TER General Board

Been held for questioning twice.
DT_lover 188 Reviews 173 reads

Both times I said nothing and was released after about an hour.  Both times they took my phone, which they are not allowed to do.

One time I walked into a sting operation.  Was very lucky I said nothing because they really wanted info out of me.

The other was because the provider had extended her stay and not paid for the room...and said the wrong things when there was a knock on the door.  Got a parking ticket because my car was at a meter.

Since concern about LE is a common theme on many of these boards, I was wondering how many of us have actually come face to face with LE as a result of our hobbying?   This would only include the gals we met through the internet, not SWs or MPs.

I've met well over a hundred gals from the net over the last 15 years, and had nary a brush with the  blue.  In fact, I met well over a hundred gals from personal ads in the 15 years prior to using the internet and never had a brush with LE.

Not that many guys will want to talk about it, but I don't think I can count on the fingers of one hand any first hand accounts of guys complaining about being busted, and many of those turned out to be warnings as they left a gal's place instead of arrests.

I suppose a poll of gals on the same subject would be interesting but I doubt many gals will want to discuss this on an open board.  Nevertheless, of the 20 or so gals whom I've gotten to know personally to the extent that they will discuss this issue,  only two have revealed an arrest for P4P.   I suspect their rate of LE incidents is much higher than clients for various reasons having to do with the discriminatory nature of LE and society in general.

on a much smaller scale. I've never had an encounter with LE in connection with P4P, whether set up via the internet or the personals. I got to be friends with one lady who was arrested; she knew a good lawyer and got the case thrown out. Another friend in the biz said she had been arrested once, but not in connection with her work; it was a confrontation with her ex as I recall. She was cute as anything but kind of a hothead.  :-)

....the only time I ever saw the Police was when hundreds of them were gathered for a convention of some sort at the hotel my date was entertaining from. I quickly realized there was nothing to worry about. IF anything some of them were probably doing the same as me.

JakeFromStateFarm179 reads

Got to the hotel in NNJ and there was a big conference of LEOs.  I wasn't worried and actually figured more than a few of them would be seeing hookers, too.  I went to my session without a worry and told my date, who had a good laugh over it.

GaGambler293 reads

I can't remember his rank, but from the way people deferred to him, I am sure he wasn't just a beat cop.

There was the hottie eyeing my buddy, real fucking hot, an 8+ on the GaGa scale. The cop noticed her eyeing my buddy  and exchanged a couple of whispers and then turned to my buddy and said one single word to him "cuarenta" (40) my buddy had no idea what the cop meant and just gave him a blank stare, so the cop repeated himself, my buddy still didn't understand what the fuck he meant so he looked at me and asked "WTF does cuarenta mean?" so I told him it meant "Goodbye Joe" he looked at me again even more confused and said "WTF do you mean "goodbye Joe"" I then told him what the cop meant by "cuarenta"  was that this stone cold fox wanted to fuck him for forty bucks, so "Goodbye Joe" go fuck her before I steal her from you. lol

I guess it's worth adding for the rest of the people reading this that P4P is 100% legal there and the cop was just doing my buddy a solid. I ended up drinking with him for most of the afternoon and so did my buddy when he finally came back downstairs after a good two hours with the hot chica.

I guess this is one of my more pleasant interactions with LE, it's not the cops fault that we have such stupid laws in this country.

GaGambler200 reads

and I've been going there a LONG time. When I first started going there back in the early/mid 2000's a hundred bucks got you "toda la noche" not just the hour or so it gets you now.

BTW, for a pedantic putz, you sure make a LOT of spelling and grammatical errors. Maybe Conan should just go on a permanent vacation until Jake stops making as many spelling errors as anyone else on this board?

JakeFromStateFarm189 reads

"The Dems (sic) solution is to 'tax the rich until there (sic) are rich no more."
Do you know what "sic" means? This was my correction of a post of yours in which you made TWO errors in the same sentence.
Go to your room.

GaGambler159 reads

Don't blame me, blame "ten years after"

Just how stoned were you during that era if you don't remember those lyrics?

and it is exactly that mentality "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" that I am talking about. You are the one constantly correcting people for minor spelling and grammatical errors and then you blatantly misspell  a word in your subject line after putting it in quotes, which proves it wasn't a simple typo.

JakeFromStateFarm271 reads

From 1971? BWAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.  You really are shameless. And I couldn't stand them.
Wow, you really will say just about anything, wontcha?
Plus, you got the quote wrong.  Here it is:
Tax the rich, feed the poor, till there are no rich no more.
Like I said, go to bed.

