TER General Board

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 68 reads

I am thinking it may be period blood if you notice it often. Remember we are bloody creatures 1/4 of the month!!!!  

I've had a few encounters where while having intercourse upon pulling out, I've noticed a little blood on condom, is that due to periods or could I have hit something awkwardly and caused a little pain?  Providers have not really said anything and I guess I didn't either.  Curious why this would happen?

Whenever i gave my annual obgyn exam and they do a pap smear on my cervix i spot a little bit, very normal, u probably hit her cervix

Ok, thanks, it's happened with a few providers and past gfs.  Is there a way to avoid it or minimize it happening?

Make sure you use a good lube and no, it is not because she is naturally wet that the protection to the fragile tissue there is protected from micro tear...Using a good lube especially with condom will protect her...

I am thinking it may be period blood if you notice it often. Remember we are bloody creatures 1/4 of the month!!!!  

I have an IUD and that happens to me. It could be the reason.

Who work straight through their period using a sponge.  

I'm at that magical age where my schedule which used to be super regular can surprise me with spotting or just starting whenever it feels like it.  
 so that can happen also.  
If you did any finger banging, of course always make sure you trim your nails.

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