TER General Board

Beard or Stubble
LLPeter 16 Reviews 2126 reads
1 / 36

The trend now is for Guys to grow Stubble or Beards. Is that a turnoff for the working girls?

MysteryAdmin 77 Reviews 52 reads
3 / 36

before I go to an appt.  On one website, a companion requested/instructed clients to shave no more than 2 hours before the appt to avoid or minimize stubble, etc.

When I don't have any appts scheduled, I let the "beard" grow out a bit and then I shave, mostly to keep razor bumps away.   If I have an appt scheduled, I'll shave an hour or two before the appt so my face is as smooth as possible.

I can't comment on whether or not a full beard is or can be an issue.

impposter 49 Reviews 70 reads
4 / 36

I have posted previously about hostesses providing shaving amenities for those of us who would to clean up and shave either befor or even AFTER a session. Just buy those packaged disposables. I think the smallest is a three-pack. NOBODY wants to re-use a razor that some stranger has used.  
Some guys are busy all day with work and meetings and don't have time to shave less than 2 hours before a session but WANT to. We can stop in at a drug store or supermarker to buy some disposables but if they are at the incall it is both a suggestion and an approval that shaving is OK and preferred.

Posted By: MysteryAdmin
Re: I tend to shave
before I go to an appt.  On one website, a companion requested/instructed clients to shave no more than 2 hours before the appt to avoid or minimize stubble, etc.  
 When I don't have any appts scheduled, I let the "beard" grow out a bit and then I shave, mostly to keep razor bumps away.   If I have an appt scheduled, I'll shave an hour or two before the appt so my face is as smooth as possible.  
 I can't comment on whether or not a full beard is or can be an issue.
If you're going to offer a straight razor as a shaving option, make sure they pay in advance, keep the towels handy, and 911 on speed dial.

divemaster13 34 Reviews 51 reads
5 / 36

I do the same.  I usually make a date for mid-afternoon or right after work.  I earned a valuable lesson from a K-girl who teasingly complained about my stubble.  I defended myself "Hey! I shaved this morning!" She replied "Yeah, this MORNING."

Point taken. A morning shave for me is about 4:30 AM, so that results in about 10-12 hours of stubble.  Which for me might make DATY a bit prickly for the gal.  There's a gym and shower at my office. Now I always shave before leaving for my date.

jaydalee See my TER Reviews 47 reads
6 / 36

on a gent's face. It hurts while kissing which I enjoy. It hurts even worst while daty which I very much enjoy.
Feels like a sandpaper going over my skin. I am always clean shaven and no stubble I expect the same from my date.
It would also be very nice if gents who have long pubic hair cut or trim (I prefer it completely gone) but I know some gents don't take that into consideration.
I do not have an issue with a beard as long as it is groomed and not too long or bushy.

anony3274931 2 Reviews 46 reads
7 / 36

Stubble is rough stuff. A man needs to shave that or let it grow before seeing a lady.

MysteryAdmin 77 Reviews 49 reads
8 / 36

I never shaved "down there" until about a couple of years ago.  Got a "Manscaped" groomer and have been shaving fairly regularly and usually before a date.

brownjack 48 reads
9 / 36

I'm challenging your 'eom' declaration.

I will assume that you are receiving your full rate from any gentlemen that you are receiving and that the rate that you establish is a reflection of your service.  I will therefore conclude that when you say "not generous", you are referring to someone who is sexually withholding.

Kitty76 See my TER Reviews 43 reads
10 / 36
MysteryAdmin 77 Reviews 55 reads
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or maybe guys who try to negotiate her rates?  (just guessing)

brownjack 52 reads
12 / 36
Kitty76 See my TER Reviews 41 reads
13 / 36

I don't care which you have (It's not like I'm getting serious about you). I mean it's just a business deal between a Provider and Hobbyists.

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 46 reads
14 / 36

I am fine with either, or clean shaven, but at least trim the beard!! Not a fan of the ZZ top look. And don't forget to scrub the damn thing. I like to kiss, so make sure to clean the smoke, coffee, and cookie crumbs from the facial hair. Thank you!!!!  :)

holystonethedeck 86 Reviews 42 reads
15 / 36

Other than when I see one lady who insists that I don't shave before seeing her (she says it's "sexy") I always have a smooth face before an appointment although I do sport a neatly trimmed mustache which I do scrub prior to the date.