-- Modified on 5/20/2017 9:52:37 PM

GaGambler157 reads

and I intentionally left out "feed the poor" because you lefties don't really want to "feed the poor" you just want to punish the rich.

Please learn the proper usage of "sic" you even managed to fuck that up too. I have never seen a pedantic putz who got things wrong so often himself, even Priapussy was a better putz than you.

So I take it you have no excuse for "cuaranta"

JakeFromStateFarm226 reads

I erred when I said you mis-used quotation marks.  You did not.  But I'll stand behind the rest of what I said. You put up a partial quote from an ancient rock band I hate and never listened to and expect me (and everyone else) to know it's from a rock lyric when you left out part of it?  Really?  LMAO!  And you write "the Dems solution" without putting an apostrophe after Dems'.  So, yes, I'll own up to cuarenta when you own up to your multiple gaffes.  Really, I suggest you stop this.  I only pointed out your errors because it was so recent and ironic, considering you were getting on my case about ONE LETTER, but if I pointed out every error you make in your posts it would make both of us nuts..  Please don't force me to do that, though Conan has boundless energy.  
Oh, and, yes, I do know what "sic" means.  Seems like you don't.  
You're welcome.  
Sic | Define Sic at Dictionary.com  
sic definition. A Latin word for “thus,” used to indicate that an apparent error is part of quoted material and not an editorial mistake: “The learned geographer asserts that 'the capital of the United States is Washingtown [sic].'”

GaGambler128 reads

Just because you drank up those brain cells all those years ago doesn't mean the quote isn't recognizable to most everybody else

Just Google my "partial quote" and look what you find.

I will give you points for deflection however, but since your error was indefensible, I guess that's all you had to go with. As for the usage of "sic" there was no "error" so you fucked that up too. For a pedantic putz, you really aren't very good at this,  are you?

JakeFromStateFarm125 reads

I guarantee you NO ONE recognized your partial quote -- which should have had dots.....to bridge over the part you didn't use -- that's the way you properly signal an abridged quote.  So nice deflection but FAIL.  Which means you did make an error and my use of "sic" was correct.
So, yes, you are the failed pedantic putz.

I have been handcuffed a few times and gagged once.

-- Modified on 5/20/2017 6:06:20 PM

GaGambler326 reads

I was at an incall location that was busted one time MANY years ago, the "mamasan" was a friend of mine who spoke very bad English and was a very slow learner where it came to screening, despite my best efforts to tell her the importance of it.

One day after a session with one her girls, she had cooked my dinner and we were enjoying a glass of wine together, ironically talking about how she needed to tighten up her screening, when the cops barged in guns drawn.  

I wasn't caught with my pants down, nor was I stupid enough to confess to a crime,   the cops initially thought I was the pimp, but I managed to convince them otherwise, without confessing to being a john of course, and they let me go. They did take my friend and all her girls to jail however. There was a client in a bedroom with one of the girls when the cops burst in, but they let him go as well.

Prior to the internet, i have been rousted while with SW's but never arrested. Keep in mind my experience with this goes back 43 years and thousands of encounters and I have never been arrested, knock on wood.

I started my journey in Daytona Beach in 1996. Prior to the internet, when I used yellow pages ads to find agencies. Since my first time in 1996, I have seen close to 100 girls. Never once did I see a cop. I have always been concerned about massage parlors, or seeing young girls between 18 and 25 who work for agencies, especially if they are foreign out of fear they may be trafficked or working against their will...and BP type websites with those sketchy ads. I always believed and still do that is the fastest way of getting myself into trouble.  I understand the risks involved, but I think it is a waste of time for LE to put resources into busting one (independent) middle aged sex worker who flies under the radar with other consenting adults.

Both times I said nothing and was released after about an hour.  Both times they took my phone, which they are not allowed to do.

One time I walked into a sting operation.  Was very lucky I said nothing because they really wanted info out of me.

The other was because the provider had extended her stay and not paid for the room...and said the wrong things when there was a knock on the door.  Got a parking ticket because my car was at a meter.

100 plus (sorry I lost count) sessions with providers and I have not encountered a LEO yet (fingers crossed).  The closest I came was one night while waiting in my car for a provider to send the room number LE rolled up and flashed the light in my window.  Luckily they only questioned me about my out of state tags and window tint and went on about their business.  I have to admit it kind of startled me, but didn't deter me from completing the mission at hand.  Plausible deniability is ones best asset I suppose, I could say trust your "spidey senses" but I would need to take my own advice on that one.  Luck of the draw I suppose.  I guess I'll go with proper vetting.....

