TER General Board

Bad T-C-B means they are His-to-ry
atfsearcher 559 reads

I probably would have handled some of those situations a little bit differently but I do agree with your conclusion. I wouldn't see any of them again. I learned my lesson about driving to an incall, I NEVER NEVER start driving unless I get at least one text confirming our appointment is still on, and even that is no guarantee, as you just learned. Bad TCB girls will eventually pay the price by loosing clients.

ThePeopleRule3981 reads

Preface: I am an older guy, anywhere from 15-50 years older than the ladies I have patronized during the 12 years I have been a paying-VIP here.  Manners today are  less common than they were in the 1950's and 60's; however, I do not tolerate poor “customer service” from a provider with whom I have made an appointment.

Below are descriptions of the three times I have walked away from a lady’s door.  (Not included is the one time the door was opened by a lady clearly not the one in the ad photos.  I said “no” and left.)

My routine is to tell the lady I will call when I am ready to leave (usually 20-30 minutes before the appointment, depending on distance).  I tell her that I will need to talk to her then or I will not be leaving.

1) Provider in her 40's: I get to the chain motel and call her when I parked.  She answers and I tell her I am parked a nearby and will be there in a couple of minutes.  In 3-4 minutes I knock on the door.  No answer.  Knock again; no answer.  I phone her and say “I am standing outside the door”.  She opens the door a few second later and she is talking on her phone.  After a few seconds she says to the person “I’ll call you back in a minute”.  I say, “go head because I’m not going to give you the opportunity to further disappoint me” and I leave.

2) Provider in her mid-late 20's: I find a parking space on the street where she told me I would.  It is about 300 feet from her condo.  I called when I parked, she answers, and I tell her I am where she said to park and would be right there.  I arrive at the door and knock; no answer, but I hear kitchen-type noise coming from the other side of the wall.  I knock again; no answer.  I phone and say “I am waiting at the door”.  She says “Can I call you back”.  I say “no, I am leaving”.  As I take the phone away from my ear I hear her say “no...wait”.  I do not wait and leave.

3) New provider in her late 30's: This happened yesterday and the experience is what has prompted me to post this.

Date set for 7 pm via PM at 1:30 pm at a provider advertising board/network popular here in Southern California.  I say I will call at 6:40 when I am leaving.  I do; she does not answer.  I decide to leave anyway and leave the message that I will be there about 7 pm or a few minutes later.  At just about 7 pm she calls and I do not answer because I am still driving, about two blocks away.  

I park about four minutes later and call.  She does not answer; I leave a message saying I am walking toward the elevator.  (I visited another provider at that building a few months ago so I know where the elevator is.)  She calls back as I am walking to the elevator and gives me the apartment number.  I repeat the number because the last time I was at this building the connection was bad.

It takes me about four or five minutes to get up the elevator and to the door.  I knock with my flip phone  (so it will be louder than using my fist); no answer.  I ring the door bell; no answer.  I knock again; no answer.  I ring the bell again, no answer.  This knocking has consumed only about a minute but I conclude since she did not answer when I parked and that she has not responded to four noises at her door that she is doing something other than being ready to answer her door.  I walk away (in part wondering if I heard the number incorrectly) but as I turn to the elevator about 75 feet away I hear a door open behind me.  I continue down the elevator.  

She called five times during the next 10 minutes; I did not answer and have no interest in trying to schedule with her again.

If a provider is not “ready to go” when I knock on her door, I leave.

I have never had to write a review stating that I should have “listened to the big head”.

But it is your money and your time. Can't fault you for walking when disappointed. I have done so myself on more then one occasion. It takes a bit more to disappoint me then not standing by the door though.

The last time I walked the lady was obviously stoned and there was obvious evedence of drugs. I told her it wasn't a good idea and I wasn't paying as she wasn't fit being stoned. She slapped me, I left. I am not anti pot or alcohol but there is a place should one choose to do such things and meeting with a client is not that time. I am not touching a woman who needs to be high, stoned, or drunk to do this. I don't consider them in the right mind to give concent for the first time.

GaGambler955 reads

and to think I called you a "humorless fuck"

I am not one to put up with shit from unprofessional hookers either, but give me a fucking break. The OP is carrying this a bit far, no a LOT too far and I hope he enjoys his life up in his ivory tower. What a fucking douche bag, in my opinion of course. Others can feel free to disagree, and they can go fuck themselves as well.  

