TER General Board

But are we only talking about p4p dates?
RespectfulRobert 27 reads

Do real world dates, for lack of a better term, not count in your definition? That is why this whole determination of what is, and what is not "low volume" is really absurd, respectfully. For example, if a girl has 3 p4p dates in a week, but has sex with 4 different guys over the course of that same week in her personal life, would she still qualify as low volume to you?
I am not making fun of you just pointing out how impossible it is to ever know what the girls actual "volume" is to determine if she is low or high. This is why I truly don't care about it as I could never know the full truth anyway.  
As far as one hour dates go, are you familiar what many of those cost these days? For example, I just did a search on Tr*st for NYC and there are well over 250 girls who charge at least $1000 for just that one hour (many higher).
Using your definition, those girls could have 4, one hour dates a week and make 4-6k that week, which is potentially $300k for the year, and yet you would consider her low volume.  
I just think it is fruitless to go down this road but just my 2 cents. Thanks for your thoughts on this.

Does anyone else feel the term low volume provider is often used to justify less business because of a higher rate? I struggle to buy it if a provider is willing to accept a one hour booking. If you want to be low volume and make better connections, only taking multiple hour bookings would be more believable.  I might be more inclined to see someone high end if she felt a price point was where it was worth her time, but it was coupled with a 3 hour booking. There’s not a lot more you can do with one hour at a higher price than some of the competitors at lower prices. If you’re not going to see multiple clients in the same day, then why even bother with offering one hour?

RespectfulRobert32 reads

I have yet to hear any real precise definition of the term so it is absolutely meaningless to me.

Steve_Trevor29 reads

but generally I’d say it’s no more than 3 to 4.  

It probably doesn’t mean the same thing to everyone, so it’s fair to ask anyone using it what it means to them. For me, no more than one client in a day, and no more than 3-4 in a week would be low volume. This is why I feel one hour appointments don’t make a lot of sense for a true low volume provider.

RespectfulRobert28 reads

Do real world dates, for lack of a better term, not count in your definition? That is why this whole determination of what is, and what is not "low volume" is really absurd, respectfully. For example, if a girl has 3 p4p dates in a week, but has sex with 4 different guys over the course of that same week in her personal life, would she still qualify as low volume to you?
I am not making fun of you just pointing out how impossible it is to ever know what the girls actual "volume" is to determine if she is low or high. This is why I truly don't care about it as I could never know the full truth anyway.  
As far as one hour dates go, are you familiar what many of those cost these days? For example, I just did a search on Tr*st for NYC and there are well over 250 girls who charge at least $1000 for just that one hour (many higher).
Using your definition, those girls could have 4, one hour dates a week and make 4-6k that week, which is potentially $300k for the year, and yet you would consider her low volume.  
I just think it is fruitless to go down this road but just my 2 cents. Thanks for your thoughts on this.

While it is possible, I doubt many providers go on 3-4 dates a week that involves free sex. If we’re talking Sugar Daddy arrangements, those count.

I’m very aware of what they charge. I’m in LA which is comparable to NYC. And you actually helped make my point. I’m saying by doing 1 hour appointments and seeing less clients, they are kind of just using the term to justify seeing lower clients at a higher rate. Most of them probably would not turn down more dates if they got the business. That’s not low volume by choice. That’s low volume because of your rate.

I’m sure there are some that will legitimately turn down multiple dates in a day or too many in a week, but I’m not buying most would turn away 1k+ for a hour if their schedule permits just because they already booked 3-4 appointments that week.

So what I am saying is if low volume is their true reason and goal, then why bother with 1 hour dates? I would buy that line more if she said 2k for 3 hour minimum dates than the 1k for one hour providers.

420Smoka4Eva34 reads

I would say they are differentiating themselves as an independent escort.

If you go to a massage parlor or brothel, there is a good chance a provider can be seeing 5 or more clients a day. That is definitely high volume.  

On the other hand you have providers that require screening and advanced scheduling. They prefer longer dates and usually only see one client a day. These girls are definitely low volume.

While there is no set definition, you know it when you see it. Does it matter? Low volume providers are still having lots of sex with a bunch of different guys.

For many, the rates drive the numbers. Independent providers who charge $400 will draw multiple dates a day, especially if reviewed well and/or marketed well. The dollar amount is especially important for travel ladies. They are booking flights, hotels, Ubers and incurring other additional expenses. If you see one charging $600 or less, they meed to average 2 dates a day to make it worth it. Multiple hour dates count more because in the end it’s about the money brought in and not the number of dates. And TBH, if my interest is a low volume provider, knowing I’m the only she saw that day vs. the chance I’m at the back of a train makes a big difference.

