TER General Board

blurred boundaries?
Katie_krush See my TER Reviews 702 reads

Personally I've never been a sugar baby, but it seems to be much more personal than being a provider...I'm much more comfortable with being a provider, but to each their own.

How do you feel about sugar babies vs providers?  Pros and cons? Is one really better than another? I'm really curious on your opinions on this as being a sugar baby becomes more main stream.

it is more cost effective, provides more definitive service levels, and preserves both flexibility and variety.....

but then the reason I hobby in addition to my private life is primarily for variety  

some of the type who are very much into the GFE fantasy thing might just love a sugar baby....

Umm sorry to step in and correct you on this, but
a stay at home wife, is raising The Children, which are Her children just as much as they are His children.

hotplants1063 reads

I'll  keep that in mind the next time I see a guy on a fuck-board refer to 'stay-at-home-wives' as SB's, while he's out fucking strange, and she's home taking care of the kids.  

I'll be sure to remind him that the children she's raising are hers too.

No. Really. You've enlightened me.

With just about every post, you have to say something ugly about hookers and now non hookers. If you dislike/hate women that much why not own it. If you have been hurt or rejected, see a therapist.

Even a man hating bitch like me can see logic and even back up the odd guy. You just flail away at the ladies.  

And as for your comment, hotplants said it better than I could, but I will add that I am sure that is exactly how you feel about your mother or any mother staying home to look after her kids which is a 24/7/365 job. So she earns whatever she gets.

Or maybe you really are as stupid and ignorant as you sound

You come on here nearly every day with the same thinly-veiled rage, which you usually attempt to conceal under the guise of supposed "humor". It's incredibly transparent and honestly kind of sad, no matter how many times you sprinkle your rants with "lol" and smiley faces. If you just owned it, we'd be a lot more sympathetic towards you.

I guess he thinks us hookers are too dumb to see his "humor" for what it really is. Yep sadder than a john in a whorehouse who gets a refusal from every hooker.

NewEnglandGangsta788 reads

You started in this hobby,  what a year ago?  And you come here acting like you know it all.  That's what I find absolutely funny. A newbie provider giving the veterans advice.  Isn't that special? My thinly veiled humor? I am making fun of the stupidity,  nativity,  ludicrousness, and the hypocrisy. I am obviously not for you as you seem to have trouble accepting brutally honest views of people. That's the way of the new englanders,  we are honest that's how we help our peers and stay successful.  You and your friend are too big for me anyway,  I don't need your sympathy but thank you for the offer. Quick question though, why is it always the large girls on this board who have attitude problems? Ever notice that connection? But alas there's hope for us. Just because I don't find you attractive the least bit doesn't mean we can't be friends though. I mean,  how can we be lovers if we can't be friends?  

Your thoughts,  if any?  :

Somehow I doubt that Tobi is going to be crushed by your lack of attraction to her any more than she is going to be weeping in a corner after your attack of "brutal honesty".  

I'm not sure how you came by the idea that your opinions and thoughts carry weight.  Making self-important and otherwise douche-y comments on a message board does not a "Gangsta" make

Posted By: NewEnglandGangsta
You started in this hobby,  what a year ago?  And you come here acting like you know it all.  That's what I find absolutely funny. A newbie provider giving the veterans advice.  Isn't that special? My thinly veiled humor? I am making fun of the stupidity,  nativity,  ludicrousness, and the hypocrisy. I am obviously not for you as you seem to have trouble accepting brutally honest views of people. That's the way of the new englanders,  we are honest that's how we help our peers and stay successful.  You and your friend are too big for me anyway,  I don't need your sympathy but thank you for the offer. Quick question though, why is it always the large girls on this board who have attitude problems? Ever notice that connection? But alas there's hope for us. Just because I don't find you attractive the least bit doesn't mean we can't be friends though. I mean,  how can we be lovers if we can't be friends?  
 Your thoughts,  if any?  :)  

NewEnglandGangsta695 reads

I think we'd get along well baby,  just make sure you get a hotel room that's nice and clean. Fluffy girls have nice set of titties that bounce all over the place when we go at it. I think it's hot.  

I'm sure your clients are mostly gangsta type right?  Them thugs love thick white girls.

CubaGooding_Sr703 reads

And you are one blind mfker!

hotplants610 reads

Tobi is not thick---she obviously intelligent. And, she's sure as hell not fat.

