" racism, I got the real thing. Sorry, but you aren't going to get a bit of sympathy from me on this one.

I had the option to claim "whiteness" when I joined the Army back in 76, My recruiting Sgt suggested that I list myself as white since I am not full asian and was born in this country, but even as a 17 year old kid, the idea about lying about my race was repugnant to me.

Perceptions are going to be what they are, but you owe it to yourself to be true to who you are. When people think GaGambler they think "old fat cigar smoking white guy", which is miles from the truth, when people think of me as asian, they get quite a different idea of who they think I am which is equally far from the truth. It is what it is, what's important is that I am very comfortable in my own skin. I hope you can say the same some day.

Cosette1571 reads

I'm comfortable in my own skin, but I'm not afraid of saying that I wasn't always. Assimilation is a fact of life for many. Racially, physically, psychologically. There's nothing wrong with exploring it and admitting to it.

Never had a clue as to your ethnicity until now and your comments about stereotyping based on your handle are so true. Yes, we should all be proud of and embrace our cultures. I am half Sicilian and half Russian Jew and love them both. That makes me white in Cosette's book. Too bad she has a Latino/White issue which in itself is absurd since there are many latinos as white as milk.

This appear to be one those case where what you type is getting taken out of context and sort of twisted around not for the better but for the worse or say cup half empty . I myself never took from your choice to randomly select white as being interpreted as you meaning it to equate your ashame of the latina herititage. I dont see where you have said you feel this way but forever reason as always alaias are choosing to twist what you say around and go on a tear on you beneath your thread. Its hard for some people to use reading comprehension skills via reading. You clearly never mention being in favor of one side or the other but the same people time n time again take what you or any one harmlessly post as a friendly banter or topic and some hoe they always manage to twist what one intended as a what i found a great topic as i love sociology with much passion. I can go on and on inthis topic as I have had to seek out my own study on it as there was a lack of diversity in my community growing up.
  You clearly never say you chose white as a knock to your latina heritage . i dont understand or cant get why some peoplke choose to twist things around that are positive and always twist around to find a way to rant on posters negatively, they kinda make thier own ASS umptions  and then go on some negative ridicuoe of the poster and they go off into like left field. Geesh and i thought i had adhd.

I enjoyed your posts until you want to call some of us hoes without reading comprehension skills, when you can hardly pull together a real sentence. Please.

If Cosette doesn't want people to think that she has problems being a Latina and allows her profile to state she is white because she has issues with feeling she can't demonstrate to clients that she is educated and cultured without lying, then that's on her. Please don't call the rest of us ignorant, when she CLEARLY stated that in her post.


