TER General Board

Be careful what you wish for
hubbardski 7 Reviews 1473 reads
1 / 49

I've always tip at agencys (AMP); not independents.

Am I a sucker for tipping agency girls?
Does it matter if I plan on going back to agency again?
Seeing same girl again

nom_de_plume 785 reads
3 / 49

... it's considered a breach of etiquette (i.e. tacky) to tip the owner of a business.  Instead of tipping, the rules of etiquette suggest a gift, e.g. bottle of wine, on a special occasion such as a holiday, and also to reward the owner of the business for excellent service by being a repeat customer and advertising the business by word of mouth.  All of which I think applies to this business.

AHappyCamper 9 Reviews 589 reads
4 / 49

Tipping is a personal preference. But why wouldn't you consider doing the same for a lady whose independent?  

Usually if I've seen the same lady on multiple occasions, I may purchase them a gift.  Some have ideas listed on their websites.  Some don't, so I take liberty with what I may purchase.

anavictoria See my TER Reviews 589 reads
5 / 49

I keep my fee where it is because the majority of my seekers are generous. They realize I go above and beyond because they've seen what's out there and are appreciative. They are also as easy going as I am. Believe me, if that ever changed I would raise my rates and it would be completely acceptable for me to do so. This being a transient town and the number of bait and switch and other nonsense I'm happy to be the highlight of someone's visit. So yeah, I am also curious as to why someone would not tip an independent lady but would tip an agency girl...

GaGambler 655 reads
6 / 49

There is nothing even the least bit tacky about tipping the owner of a business.

I don't know who wrote these so called "rules" but whoever did is full of shit as well, and I bet you no one consulted any actual business owners before coming to this ridiculous conclusion.

I am just as likely to tip an indy as I am an agency girl. I tip for going "above and beyond the call" where it comes to any professional, and even agency girls are hardly squeaking by on minimum wage like a waitress or bartender.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 355 reads
7 / 49

But I personally don't tip because I consider providers as highly paid professionals makings 100s of dollars an hour.  

Just like I would not tip my CPA, Doctor or Attorney, I would not tip providers. Its a matter of principle for me. Whether they are independents or affiliated with agency is simply immaterial.  

I reserve my tipping for bartenders, cabbies, waitresses etc who work their ass off for a very low pay.

-- Modified on 4/24/2015 2:14:29 PM

cocktail-party 614 reads
8 / 49

I say it's a nice gesture considering that independents have much more control over their pricing, volume and clientele. I hate tipping a valet who gets to drive nice cars all day, but I have no problem giving a substantial one to the housekeepers who have to clean the toilets and dirty sheets.

anavictoria See my TER Reviews 695 reads
9 / 49

Those valets have to book it back and forth to collect all those nice cars, I tip them well. Anyone who providers a service to me I tip well, I know how they're treated the majority of the time, and I like being low maintenance and generous.  

Posted By: cocktail-party
I say it's a nice gesture considering that independents have much more control over their pricing, volume and clientele. I hate tipping a valet who gets to drive nice cars all day, but I have no problem giving a substantial one to the housekeepers who have to clean the toilets and dirty sheets.

GaGambler 548 reads
10 / 49

While the independent who may be barely able to pay for her advertising, incall location, and all the other ancillary costs of running a small business does not.  Ok, got it.

and you didn't really just say that you hate tipping the poor guy who parks your car, for the lame reason that he gets to "drive nice cars all day"???!!! I mean come on man, think before you post. Does that mean you don't tip your waiter at a gourmet restaurant because he gets to eat good food every day? Would it matter to you if the valet had to park junkers all day? Or does the waitress at a diner deserve a bigger tip than the woman at a gourmet restaurant because her working environment is better?

Please explain your logic to me. I am dying to know.

inicky46 61 Reviews 601 reads
11 / 49

First of all, they don't get to drive your car in an enjoyable way, unless they're the guys in "Ferris Beuhler's Day Off" who take the Ferrari for a joy ride.  Valets mainly stand around and then drive a car a few feet and park it.  Does that really sound like fun to you?
Also, you rely on them to treat your car with care and not put dings in it that you don't find until the next day.
Don't be cheap.

