TER General Board

Bad Taste (and I'm a tasteless asshole). eom
jazz32 24 Reviews 3664 reads
1 / 10

Anyone who has visited the Phoenix board the past few days will have noticed that we are in mourning.  The 3 year old son Ms Manae drowned in a backyard pool accident.  Manae is both my ATF and a friend, and I know that little man meant the world to her.

An account has been established at Bank of America to help in this time of need.  Those of us here in Phoenix are rallying to her side, but I'm sure any and all help from the extended community would be most appreciated.

Thanks to all in advance,


Accound details:
Name - Sirr William Memorial Fund (yes, there are 2 r's)
ABA Routing Number - 540860108
Account Number - 004370081658

-- Modified on 7/31/2005 10:19:04 AM

-- Modified on 7/31/2005 10:29:43 AM

-- Modified on 7/31/2005 10:30:44 AM

goonis 2930 reads
2 / 10

does any one else think there is something wrong with posting the picture of a dead child on an adult website? i am sorry for manaes loss and i think if some one feels like sending her a donation it is a good thing (or is this a charity fund to help others in his memory?) either way putting his picture up on a website where men go to find prostitutes is not cool IMHO

HobbyAdvocate 2338 reads
3 / 10

TER has many pages on its website serving many purposes. The Review areas and review searches might serve the purpose you mention.
The Discussion boards, however, are all about the Community and the people, and the interaction of each other and a glimpse at life in general.
"Cool" doesn't enter into the issue. Appropriate? Of course.

goonis 1854 reads
4 / 10

appropriate is the word i should have used.
no one wants their mother to be a prostitute nor would they want it for their daughter (this subject has come up many times) that being said it is appropriate for those who knew her to wish her well but posting pictures of her son who drowned on an adult internet site for prostitution is not appropriate.

he had no say in the matter and i doubt if given the choice he would have wanted to be pictured on TER. half the women dont even show their faces why should he agains his will?
im sure ms. pink spoke with the mother (maybe her husband as well) and decided that it was a good thing to do, when you put a face with a cause you feel more connected and they might get more money donated because of his picture being posted here.

if they wanted to create a seperate web site for him and post a link to his web site i would not have any objection, but posting a picture on a website, the same site his mother used for "providing" in IMHO not appropriate

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 3007 reads
5 / 10
DarthClitious 26 Reviews 1800 reads
6 / 10

the Phoenix board is a pretty "close-knit" community. There have been a number of provider-hobbiest gatherings this year and I know for a fact a number of the ladies are close friends. I think many consider each other part of their "family". Someone in their family/community experienced a loss and, as a result, they are coming together and providing her with support. As part of that support, they posted pictures of her beautiful child who's life was cut way too short. I thought it was a nice tribute myself.

I won't "flame" you but I'll respecfully disagree that it was inappropriate to post the child's pictures.  


Forest Dump 5301 reads
7 / 10
goonis 2028 reads
8 / 10

did you bring your kids to these phoenix gatherings? TER has no place for kids in any copacity

little phil 37 Reviews 1694 reads
9 / 10

Don't live in Phoenix; haven't been to the gatherings.  However, I have no problem with our 8-yr old being around people that have had sex at some time in their life.  You seem to be saying that these are bad people because of what they do for a living.  Does that make a priest a good person?  Even if he molests young boys?

I never met Manae, but spoke with her.  She seemed nice, and her son was important to her.  I'll never meet him, but I appreciate the opportunity to see what he looked like.  I was overly protective with our son this weekend in the pool.  I'm a visual person, and the picture made it more significant.  If that saves the life of another child, post the little guy's picture all around the world.

Randyworld 2245 reads
10 / 10

I can understand your view regarding the appropriateness of the displaying of the picture given the general nature of this site. However, given the context with which it was displayed and the community element, I see absolutely no problem with it being display.

Just me two cents.

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