-- Modified on 12/29/2013 4:53:31 PM

any one ever check out ancestry .com Guarantee you ll uncover more as you go back. I discovered my grand ma from southis. All my family for three generation are townines all from southie . My dad even wall paperedlike ever restauraunt in all those movies and got alot a close friends my family parts in the movies, not sure how but a few my friends that starred in them told me my father the one that got them thier parts. I love the fact that every one in  my life know what i do and its the bleast racey and shocking of all my feats by far so no one is remotely surprised. i dont think anything i do at this point could shock my family or friends!
 But its great to be myself and not give a fuck who doesnt like it, i will always be progressive  and un apologetic about my belief in sex and sexuality not being a shameful thing or a bad thing but a nessisary human funstion that lowers blood pressure and is good. dammit sex is good. i dont understand the polar opposites of me the women whom lie to thier family and husband about something as un important as sexuality and having sex. i will never be ashamed of sex or how much or little of it i choose tohave. Just not me, It must take alot of energy to lie to your family husbands and kids about having sex for money. Must be tiring? i wouldnt change my life or trade it for any one elses. and if people in family or guys i date cant handle my choices then can take a hike. i d like probly murder my so if i found out they were having tons of sex with men that fuck hundred of hooker with out ketting me know and allowing me the freedon to decide ifthat is something I want to subject my self and health too. if i was straight lace guy who is loyal and caught my woman or sister lying about her life like that. wow. i d write her off forever for his disloyal sneaky lying ass. i just cant fathom trying to be that dis loyal and that much of a liar and sneak to  people you suppoisedly love. i guess thats where i am different. And maybe where so many women get angry with me and pm me how thier way is right and mine wrong and i should behave like them and be sneaky and a liar. nI am a nut, I lived a wild life. I am all the more intellugent for it, nad have lived more in  my lifetime than half the goody two shoes that like they try to hard to purvae this innocent image its so blah and old., Some smarts you can only achieve by living through things and surviving. Its funny how many people get sooo fired up in my posts on here though to me. Maybe out of envy since they never left thier house and have not lived and maybe thats where the animousity sten from, For me i dont ever make fun of others posts or wether they choose to share alot or not share alot about them self. I am too happy enjoying my life to have the energy or time to be negative or even care what any one else is saying or writing , let alone let it actually get me upset, like that panera that always would rag on me after my post, for better or worse i am renting space in his head, like me or not he is allowing me to rent space in his head, for whatever reason,. i dont get it, I dont like alot of people here and i have about 10 on ignore user. i dont even have energy to spend on people i cant stand, let alone poist mean spirited rants under ever post they post. its so amusing, which is why i love this board.
further more negative people are just people filled with fear. so say a prayer for thier ass and move on is what i do.  
A more practical approach to dealing with them is to start by understanding the reasons for their negativity. In brief, almost all negativity has its roots in one of three deep-seated fears

the same skinny, semi-Sino, compulsively-gambling, drunken, whore-mongering pig he claims to be.  Oh, well, at least he's consistent.  Like him or not, in real life he's exactly the same clown he claims to be here.

Cosette1685 reads

A bit passive aggressive to take the time to respond and not give a crap if someone believes you. I'm assuming that someone is me.  

I don't really care, I'm not going to change my responses due to someone. He can be consistently a jerk for all I care.

Frankly, I wasn't thinking of you when I wrote that post.  It was mainly a chance to give GaG some shit, which he amply deserves.  Sorry you're in a bad mood now.  I actually think they simply didn't get that your ambivalence about your Latina roots was a thing of the past and that you're fine with it now.
Be nice, now.

Cosette1408 reads

Well yes I'm in a bit of a bad mood. People call me sensitive when they're the ones who are. And I get very frustrated with illogical people. I'm a nice person. And I hate bullies.

why her profile says she's white and it's a huge topic for her. I promise, I didn't make that shit up ---> "But it's still hard, and my profile on TER says White, because if it said Latina perhaps it wouldn't be accurate either, so it's always a big topic for me." She thinks if it said her actual race, it wouldn't be accurate? She thinks certain qualities like being educated or cultured are "white" qualities. Please. Her ambivalence is in the present and real.


GaGambler1645 reads

but she had to keep on talking and the more she said the more I realized that WOW and Cspatz were correct. and that I, believe it or not, was WRONG in supporting her POV lol

-- Modified on 12/29/2013 3:34:06 PM

GaGambler1617 reads

If you truly didn't care you could just tell me to fuck off and quit responding to my posts.

Of course if you do it now, it would just be a cheap rip off of MY idea.

I have to agree with WOW once again here, I have nothing to go on here, but your own words, and unlike Angel I have no reading comprehension issues, as a matter of fact I can usually even decipher AF garbled ramblings.

I have an idea for you, If you don't want people to think about you in a certain manner, don't say things that make anyone with even room temperature IQ think that way about you.

Cosette1610 reads

Since our last argument I have not responded to any of your responses, you broke that contact. I would never tell someone to fuck off because it's not my style. I respond to your posts because you're a bully, and I refuse to be bullied.

Why should I apologize for feelings I had as a child or teenager? Jesus, this is a board, not my therapist's office.

And I'm not self-hating, a self hating person wouldn't have a lot of love and attention to give, so there goes your theory.