Dr Who revived 663 reads
12 / 49

And honestly the thought of getting tipped for doing a "good job" has never ever entered my mind.  Likewise, tipping a client of mine who is also a business owner has never ever entered my mind.

I render an invoice...and expect my client(s) to pay it upon presentation.

As an owner I get to decide what my time is worth.  

Employees do not have the option.

I don't and won't tip any gals...indy or agency.  Any more than I'd tip someone making over XXX/hour.  

I do tip quite generously to hot waitresses  ;)   I guess the oxymoron would be "what if the hot waitress also owns the diner"?
Posted By: GaGambler
There is nothing even the least bit tacky about tipping the owner of a business.  

I don't know who wrote these so called "rules" but whoever did is full of shit as well, and I bet you no one consulted any actual business owners before coming to this ridiculous conclusion.

I am just as likely to tip an indy as I am an agency girl. I tip for going "above and beyond the call" where it comes to any professional, and even agency girls are hardly squeaking by on minimum wage like a waitress or bartender.

inicky46 61 Reviews 399 reads
13 / 49

Just do what I do: I don't tip.  If I really like you, I will repeat.  And, as GaG and others have pointed out, you totally fail to understand the financial dynamic of agency girls vs. indies.  The agency generally pays for advertising, screening, booking and the room.

GaGambler 608 reads
14 / 49

but are you agreeing that you would find it "tacky" or somehow degrading?

I have been known to tip professionals, I gave my attorney an extra 500 bucks once, He gave me kind of a blank stare like "what the hell is this" I told him to take his wife out to dinner on me as thanks for a great job, plus I know he will ALWAYS take my calls first in the future.

For the record, I rarely tip hookers regardless of whether they are indy or agency girls, but I have been known to do so on occasion. I will confess that it's more likely for me to tip a lady charging $250 an hour than one making five bills.

Dr Who revived 674 reads
15 / 49

If it happened with any frequency I hope I'd be smart enough to realize that I've set my rates too low.  And since I control the billing here in my office...trust that that would be rectified immediately  LOL

I see it no different in HookerLand.  If a gal wants to just work for someone...that's her rate.  SHE chose to not deal with all the PITA features of being indy.

And if that indy gal isn't charging enough to pay for her incalls...just like me she's in charge of billing.  Maybe she ought to correct that problem?

You should see some of the strange and interesting shit I've had clients give me over the years as a gift from them. This is my most recent gift from one of my Athlete clients

cocktail-party 481 reads
17 / 49

Some agencies squeeze the ladies for (some of) their overhead costs in addition to a cut of each appointment. She's going to have to work more to make up the lost ground. Same as the diner waitress vs. the gourmet waitress (although in this case we're talking tips as percentage of sales - the diner waitress is working way more tables to get the same $).

inicky46 61 Reviews 470 reads
18 / 49

mine is rather high end.  So I appreciate it when the valet takes good care of it.  I'm all for treating housekeepers nicely as well.  I just don't discriminate.

russbbj 89 Reviews 304 reads
19 / 49

I figure her rate is calculated for what she feels her time is worth.

But my envelope is always correct, and I don't negotiate.

Money is never discussed or openly shared, I thought that this was SOP.

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 617 reads
20 / 49

I understand your logic, somewhat, but here's the thing:

Agency gals don't have to do any of the other stuff we indies do: screen, answer correspondence, place ads. All three of those take up a lot of our time. They see you for an hour, whereas we put a whole lot more into it and spend far more time than an hour to see someone. There are days where I spend hours on the extras, without even including any sort of appt. I am very sure most ladies spend even more time than me on this. Agency gals get to avoid the headaches/BS we sometimes go through, though we have control over who we see.

They choose to be with an agency, they choose to get paid what they do % wise. If they really did want more, they could go indie and spend what the rest of us puts in to market ourselves and make appts.

I am not saying don't tip them. What I am saying is to look at it as "whoa is them" for getting paid less (mind you, you are probably still paying as high as an indie) is not a reason. You tip because you want to and enjoyed the experience. It goes for indie or agency. It is completely up to you if you want to tip. If I expected more, than it is on me to raise my rates.... much like if an agency gals wants to make more, she goes indie and decides her rates. In this line of work, no one should ever expect a tip to get paid what they want. If you see an indie gal who charges 250 in one city but you just got done paying 600 in NYC, you going to pay her 600 as well? She has to work harder to get the same pay as a NYC gal.  