Speaking of which, I really need to go get laid this morning. Maybe I was a bit harsh? lol

And while I was trying to be nice, a weakness of mine here, I don't think you were that harsh. At least no harsher then he is at any rate. And admit it I am still a "humorless Fuck". My "ivory tower" just isn't as lofty.

the op should reserve his strict standards for punishing professional subs.  they would appreciate his self-righteousness.

the rest of us don't live in a clockwork world,  things happen.  i'll admit that if a girl is very late for being ready, i'll turn around and walk away, but 30 minutes is my trigger.   the majority of women i see aren't exactly on time, and i have had to wait a few minutes for many, many wonderful girls who went on to provide incredible sessions for me.

there was one lady i saw a few years ago that was invariably 15 minutes late, even getting to her incall.  i learned early on in my relationship with her that i would have to wait for her to arrive, no matter when i set the appointment.  but she was so worth it, one of the best i ever had.

the op says he's 15 years older than the women he sees;  i think he's 15 years older than everyone!  you kids get off of his lawn!!!

Met up with a lady I have seen twice before; walked in her room and walked right out. Was strung out on something and her room was hell

One hing around a provider incall that a hotel could get you the cop call on you many the hotel staff watch what happing.  
If you don't acctual see a lady I dont think you can do a review because no money was exchanged.
More I do this putting up wih bad customer service could get you rip off.

Posted By: ThePeopleRule
Preface: I am an older guy, anywhere from 15-50 years older than the ladies I have patronized during the 12 years I have been a paying-VIP here.  Manners today are  less common than they were in the 1950's and 60's; however, I do not tolerate poor “customer service” from a provider with whom I have made an appointment.  
 Below are descriptions of the three times I have walked away from a lady’s door.  (Not included is the one time the door was opened by a lady clearly not the one in the ad photos.  I said “no” and left.)  
 My routine is to tell the lady I will call when I am ready to leave (usually 20-30 minutes before the appointment, depending on distance).  I tell her that I will need to talk to her then or I will not be leaving.  
 1) Provider in her 40's: I get to the chain motel and call her when I parked.  She answers and I tell her I am parked a nearby and will be there in a couple of minutes.  In 3-4 minutes I knock on the door.  No answer.  Knock again; no answer.  I phone her and say “I am standing outside the door”.  She opens the door a few second later and she is talking on her phone.  After a few seconds she says to the person “I’ll call you back in a minute”.  I say, “go head because I’m not going to give you the opportunity to further disappoint me” and I leave.  
 2) Provider in her mid-late 20's: I find a parking space on the street where she told me I would.  It is about 300 feet from her condo.  I called when I parked, she answers, and I tell her I am where she said to park and would be right there.  I arrive at the door and knock; no answer, but I hear kitchen-type noise coming from the other side of the wall.  I knock again; no answer.  I phone and say “I am waiting at the door”.  She says “Can I call you back”.  I say “no, I am leaving”.  As I take the phone away from my ear I hear her say “no...wait”.  I do not wait and leave.  
 3) New provider in her late 30's: This happened yesterday and the experience is what has prompted me to post this.  
 Date set for 7 pm via PM at 1:30 pm at a provider advertising board/network popular here in Southern California.  I say I will call at 6:40 when I am leaving.  I do; she does not answer.  I decide to leave anyway and leave the message that I will be there about 7 pm or a few minutes later.  At just about 7 pm she calls and I do not answer because I am still driving, about two blocks away.    
 I park about four minutes later and call.  She does not answer; I leave a message saying I am walking toward the elevator.  (I visited another provider at that building a few months ago so I know where the elevator is.)  She calls back as I am walking to the elevator and gives me the apartment number.  I repeat the number because the last time I was at this building the connection was bad.  
 It takes me about four or five minutes to get up the elevator and to the door.  I knock with my flip phone  (so it will be louder than using my fist); no answer.  I ring the door bell; no answer.  I knock again; no answer.  I ring the bell again, no answer.  This knocking has consumed only about a minute but I conclude since she did not answer when I parked and that she has not responded to four noises at her door that she is doing something other than being ready to answer her door.  I walk away (in part wondering if I heard the number incorrectly) but as I turn to the elevator about 75 feet away I hear a door open behind me.  I continue down the elevator.    
 She called five times during the next 10 minutes; I did not answer and have no interest in trying to schedule with her again.  
 If a provider is not “ready to go” when I knock on her door, I leave.  
 I have never had to write a review stating that I should have “listened to the big head”.  

get rigid and caught up in their beliefs of what is right and wrong, and they lose sight of humanity. Being human has to come first before right or wrong.  