GaGambler1270 reads

I do recall saying that I would only fuck with you when I felt like it, well guess what? I felt like it.lmao

You stating unilaterally that we shouldn't talk doesn't make for a "contact" or a "contract" for that matter. You are still free to stop responding to me anytime you get tired of looking even more foolish, but as I said before, you just can't bring yourself to put down the damn shovel, no matter how deep a hole you find yourself in.

BTW I don't recall an "argument", i do seem to remember me pointing out something ridiculous that you had posted, and I sort of remember you getting all defensive over it, just like today I might add. Only today, I tried to give you the BOD, but I was brought to my senses by a couple of other people who rightfully pointed out just how full of shit you were/are

Cosette1460 reads

I've met people whom I've told hey I'm Latina only to have a date where they looked at me like I wasn't. No accent. Not dark enough, and without the same experiences they had. That's not me saying it wasn't accurate on my part. Or insecure about it still. Simply not accurate. I have no idea about Spanish pop music right now. Nor pop culture. Though I may recite history accurately.  

And no I didn't say being educated or cultured is a white thing! I said when growing up being called a "Chica" was not a good thing. It wasn't a sexy thing. It meant you were less educated and were getting pregnant in middle school. One doesn't equal the other.  

Yes, race is a big topic for me, but so is sex and monogamy and religion. Please don't mistake my words.

GaGambler1656 reads

and then just couldn't manage to just put the shovel down and STOP DIGGING the hole deeper.

I knew I had it right earlier when i pegged you as a self hating chica.

Some people are proud of what they are, and where they come from. it's always sad to see people that consider themselves "climbers" who are secretly (or not so secretly in your case) ashamed of their roots.

It's one thing to call yourself the "Worlds worst Jew" jokingly, It's quite another to really be ashamed of your roots. I hope you find yourself someday, but it appears like you have a long, long ways to go.

You want to act like people make things up after YOU say them. If you no longer feel what you posted, then just say you were wrong? I don't get it. But I can tell you I have an aunt that looks white and could completely "pass" but never tried to act as if she isn't actually mixed b/c some people will tell her she looks white anyway and doesn't have an accent....and acts (like you say) "white". But if you want to pass as white and have that on your profile, and feel that if it says Latina you won't be able to get clients, then do you. Be "white"......but then don't try to take advantage of comments about steaming Latinas on the boards. Don't claim you're NOT Latina on your profile but will respond to a post about how you can agree that you have that hot Latina sex. Please. http://www.theeroticreview.com/discussion_boards/viewmsg.asp?MessageID=655565&boardID=12&page=1#655565
"So culturally I became very "white". I mean so white that my ex showed me this blog stuffwhitepeoplelike because it was like they were talking about me. "

-- Modified on 12/29/2013 5:18:35 PM

Cosette1488 reads

Culturally I became white, I read books by white authors, I watched movies with white people, I spoke only English as opposed to Spanish, that's what I meant by becoming culturally white. I watched Seinfeld and Friends, and argued with my father over watching Univision and Telemundo. I was the worst Latina 16 yr old. I didn't know Spanish slang, etc.  

That's what I meant. Do you get what I mean now?

Then I moved here and being culturally different was actually a good thing, and I realized having lived where I lived was just a small place compared to everything else.  

I started dating at 28 and OK Cupid asked you for your race, I indicated Hispanic at first and it was kind of odd. I would get responses that made a comment on it, nothing bad, just commented. I'm not trying to pass as anything, nor gain business from being or not being that

And I quote ... "I have no idea about Spanish pop music right now. Nor pop culture. Though I may recite history accurately. " Give it up. You obviously have learned nothing from your attempt at being a board jock, ie, detailed responses to other posts only expose your desperation. And the more desperate you are the more inane your responses. This has become a train wreck and you have only yourself to blame.

