TER General Board

Awesome!!! Does that mean I can win that trophy of yours?regular_smile
!_! 806 reads

Please nominate me, please? Pretty please with sugar on top? I always wanted to win it. ;)

!_!3106 reads

What could your father and mother have done differently for you during your childhood, so that you didn't end up escorting? I know this could be a very sensitive topic but I wasn't sure who else or where else to ask. Yes, I like to fuck escorts but I sure as hell don't want my own daughter growing up to be an escort. Sorry, I don't mean any offense to all the wonderful women here, but that's the unspoken truth. As a father, I don't want my little girl doing this. What's interesting is, I'd turn a blind eye and ignore it if my son grows up to be a whore monger but I really don't want my daughter ending up escorting under any circumstances. Are there any providers here who have a daughter who would want their daughter to graduate from college and then fuck old men full time after they graduate? Feel free to call me a hypocrite if you have a daughter that you wouldn't mind getting into this business. I know it's a double standard but we ALL have double standards don't we? In that context, providers who have a daugher would have double standards too. On the other hand, money tends to make the double standard a little bit more fair and squire a transaction though. So, back to the question, what could your parents have done differently for you during your childhood that could have prevented you from becoming a full blown escort? Did you have a healthy loving relationship with your father during childhood or did you sometimes wish he'd be around more?  Inquiring minds want to know.

-- Modified on 11/12/2014 5:13:46 AM

oryx32968 reads

I'm relatively new to this hobby but I know of a mother and daughter who are both providers. I have never hired them but had lunch with them and a favorite provider I have been with.

My parents are both highly educated (without giving away too much info, they're in a field which requires post graduate degrees), so I was raised in an environment that afforded my siblings and I every luxury we could have wanted. We went to the best schools, lived in a neighborhood with CEOs and sports legends, had a maid instead of chores, were given nice cars and designer clothes, and had our college educations completely paid for. Hell, each of us had extensive cosmetic dentistry before we could drive. Until I finished my undergrad degrees, I had never worked a day in my life.  

That said, while we were undeniably spoiled rotten, my parents were (and still are) the most incredible people on earth. They definitely made mistakes, but if it weren't for their influence, I would have never learned the importance of kindness, equality, open-mindedness, respect, generosity, justice, or doing the right thing even when it's not the popular thing. That's why I get so pissed off at this whole "daddy issues" stereotype, because my dad is my hero and my best friend. As a matter of fact, I told my dad what I do a few months ago and he reacted in a way that a father should react - with concern, but also with complete understanding and without passing judgment. He offered to support me financially until I finish grad school, but I declined. I want to earn my way now. (On a side note, maybe this will help some people understand why I have an upper age limit, and a low one at that - I simply cannot be sexually intimate with someone older than my dad, and that probably has a lot to do with the fact that I have such an awesome dad. I'm no psychologist, but maybe I have the inverse of "daddy issues." Fuck if I know.)

Maybe to some, this line of work is the "easy way," but anyone who thinks that is obviously not a sex worker. It's a hell of a lot more than just "fucking old men." I'm learning so much from this line of work. It's taught me (and continues to teach me) an incredible amount about entrepreneurship, budgeting, marketing, financial planning, self discipline, compassion, patience, the human condition, and so much more. So while being spoiled rotten up until age 22 has caused me to be sort of thrust (no pun intended) into having to learn to be independent at a slightly later age than most people, it doesn't mean that my parents fucked up. Entering this line of work was my choice, and I don't believe for one second that it was a shameful choice. It's an unorthodox choice, no doubt, but it's not precluding me from adding value to this world.  

Posted By: !_!
What could your father and mother have done differently for you during your childhood, so that you didn't end up escorting? I know this could be a very sensitive topic but I wasn't sure who else or where else to ask. Yes, I like to fuck escorts but I sure as hell don't want my own daughter growing up to be an escort. Sorry, I don't mean any offense to all the wonderful women here, but that's the unspoken truth. As a father, I don't want my little girl doing this. What's interesting is, I'd turn a blind eye and ignore it if my son grows up to be a whore monger but I really don't want my daughter ending up escorting under any circumstances. Are there any providers here who have a daughter who would want their daughter to graduate from college and then fuck old men full time after they graduate? Feel free to call me a hypocrite if you have a daughter that you wouldn't mind getting into this business. I know it's a double standard but we ALL have double standards don't we? In that context, providers who have a daugher would have double standards too. On the other hand, money tends to make the double standard a little bit more fair and squire a transaction though. So, back to the question, what could your parents have done differently for you during your childhood that could have prevented you from becoming a full blown escort? Did you have a healthy loving relationship with your father during childhood or did you sometimes wish he'd be around more?  Inquiring minds want to know.