Keep in mind that some ladies have real-life careers and don't need a lot of escort business.  

One lady I have seen is a registered nurse and won't see more than one or two clients a week.  

Every lady is different. And as mentioned there's no standard definition of "low volume".

As Robert said, the word low is very subjective, so “low volume” is meaningless as far as any exact definition. It means whatever the person saying it thinks it means. It’s definitely become a bit of an advertising buzzword. I’m sure there are plenty of ladies who say low volume in their ads but see eight clients a day every day.  

Having said that, I do not think it’s safe to assume that accepting one hour bookings is proof she’s not low volume.  

A lot of women do this as a side gig. They know they could make more per year for the next few years if they invested more time into this industry, but they’re taking the long view and maintaining their “mainstream” careers. To prevent burning out or losing their other job, they’ve created boundaries for themselves regarding how much time and energy they put into THIS job.  

If that’s the case, what’s the point of turning away two dozen people every week because you’ve already met your bookings goals? Once you’ve got an established reputation, you might as well raise your rates until the demand approximates your chosen level of supply.  

Let’s say an incall indie provider decides to spend 5-10 hours per week in session, max. That’s one to two clients per day if she takes one hour bookings. Throw in running ads, managing online presence, responding to inquiries, all the primp, prep and cleanup before & after appointments; you’re looking at a commitment the same as a part time job. At least.  

Also, some women don’t want to commit to spending multiple hours with strangers. They list rates only for 60 minutes, but longer options open up after they get to know you. But they may still spend a pretty limited number of hours in session each week.

If a low volume provider doesn’t accept one hour bookings, she might miss out on some potentially excellent clients if she does not offer one hour sessions. A lot of guys want a one hour session to check out chemistry. They are going to book 2-3 hours with a provider they’ve never been with before.

As far as low volume’s definition? Yes, it’s subjective, but I assume that we are talking about 1-2 clients per day, ~10 appointments per week or less.

I feel the same way. I really would prefer first meetings be one hour. I have had a few quys book multiple hour sessions for the first visit and 3 hours can be a veerrryyy long time if you really don't have a lot in common and things to talk about.  
This is my only job so I do this full time. When I go back over my books I average about 45 to 50 clients a month, so average would be 2 a day, but sometimes one, sometimes none, sometimes 3. I leave an hour in between appointments even when I tour otherwise I think I would become a raging bitch and I would just punch guys in the junk with foam hulk hands if I didn't. Actually maybe I should add that to my BDSM sessions......

I never claimed I was "low volume". And again, this is my full time job.  
The only thing I have ever heard guys have in issue with is gals getting burnt out.  
Now I am not an expert here, but I would think a provider who has another full time job and is working 40-50 hours a week there and then seeing a few clients a week on top of it would be more burnt out than I am for working a total of....
drum roll.....10 hours a week. To each their own, of course.

RespectfulRobert26 reads

He is saying no more than 3-4/wk. You place the threshold at 10/wk. You are approx THREE times higher than his definition! Therein lies the problem. Since everyone could define it so drastically different, the definition of the term is rendered completely meaningless.

And if it is meaningless, than it is just a promotional buzzword, which is really the point I am making.

Robert missed the boat on the definition. It’s  not a meaningless adjective. He cites a difference between 4 and 10 while ignoring the fact that some agency girls are seeing over 50 customers a week.

RespectfulRobert31 reads

My entire point is that it is impossible to define with any accuracy at all, and your post and Zeel's contrasting definitions are just exhibit A in a sea full of possible examples. What agency girls do is totally and completely irrelevant to my point. I am well aware some ladies service that many (50+) clients in a week. No clue as to why you would divert to them and their volume. smh.

You’re ignoring scale. The difference between 4 and 10 pales in comparison to the numbers some high volume providers encounter.

No that doesnt work here because shes not claiming to be low volume.

In my opinion, kgirls are the definition of high volume at five or more sessions per day six days a week. All others are low volume even with occasional days of 3-4 sessions.

If a girl can get higher rates, more power to her! It means she can work a little less and make the same money. Thats my goal as well!

For me one hour is just the right amount of time to play!  As a one shot guy, I do not need to pay for extra time to chat! Also, I do not want to spend more time with a girl who is not attractive and sexy to me. Therefore 1+ hour introductory sessions are an automatic non-starter. Same with mandatory one hour plus bookings. I rarely do sessions  more than an hour! I would opt for two one hours sessions instead!

OlympicGold32 reads

They’re trying to say you won’t get VD from them

The low volume is because the hobbyists want to pay a "CRACK WHORE" price. And you can't treat the Provider as a crack whore.

