TER General Board

BTW - I made the following suggestion to TERregular_smile
Oldest Fat Fart 634 reads

which I would like them to consider. Weigh its merit and you might decide to forward a similar suggestion as well.

"Suggestion Box ...

One of the other local boards I frequent has a posting feature which I have really learned to enjoy so I wanted to suggest it to TER as well.

If I decide to respond to a thread, that thread goes back to the top of the Board on which it was posted. In this way, you as a reader can always know which threads have additional responses.

Otherwise, you have go down the Board and continuously read if you want to see if someone has responded to a previous post.

Honestly, I rarely read posts that do not appear on the first page of the Board.

In adding this feature, I think it would help keep popular thread alive longer and allow the opportunity for more posts on high interest topics.


OFF :-)

Just a suggestion!

Oldest Fat Fart2973 reads

As I have stated in the past, if an individual doesn't like what someone posts … start a thread. Begin a thread on a topic in which you take pleasure. I don't know how much you contribute nor do I feel obliged to weigh its relevance or significance to this Board because what I think in that regard is inconsequential. What is important and what I will encourage you and anyone else to do is post because from such this Board draws the essence of its continuance.  

As to your dislikes and comments about my posts in the “wholesome” thread, I do contribute topics on occasion. However having perused the Boards for a couple of years now, there are rarely any new posts that draw my attention only because I have read the topic in some form or another many, many times. Many of the same topics seem to be iterated, as if they were new, every six weeks or so.

It is hard to think of a relevant topic that has not been discussed over and over (i.e. shaving ... who's your favorite ... STD's ... my wife found out ... etc). A simple search of this Board will demonstrate this statements veracity.

As for me it will come as no surprise, my preference runs toward beautiful pics and the opportunity to share them with those of a similar ilk of enjoyment. I am a “closet hobbyist” so the Boards I frequent and the providers I see are the only places I have to share these amusements … thus I post pics. I will also contend that there are many on this Board who thoroughly enjoy the posts. Simply look at the number of viewers for proof.

All these things said, I save a few pictures each day as I meander the net and toss'em up here for whomever's amusement. Consequently, if you see the name OFF, there will probably be a picture attached.

If you choose ... pass on by!


Unrelated Gratuitous Boobiage Photo

to be somewhat correlative with sunspot activity (much in line with global temperature variation).  What our crack research team has found (here at the legion of poon) is that shaving has a cycle of about every eight weeks with an after peak of about 2 weeks, while my SO found out has a periodicity of about 7 weeks with no follow-on minor peak.  

The all time favorite of how to contact an escort, screening etc is more frequent with a periodicity of approximately every 3 weeks or so....  When the harmonics of each of these peak at the same time, the board usually blows a vacuum tube or something.....  causing TER to be out....  and that causes a TER complaint cycle which usually lasts about 2 weeks.... and then goes away for about 12 weeks....

We are working on a probability equation that will predict when a totally new topic will be introduced to the board, such that we can just ignore the board... until the new topic arrises....   but alas, that seems to tax our statistician....  we will report the results of that as soon as we can get our chaos person off the gloabal climate change issue.....  (well, he is on thin ice on that one....)

so sayeth it in the Bible (Ecclesiastes?)

Yet, I find the topics interesting nevertheless.  Maybe it's because there's a newbie posting who hasn't seen it yet and maybe they'll have a new take on some kind of insight we haven't seen before.

Maybe it's because the topics are interesting and deserve Talmudic study.

Maybe it's because my mind is old and can't remember the last time.

Whatever, it's all good.

Well, as I said in the prior thread, which you could have replied to instead of creaing another new thread - you have at least improved over your previous spam fests under your previous alias 'visual viagra'. And I certainly don't object to your posts on principle either. Notice, I've never said a word before. But when almost half the posts on the front page are nothing but your half hearted attempts at "discussion" in the interest of posting yet another series of pics of naked women, it gets old, and it gets tiring. Threads that are still being actively commented on wind up getting pushed to the next page.

So as was suggested under your old alias, try, if it is possible to keep the posts spaced out enough so that we aren't seeing a first page that is all OFF, all the time. Why so defensive about that??

TER should have a discussion group of "what if these women were to provide...."  since OFF or VV never provide info as to who the ladies are, how to contact them or even if they are providers....

