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Boris was just a pimp. Eom
micktoz 41 Reviews 247 reads

Posted By: mrfisher
I'm not sure what what they do or what the pay scale is, but you have to admit it sounds good.

I've met several full time providers who's  biggest challenge is to develop and maintain an IRL relationship without having a real job to substantiate the lifestyle they lead. Some ideas I've shared that might allow them to disappear as needed are Real Estate Sales, massage and/or physical therapist and jockeys. Ok, ixnay the jockey idea.  

What other endeavors might allow a provider cover for her clandestine desire to provide while starting a career AND be in a relationship.  

Cell phones have really complicated this. Btw, I'm not one who believes a relationship is nurtured by a lie.  

-- Modified on 4/13/2017 4:52:20 PM

-- Modified on 4/13/2017 5:30:59 PM

Make up artist, nanny, trainer, hairstylist, interior designer, recruiter, substitute teacher, private tutor, web designer, film assistant, so many things can be used as a cover.  

I've never understood how it's so hard to pick one

I like the tutor answer. Not impossible to pick one but hard to maintain cover on a day to day.
I could develop a teacher fantasy quite easily

John_Laroche477 reads

Crime scene clean-up!

Your suggestions are typically day/early evening jobs and require special training and/or license.

A couple of providers I have met were also product reps. They'd a have certain number of hours that they needed to be in a retail store or client office for demo's etc... but it seemed pretty flexible and some also traveled.

Any perspective long term partners know about what I do before they meet me. I find no shame in what it is I do, as I pay my bills, taxes, and donate a sizable portion of my income to charity, as well as work as a crossing guard at my local school when I'm not on tour. Beside getting dicked down for a living, i try to be active in my community and a part of it. If you never hide it in the first place, it never becomes a problem in the future.

I'm not sure what what they do or what the pay scale is, but you have to admit it sounds good.

Posted By: mrfisher
I'm not sure what what they do or what the pay scale is, but you have to admit it sounds good.

You can be honest with. I am a terrible liar and also an open book lol. Take me or leave me but sure as hell not lying about what I do. Lol.

-- Modified on 4/13/2017 10:34:24 PM

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