You can't just jump right to Crack Ho. You have to honor the Ho hierarchy.

There's the Classy Ho,
Heidi Ho,
Westward Ho,
Vacation Ho,
Barfly Ho,
Trailer Patk Ho,
Stank Ho,

And only then do you get to the dreaded Crack Ho.  
Protocol, please.

it seems like this is more like the ladder you climbed to get where you are today.  You said a few days ago, you started at a $15 price point with a streetwalker.  


Decisions decisions
And what you think of dick and pussy collisions

worried24 reads

low volume = sugar daddy/whale.  just a guess.  

Low volume doesn’t mean a higher fee . Or does it?  I was thinking, it  meant , not Plenty Of “playtime “ in general. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

Steve_Trevor23 reads

a higher fee. I know some low-volume providers who, as you said, have little “playtime”, due to other jobs or something else, and their fees aren’t what I consider to be high-end. But some low-volume providers make up for the lower volume with higher fees.

on the last part.  "Low volume" providers are often those that have a day job and do this on the side.  They are low volume by necessity, not by choice, but there is nothing wrong with spinning it as a positive for marketing purposes.  Customers have been conditioned to THINK low volume is better, but some of the best providers I have seen were full time and their experience level and skills are high as a result.  Each lady should position themselves in the market in a way that works for their lifestyle and results in a good attitude and an enthusiastic approach to what they do.

As far as fees, I don't think it has much impact on how busy they are.  Rates are usually based on the provider's own perspective on her looks.  DDG girls can charge more, because men are visual creatures.  GND girls may have top skills but can't get the top rates the DDG girls get. It's not necessarily fair, but it's the reality of the business.

I compare myself to the old me, so when I first started in this wonderful industry long ago I would see as many men as possible on any given day. Now, I am a single Super Mamacita raising children solita. I only entertain one, or two new friends per month. If you look at my reviews I have been here on TER for longer, than most & I only have 70 reviews that’s a low # compared to others, and many are repeated longtime friends.  

Like many other working women I have other jobs & am an entrepreneur. I love the thrill this hobby provides. In 2024 I just started offering less, than 2 hour bookings, but I continue to get booked for dinner dates, overnights & get a ways. I prefer longer dates because it works best for my lifestyle. I don’t want to cater to multiple people on any given day this is why I do not tour only fly me to you.

I don’t date in my civie life. I don’t have time to waste. I am the only active parent & the head of my household. I prefer to share my time with those who respect me as a single Mommy. Connection & chemistry is everything to me at 45 years young. When I was in my 20’s all I cared about was your money. 💰 lol Smile for me! Now, I care about compatibility that’s life. Live & learn, but do what’s best for you. No judgement.

Pearl Davis claims that single dads make better parents than single moms.  

"low-volume", but still entertain one or two NEW friends per month, that contradicts what you said about "repeated longtime friends."  If you are successful in KEEPING long-term customers, you would not be here every single day trolling for NEW friends, would you?  Now if you want to tell us most of your long-term customers are so old, they keep dying off on you and have to be replaced, that's an acceptable excuse for the desperation you show here.  

You say "connection and chemistry is everything", but I'm willing to bet that, even if you met a customer with whom you have great connection and chemistry, but he could only afford to pay you $400 an hour, getting your full rate would mean more than the connection and chemistry, am I right?   Lol

 The Provider Volume is low because the Hobbyists want to treat the Providers as a $2.00 Crack Hoe and we are not that.

I think the original LV providers were the ones that had at least a 4hr minimum, often an overnight.  
There are still women around like this but the 2 that I remember the most from way back are Jetset Lara and Annmarie. Can’t recall was JSL’s minimum was but Annmaries was 24hrs.  
I’m going back over 25 years here…maybe 20…and they were about £8k then. On the back of that, several providers sprung up who had 4 hr mins for about £2.5k. Almost all these women flew to men so it was just not possible for them to be doing multiple appointments per day. When the economy was much stronger, demand for them was outstripping supply and they were still only doing 1 a day. Maybe every day but only one a day.  
Is that low volume? Not really to me. 1 or 2 a week would be LV in my books but we all have different views on it  


Posted By: Zeel

Does anyone else feel the term low volume provider is often used to justify less business because of a higher rate? I struggle to buy it if a provider is willing to accept a one hour booking. If you want to be low volume and make better connections, only taking multiple hour bookings would be more believable.  I might be more inclined to see someone high end if she felt a price point was where it was worth her time, but it was coupled with a 3 hour booking. There’s not a lot more you can do with one hour at a higher price than some of the competitors at lower prices. If you’re not going to see multiple clients in the same day, then why even bother with offering one hour?

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