Marvier 24 Reviews 58 reads
16 / 36

I had a beard, medium length full, for the last 15 years.  I kept it trimmed and clean with regular professional grooming.  A couple of months ago I shaved it off for good, or at least until I'm old and crotchety and don't care anymore.  I was married for most of those 15 years and my then wife didn't really have a preference either way, so out of convenience I left the beard on.  On she became my ex and my hobbying picked up, along with dating, I began to receive feedback that the beard was not all that.  Companions sometimes complained about scratchiness or even shifted my head during DATY in an attempt to find a position that was less bothersome.  The final straw was a Match I was really into, you know beautiful girl, personality, hobbies, worldview were all aligned, had facial hair as a dealbreaker.  I shaved the next day.

The Match and I didn't go out, which is alright as I just needed one more nudge to shave, and the moment I revealed my clean smooth face the compliments began rolling in.  Most indicated I looked much younger, some along the lines of "there's that handsome face" and from my ATF's, no more repositioning and unbridled, passionate kissing back on the menu.  I kick myself for not shaving sooner.

impposter 49 Reviews 54 reads
17 / 36

Disposable surgical beard covers! (Medical supply companies, Amazon, etc..)

Posted By: Marvier
I had a beard, medium length full, for the last 15 years.  I kept it trimmed and clean with regular professional grooming. ... Companions sometimes complained about scratchiness or even shifted my head during DATY in an attempt to find a position that was less bothersome. ... I kick myself for not shaving sooner.
Or trying beard covers sooner?

-- Modified on 12/22/2023 6:34:20 PM

holystonethedeck 86 Reviews 35 reads
18 / 36

Have to cut a hole in that thing for the tongue.

eastside70 42 Reviews 50 reads
19 / 36

Posted By: MysteryAdmin
On one website, a companion requested/instructed clients to shave no more than 2 hours before the appt to avoid or minimize stubble, etc.
Now that's one companion I wouldn't ever see.

Does she shave her pussy within that same timeframe so as to eliminate her stubble too?

eastside70 42 Reviews 44 reads
20 / 36

on my beard from providers.  They seem to love to run their fingers through it too.

impposter 49 Reviews 48 reads
21 / 36

Great idea! File a design patent! Use the TER Ad boards to sell! (Are Ad boards limited to Provider ads or can you advertise OTHER goods and services?)

Posted By: holystonethedeck
Re: Finally Shaved
Have to cut a hole in that thing for the tongue.

Valida 17 Reviews 32 reads
22 / 36

I get mostly compliments also.
But a recent lady told me she didn't like my beard ("hurt" her in DATY) and wanted me to shave it. (Chinese manners.)
She sports a full bush of similar dimensions to my beard, so I asked her to shave that too.
I don't think either of us will, so we both will skip DATY (alas).  But I can enjoy everything else about her.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 42 reads
23 / 36

she expects a tip on top of the posted rate, and the more generous it is, the more turned on she gets.  I have many women who can get wet when around money or those who have it, but some providers have perfected this skill.  Lol

fitnessbuff1 6 Reviews 41 reads
24 / 36

I’ve seen Pubix employees wear them over their beards.

holystonethedeck 86 Reviews 38 reads
25 / 36
inicky46 61 Reviews 44 reads
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holystonethedeck 86 Reviews 41 reads
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I know what they are and never heard them referred to as "Pubix".

But I don't spend a lot of time in Florida.

fitnessbuff1 6 Reviews 49 reads
28 / 36

Was going to take credit for the word “Pubix” due to the humor. But it was spellcheck that changed the word. Publix is out of Lakeland, Florida and has a large presence in the Atlanta, Georgia area.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 33 reads
30 / 36

Unless a guy has a baby face, clean shaven looks the best.  Short beards, well maintained, can look good on certain men.  But anything over a half an inch long starts to look ridiculous.  

Valida 17 Reviews 45 reads
31 / 36
MellowSoul 120 Reviews 36 reads
32 / 36

So what you are saying is you like your men to be clean shaven or rocking a short and cleaned up beard.

gotitans03 22 Reviews 37 reads
33 / 36

Yes stubble and beards are common and I wouldn't worry about your personal style. Be clean and well groomed.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 41 reads
34 / 36

One can comment on male fashion without being gay.  Not that there is anything wrong with that.

impposter 49 Reviews 49 reads
35 / 36

You can wear a long beard and still be a Sharp Dressed Man

Posted By: lester_prairie
Re: Long beards look ridiculous
Unless a guy has a baby face, clean shaven looks the best.  Short beards, well maintained, can look good on certain men.  But anything over a half an inch long starts to look ridiculous.  
And your date can want a Pearl Necklace:

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 42 reads
36 / 36
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