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Bad call
Stee 2 Reviews 2163 reads
1 / 44

I normally hate tattoos but wanted to try something more exotic with Christinaxoxo in Vegas.  I don't mind the tattoos on her legs but that massive ink blot on her chest is unbearable!  Is it possible to cover that up?  Maybe with a certain lingerie or makeup?  

Is it rude to even ask her that?  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 60 reads
2 / 44

still have a good session afterward.  This level of body art is who she chooses to be, and she is marketing toward a niche fetish.  It's the same way with excessive piercings.  If it's not also YOUR fetish, you should pass and find a girl who you find attractive just the way she is.  If you see her anyway, knowing how you feel, it's a disaster waiting to happen, not to mention a waste of your money.

Lt_FrankDrebin 10 Reviews 56 reads
3 / 44

I don’t think I’ve ever run across her profile before. But… damn, I see why you’re crushing on her. I think you should find someone else tho.  

There are rude and polite ways of making your request. But that’s not what really matters to you. What matters to you is how will she react to it. Nobody can say but her.  

I agree with CDL, even in the best case scenario if she takes your request perfectly in stride; it will still stick out like a sore thumb to you. It will negatively affect your session and you’ll feel like you wasted money. Worst case, she flips out on you for asking. The truth will probably be somewhere in the middle.  

It looks like it extends from her collar bone to between her breasts. I don’t see covering that with clothes other than a T-shirt with holes cut so you can suck on her nipples. If makeup is used, you’ll get it all over you. You will probably still be able to see it. Either way you’ll KNOW it’s there and the makeup or clothes with just be there reminding you of it every second of the visit.  

Just reading your post I can tell this is a bad idea based on attitude/perception. What she calls art and has made a part of herself, you call an unbearable “ink blot”. Even if you never say that to her, if that’s how you see it, you guys aren’t going to click.  

If you don’t like it that’s fine. Your opinion and all. But move on. There’s gotta be another woman you’re attracted to. Especially in Vegas.

Stee 2 Reviews 52 reads
4 / 44

I do have other reasons for picking her in particular.  She works with a fairly high class group of girls who are all real pros but with reasonable prices.  I have met several of the girls she works with and always had a great time.  Other girls outside this agency I met have not been as good.  Plus her reviews are all fantastic.  But yes, basically there is something exotic about her I just have to try.  I actually had a meeting scheduled with her before but she cancelled (which was fine, I already met a girl the day before lol).  

If I do meet her, what if I buy some specific lingerie or body suit that covers that area?  I think that type of thing is sexy.  I could tell her to leave it on without even mentioning the tattoo.  

Stee 2 Reviews 56 reads
5 / 44

Arghh!  She's so freaking hot but that tattoo is so big and in such an important place!!  Why did she get it so big right there?!  Lol.  I definitely see how it would be a bad idea to meet with her but I can't help myself!  

team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 50 reads
6 / 44

I think such request is only a few steps down from asking to cover face with a paper bag or asking to pinch fat Homer Simpson meme style.

It may not be rude on surface, but basically you're saying I know you have this part of your body, and I don't like it and please cover it.  

It's one thing if you had no idea about such a tat and it's a surprise for you when you've arrived. I could understand it as a deal breaker. But knowing beforehand she has this... I think a provider can be and probably will get offende... or at least not be happy. Most people like their tats.

I think you either see her as she is and try to divert your attention from her tat - if you feel like the rest of her service/looks sutis you well... or just see someone else.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 58 reads
7 / 44

to drive off a cliff then I will stop trying to talk you out of it.  After your second post, it seems you came here to get validation of your own inclination to see her despite the fact that you are NOT into tattoos, of which she has many.  If her rate is low, the tattoos could be the reason.  It's a look that is not appealing to everyone.  Most mongers either love them or hate them.  Since you are asking about covering them up while you fuck her, she SHOULD be an automatic pass for you, regardless of whether the price is attractive.  Don't you consider an attractive price for a girl you find unattractive an offset?  Why waste your time and money.  

If other reviewers have said she is dumb as a rock, and won't get that you are not into her appearance at all, then go ahead and tell her to leave the lingerie on during the entire session if you think that changes anything.  

STOLGUY 24 Reviews 56 reads
8 / 44
justsauce16 4 Reviews 61 reads
9 / 44

It's no longer 1990 Stee, young non-gang affiliated broads have tattoos now, just a fact of life. Many also have implants, various other cosmetic surgeries, various hair treatments, etc etc. They look how they want to look, and it's never been more accessible.  

 If you're looking for an 'all natural' woman, they exist, but, given your single, review, you seem to not really be after 'natural', so, what you really have is an arbitrary preference for certain attributes. Call the raven across her chest an 'ink blot' all you'd like, realistically, that's just you coping. You know it's not an ink blot, and so does everyone else, so who're you fooling really? Just yourself. It's not reasonable to even consider asking someone to radically alter their appearance for a 1 hour session, especially considering your lack of... gentlemanly etiquette (a phrase I'm using because I can't reveal anything about your review).  

