TER General Board

"bad" reviews....
MaskedAvenger 31 Reviews 2841 reads

not only have I never been asked to pay for VIP in lieu of giving reviews, but every time I have had a review declined it has been for "bad website" and, with a little help FROM STAFF !!!  I have gotten the website right and gotten credit.  I think this is another one of those 'urban myths.'  MA

It has become a topic on another board that TER is refusing to post and give credit for reviews that would qualify a poster as a VIP unless he pays. They are using the pretext of "bad website" which is not true! This is depriving members of good info on providers thru honest reviews and also not crediting the reviewer properly. What's up TER, and why dont you answer your mail?

That other boards are always full of rumors and innuendos of bad things going on at TER?  Yet when you see other boards mentioned here, it is to post you to useful information that may be on those boards that may be of help and is not on TER. I have personally posted links to another site that seems to specialize in Texas as this board has more information for areas of Texas than TER at times.  

I don't know this for a fact but my personal take on this is that the people that post bad things on other boards are disgruntled because they cannot post here anymore because they broke the fair and basic rules that are in effect here.  

The Moderators and Staff have probably made there share of mistakes here but they are just human like you and me.  I do know that I personally witnessed a provider call the owner of another board and have negative posts removed.  This was several years ago and the site has changed owners since and the site has basically become a non-entity as the first page of posts spans 3 months at any given time.

Like I said, I'm not trying to imply that the people that run/own this site are saints but my guess is there is more to the story than the bashing that gets posted on other sites.

For me, the small monthly fee I pay isfar outweighed by the information and entertainment I get from this site.  As a person who travels, the information here is the most accurate and informative of any site I have seen.  

-- Modified on 10/17/2004 6:05:33 PM

-- Modified on 10/17/2004 6:06:45 PM

I have had only a couple issues of bad web sites and that was due to the provider dropping off the face of the earth. so could not go back and re-submit.

Otherwise no issues with reviews getting approved.

Staff3137 reads

Wow, what a grat idea.  Don't post the reviews and give you free VIP credit unless you pay...  hmmm... does that kind of defeat the purpose of posting reviews for free credit?

Lets just ask the crowd, has ANYONE EVERY been asked to PAY to have your review posted?  Anyone?  Anyone?

-- Staff

train2501 reads

has never happened.
staff has always been more than very fair.

and all of my reviews have been posted. Since finding TER I have had 100% success in my provider selections.

getting a SECOND review rejected simply because it's a second review.  I've been told by email that a second review CAN be approved but I don't get credit.

That's fine with me.  I only post second reviews if there is pertinent information to pass along.

So I've stopped writing second reviews, eventhough they SHOULD be approved and even though I have more/additional information to pass along.

be taken down and banked days docked because it was factually incorrect...yeah she played me but that's another story.  Staff took it down and said keep the days, thx for being honest.

not only have I never been asked to pay for VIP in lieu of giving reviews, but every time I have had a review declined it has been for "bad website" and, with a little help FROM STAFF !!!  I have gotten the website right and gotten credit.  I think this is another one of those 'urban myths.'  MA

Not a problem with regards to reviews.

I countered with two and we settled on three. You are a TOUGH Customer, Staff.

diaperman2241 reads

I would stay far away from that board.When i was writing there some members email me asking me if i want to join the Philly branch of NAMBLA. I said no thanks. One of my friends dads told me that theres a sting operation going on there call Operation CANDYLAND. Plus the reviews there are fake. If you write a review of a paid provider and its a bad one they kick you off the board. Reviews there sucks. The site was also busted who do you think is reading that board (The FEDS). I also read that the owner of the board is a nark .

I have had reviews legitly rejected twice for bad websites. I either input them incorrectly or the provider changed their website the day before I posted the review. Both times I edited the reviews with the correct website and they were posted for all to read the very next day. What more can anyone ask?

drl5051 reads

I have had that same experience.  The staff, although occasionally slow in responding is fair.

I've been posting reviews on my encounters for the last two years. Sure once or twice you get a "Bad Website" on your list of reviews but all you have to do is check the webpage to make sure it didn't change or just enter it again it will go through and you'll get your 15 days. A lot of times you can type up a page on a girl you just saw and it will say web page not found, thats how the staff can verify if a girl works or has left a certain agency or no longer is in the area. TER members seem to be more honest than the other review boards so you make your choice about were you want your membership but don't start posting bad things about the staff(no I don't work for the staff)because you had a mishap or two. Hell Sfredbook took my 1st month fee gave me a password and never let one review go through.

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