The agencies don't squeeze the girls for money, it is an agreement that the girls knowingly accepted when they first started working there. Your example of the diner waitress vs the gourmet one isn't fair either. Why would they get the same if one has to do more? Some can get away with being a diner waitress but would never hack it being a upscale waitress. I am not necessarily saying one works harder than the other, but some couldn't pull off the elegance the fine dining places need nor do they have the right attitude or professionalism for that type of clientele.

nom_de_plume 497 reads
21 / 49

... almost everyone (except you) understand that it's not an accepted practice to tip business owners.  

Sure, an attorney might take your tip. But let's not take this off topic into the ethics of attorneys. Keep tipping business owners, and someday you're going to insult someone.

GaGambler 393 reads
22 / 49

Did you just say that "someday" I am going to insult someone???!!!

Where the fuck have you been for the last decade or so? I insult someone every fucking day, but not by giving them money. If you would like to insult me by giving me money, please be my guest. Small bills or large, your choice. lmao

Dr Who revived 418 reads
23 / 49

I saw him live and unfortunately a tad too up close.

Great entertainer...but I'd have to see you do the routine for at least 20 minutes to get you a booking.

Not as easy as many think  LOL

Fridays117 27 Reviews 640 reads
26 / 49

at that time it was $40 for the massage/room/table shower and "tipping" is what got you BJs or FS.
A place I used to go to back in the early 90's in midtown of NYC was about $100 for a CBJ and $200 for FS, one pop.
So the total was either $140 or $240.  Offering tips beyond that got you nothing more and 90% of the time you'd never see the same gal twice.

The service was mechanical and businesslike so I stopped going to them.  I was much happier when I started seeing independents for $200 - $250 straight up.  Of course prices have gone up since then but the whole tipping thing at the AMPs was more of a pricing thing rather than tipping per se.  

Nowadays I will throw in a little extra or barring that schedule a repeat performance at a future date if I am short of cash that day but only if the service is exceptional.  Also, if a gal if low balling her price for some reason I will pay her extra for great service.  Gals who inflate their prices over the going rate have to be super amazing to get a tip since they are already getting as much as the market will bear.

SolaLove See my TER Reviews 641 reads
27 / 49

Why is it tipping based on affiliation rather than exceptional service?

I consider myself a business owner, as well as a service provider.  I never expect tips and price myself accordingly.  That said, I've never understood why doing ALL the work makes someone less deserving of exceptional service than the provider who hired that all out and shows up only for the service (marketing, reputation and clientele building, screening and scheduling, logistics, etc.).  

Provider are about service, we are not franchise owners or fortune 500 companies.  If the owner of the salon does my nails and she provides exceptional service, I tip her the same as I would one of her employees.  Perhaps that's just an attitude I received growing up in a family of owner operator self-employed individuals.

Posted By: GaGambler
There is nothing even the least bit tacky about tipping the owner of a business.  

I don't know who wrote these so called "rules" but whoever did is full of shit as well, and I bet you no one consulted any actual business owners before coming to this ridiculous conclusion.

I am just as likely to tip an indy as I am an agency girl. I tip for going "above and beyond the call" where it comes to any professional, and even agency girls are hardly squeaking by on minimum wage like a waitress or bartender.

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 523 reads
29 / 49

if there is any confusion , read my prior post. Agency girls don't deal with 70% of what indies do.

Posted By: inicky46
Just do what I do: I don't tip.  If I really like you, I will repeat.  And, as GaG and others have pointed out, you totally fail to understand the financial dynamic of agency girls vs. indies.  The agency generally pays for advertising, screening, booking and the room.