-- Modified on 11/12/2014 5:13:46 AM

had a perfect life, maybe you do have rockier childhood, Dont make no one tougher than the next!!!

like me learned to date an older man for survival reasons and then for me i began to escort at 22 since i was not wanting to keep my 50 hour work week while memorizing my set list and stuff. It was asked in a tone as if being an escort is definetly a negative career which someting negative must have led you here. But I am not afraid to tell my story, i have told it many a times. I know i like my life i like where i am at no shame in having gone through a little bullshit in yer life.  
               This is obviously a guy that looks down on this as a job i would guess? I agree with him i dont think its a productive meber of society career to choose. I think of your gonna straighten life out and get through it use it for school get a game plan i think its oerfectly ok for that!  
               But i agree there s usually something wrong that happened. i know if i had some one hand me money to pay off my loans and maybe help with bills like maybe a third of em, while i do school i d certainly wak away from this with out a second thought. But i dont have those oppurtunities. I cat see escorting if your parents had money and you have a career thats enough to live on though. I know i wouldnt be escorting if i had a career i could make enough to survive on under my belt, I know if i quite escorting and went to be a waitress right now, i D DEFINETLY ALSO BE HAVING TO SAVE 1ST LAST N SECURITY AND FIND A NEW HOME!   I most certainly wouldnt be able to keep this apt on the wages I d earn at any job with my limited edication level. I did do cosmetology school but dont qualify for the state board licensure exam because 7 years has passed since graduation so 16 grand plus interest for nothing! BUT thats ok, i will pay it off . not sweatin it.

GaGambler764 reads

just president, we could vote for her to be President of many things, like the "no more posters TSTTTTT" committee? lmao

Bring back the departed T-Monster committee.. :D

I plan to make the White House punk rock as fuck, and my platform will be largely based on the right of every American to be a sexy diva biatch.  

Also, my military strategy will be summed up by one word: glitterbombs.

This movie had to be about the dumbest thing but also probably the best thing the American International ever put on celluloid.

It was a real hoot, let me tell you.

Senator.Blutarsky1103 reads

I'm sure your father is proud of you... I know I would be if you were my daughter.

Posted By: Senator.Blutarsky
I'm sure your father is proud of you... I know I would be if you were my daughter.
He most certainly is, and thank you for the kind words. :)

Are you guys in competition for the so called BSU award?

Tobi I'm here to interject a differing opinion/position/observation to what you have said. Not necessarily your relationship with your father.

Many a psychologist with far more expertise than myself. Will often say that a parent can not simultaneously act as both a child's friend and parent.

Perhaps that could be an issue in and of itself?

could our parents have done differently so that we would not end up fucking women for money?  lol.  

BTW, I acknowledged below that facetious would fit as well.  I am not a total asshole :)

Thank you, he is a great dad. :)

As for the question being reversed, the answer is probably the same.  

Posted By: lbll
could our parents have done differently so that we would not end up fucking women for money?  lol.    
 BTW, I acknowledged below that facetious would fit as well.  I am not a total asshole :)  

Chauncey Gardner823 reads

It's bad enough OP started with the same old crap presumption that something must have gone horribly wrong in a woman's life to end up here.  It's bad enough that he wants to play shrink when he's clearly not qualified.  But the real kicker is posting a question on a fuck board that asks women to divulge seriously personal and intimate shit about their lives for everyone to see.  Is OP really that fucking  clueless?   Obviously so.

I have always been a nonconformist, and have always questioned everything.  Our hypocritical society looks with contempt on sex workers, all the while demanding their services.  I practice what I preach, and sex workers get a higher level of respect and admiration from me than anyone else does.  And I hope that their parents afford them that same level of respect.  No one, in the end, has much control over what their children do in their adult lives.  I will also point out that for some reason, we human beings get squeamish over the thought of friends and relatives having sex (probably a projection of our own self-consciousness and insecurities).  My daughter just turned 16, and I know the sex is coming soon.  We all grow up, and sex comes with the package.  The only thing I'm going to worry about is whether or not she's practicing it safely.  If she were to ever become a provider...well, it would probably be better than getting sexually harassed by a dirty old manager at Mickey D's for minimum wage.  Then there's my ATF...she is a wonderful, caring, intelligent sweetheart, and I can probably thank her parents for raising her the right way.  I hope they would be supportive if they found out what she was doing.  So, no judgement from me, and I don't think providers are necessarily damaged goods.  And Tobi, you are my hero!