But I love the way you run back to the "veterans" label in an attempt to boost your credibility: as if more time in P4P somehow diminishes the inane gibberish you tend to spew under your alias. Maybe you do intend it all as a joke, but it doesn't appear many others share your humor. Anyway, if you're referring to Tobi as a "large girl," either your visual acuity is on a par with your outlook on mothers, or she's done one helluva job of altering the photos on her web site!

NewEnglandGangsta620 reads

You're obviously a newbie yourself, like your friend RT. It was only a matter of time before one of her white knights came to her rescue. Help yourselves back to the newbie board,  it would help you and Tobi the know-it-all Chubford greatly in the long run.

Last I heard, lots of ganstas in lily-white, patrician New England. Must be a lonely existence. Bet you have a lot of street cred with the Astors, the Vanderbilts, the Walker_Bushes, et al. By the way, how's your cousin Daryl, and his brother Daryl?

I may know my issues, you have yet to even admit to yours, hence your posts. So the others that were annoyed by your crap have issues too or is it just me you decided to comment on?

Women should always be able to stay home raise the kinds and take care of the other domestic issues.

Single mothers shouldn't be required to work at all. When they are the only one who is available to watch after their child.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
With just about every post, you have to say something ugly about hookers and now non hookers. If you dislike/hate women that much why not own it. If you have been hurt or rejected, see a therapist.  
 Even a man hating bitch like me can see logic and even back up the odd guy. You just flail away at the ladies.  
 And as for your comment, hotplants said it better than I could, but I will add that I am sure that is exactly how you feel about your mother or any mother staying home to look after her kids which is a 24/7/365 job. So she earns whatever she gets.  
 Or maybe you really are as stupid and ignorant as you sound.  

Go figure.  Brilliant logic from the Meth Lab of Democracy.  
A while back I went to the Uberlords with the brilliant idea of a SB sub-category, but it was shot down in flames.  

So where do you draw the line between two folks that prefer each other's company and work out special arrangements, vs. the SB/SD, besides huge dollars?   Is the SB/SD arrangement totally 100% exclusive?

I know you can come up with lots of descriptions, but at the end of the day, isn't it all the same?

Or another variation of a wife... OK for when I am no longer on the move.

Just my opinion of course....

Personally I've never been a sugar baby, but it seems to be much more personal than being a provider...I'm much more comfortable with being a provider, but to each their own.

NewEnglandGangsta767 reads

Sugarbabies are technically in an "exclusive relationship" with the guy.  Sometimes it involves bare back sex too.  

A cheating sugarbaby would not be in an exclusive relationship. It's not uncommon for a sugarbaby to have another boyfriend while she's taking money from the sugardaddy. It this case it's unfair for the sugar daddy and she's just taking advantage of him.  

But as long as the sugar daddy is getting what he wants out of it, nobody is really "hurt"... especially if the sugar daddy also has a wife.  

Either way, as long as he's supporting her, it's an ongoing relationship and the boundaries of a client/provider relationship crumble down pretty quickly after a certain amount of time and comfort has become established.

for the easily deluded.

  The simple premise of a woman seeking "security" in a "mate" is by strict definition "prostituting" themselves.

sugar babies are seeking "yes" women. They want young, naive ladies who look up to them and have a limited life outside of them. I had a few offers in my early 20s, but none worked out because I just didn't like having to answer to anyone. Part of the reason I never liked "normal" jobs- hate having to kiss ass to someone I don't necessarily respect. The guys who wanted this relationship were not pleased with my independent nature. SD/SB was just another committed relationship I wanted no part of in the end.

Everything you've stated fits me to a T!!!!!! Being an SB sucked I hated it, old men with power issues and delusions of grandeur is the whole sugar bowl pretty much -.-  

Hobbyist are much better (not to say the two worlds don't intersect they do..)

knows where they stand and what's expected of them! In the SD/SB world, there are lots of assumptions. And the negotiation thing- eck. Not for me at all!

And towards the end of my working life before my two year hiatus, I was noticing that the guys on those SD sites were mostly trying to game the ladies. It was like a high school thing: how many women could you get into bed for free from that site? I heard they even had yahoogroups teaching each other tricks on how to do that.  

I just prefer everything to be as crystal clear as possible. :)

and what they want.

It's like asking what's better:  A sports car or an SUV?  There's a market for both, and everything in between as well.

Some hobbyists like to settle on one gal for a while rather than keep looking for a different gal all the time.  For them a SD relationship can make financial and social sense.

Myself, I like to keep a group of regulars and then venture forth and meet a few new gals here and there.  I find it invigorating.

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