I've on very, very rare occasion experienced variations of your stories, but being human first has led me to meet some wonderful people - something you may have missed.

I suspect a provider, watching you walk away, perceives yet another game of russian roulette; another bullet dodged

FatVern598 reads

Everyone is human, even the most despised person imaginable is human. If grown adults can't keep a appointment(when they are already there) fuck them, they don't deserve anyone's support  

Posted By: MasterZen
get rigid and caught up in their beliefs of what is right and wrong, and they lose sight of humanity. Being human has to come first before right or wrong.  
 I've on very, very rare occasion experienced variations of your stories, but being human first has led me to meet some wonderful people - something you may have missed.  
 I suspect a provider, watching you walk away, perceives yet another game of russian roulette; another bullet dodged.  

Very possible they don't deserve a lot of things, one of which is a long-assed post whining about other people not meeting someone's standards. It just comes across as being a very grumpy old  man. I've got visions of this guy screaming and yelling at the neighborhood kids for cutting across a corner of his yard while going to the play ground or being too loud when playing across the street on Saturday afternoon.

Just move on a deal with it, you don't need to bitch to the world about it as it's not 1) going to change anything in the past and 2) not helping anyone here avoid the experience in that's the habitual behavior of the providers as we don't know who they are.

I also understand the fact that human beings are imperfect...

When a provider's in call is her home there is always the potential for there to be domestic needs to be dealt with...and has been stated many times on this board it's not like they are sitting by the phone all day waiting for us to call...

I don't see where a bit of patience and understanding are too much to ask...

-- Modified on 7/20/2016 8:00:13 AM

FatVern636 reads

Every job I ever had was(time sensitive) if I wasn't on time, or where I needed to be at a set time I would be fired. and I wasn't paid $400.00 a hour. I have no sympathy for people who can't keep schedule.

When it comes to gentlemen being late especially without a heads up, I give them no more than 10 mins to further waste my time. In most cases its less than 10 mins. I make exceptions for traffic and wrong turns but thats it.  

If the gentlemen does show I tell him we can do a shorter session based on how late he arrived. Or I dock his time and let him know. Most do not have an issue with it as they understand they're in the wrong. If you set an appointment time I expect the gent to be prompt especially when I am ready beforehand.  

If client never shows, I simply block, blacklist & warn those ladies I know nearby. No need to write long posts on the subject either. This a game where you win some and lose some.

but you have to understand that the hobby business is different from dealing with  Fortune 500 company.

Perhaps you ought to inform gals when you contact them that this is a hot button issue for you, and if they do not conform to your expectations, then it would behoove both of you to never get started in the first place.  It will save both of you a lot of grief.

The situations you describe are not that uncommon for me, and I shake them off and go on to enjoy the session.  But each to their own

If you're on a tight schedule, perhaps you might mention the importance of timing on that particular date.  
I don't find providers arrive outside of what I consider on time. I also never schedule where I have to rush  
to a date or back from a date. I'm about relaxing and enjoying my time with the provider. If I'm able to get
off a second time, you won't hear me saying that I gotta be somewhere baby, hold that thought

GaGambler708 reads

as for the rest of it, Yeah What Fish Said.  

Women, not just hookers, have been making men wait since time was invented, being a douche bag about it isn't going to change that fact.

and Fish, if you want your phone back, I'll come with you and hold this old fucker down while you beat him with it. lmao

2 bucks is 2 bucks.

Made out like a bandit, I did

souls_harbor694 reads

I think that is the best advice.  A little heads up to providers about your priorities can likely prevent both of you from wasting time.

The client is paying so he can set his expectations.  The provider can accept or reject the terms.  But it is most efficient if these details are worked out in advance.