Nice post!

Posted By: Tobi Telford
My parents are both highly educated (without giving away too much info, they're in a field which requires post graduate degrees), so I was raised in an environment that afforded my siblings and I every luxury we could have wanted. We went to the best schools, lived in a neighborhood with CEOs and sports legends, had a maid instead of chores, were given nice cars and designer clothes, and had our college educations completely paid for. Hell, each of us had extensive cosmetic dentistry before we could drive. Until I finished my undergrad degrees, I had never worked a day in my life.  
 That said, while we were undeniably spoiled rotten, my parents were (and still are) the most incredible people on earth. They definitely made mistakes, but if it weren't for their influence, I would have never learned the importance of kindness, equality, open-mindedness, respect, generosity, justice, or doing the right thing even when it's not the popular thing. That's why I get so pissed off at this whole "daddy issues" stereotype, because my dad is my hero and my best friend. As a matter of fact, I told my dad what I do a few months ago and he reacted in a way that a father should react - with concern, but also with complete understanding and without passing judgment. He offered to support me financially until I finish grad school, but I declined. I want to earn my way now. (On a side note, maybe this will help some people understand why I have an upper age limit, and a low one at that - I simply cannot be sexually intimate with someone older than my dad, and that probably has a lot to do with the fact that I have such an awesome dad. I'm no psychologist, but maybe I have the inverse of "daddy issues." Fuck if I know.)  
 Maybe to some, this line of work is the "easy way," but anyone who thinks that is obviously not a sex worker. It's a hell of a lot more than just "fucking old men." I'm learning so much from this line of work. It's taught me (and continues to teach me) an incredible amount about entrepreneurship, budgeting, marketing, financial planning, self discipline, compassion, patience, the human condition, and so much more. So while being spoiled rotten up until age 22 has caused me to be sort of thrust (no pun intended) into having to learn to be independent at a slightly later age than most people, it doesn't mean that my parents fucked up. Entering this line of work was my choice, and I don't believe for one second that it was a shameful choice. It's an unorthodox choice, no doubt, but it's not precluding me from adding value to this world.  
Posted By: !_!
What could your father and mother have done differently for you during your childhood, so that you didn't end up escorting? I know this could be a very sensitive topic but I wasn't sure who else or where else to ask. Yes, I like to fuck escorts but I sure as hell don't want my own daughter growing up to be an escort. Sorry, I don't mean any offense to all the wonderful women here, but that's the unspoken truth. As a father, I don't want my little girl doing this. What's interesting is, I'd turn a blind eye and ignore it if my son grows up to be a whore monger but I really don't want my daughter ending up escorting under any circumstances. Are there any providers here who have a daughter who would want their daughter to graduate from college and then fuck old men full time after they graduate? Feel free to call me a hypocrite if you have a daughter that you wouldn't mind getting into this business. I know it's a double standard but we ALL have double standards don't we? In that context, providers who have a daugher would have double standards too. On the other hand, money tends to make the double standard a little bit more fair and squire a transaction though. So, back to the question, what could your parents have done differently for you during your childhood that could have prevented you from becoming a full blown escort? Did you have a healthy loving relationship with your father during childhood or did you sometimes wish he'd be around more?  Inquiring minds want to know.  
 -- Modified on 11/12/2014 5:13:46 AM

!_!964 reads

You can pull a better white knighting than that otherwise you might lose your new self-appointed title. Don't let us down like that, mon. We're counting on you! ;)

I think you are a very cool person. Funny, honest (sometimes brutally honest), bright and it certainly doesn't hurt any that you are really fucking hot.  

Stay cool.

fucked up families do they come from that all they can do for a living is manipulate and control people and suck blood? The implication that all escorts adopt their profession because of parental failures seems wildly speculative and more appropriately used as an hypothesis in regard to the subset of BP runaways that show up on TV "reality" shows. Also, as the father of three daughters (no longer "little girls"), I am careful about any aspirations that I may have for their careers (to the extent that I am entitled to aspire for them).  

BTW, I do notice that you address "all the wonderful women here". Maybe you are not a "hypocrite" as much as trying to reconcile the irreconcilable Leave-It-To-Beaver lifestyle model that few people actually hew to and the I-Love-A-Beaver lifestyle that most people crave and some are honest enough to embrace.

Peace Brother

not give birth to a moron like you..

-- Modified on 11/12/2014 5:29:59 AM

Way to go MacDiaper.  