Was in an empty parking lot behind a hotel which was closed for renovations.  LE pulled into the lot with lights flashing right behind a car they wanted to stop.  I managed to stay hard thanks to the excellent BBBJ skills of my provider.  We did not move, did not stop our fun.  Ha ha!!!

Not a single one.. In  3+ years and having seen about 40 girls... never a factor.. if and only if.. you do not include the recent bust of the well known agency in Boston.. Is that a brush?  I haven't had a phone call yet.. so assume that I am safe.. I guess..
I used that agency on a regular basis....  
so.. no more agencies.. sob..

the law, but for this purpose let's say that it constitutes actually being stopped and questioned by LE, as opposed to LE just being around.

And I've had my fill of massage parlor and BP ladies in the late 90's, strippers in Ensenada to flirting with CG's in Vegas. Sorry but only sloppy suckers get pinched.....You have to know your shit.
Now if I was cruising down Sunset Blvd and hitting on street walker, then that's  different arena. And I would know that it would be risky. But that scene isn't my style, but some get the thrill and those are the guys that get pinched.
Funny, I know some in LE and what they would do is if they saw a John getting a BJ on some alley off Fountain, they'd tap on the window, chase the John away, take the hooker up in the Hollywood Hills and she's finish off what she started with my LE friends....No one gets busted and everyone is happy.

-- Modified on 5/20/2017 10:40:34 AM

souls_harbor142 reads

I'm too new to have a long enough history to comment directly, but the only local gal that I have found who got pinched blames a weirdo she got involved with who stalked her and tipped off the cops.   She still operates, but now doesn't bother to hide her face in online website or is shy of revealing her real name -- since it is in all the newspaper archives of the arrest three or four years ago.

I'm sure there are BP girls and others that have got busted, but not many with a large web presence -- TER, or p411.

... sticking almost entirely with reviewed indie providers and meeting them at private incalls vs. hotels (with one exception).  I think it's much less likely there will be LE showing up at a private incall than a hotel.  Not zero chance, just less of a chance.  

macandcheese165 reads

Happened at a casino where she had been blacklisted and on a do not enter list.  Provider came to me and we played for a couple hours and then I decided (crazily) to accompany her out of hotel where we both were detained for questioning.  No arrest but I was barred from casino property for one year which was no real punishment in the end as this was a one time only occasion to be there anyway.  

I think this reflects the importance of making educated/informed choices with reviewed/verified women. And also not fishing from the BP pond.

I made it all the way to her incall location only to cancel at the very last minute. After she gave me her room number, she began having a screaming match with someone else there while I was still on the line! Sorry I don't do crazy-I just hung up and got right back in the car. I pulled into an empty lot about a block away to line up another date for the night. I was there about fifteen minutes. Not a minute later after I popped the address in the gps and was about to be on my way,there was a knock on my drivers side window. I rolled down the window and said good evening officer.. I told him mostly the truth-I got lost and stopped to sort myself out yada yada.. He then asked if I was at that motel down the street.. I said no of course,he went on to say that they always get trouble calls and go there often. He returned my DL and registration and I was out! Nervously laughing on my way to another motel. That is the closest I ever came.

The authorities get the most complaints about street prostitution. If an area gets a reputation as a "stroll" they get more auto traffic than normal and most any woman walking in the area can get unwanted come ons. The neighbors complain to the city and the cops set up stings.  

These stings are money makers for the city. Johns who get busted usually end up fined and have to pay towing and storage fees to get their cars back. A guy in Chicago was busted for soliciting and he had to pay to get his bicycle  back.

Most of the gals people here see don't usually walk the streets. That reduces their chances of ever having met uncle LEO. You have to have a web presence to be listed here, which eliminates most of the crack whores. Some lady who is selling it out of here home, as long as she is discrete, will probably never be noticed by leo. If you piss off your neighbors, like one Chicago gal, well than your odds of getting busted go up.

I know guys that love the thrill of the hunt and focus on street girls. They make themselves a target for LE. That's how they roll.

I was a bouncer in a legal brothel in Kings Cross, Australia. Friday nights  after 1am  was always  drunk night. I threw a drunk, obstinate prick (I mean client) down the staircase.
He screamed for the LE and they came and asked, "You alright Mick?". And they carried the bastard away to the drunk tank.

Here in the US, I have not been threatened by LE. Not even close.

And that includes Streetwalkers and MPs (even though you said don't include those).