-- Modified on 12/29/2013 8:40:38 PM

GaGambler1637 reads

she starts off digging a small hole for herself, and then she just can't bring herself to put down the shovel, and the next thing you know TRAINWRECK. lol

I used to think that Taylor was one of the most insecure women on this board, but she doesn't hold a candle to Cossette. This woman is a flat out basket case. Her and AF should get together, but only if they make a pact not to procreate. Can you imagine the spawn of a Cossette/AF hookup??? The thought is downright scary.

0603450onThe1467 reads

kidding lol. What the fuck is going on tonight? It's like a haters den and thensome. You all said the 'niceness' would go away after Christmas and you weren't kidding, OMG this is terrible. I like it the way it was over the holidays. WTF happened?  

Cosette is fine, no one here is perfect, leave it be. And if you think I'm 'insecure', well ok then LMAO but  don't forget to add, I'm completely rude too and an old bat while we're at it. Come on, you guys are slipping. How about I come back around next Christmas when everyone at least has their nice hats on again. I can't say 'normal', that just wouldn't sound right. Cosette, care to join me this time around? All I can say is ouch. While we're at it, where's Nick then and his trainwreck photos, haven't seen those in a while either. I'll assume one will pop up after this post. Come on people, if you're gonna do it up, do it up right.  

While we are on the topic, since I coined CPA as King of TER, I deff know who Queen is now and it most certainly ain't me hahahahahaha. Whooaaaaa, can you take a wild guess? Damn...ouch again.  

See ya November of next year lol. Until then try and be nice, Christ, again. Shame on you lol.  

And btw, GaG, if you're going to repeatedly address her, at least spell her name correctly. It's one 's' only. I don't believe she's referring to you as ya know, GAG, as in GAGGGGG me with a spoon or anything, that just wouldn't be nice now ;)

Respect comes full circle.

-- Modified on 12/29/2013 8:21:47 PM

0603450onThe1620 reads

I'm BSC too, how could I forget that one. Or is it BIB is in lust with BCG or.....hmmm, I'm confused. Too many damn codes LMAO. Too funny.  

Happy New Year to all and to all a Good night!

in my neighborhood thats slang for old italian dudes.

I never hung with an fbi {full blooded italian, guy, until I was 26, I had maybe met one or 2 irish italian mix. never an fbi. I grew up being the outcast with very exotic features, in a ALL irish community. Germans dutch flemish scottish mixed in. No full blooded italians. We had half asian half irish in quincy. Then in southi again its not very multi cultural there either. i also lived thier in middle school and high school. There was one or two spanish n black in our high school. As soon as my friend moved here from Miami, in middle school it was all the italians and spanish in quincy at her house, Seemed the italian decent and spanish came together. and stuck together. i found i liked them more than my former all irish crew. Irish guys are suck dicks, With thier scally caps. i cant tell you , they beat women, i got my ass whopped by all irish buys growin up. I remebr one of them would think it was funny to grab me by one leg so i have my heels kick up and fall on my tail bone then he d drag me around through dirt on one foot. I got in so many bloody fist fights with irish guys and girls all through school. They dont call em fightin irish for nothin. Pogue mi hole + gaelic for kiss my irish ass. irish bastards,
 to be exact there s 3,584,827 white
 and 200,000 all other race in quincy. oh and every one is a racist there. all them, even toward them selves, My old friend from andrew square, he had a license plate that said cracker

I never heard her til yesterday got hd cable on my two faltscreen both rooms now! can i get a whuh whuh. { any my client remebr my 1970 huge tv sets i was rockin for so long. aint easy gettin set up from ground up again! { that l teach me to land my ass in state prison for years ever again.
   and dont pm me please telling me to stfu.and that i am scaring away the rich guys that lurk and read all posts, my self worthn isnt based on how much i can make or how many rich dudes i can impress. My close to 200 whitelist of same client who see best in world like hollie of miami. i met all same guys and half them also have lived a life on wild side prior tp thier success as well. Perveying yourself as a flawless perfect human thats never lived through personal struggle dow not equate landing the good clients. so please , just think twice before the masses of you all pm me after tyhis rant telling me what to do cuz your way is superior to my no apologies in your face wild child ways. you know how many successful billionaires have NO APOLOGIES for being imperfect and tell THIER life experience with out shame for being imperfect ? even ray charles had to battle demons, in fact some the more creative people that go down in history have had thier crosses to carry { if it werent for the experimenters of the human psyche and altering it, we wouldnt have sublime, alice in chains, the movie fear and loathing in las vegas, the famous stories of alester crowley and all the orgies he had.
this funny stand up acrt by moms mabley about the garbage strike in ny ages ago- totally funny!

