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Being independent is a large factor. Since she is very popular, the adoration she got from ...
A Spectator 3142 reads

successful men is also very addicting.  Even civilians love to be the focus of attentions.

BadPuppy4905 reads

I had a very interesting phone call today from a young provider (25) who I have seen several times over the past six months.  She is quite popular and when she gets local reviews on our e-mail groups her phone rings off the hook.

After some chit-chat she told me she has been seriously thinking of quiting.  She lives on and off with a doctor in his early forties, never been with him as a client, but he knows what she does and told her if she would quit they could be together and she knows he can more than take care of her financially.

She told me she has tried to quit but just can't do it.  She loves, and I mean loves sex and says she can't give up the rush of being with different men.  Especially meeting new men.  I told her she sounds a lot like me and if we men could make a living at this most of us would try being providers.  However I realized the successful providers are really good at sex so I guess a lot of us guys wouldn't do very well.

But I was wondering if this is very common and if any of you gals don't want to give up the rush you get from being with different men.  If money wasn't a issue would you want to remain being a provider?  Have any of you tried to quit but decided not to because you missed the rush?

-- Modified on 10/20/2003 11:54:14 PM

It's not just enjoying the sex. In my opinion (and from discussions) some of the issue comes from an "addiction" to independence.

Sure some guy might be able to support you, but then you are dependent.

As somebody (though a man) who was independent from a very early age, I know I would go through a lot rather than give it up. And I both understand and respect this in providers.

The sex is, for many, a performance bonus (and the endorphins aren't bad either). But consider that in the complexities of human psychology, sex is also a form of assertion of (or sometimes celebration of or even vindication of) independence. Remember being a teenager? The ability to offer your body is a very powerful confirmation of independence. Even submissive providers can dominate through submission! :-)

YMMV, of course.

A Spectator3143 reads

successful men is also very addicting.  Even civilians love to be the focus of attentions.

Carrie of London3793 reads

Your friend will be giving up her financial independence as well as the thrill she gets from the sex.  Being financial dependent on the guy may be fine for her at the moment but she also has to think how she will stand if things start to go wrong and she is relying on him for money.

The thrill of meeting new men is a great one.  Sometimes the sex is pretty average but spending the afternoon or evening with somebody with the anticipation of what it might be like is very exciting.  When it works good, it's great.  Having great sex with somebody you've only just met is a real added thrill.

It's also extremely satisfying to know your partner has genuinely enjoyed themselves.  It really adds to the buzz of the whole encounter :)

dreamer2911 reads

The rush will always be there. The rush of love and safety given and returned may not, and she may wind up  another shadow on a barstool.
   If someone who smoked said the same thing, we wouldn't think the same thing would we? And she can always go back.

expescort3790 reads

and I haven't quit.  I did cut back and traveled a bit.
I bought a lot of lingerie and toys, but nothing, for me,
beats the thrill of having someone, old client or new,
paying me.  I don't believe that we are made to be
monogomous, but even if we were, it would be hard to give it up after doing this for as long as I have.  The sex is great and the guys are on their best behaviour and I love them all.!

TiffaniXXX3465 reads

I received a rather large amount of $$ in a breech of contract dispute (regarding another occupation) and haven't thought twice about quitting this biz.

I hate to say it, but $100K isn't enough to make ends meet these days to retire (at least to live the way I wish).....ya need a million or two, IMO.

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