This just strikes me as somewhat selfserving... and while I do appreciate the photos... they are disruptive to the flow of info... and I like them better on the reviewers only board... where they seem to go better....

Seriously although I posted in jest above about the repeated topics... sometimes we do have new stuff.... HPV vaccine....  for one.  Another?  the recent deaths... and so on.  All good topics that make the board worth reading.  And every now and then - there is a new way of presenting information to the board.. or a new perspective - such as the wife - on here to try to understand the need for her husband to hobby (or just read the boards... depending on who you believe...).

yea, not so bad.

Oldest Fat Fart695 reads

I chose to reply like this because I hadn't read the thread in several days and it was likely you would not have seen it.

The posts may grow old and tiring for you but as I mentioned there are a large variety of readers and not all share your tastes. And, if the posts force others to the next page they will still when you get ready to read them.

With regard to postings, if I were to post two threads per day it would still take most of the threads several days to get off the first page and by then they have usually run their course.

With regard to "half-hearted attempts", they weren't half-hearted they were what they were posts of pics. The "wholesome" thread was a valid question regardless of your thoughts. I don't know how much time you spend looking at any type of photography but you can look at 100 pictures before you find one that is well taken.

In the same way it is interesting to me that a lady or man can be portrayed from different vantage points and poses and because of those  poses you can garner a completely different opinion of that person.

Your pics are a perfect example of that.

Thanks for your response,


BTW - Visual Viagra is not my alias!

Unrelated Gratuitous Boobiage Photo

-- Modified on 8/27/2007 2:46:21 PM

-- Modified on 8/28/2007 6:42:19 AM

that the posts I have already read are no longer highlighted so i have to reread stuff which wastes my time.
 I would prefer a forum for photos and leave the discussion forums for discusssions. There are plenty of porn sites all over the web, this is the only place I have found that has reasonable discussion  at least some of the time.

Oldest Fat Fart237 reads

time stamp on the post!

-- Modified on 8/28/2007 6:43:40 AM

a highlight which is why we have highlights.
Why don't you campaign for a place to put your photos so that audience can see them and not inflict them on everyone else?

Oldest Fat Fart1912 reads

Here. If I chose to campaign, it would be for having the most recent posts regardless of the thread appear at the top of the Board a function which I have seen work very effectively on another Board.

However, if it is an issue for you ... posting pic that is ... make it your own campaign.

BTW - Thanks for the post

OFF :-)

Unrelated Gratuitous Boobiage Photo

myfavoriteDILF!!!441 reads

...this post/photo could be copied to the extent that it was on every post of every thread on the entire front page, and I'd click on each of the posts one at a time working my way down to page 2 and not complain one bit.  And if it were on every post on every thread on page 2 as well?  So much the better!

OFF is THE man!!!

Oldest Fat Fart635 reads

which I would like them to consider. Weigh its merit and you might decide to forward a similar suggestion as well.

"Suggestion Box ...

One of the other local boards I frequent has a posting feature which I have really learned to enjoy so I wanted to suggest it to TER as well.

If I decide to respond to a thread, that thread goes back to the top of the Board on which it was posted. In this way, you as a reader can always know which threads have additional responses.

Otherwise, you have go down the Board and continuously read if you want to see if someone has responded to a previous post.

Honestly, I rarely read posts that do not appear on the first page of the Board.

In adding this feature, I think it would help keep popular thread alive longer and allow the opportunity for more posts on high interest topics.


OFF :-)

Just a suggestion!

Trooper2512 reads

Dear OFF, Its all good! even though I should bich
slap you, for taunting us with these wonderful

Your contributions are a welcome sight!
As well, I think that everyones contribution is
welcome also.
Positive posts do in fact take the grey out of the day, and give one a reason to smile!

after a long day at the office I get a kick out of some of your photo post with comments.  Obviously a lot of us enjoyed and commented on the wholesome shots.  And if the girl in the top left photo is a provider someone needs to shoot me a PM now so I can take Ms. M of Madison up on her offer.  That session would have to produce some really good shots for all!
Thanks again.

where are the photos of gaping stretched sphincters and cavernous colons aching to be prodigiously penetrated.

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