GaGambler1610 reads

I do recall James T Kirk bedding some hotties of several different "non human" races,

As for us humans, I tried counting the number of different countries whose women I had sampled at least once in my life. I counted up to well over fifty before giving up, including virtually every country in this hemisphere with the possible exception of Surname, and maybe one of two of the island countries of the Caribbean.

My goal is to reach at least a hundred different women from hundred different countries all in their native land. If you couldn't tell, I love variety:)

Yes the chick from Triskellion is fookin' hot and got me thru many an episode, but I present to you Seven of Nine.  I really want to know about the bits that are REALLY Borg technology that can twist, spin, develop vacuum levels approaching deep space and apply heat and massage.    

And I hear the back of her head is flat....

Cosette1349 reads

But sometimes I look at my Shih Tzu and think, damn, she's a looker.

And my religion is, Universalism.  

Interesting thread, didn't realize race still such a big issue for some. You are who you are and what you do when you are here is what matters. Everything else is rubbish.

And I am secular enough to have awarded myself the title "World's Worst Jew."  Do I  qualify for some sort of prize?  A stale bagel, perhaps?  But on to your question.
I love all kinds of women.  If she turns me on, she turns me on and it has little to do with the color of her skin.  Variety is the key.  I've been with fewer African women but the few I have played with were gorgeous and hot.  I may be more particular about their looks than others, but it's not connected to prejudice, simply to the "look" I prefer.  Similarly, I've not been with many Asian providers, but one of them is in the running for my ATF.  I also recently sampled Latinas of various national origins (Ticas, Nicas, Columbianas, Panamanians, Dominicanas) and found them to be wonderfully hot in different ways.  Going back soon.

Cosette1476 reads

Meh, what makes you worst? Sometimes I think I'm the world's worst Catholic and then sometimes I think I'm right in line with the core beliefs.

I do hear that Latinas are quite hot, so I'll partake in that reputation! I just won't call you Papi though, that is reserved for the man who helped in creating me. To this day I call him that.

Never had a bris (I'm circumcised but it was done by a Doc.)
Never had a Bar Mitzvah
Wasn't confirmed
Forced my parents to let me drop out of Sunday School after only three years
Don't go to temple
Don't celebrate the High Holy Days, Passover or any Jewish holiday, even Hannukah
Do celebrate Christmas
Was never Kosher and love shellfish and pork
Don't support Israeli policies very often
Can't read or speak Hebrew or Yiddish
Was a lousy student
Am very handy with tools and am good at repairing things
Love fast cars and have owned every German brand there is
If there are any other bad Heebs out there I challenge you to match this lis

Both parents were raised as Jews.  But mom came from a very non-religious background and dad was never religious  either. To the extent my Dad worshiped anything it was fine wine, fast cars and expensive watches and cigars. In fact, when my ex met my family she described them as "the WASPiest Jews I've ever seen."
So you see, I came to my status as Worst Jew in the World honestly.

GaGambler1420 reads

I think that might cancel out most of the very impressive list that you have compiled here. lol

I told that Tica I'd pay her in real Ray Bans.  A better Jew would have planned to give her fake ones made by your "brethren" in China.  Actually, I didn't even tell her I'd pay her in Ray Bans.  I said I'd bring her a pair and she could buy them from me.  But I've re-thought that and may include them as a barter arrangement for a sleep-over.  So that makes it a toss-up as far as "What would the World's Worst Jew do?" LMAO!
Oh, did I mention I knew so little about Jewish prayer when I went to college that when an Italian friend asked me if I'd been "davening" on the High Holy Days I had no clue what the word meant.