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 470 reads
30 / 49

Posted By: AlexandraMilw
I understand your logic, somewhat, but here's the thing:  
 Agency gals don't have to do any of the other stuff we indies do: screen, answer correspondence, place ads. All three of those take up a lot of our time. They see you for an hour, whereas we put a whole lot more into it and spend far more time than an hour to see someone. There are days where I spend hours on the extras, without even including any sort of appt. I am very sure most ladies spend even more time than me on this. Agency gals get to avoid the headaches/BS we sometimes go through, though we have control over who we see.  
 They choose to be with an agency, they choose to get paid what they do % wise. If they really did want more, they could go indie and spend what the rest of us puts in to market ourselves and make appts.  
 I am not saying don't tip them. What I am saying is to look at it as "whoa is them" for getting paid less (mind you, you are probably still paying as high as an indie) is not a reason. You tip because you want to and enjoyed the experience. It goes for indie or agency. It is completely up to you if you want to tip. If I expected more, than it is on me to raise my rates.... much like if an agency gals wants to make more, she goes indie and decides her rates. In this line of work, no one should ever expect a tip to get paid what they want. If you see an indie gal who charges 250 in one city but you just got done paying 600 in NYC, you going to pay her 600 as well? She has to work harder to get the same pay as a NYC gal.  
 The agencies don't squeeze the girls for money, it is an agreement that the girls knowingly accepted when they first started working there. Your example of the diner waitress vs the gourmet one isn't fair either. Why would they get the same if one has to do more? Some can get away with being a diner waitress but would never hack it being a upscale waitress. I am not necessarily saying one works harder than the other, but some couldn't pull off the elegance the fine dining places need nor do they have the right attitude or professionalism for that type of clientele.

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 513 reads
31 / 49

tip your independants too, it al balances out equally we have to pay an assitant or we do out own bookings. agency girls arent makin less than us .....

an independant has to to soend alot of times with her ads and answering phones, You should tip the indies too. W appreciate it.

I lowered my rate because i am 172 lbs and simply put. I do not think many type "pregnant" into thier ter search when seeking some triple xx fun,  

I have charged as much as 750 minimums and didnt have a problem but mind you look at my pre pregger pics i am usually a fitness models physique.  

some say "no dont change your rates "  

if i change or switch up my rates its because I have no choice no ones biting at the rate i have posted, once i lowered it to 200 which well sucks! but i am glad to still be providing a home for myself and hell its a nice expensive one too, it aint no 800 dollar a month triple decker on a side street in some ghetto, its actually a nice place.


but god , some the guys in past months, they still gave me 300.

i really appreciated it, One regular even gave 400 then payed a cable bill then bought tons of food each visit.  

tips and generosities all the escorts deserve this from clients that can afford too! and we really appreciate it guys!

AHappyCamper 9 Reviews 387 reads
32 / 49

When you provide rationale that is clear, concise and to the point you diminish the chances of rebuttal.  Only those who want to argue for the sake of arguing would only respond.

GaGambler 385 reads
33 / 49

I don't know what possessed him to do so, but back in the 80s at the Palladium in Hollywood, a good friend of mine scored front row tickets to see Rickles and then squandered his good fortune by trying to heckle him. To say that Rickles made him look stupid would be like saying that Tidwit has "boundary issues" Rickles cut him to pieces.

GaGambler 381 reads
34 / 49

but the problem is, she just made the exact same points as I did, so I would be simply arguing with myself. I do like to argue, but I rarely argue with myself. lol

AHappyCamper 9 Reviews 374 reads
35 / 49

I would be concerned for you if you argued with yourself and lost.

Tylor See my TER Reviews 462 reads
38 / 49

t all agency girls are overworked and underpaid. I started w one, I choose when I worked and who I saw, the rate I negotiated was perfectly acceptable. I thought what the agancey was getting was a good deal for me considering all I really had to do was show up. My listed rate now is a bit higher but if I only make my listed rate I would be working for less per hr then I did w the agency. I did have a pretty generous split w the agency... Indy I put A LOT more time into marketing and prep. The rates in the area I'm in are pretty low, the more expensive girls are close to what starting rate is in bigger cities. If I want to make a living I have to keep my rate in line w the market. I'm thankful that I have generous friends that appreciate the effort I put in. I also appreciate my regulars and try and take care of them. We are all flexible with the rate and it keeps everyone happy.  