Posted By: mrfisher
Perhaps you ought to inform gals when you contact them that this is a hot button issue for you, and if they do not conform to your expectations, then it would behoove both of you to never get started in the first place.  It will save both of you a lot of grief.

I never had a provider put me on hold for hours on end. Just saying. LOL

Life happens when we least expect it. You don't know who that woman was speaking with on the phone. Sure, it could have been Flaco. However, did you ever think that perhaps it was a family member with some tragic news that could not be ignored. We actually have real lives and real life is anything but perfect. Now, if you are keeping company with girls that are 50 years your junior...that's your own handicap. Can't blame kids for behaving like kids.

dumping providers.  I'm guessing there's way more than the 3... hey, it's your dollar.  

I've found that I can set my watch on a providers punctuality, and yes there have  
been exceptions and occasions where she runs late.  I'll assume these are first  
time offenses since you make no mention otherwise.  Why the impatience?  

I've also found that most if not all of these tardy Devils are quite appreciative of an
understanding client and it's a great way to show your humanity.  It's not even close  
to forgive and forget. For me, it's more like NO BIG DEAL.  

Brief example of the phone scenario you explain. I revisited a lady who I had an amazing  
time with before. I could tell her mind was elsewhere and was a bit frustrated. Her phone  
rang and told me it was her son because of the ring tone. I said fine, what else could I say.

She spoke candidly in front of me and he was having some problems that he resolved and  
wanted to reassure her he was OK.  She was very relieved. Result: she resumed the session
with the passion I was hoping for when I booked because her mind was untroubled. Shit happens.

Bea friend.... yeah,  it's a hobby, hookups,  p4p ... I get it. I also have great relationships with the
women that pleasure me. They appreciate me AND my money of course. But there's a difference
in service when a provider likes you and respects. It's human nature. IMHO

You sound rather gloaty about your rigidity. Bonus points for the inclusion of the providers' pursuing you upon your departure, clearly devastated to have missed you. LMAO

I agree that the sense of devastation to have missed the OP is a bit too prominent.  Ending with 'so I walked away' would have made the point.

And I suppose people have the right to walk out of a doctor's office if the doctor is the slightest bit late, too. I'm not sure I was - but if I saw him on his cell on what appeared to be a personal call while I sat and waited I might.

People are entitled to their standards and to miss opportunities as a result.  No single response though fits all occasions in my opinion.  

Where good faith is involved I will overlook just about anything.  

But there was a time or two that I let a provider know I was on a tight time schedule in advance (or she was on a tight schedule as I knew it was getting close to her checkout time) and all of a sudden there are a string of unanswered texts that seemed to be nothing more than a stalling tactic designed to inevitably shortened the visit; in those instances I foolishly went through with the visit and it felt very rushed - I chalked it up to experience and never went back, but now having been in this game for a while longer, I would stop trying to text after a few went unanswered and turn around and leave.

-- Modified on 7/20/2016 2:10:17 PM

Go to the market and get a water melon and drill a hole in it.      The human race would not even exist if men didn't wait on women.     Think about the encounter and you can get through it.    I hung out in Hobby Lobby a while and didn't find anything for the hobby before I went to the gate.
My appointment was 15 Min late to call the code # .   I also hunted in the big apartment complex for 15 minutes and she finally had to come get me.    Didn't know where I was or where my car was at that point.   Me walking around with a hard on having taken the V.   The lady even had to help me find my car after the date to get rid of me.    S___ happens .     But boy did I have a good time.  
Hobby On!!!!!

I agree that "communication" as a whole has gone down the toilet in today's society and in business in general, no matter what business it is. And in this business especially, it's flaking on both sides, if I speak from the ladies perspective as well. Perfect examples of ladies not following thru or basically ignoring you right in your face is just unacceptable. On the other side, the men here who "attempt" to book with you not providing what they "know" is necessary is all just (IMO) getting a little out of control. Not sure what is in the air these days, but something most deff is and people need to wake up lol.  