GaGambler1317 reads

So the vote really is still out as to whether or not you are the worlds "worst jew"

I am most likely the worlds worst chink, I have been to Thai Temple, but never to a Chinese one, the one thing I came away from after going to Thai Temple is that the food is fucking delicious. I will confess, I never went inside the actual temple.

We must return to that Chink beanery in San Jose.  Damn good eats.

GaGambler1375 reads

and yes you are right, the food is great.

with any other intention than to eat same?

... black men have huge dicks.  As you yorself said your sample is small. So how many black men with huge dicks have you fucked. 10, 100, 1000, 1,000,000. There are literally a billion black people in the world so lets say half are men.  And from your tiny sample you announce to the TER community that this stereotype is true. Give it up.  

-- Modified on 12/29/2013 12:58:45 PM

-- Modified on 12/29/2013 1:12:57 PM

-- Modified on 12/29/2013 1:13:50 PM

Cosette1669 reads

1. Ample doesn't equal huge, but given that the average is 5.5" they have been above average.

2. Untwist your panties, it helps.

GaGambler1487 reads

but even I took her statement as she intended, a simple statement of her own experiences. I can't find any fault with that. I have noticed that "on average" asian women have smaller vaginas, but that doesn't mean that I haven't had tight and loose from women of all different races. and my sample size is a rather large one.

Anecdotal observations are just that, anecdotal. Untwisting your panties is most likely good advice.

Cosette1467 reads

And I didn't even say it was a preference for me, I'm pretty damn tight so I've become accustomed to drinking 3 glasses of wine if I will be having a date with someone I believe is of ample size. But I'd say when the sample size is more than 20 and not a one has been below the "average" size, what can you possibly think?

Cosette said, and I quote, "I have found that the stereotype that black men have ample size and girth is quite true (you're probably thinking duh, but I wasn't sure when I started), granted mine is a small sample size but I continue researching and finding that it is true. ".  

Not only is she confirming this stereotype her aside of "you're probably thinking duh" implies that anyone who didn't already know that is, like, duh. Sorry Gambler. That part of the post is stupid and deserves no support. She says she fucked over 20 black men who were larger than avg. there are a half a billion black men on earth.

-- Modified on 12/29/2013 1:26:20 PM

GaGambler1557 reads

and that she really was never exposed to the variety of different races that some of us take for granted.  Her statement of "duh..." might be taken that way, but truth be told I think she is just congratulating herself on her being so newly open minded to have fucked twenty black guys in the first place. I bet you there was a time in her life that she never would have considered it. (well a small bet perhaps, this is pure speculation on my part)

If you want to give her flak, that might be a better place to start. As I said, I enjoy bashing Cosette. lmao

Truth be told, I think Cosette is simply spreading her wings and embracing her newly found expansion of her horizons. Maybe I am in too good a mood today, but I don't have it in me to burst her bubble today. Maybe if I lose a few football bets I might have a change of heart, but that's my take at the moment.

Making all kinds of excuses for Cosette. That's ok. But... are you in a good enough mood to pay to fuck her next time you are in the Big Apple.

-- Modified on 12/29/2013 2:09:55 PM

Cosette1514 reads

And I don't equate wanting to fuck me with liking me. Paying to fuck me isn't the ultimate compliment.

GaGambler1448 reads

Actually after reading WOW comments, i take it all back. You were right and I was wrong, and I humbly beg your forgiveness.

It's actually a good thing that I have a decade of posts proving I am not a mangina, or some asshole just like me would be coming out of the woodwork to call me one for my last couple of posts lmao I apologize to you once again, and assure you that I have come back to my senses. lol

I gotta say, I haven't noticed black men having larger-than-average equipment. Nor have I noticed Asian guys to be stereotypically smaller.  