It's also a wonder why you're fixated on her in particular. It isn't like there's a shortage of thin late 20's women with too much lip filler in Vegas, just pick someone else.

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 61 reads
10 / 44

So going in, you know she has that tat. And yes it'd be rude and I wouldn't ask her to cover it up. Consider it part of her allure
So with that, she may not be the dinner date for you if the tat makes you uncomfortable. But if it's going to be BCD activity you seek, then go for it.
I've known of her for years an she's very attractive. She has evolved alot. And me being a fan of the ink, that wouldn't bother me.

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 56 reads
11 / 44

I am not a fan of certain tattoos and in certain places of the body  myself. Some are over the top and distasteful in my opinion and to my taste , but I respect people's  right  to do  whatever the hell they want  with their bodies.  

So if you don't like the tattoo on her  chest , here are a few advice:  Go doggy style and reverse cow, and or dim the lights. And here is the kicker- tell her you have a dress request, and that would be to wear a top that exposes her breast only 😁.

RegencyHobbyist 109 Reviews 53 reads
12 / 44

Like you I’m not a fan of tattoos so Christina would not be on my to do list even though she’s beautiful. And I agree with cdl and others that it would be a bad idea to ask her to cover her body art. Personally, I’d look another direction. Have you considered Paris Lemoi or Sydney Sloan? Both are very well reviewed, have similar donations, and I think they share the same booker as Christina.

AllTheTimeBaby 58 reads
13 / 44

Alternately, maybe you could put a bag over your head, so you don't have to see it!  

I agree with CDL and others: Don't even think of asking her to cover it up.

impposter 49 Reviews 72 reads
14 / 44

Put these covers on -- you, not her! -- and it might work for you.

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 64 reads
15 / 44

Yes it’s rude for you to ask her to cover it up. She may get offended. I have beautiful body ART & clearly state on my website if you’re not a fan of body art kindly pick another provider. I received a review long ago from a man who hated tattoos & my score for appearance was reflective of his dislike for tattoos. If you don’t like tattoos you should choose a provider with virgin skin.

-- Modified on 3/21/2024 1:50:29 AM

Stee 2 Reviews 54 reads
16 / 44

I think I had decided to do it but all the posts have talked me out of it.  I will think of her as a last resort if everyone else is unavailable.  

Stee 2 Reviews 58 reads
17 / 44

Yes there are other girls she works with to consider.  I've met a few of them but not those two.  

Stee 2 Reviews 58 reads
18 / 44

I gave 4 great reviews but 3 of them won't get approved because the time has passed or the girl took down her ads, it's very frustrating.  I've met about 10 providers and I've been a perfect gentleman each time (except when I got drunk like a f'ing idiot).  

Like I said, I've met other girls she works with and they are all pros.  Plus I won't need screened.  I wanted something different than my usual and more exotic and she would be perfect except for that one thing.  

I will take everyone's advice and keep looking though.

Stee 2 Reviews 49 reads
19 / 44

Have you met her personally before?

AllTheTimeBaby 59 reads
20 / 44

Hi QB,

In your case, don't change a thing!  

You're perfect!


coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 58 reads
21 / 44

four minutes you will have today.  Don't waste the opportunity.  

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 60 reads
22 / 44

"Just close your eyes and think of England."
Tattoos are a form of insanity.  So no, there is no point arguing with an insane person about their insane expressions.  They are going to live in their reality and could get violent if confronted about it.  If they had rational minds they wouldn't have tattoos.  
So you have two choices.  Live with it, or avoid it.  Septum piercings are a red line for me.  Why would anyone want to call attention to (metal) boogers hanging out of their nose.  Insane.
On the plus side, if a chick has tattoos or piercings, she's probably promiscuous (I believe surveys bear that out.)  

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 59 reads
23 / 44

That's it... some tattoos are a work of art ,and look good on most  people.  But no one can disagree  that there are some that's just plain terrible . But as I said before , to each his/ her own. Who am I to tell anyone that their tatoo is not great. And as the old adage say , "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder".
The only way tattoos would stop me from seeing a provider ,is if the tattoo is of a racist nature or just nasty in some other way.

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 53 reads
24 / 44

The good ole paper bag still comes in handy after all these years.😁

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 65 reads
25 / 44

But not in a intimate sense. She was meeting a friend of mine. I was with my friend when she came by. Said my “Hello, pleasure to meet you” and I was gone.
But this was years ago and I recall she had a very sultry exotic look. The tat was partially visible. And at that time she had a buzz cut on the side hair style , which make sense. I told myself that if she let her hair grown out, she’d be a knockout.
In time I think she has grown it out so she’s probably a knockout now.
By the way, my friend had a good time with her.
So, “ Go with confidence”.., 😂😂😂…,Love that line..🤣🤣🤣
I could’ve said , “Treat her nice “… 🤣

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 61 reads
26 / 44

On my social media I posted a poll…

SW/Girlfriends for hire who have tattoos😻…
Would you be offended if a potential client asked you to cover up your body art?
rude AF
no big deal

* If you really want to see her just ask her if she can cover it up. Give her an opportunity to make her own decision. I love tattoos! Being honest with the provider is the best thing. Good post. Thanks for sharing.