I owned a "real" business before this, my rates made me good money, the market I was in had very inflated prices. I had customers attempt to tip me and I told them to give it to the employees. I didnt need or want the tip. Now I do this and I have another side business, its what I choose to allow me to enjoy life, but if I didnt have generous friends I wouldn't be able to make a comfortable living without being a revolving door.  
What you guys pay for an hour with us really covers 3-4 hrs of our time between getting ready, getting the location ready (or driving to you) and marketing. Sometimes more if you have special requests we need to prepare for. Not to mention the cost of the incall, marketing, clothes, make up, etc etc. Even being thrifty about everything it adds up. In the end we are not making as much per hr as it appears. Agency girls have less expenses, but they are still spending money to prepare.
There is a lot more to consider then just the time you two spend together.
When someone goes above and beyond for me I like to show my appreciation, regardless of what industry it is. What you pay is the rate for doing their job, if they do more I think they deserve more. I try to taylor it to what they would benefit from, weather its money, a gift or buying the place lunch. People like to know their efforts don't go unnoticed and it usually pays off.

joecarter 245 reads
39 / 49

for great service, what is exactly what I get from my two faves, I usually tip $200 on a $1200 3 hour visit.  And they are worth every penny.  Too much, just right or too little?  I see each about once every 3-4 weeks.

Thanks for any advice

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 295 reads
40 / 49

find a way to rebuttal it lol. They haven't poked fun at me lately, I don't know if I am going soft or they are. I may be agreeing with them too much?

Posted By: AHappyCamper
When you provide rationale that is clear, concise and to the point you diminish the chances of rebuttal.  Only those who want to argue for the sake of arguing would only respond.  
-- Modified on 4/25/2015 4:07:09 PM

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 551 reads
41 / 49

There is no such thing as tipping too much or too little because it is your money and you can give however you want. Our rates are suppose to be what we for sure want, anything beyond that is appreciation

GaGambler 628 reads
42 / 49

They were struggling so badly at one point that she had to lay the bartender off and tend bar herself along with all her other duties. This poor woman was working 18 hour days to try to keep her doors open yet got less than a quarter of the tips as the old bartender got, simply because everyone knew she was the owner. Those tips would have been the only money she took home for months.

I am with you, I tip for exceptional service, and it matters not to me if the person providing the service is the employee or the employer, it's the quality of service that matters to me.

AHappyCamper 9 Reviews 260 reads
43 / 49
nom_de_plume 390 reads
44 / 49

An owner who does the work of a regular employee is a different case. For example, I often see massage therapists who are independent. They get $60-70 an hour. I tip them for exceptional service.  

I don't tip providers who have rates comparable to yours. Like you, they don't expect tips and they set their rates accordingly. But I almost always bring a gift, usually not extravagant but something I think they'll enjoy. And I show my appreciation for exceptional service by being a repeat customer, being a positive reference for them, and the gifts... including birthday/Christmas gifts for my favs.  

When I was a paperboy with my own route I got lots of tips at Christmas. When I was a busboy in college I got a lot of tips. I make a lot more money now. I still provide exceptional service to my customers. I don't get tips any more, but it feels good when my clients thank me for a job well done.

-- Modified on 4/25/2015 5:05:14 PM

inicky46 61 Reviews 446 reads
45 / 49
AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 245 reads
46 / 49

You would think guys would give me 10s for chirping my orgasms, the SOBs!!! I even rub my legs together just right. right before he cums. I flexible and original like that.

Posted By: inicky46

CiaraCaress See my TER Reviews 494 reads
47 / 49

tipping is shows manners, respect & appreciation. I tip everywhere, even at Subway!

Gentlemen who tip always stand out in my mind. I give everyone amazing service, but little things like that make me remember a gent & look forward to seeing him again. Tipping in the form of gifts is flattering too. It can be something so simple. Like today my girlfriend & I went to eat at Subway & both used giftcards that a client had "tipped" us with. We talked about how nice & thoughtful it was of him. I tipped the guy who made our sandwiches $5 & he was really happy about it, smiled & saying it made his day

BlueFaery See my TER Reviews 355 reads
48 / 49

Bravo!  We do appreciate it very much.  I am always pleasantly surprised when I get a little extra in my envelope.  It goes a long way to making my day!

joecarter 435 reads
49 / 49

yup, and I REALLY appreciate those gals - they bring great pleasure and joy!

Posted By: AlexandraMilw
There is no such thing as tipping too much or too little because it is your money and you can give however you want. Our rates are suppose to be what we for sure want, anything beyond that is appreciation.  

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