In fact, the biggest dick I've ever seen is attached to one of my favorite clients - a scrawny, 26-year-old, white kid. I call him "Howitzer."

they're always attached to the scrawny ones, LOL. Strip the baggy clothes and underwear and aha! Fuck you, I'm hung like a horse mutha' fuckah'!

I agree, BCG. I'm half Asian. When anyone asks about they stereotype of small dicks, I just say I'm Asian from the waist up. It works because I'm good at math too!

Nothing makes my ladyboner go apeshit faster than a Hapa. GIMME.  

Posted By: JawKnee36
I agree, BCG. I'm half Asian. When anyone asks about they stereotype of small dicks, I just say I'm Asian from the waist up. It works because I'm good at math too!

And by connect I mean fuck in the sack and also good pleasant conversation afterwards...

95% of the girls I have seen have been white.
4% of the girls Hispanic
1% of the girls have been Black, Asian etc..

My connection with girls of Indian origin is dismal..Really bad...

So when I am about to spend my hard earned money, I start out looking for white women. If someone of other race comes along that has good personality that comes through in talking with her, and has decent reviews (to get the general idea), I will definitely consider seeing her.

I like watermelon, fried chicken and being shiftless and lazy.

Nah, I really don't like watermelon don't know why.  Never have.

Fried chicken I can take it or leave it.

But I do love being shiftless and lazy.


I do have a big dick but I attributed more to stretching from jacking off than race:)


-- Modified on 12/29/2013 11:25:13 AM

-- Modified on 12/29/2013 11:54:23 AM

LMAO at this video "My penis is 4.2 inches when erect..." http://kramersforum.com/forum/showthread.php?15971-Black-Man-With-Small-Penis-Speaks-Out-Against-Racial-Stereotypes-VIDEO

And here's a forum with black men speaking out about the stereotype.....

To your OP, I've never viewed this work as a way to explore different races, maybe because I have already done so in RL. I just see my clients as clients and that's it; and I definitely don't use their race to confirm stereotypes, because there's always someone who goes against any oversimplified idea of an entire group people.

Cosette1590 reads

I admit, I do view it as a way to explore different things, sexually, racially, emotionally, whatever it is, yes, I never explored anything but a nerdy white hipster whom I loved. From 18-28 I was in a more or less monogamous relationship. There's always exceptions, definitely, but there's also constants.

toofuckingstupid1419 reads

-- Modified on 12/29/2013 3:52:12 PM

-- Modified on 12/29/2013 5:56:11 PM

-- Modified on 12/29/2013 6:22:02 PM

"Racial prejudice is such a stupid waste of time.  Because there are so many good reasons to hate people on an individual basis."

melting pot of many different races so I have no preference of provider nationality. I enjoy a variety of women, which is why I have been with many different nationalities and will continue to do so. I am working to DATY more nationalities than the United Nations. ;P

89Springer1342 reads

I see gorgeous African American, Asian and Latino women everywhere, and think about spending time with them.

When it comes time to contact someone, though, I go with a white woman. I have about as little racism in me as most any guy from my generation, so it's not that. There might be a bit of white guilt when it comes to African American women, as I'm sensitive to what happened to many when they came to America in the 1600's through 1800's.  

Mostly, though, I think it's just a product of pop culture, i.e. Playboy, movies, etc. The women marketed to me as sexy when I was growing up were white.  

Now that I'm free to experiment, I'll have to let some of those inhibitions go.

hooking up with a Chinese gal he contacted over the phone. (It was based on her name alone.  It turned out she wasn't Chinese at all, but that's besides the point.)  His friend Elaine accused Jerry of being racist.  Jerry retorted:  How is it racist if you LIKE the person's race?

I've never exactly come to grips with that form of thinking, but I do admit that at one time anyways, I did take into account the race of the person when selecting whom I would meet, at least to some extent.  Overall, however, once the novelty wore off, there was no real difference between seeing a gal of one race or another.