-- Modified on 3/23/2024 3:21:55 AM

SirSmiley 49 Reviews 61 reads
27 / 44

Either get over it, or move on! I'm not a tattoo seeker by any means, but if the lady DFK's, Daty's and is smoking hott I'll get over it! Plus, during the actual FUN, my glasses are off, and my face is only inches from her body, so I really don't notice tats once started! A face tattoo on the other hand...... the gal MUST BE SMOKIN!

Stee 2 Reviews 56 reads
28 / 44

Cool.  That exotic, sultry look is what I've been looking for.  


Steve_Trevor 63 reads
29 / 44

you assign to “probably”? Is it more than 50.000001% ?

As with all sweeping generalizations, there’s lots of counter-examples. So one should never assume a woman with tats and/or piercings is promiscuous.

randy62 31 Reviews 58 reads
31 / 44

Is this even a serious question?  If she is hot just ignore the tattoo.  Like someone else said its equivalent to asking her to put a bag over her head.  Let your balls drop and just have a good time. Lots of fragile dudes in this hobby

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 56 reads
32 / 44

dots on her thigh.  They resemble reptilian scales.  Kinda like fucking an alien. (from another planet, not another country - Lol)

justsauce16 4 Reviews 60 reads
33 / 44

You also have to consider the tan line where a ring used to be. Dead giveaway.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 58 reads
34 / 44

her five-year hiatus in the middle of her review history.  The fact that it's still visible may mean hubby lost his job and she had to go back to work. . . . . . the hard way.   Lol

eastside70 42 Reviews 55 reads
35 / 44

I find all tats interesting. I'm sure there’s a story behind that one.

Stee 2 Reviews 65 reads
36 / 44

I see how it might be a little rude but I'm sure she has had some WILD requests from clients (I'm sure all girls have).  Is this one really that much worse?

But the real problem is that it doesn't seem to be physically possible to cover it.  Makeup won't work and finding some lingerie/bodysuit to cover that area wouldn't be worth it.  

I still have her near the top of my list but I'll be a big boy and just ignore that tattoo.  The other ones are kind of cool.

justsauce16 4 Reviews 63 reads
37 / 44

Depends on how you land that plane I suppose. Saying "I think your tattoos are hideous, can you hide them for me?" isn't going to land well. Saying "I'd like to request you wear this skin tight crotchless unitard which I will pay for" is likely to land just fine.

Unfortunate that most people don't have sufficient tact to figure this out.

DaveMogal 74 Reviews 50 reads
38 / 44

See someone else. Plenty out  there without the tattoos.  One that I was seeing put a creepytattoo on her chest, decided not to see her again.

Taniatonsorial See my TER Reviews 46 reads
39 / 44

quite a few pretty large tattoos, I would probably say you aren't a good fit. The makeup used to cover tattoos is pretty messy and uncomfortable. On the other hand I have had a few guys come to see me and tell me after that they normally don't like tattoos but were happy they came to see me and one has now been a regular for years. So if you really want to see her and like everything else about her, it might be worth it and you might not even be bothered by it. She is pretty smoking hot....

impposter 49 Reviews 64 reads
40 / 44

A little double entendre there.  
Do you know anyone in the drama biz / show biz / movie biz / makeup biz ... ? There ARE cosmetics specifically made to cover tattoos and other skin defects (defects for a specific purpose: if a movie role can accommodate a big blemish someplace (cavewoman loser in a fight with a dinosaur) it is NOT a defect for that role; French Revolution lady with a Hells Angels tattoo, it's a defect for that role.).  
Contact the drama department at the local college or university. Attend the local theater company and ask to talk to the makeup dept. Is there a cosmetology school near you? ... And so on.
HOWEVER!!!! I don't think it's appropriate to bring this up for a potential date. That would create the wrong kind of drama.  
Good luck.

Posted By: Stee

I normally hate tattoos but wanted to try something more exotic with Christinaxoxo in Vegas.  I don't mind the tattoos on her legs but that massive ink blot on her chest is unbearable!  Is it possible to cover that up?  Maybe with a certain lingerie or makeup?    
 Is it rude to even ask her that?  

lisa0302 See my TER Reviews 35 reads
41 / 44

I think this the first time I’ve seen a man debate going to see a gal over a tattoo…

Delighted to see most men said see her or move on…

Ladies got tattoos.

Stee 2 Reviews 35 reads
42 / 44

The makeup is definitely out.  I've been looking at other providers but still come back to her.  She's perfect except for the one large chest tattoo.  

My trip isn't until the end of May so I have plenty of time to decide.  

Stee 2 Reviews 43 reads
43 / 44

My trip isn't until the end of May so I have plenty of time to decide.

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 40 reads
44 / 44

As a provider with tattoos you should clearly pass if you’re not a fan of body art. I just booked a date for May, and I prefer gentlemen who plan way in advance. After posting this she may decline, or if you wait until the last minute to decide she could be unavailable.

-- Modified on 4/17/2024 5:29:23 AM

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