I had one close call many years ago with a SW. We met on the street in Waikiki, and were walking into her hotel and were stopped by LE at the elevator. We were both questioned for a few minutes, then let go. Nothing happened to either of us, and from the beginning you could tell we weren't going to get arrested or anything. It was just a prevention tactic by LE, trying to scare us. And they succeeded in that (for that night.) It sucked for her, because she paid for the room earlier to work out of, and now couldn't use it. Sucked for me, because she was a hotty, and We had an ice chat on the street and I was looking forward to "hanging out" and instead I ended up just going home and jacking off.  

Other than that, no problems with LE at all  
(With streetwalkers, MPs, personal ads, yellow pages, and the internet). My years are almost the same as you and GaG. My numbers are much smaller than GaG's. (Maybe somewhere around yours?)

-- Modified on 5/20/2017 3:41:51 PM

JakeFromStateFarm238 reads

So for her birthday surprise I rented a cop's uniform, showed up at her apartment and arrested her.  Processing her took all night.  I was very thoughtful and even brought a condom to cover the end of my billy club.

only one encounter with LE, without an arrest. But that was at a MP, so that doesn't count in your poll.  

Several atfs have told me of their arrests. From inside information (atfs), it's more than we'd like to think.

Left a particularly satisfying encounter and headed home down 285. Shit-eating grin plastered to my face, all was well and pretty soon I was ROLLING down 285. And then just like that I was face-to-face with LE. Never had heard of super speeder before. Damn.

Not once. Two AMPS I've been have been busted a few weeks after I had visited.

I hope that more than one newbie reading these takes heart and focuses on the real problems with hobbying like finding a gal who will be an excellent  performer.

Reading these does make me recall one close encounter I had forgotten, innocent as it was:

I was waiting at the door of an apartment building for the gal to come down and let me in as her buzzer was broken.  It was one of those modern apartment buildings with a glass entry and a big lobby where you could see the elevators.   Well the elevator door slid open and there was my inamorata chatting amiably with the po-po.  I made myself very scarce and continued to view the situation from a safe distance.   The officer was at the building to respond to a burglary call, and just happened to catch the same elevator as the gal.  

I waited until the officer got in her car and sped off, then called the gal on her cell phone and she told me it was all cool now, but we both needed a change of knickers.

I was having lunch with my ATF years ago in a hotel coffee shop after a session. About 10 local police came charging through the  nearby lobby and up into the elevators. Nothing to do with us, but it gave us pause.  

Never have come close.  Lately I have been sticking to regulars I see on an outcall basis...to me this appears to be safest ....I do not mind sharing a close call even though it happened  over 30 years ago at an American Massage Parlour. I was 18 years old a had the misfortune of walking in on a raid.  I knew something was awry when I walked in and one of Chicago's finest said "Welcome here, we are having a party"! He shows me his badge, asks for my ID, (back then drivers licenses were multi colored with purple ink from the old mimeograph machines, and no pic).  I complied and then he asks me to empty my pockets!  The entrance fee was $25, and I had $14 to my name.  Seargeant kind of chuckled that was not enough to make it through club entrance, but the other weasel tried to scare me.  He writes down my DL info on an index card, informs me I am in a house of ill repute (No Shit Sherlock), and threatens me with jail time if I am caught again!

It took several years, but eventually most of the Chicago area spas were shut down.  But not before I enjoyed several bachelor parties and after a night out drinking with the boys excursions!

I've been at this hobby for over 40 years and never a problem.  I have avoided street walkers and backpage and  
Craigs List.    I also tend to stick to one provider at a time, so I probably have seen less ladies than many on this site.
I try to disappoint as few women as possible

I had a Vice Cop that actually helped train me to do this independently for around 2 -3 years - he was in then midwest and I am fortunate that he helped me learn how to stay safe from getting arrested and how to screen, where to advertise, et cetera. (I had worked in a brothel in Nevada prior to meeting him.)

The closest call I ever had was seeing a smiling cop who gave me a thumbs-up after leaving a popular walk-up hotel in Kowloon/Hong Kong about 20 years ago.

Though last year ago I was meeting a fairly new-to-the-business local lady for the first time at a nearby hotel. When I arrived I noticed 2 cop cars sitting side-by-side in the parking lot facing different directions, so I decided to wait them out at the next door fast food joint. I called the lady who told me that they were there when she arrived and she almost turned around and went home. They departed within 5 minutes and I went over. She was (is) a terrific lady who I met many times, so I was glad that neither of us went home.

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