My advice (as I'm sure you already know as you seem to know what you're doing) just make sure you pick ladies with a great reputation for being punctual and for those who take this business seriously. There are many who do, and many who do not. Don't waste your time (no matter how gorgeous she is) on those who do not. She will appear unattractive to you if she doesn't meet your expectations customer service wise anyways and it's just not worth the hassle. Or at least ask yourself if it is. Communication is probably the most important facet to this game, it's funny how some don't recognize that simple fact. But for those select few who do, a terrific time is meant to be had by all.  

Communication on both sides is key from word one. Without it, there's nada. Finding the whole package can be a tricky thing, which isn't easy. I look for the whole package in a gentleman when agreeing to meet with him, and if it's not there, I pass too. It's just not worth my time. So don't feel bad, it works on both sides of the coin here. Still sorry this happened to you. Chalk it up to a lil bad luck (in 3's) and move forward. Law of attraction works in mysterious ways so think positive thoughts and smile  ;)

this glimpse into the mind of a complete asshole.  Your reputation remains intact.  

The kind of thing you're describing is usually associated with low-end BP girls.  When you're a bottom feeder, this kind of experience goes with the territory.  If you want a better experience, move up-market.  Otherwise, give these struggling third-tier girls a fucking break!

Here are some of my own stories.  Even early on in my hobby, I did plenty of reading, both on here and on providers' own websites.  So when I was contacting a provider, I knew what I was doing.  And yet...

1) This one was actually my first-ever attempt to hobby.  I was super-nervous when I called her (I preferred phone over e-mail at that time), but she was so nice and sweet on the phone, that I was able to relax somewhat.  I don't know what possessed her to do it, but when the day arrived, and I did the first call of the two-call system, the directions she gave me led to a **supermarket**.  I called from the store's lot, but she never picked up.  She dropped off TER not too long after that incident; maybe she did this to other hobbyists too.

2) This was a second try.  Found another provider.  Less than 2 hours before my appointment, she calls me and tells me to reschedule, because her regular client just called her and asked for a longer appointment.  (Mine was 1 hour.)  Back then, I saw this as normal behavior (4 hours > 1 hour, after all), but now I realize this was obnoxiously unprofessional of her to do that.  I told her "no, thanks".  Other hobbyists on the board reported her doing the same thing.  Needless to say, she was not around long.

3) This was the weirdest one.  I call her to inquire about availability later in the week.  (Should've done that via e-mail, I guess, but whatever.)  She picks up, yells at me saying she's not available today, and hangs up without letting me get a word in.  Next day, she e-mails me like nothing's wrong, and says we can schedule.  Going against my better judgment, I give her my RS2K information.  The day comes.  She tells me to go into her apartment building's parking lot, step out of my car, and face the building.  When I do, the phone picks up, but I can't hear her.  Instead, I hear what appears to be Latin music playing really loud, and there's no response when I speak.  I leave in 5 minutes.  I later saw this provider's name going around on the boards, with people reporting strange behaviors on her part.

I think of all these as lessons learned, with at least some of it being my fault.  For the last 7 or 8 years (excluding my hiatus from the hobby), I had nothing but great experiences.  The worst one was having to wait 15 minutes in a Starbucks a few blocks away, because the provider texted me and said she wasn't ready.  Which wasn't even that bad, because I got to finish my hot tea (didn't want to have coffee breath, you know), and still gave me a full hour.

-- Modified on 7/20/2016 8:54:56 AM

I probably would have handled some of those situations a little bit differently but I do agree with your conclusion. I wouldn't see any of them again. I learned my lesson about driving to an incall, I NEVER NEVER start driving unless I get at least one text confirming our appointment is still on, and even that is no guarantee, as you just learned. Bad TCB girls will eventually pay the price by loosing clients.

TheBastard580 reads

Also, maybe avoid BP and you'll get better service

I would never have met my ATF or a couple of the other lovely women currently in rotation.  I'm glad I'm not you.

Life does happen but I won't stand at the door for very long.  But she might just be in the bathroom & wouldn't you want her to wash her hands before touching you?  I agree the clock is running.  2 minutes is a long time to be standing at the door.  
I know the traffic / weather hassles & learned to be early...  after quickly checking the location, I withdraw to the corner coffee shop to wait.  Sometimes, I even make the call from there (depends on the gal).  I time my return to be correct.  
If she asked me to wait, I would for a brief time but NOT at the door & not outside a hotel.  Again, I'd probably go to the coffee shot or drive around the block.  I haven't been in this situation, but I'd ask how long she needs.  5-10, ok...  coffee shop.  Longer than that, it's just not going to work, Bye!