Now I don't let it influence me at all.

Second latino, unsure exact kind but latina, third girlfriend, half black half native american, several girls after all hot thick black women. I have fourn i like latina and black women. By a landslide better. I even more so prefer the thicker black or mixed is acceptable. I dont know why. I know with men chubby to obese is all I like too. I hate guys who are average weight or worse zero body fat and all wiry. thick to chubby to outright fat , is so cute. The personality that goes with it is more what i like. Every guy on the thin side or outright wiry. i never can with stand thier personalities. They are always annoying. I like fat relaxed  guys that are going to be calming and not arrogant. Nothing worse than a 50 year old whos ribs show who lifts weights once a month, and is so high strung and agro , and worse when they think they are actually hot because thier ribs show and they have no ass.  
which is always the case with the skinny/fat guys, They always think they are like so great and that is a huge turn off especially when your grossed out by them and they are sitting there acting like they think they are hot and you want to yak. Skinny asian men are cool though, they dont have the same arrogance as skinny white guys . I noticed. Anytime I have trouble impressing a client its always a wiry , old white guy. I have had a fw even rip out pics of thier girlfriends to show me, whom were 103 lb models. I was like ok, so your showing me this to let me know you get girls way hotter than me for free in real life????
and that was thier disposition when showing me too, as if to say hey I am cool in real life angel look . The worst is skinny guys with huge dicks that cant cum, and think I am going to be happy. Give me a fat guy with a normal libido whos  goning to treat me like a princessd and be thrilled just to be with me over some wiry arrogant pric who thinks I should be excited that he cant be satisfiedf. The last thing Zi want is to have to pop a motrin after an appt cuz the guy was so annoying and dis satisfied. The worst was a guy recently saying he was sisaponted n that i wasnt like reviews say. Then talks about the last appt he did and how much fun it was cuz they put his dick in a cage and laughed at him.

mouth, a self proclaimed woman of god, . and all my fathers friends or a few i have heard straight out ripping on other races, and all my friends using slander and stuff growing up. I believe nthat plays a part in my wanting to do the forbidden like only have black women as my lovers. My mother uses slander dike freely. what better to cause an uproar then to bring home my bbw black girlfriend, then not only am i rocking the boat with lesbianism but also interacial relationships. If this is being wrong then i dont wanna be right.

Hieronymus1428 reads

Angel, you are a National Treasure to behold as you pour your heart out on this GD Board. I don't always understand your vocabulary but I always get your message. Please keep them coming

tg_baby1603 reads

I believe that stereotypes have their place (there are a few stereotypes that I exemplify)...but, I've also seen WAY too many exceptions to the rule, to put stock in any kind of generalization.  

In the past, I've had very bad experiences with men from cultures who are not traditionally respectful of women. However, just because a man is originally from one of those areas...that tells me nothing of his upbringing or personal value system. Some people are cosmopolitan, some people are regressive and narrow-minded...that goes for any place on earth, including New York, NY. I'll go by the vibe I get from his emails, not his last name or stated race (which I do not ask for or feel that I need to know).  

My background (mostly northern European) is so muddled that I really can't claim any affiliation...I enjoy meeting all types of people. I'm fascinated by people who are a different from me, in upbringing, race, or whatever.

spend time with, I do not use race as a factor. If I am attracted to a provider, I am attracted to the provider without race being in the mix. Yes, I have had wonderful experiences with women of many races; can't say "all" because there are many, many, many, races.

There's a famous line from Fiddler on the Roof where Tevya looks up to heaven and exclaims:

I know that you have selected us as your chosen people, but couldn't you choose someone else sometime?

Another term for Chosen is MOTT, short for Member of the Tribe!

Posted By: anonymousfun
What is chosen men?  

Race does not matter if I am attracted to the person or I am lusting after that person. I have never dated anyone in civil life or otherwise on the basis of race or ethnicity.  

If you like a person, attracted to that person, does it matter? To me it does not.

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