I know it seems like the professional, respectful thing would be for all ladies to be waiting at the door for you.  And plenty of us do that..... but please understand that not all of our callers come right up, even when they SAY they're on their way up.  ;-)

It's easy to get in the habit of busying ourselves with something else, when we know that "I'm on my way up" can actually mean another 10 minutes.  LOL.  

Just tell the provider that you've had bad experiences being kept waiting at apartment/condo/hotel-room doors and you'd like for her to only tell you she's ready for you when she can be at the door when you get there.  

Posted By: ThePeopleRule

 My routine is to tell the lady I will call when I am ready to leave (usually 20-30 minutes before the appointment, depending on distance).  I tell her that I will need to talk to her then or I will not be leaving.  
This would personally tell me that a client and I might not be a good fit.  From time to time, someone will do that.... dictate how it's going to be, when & how he's going to contact me, and so forth.  
That is not how I do things and if I get the sense early on that he wants me to march to HIS tune, I'll call a halt right then & there.  ;-)

All of this is a vetting process that goes both ways.  If you tell a lady you'd like her waiting at her door, watching for your arrival so you don't even have to knock or ring her bell and she declines: you have your answer then with little time wasted.  
Likewise, if she is forewarned that you'll walk if not immediately greeted as described, then she can choose whether or not that works for her.  :-)


-- Modified on 7/20/2016 11:30:09 AM

But what was a common theme in the OP's thread was that several attempts were made i.e. calls/knocks at the door/voice messages left.  I think more bias is being placed on the providers life, circumstances, etc. and not considerate of the client.  I know providers look at us as $, but clients do have jobs, lives, errands to run etc.  Not speaking for all hobbyist, but when I schedule an appointment it is on most cases time specific.  I wouldn't schedule a time knowing that I have additional commitments as well as daily considerations that may factor in me not being able to keep that appointment time or cause me to be late.  And if I am running late I will keep her abreast of the situation.  I understand that "Life happens," i.e. flat tire, traffic, no available parking, kid got sick, death in the family etc.  All plausible and forgivable IMO.  But at the very least (just short of a provider's fingers falling off or her phone suddenly exploding) responding to a text, phone call, voice message prior to multiple knocks at the door should be the standard.

This is a business right?  There are certainly enough thread posts that attest to "this is how they make their living."  So in the "real world" if my business depends on punctuality, reliability and excellent customer service then I would think keeping a pre-booked or scheduled appointment that will net me $400/600/1000 per hour would be of the utmost importance. My motto is 15 minutes early is on time, 5 minutes early is late and right on time means you're fucked!  But I understand that that's just the military's point of view in me.  From personal experience I can only count 2 or 3 times where I have texted/emailed a provider saying I was at her location and she has responded with "come on up."  It's normally "give me 5/10/15 minutes hun."  Again, not saying that happens with every provider in this business, but once is a coincidence and twice is a trend.  Big boy/girl rules apply

Wild_Wil533 reads

seconds seem like minutes as nosy neighbors, hotel guests or housekeeping zero in on you just standing there.  I can pretend to be on the phone sitting in the lot.  I feel naked standing at the door for more than a few seconds.

Any delays while outside the door for more than 30 seconds, or if I have to knock twice or more, are extremely discomforting, and potentially risky.  While I would probably have handled the situations described by the OP differently, and with more tolerance given that I've already invested significant time in traveling to her incall, his point is well taken.

ThePeopleRule718 reads

including Lion-Butt, who can be counted on to have time to waste.  (His 8 "likes" must have been from other youngsters who also sit on the john while reading their "smart" phones.)  The word "waste" is appropriate for the content of what he usually posts.

Probably the most common way for a provider doing incall  at her residence to be "busted" is having complaints from her neighbors about numerous men coming and going.  Whether they complain to property management or LE, she will have a problem with which to deal.

Almost all of you missed the point (using so-called "smart" phones?).  I was not sitting in my vehicle in a crowded parking lot waiting for a call back.  I was standing at their doors in public view.  And, I had just talked with them five minutes previous or less.  An emergency might have come up in five minutes ......REALLY?  

One example:  a provider whom I visited at her first-floor apartment with an outside door later moved.  She told me that because the neighbors whose door was within 75 feet were often outside and could see males entering her apartment and leaving 60-120 minutes later she felt uncomfortable.

She moved to a suburban house with another provider.  Unfortunately, the neighbor next door was elderly with time to be the Neighborhood Watch person.  She confronted the gal about males entering the house.  A few days later a county sheriff's squad car was parked outside.  The provider told me she was spooked by the experience.  She moved quickly and soon retired.

This post was addressed to "Ladies".  (But we all knew Lion-Butt would respond.)  If you are having incall at your residence and you leave a guy standing at your door for more than a few seconds, you may be creating a problem.  

Thanks for playing (except you-know-who, who will respond even if his Butt is busy at work)

It will materialize and cut you in half, just like Candyman. :-0

If no one gave the correct response in your opinion could it be possible you are the one wrong? True nosy neighbors are a concern and can bring LE down upon an incall location but it is not enough for an arrest let alone a conviction. They need to catch you in the act or get you to confess in most jurisdictions as this is a misdemeanor. So the very few minutes you stood there barely added risk. Especially if you know your rights and are capable of STFU.  

One opened the door before you was leaving she was just getting off the phone. Clearly this had nothing to do with LE and everything to do with you standards. As I said I respect your right as a customer to walk if things aren't up to snuff in your eyes but making this about LE is laughable.

I do think it is stupid for a lady to work from home. Wait or no wait that does up the risk. The minute wait isn't the risk it is working from home and/or taking on too many clients that is the risk.

By the way who is Lion Butt?

I don't feel important when someone is sitting texting on their phone, or making phone calls the whole time - why did you ask me to hang out if you're going to be on your phone the whole time? It's just rude.

If someone is paying me, I get the situation and it's different, but it still feels awkward. But with friends, it's embarrassing to me, because it is a reflection on me - that I would hang out with a rude person.  

A man being on the phone while we're eating dinner kind of takes away the fantasy for me a little bit, and I kind of still feel insulted - but don't say anything lol!

I guess that is bad 'customer service' if you're paying a woman, but I don't like to think of a man as a customer - I just try to respect him as a human being, especially someone I'm trying to attract and get off.

I guess "customer service" is simply being respectful to another human being, and considerate of his/her time, and what they expect in return for their exchange with you.

Then again, nowadays we have employees trying to catch pokemon during work hours.

-- Modified on 7/20/2016 3:42:06 PM

I only had an experience like this once when the provider's cell phone went dead and I couldn't get in touch with her at the hotel. I was about ready to leave when she called me from another cell phone that she later explained was her personal/work cell phone which she never used for making calls in her second line of business. When I got to the hotel I asked her why she didn't just use the hotel phone to call. I could see her brilliant eyes light up and realized it was a thought that never even occurred to her.

She was also distracted during our session about a real estate deal, even checking her cell phone and then her laptop computer.  

If she hadn't made up for it by being the hottest lady I've ever been with during the two hour session when we were actually taking care of business I'd be complaining, but I'm not.  

If this kind of thing happened often like it has for the OP however, I can understand the aggravation. Most of the time ladies do seem to want to go all the way with the illusion of "can't wait to see you" and they have always answered the phone and opened the door as soon as possible

wrps07492 reads

Something is going wrong with your selection criteria.  Sounds like your are dealing with high volume bp providers.  You make some valid points about how SOME providers are inconsiderate of your time.  I have run into problems like that too. One time I go the incall and leave and a 1/2 hour later she is calling trying to get me to come back.  Its too late because I am seeing another provider or getting ready to do laps in the pool.

TER needs to have a feature of missed connection reviews. The problem is that it would become a he said she said situation.

A lot of BP providers are famous for running con games. That's why they have to post so much looking for customers. Some BP providers have to do street walking and/or hang around bars/strip joints to get customers.

FatVern483 reads

I wouldn't expect, or tolerate this behavior from a lady who schediels in advance.

Posted By: wrps07
Something is going wrong ewith your selection criteria.  Sounds like your are dealing with high volume bp providers.  You make some valid points about how SOME providers are inconsiderate of your time.  I have run into problems like that too. One time I go the incall and leave and a 1/2 hour later she is calling trying to get me to come back.  Its too late because I am seeing another provider or getting ready to do laps in the pool.  
 TER needs to have a feature of missed connection reviews. The problem is that it would become a he said she said situation.  
 A lot of BP providers are famous for running con games. That's why they have to post so much looking for customers. Some BP providers have to do street walking and/or hang around bars/strip joints to get customers.

wrps07537 reads

I saw one who I have seen multiple times, was always late. Compared notes with other guys in the back channel they had the same problem even 10 years ago. Now she is putting ads on BP. The sessions are still good but she is always late.

So, what you're saying is, YOU'RE allowed to be a "few minutes late" (because, you "called and let her know ahead of time"!) but if she's not waiting for you AT the door the second you knock, you bolt.  

"...leave the message that I will be there about 7 pm or a few minutes later."...  

Entitled prick.  


Posted By: ThePeopleRule
Preface: I am an older guy, anywhere from 15-50 years older than the ladies I have patronized during the 12 years I have been a paying-VIP here.  Manners today are  less common than they were in the 1950's and 60's; however, I do not tolerate poor “customer service” from a provider with whom I have made an appointment.  
 Below are descriptions of the three times I have walked away from a lady’s door.  (Not included is the one time the door was opened by a lady clearly not the one in the ad photos.  I said “no” and left.)  
 My routine is to tell the lady I will call when I am ready to leave (usually 20-30 minutes before the appointment, depending on distance).  I tell her that I will need to talk to her then or I will not be leaving.  
 1) Provider in her 40's: I get to the chain motel and call her when I parked.  She answers and I tell her I am parked a nearby and will be there in a couple of minutes.  In 3-4 minutes I knock on the door.  No answer.  Knock again; no answer.  I phone her and say “I am standing outside the door”.  She opens the door a few second later and she is talking on her phone.  After a few seconds she says to the person “I’ll call you back in a minute”.  I say, “go head because I’m not going to give you the opportunity to further disappoint me” and I leave.  
 2) Provider in her mid-late 20's: I find a parking space on the street where she told me I would.  It is about 300 feet from her condo.  I called when I parked, she answers, and I tell her I am where she said to park and would be right there.  I arrive at the door and knock; no answer, but I hear kitchen-type noise coming from the other side of the wall.  I knock again; no answer.  I phone and say “I am waiting at the door”.  She says “Can I call you back”.  I say “no, I am leaving”.  As I take the phone away from my ear I hear her say “no...wait”.  I do not wait and leave.  
 3) New provider in her late 30's: This happened yesterday and the experience is what has prompted me to post this.  
 Date set for 7 pm via PM at 1:30 pm at a provider advertising board/network popular here in Southern California.  I say I will call at 6:40 when I am leaving.  I do; she does not answer.  I decide to leave anyway and leave the message that I will be there about 7 pm or a few minutes later.  At just about 7 pm she calls and I do not answer because I am still driving, about two blocks away.    
 I park about four minutes later and call.  She does not answer; I leave a message saying I am walking toward the elevator.  (I visited another provider at that building a few months ago so I know where the elevator is.)  She calls back as I am walking to the elevator and gives me the apartment number.  I repeat the number because the last time I was at this building the connection was bad.  
 It takes me about four or five minutes to get up the elevator and to the door.  I knock with my flip phone  (so it will be louder than using my fist); no answer.  I ring the door bell; no answer.  I knock again; no answer.  I ring the bell again, no answer.  This knocking has consumed only about a minute but I conclude since she did not answer when I parked and that she has not responded to four noises at her door that she is doing something other than being ready to answer her door.  I walk away (in part wondering if I heard the number incorrectly) but as I turn to the elevator about 75 feet away I hear a door open behind me.  I continue down the elevator.    
 She called five times during the next 10 minutes; I did not answer and have no interest in trying to schedule with her again.  
 If a provider is not “ready to go” when I knock on her door, I leave.  
 I have never had to write a review stating that I should have “listened to the big head”.  

for the client?

to the OP,

I would agree with those who said it seems you're overreacting but at least it's better than going through in a pissed off mood.

-- Modified on 7/21/2016 6:40:04 PM

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