Posted By: macdaddy1944
not give birth to a moron like you..

-- Modified on 11/12/2014 5:29:59 AM

when posters like this (and there are so many others) try to play tough guy and their game is so weak they just look lame.  They never learn.

As for my daughter, she's getting screwed now in a low paying job after 5 years of (very expensive) college.

She may as well get screwed in a high paying job.

There are just two main things I care about:

The first obviously is her safety, the other is her happiness.  

I'd trust her to seek out both no matter what she does.

Senator.Blutarsky789 reads

...that are "off the payroll" and making their way in the world... and my wish for both of them is that they follow their dreams wherever they may lead... and I think they both know I'll be there for them no matter what path they choose.

might not get paid to fuck guys, but if she is like most girls/women...she's going to fuck her fair share. And in today's youtube/spring-break/girls-gone-wild/reality web tv world she's not sticking to the occasional missionary with her long time amish boyfriend (although he's a gangsta now too).

I don't think you should spend  too much time considering an escort's choices, or pass judgement or spend a lot of time thinking about your daughter's sex life...all basically creepy, wasteful activities. Unless you live in their shoes and live their life...you don't know shit. You THINK you do...but you don't. And when she's counting benjies and deciding which color her new Benzie should be, she'll be the one cringing at your life choices, not hers.

Very open and very self aware response! Goes to show you shouldn't stereotype a particular group, race, religion, or profession. Parents have a great influence over one's life, HOWEVER, when one reaches adulthood, the choices one makes are his or hers to own.  

"I have an upper age limit, and a low one at that - I simply cannot be sexually intimate with someone older than my dad."

Oh, to be Bill Clinton for an hour or two.

you might consider opening up your thinking to additional possibilities. People do have the ability to create their own beliefs, values and quite literally change the way they perceive the world around them - most often in very forwarding ways. But you must challenge your own beliefs and perceptions first; assume they are wrong and see what other explanations you can conceive. Then ask to confirm your newly discovered possibility; repeat forever.  Being a question is much more powerful than being an assumption.

I grew up middle class for my area, maybe a little above, but we never knew it... Always had access to multiple luxury cars, lessons and frequent family vacations outside of the US... Never really wanted for much but we always had enough. Both parents are professionals, advanced degrees and make good money...  

My parents are still around, still ask A LOT of questions, but don't care that I am an adult and can make a way on my own. Not the typical single mother, I am NOT on assistance, own a car, own a home, and work a 9-5 when I want. I put myself through school since my siblings are still in college, and have the time to help out when family members get sick- we've had a lot of family illnesses lately. They occassionally question, but my mom knows I "date" and I have always had successful boyfriends, gifts and extra bursts of cash don't concern her or my dad as long as I'm not asking her for it!  

Weird as it may seem, I chose to escort after being approached by a gentleman that offered me money for a fetish. I could have stuck to S&M but it wasn't me so I went with GFE... But all in all, being an attractive female has it's issues; I've always been sexualized, always been propositioned, and I guess I am numb to it a bit, but it had nothing to do with my parents. They're not perfect, but they're ok. I can respect them for being ok.

I have family that accepts sex work, mostly stripping. The men are patted on the back for having many GF's or being a sugar daddy, and the women are groomed into taking more traditional roles, of being pretty and keeping house. I'm always told to be "pretty", look good and put on make up and cook Sunday dinner...  

Maybe that's where the problem is? HAHA! I'll let my therapist figure it out...

!_!948 reads

I simply asked what could a parent have done for the daughter during her childhood for her to be less promiscuous and not rent out her body to strangers for money. Would you consider it an honorable job for your own daughter?

But you do make some broad assumptions yourself. What could have my mom had done better? Hmmm, not have had cable in every room so I couldn't watch the Spice channel and Skinamax afterschool and late night on weekends with the volume on mute... Not have had such a big house that I could fuck my highschool BF in the family room, even when she was home "supervising" or not had that french door or basement door I could sneak out of and fuck the boy down the street when he flickered the porch light the coast was clear... Those are like my earliest realizations of myswld as a sexual being, no trauma or drama, could you fault opportunity??? Lmao! Is that what you want to know? Damn my growing up was uber horrible... I had to go to church every Sunday too, sing in the choir, and yes I was forced to eat all my veggies and the school lunches too...  

And no I have a son. He was conceived in lust so I don't have a huge feeling he will want to be a priest. I would support my sister or cousins if they chose to escort, better they be smart about men, money, and sex before they lose their mind to the first guy that turns them out, think they're in luv, get pregnant, get stuck, and have no future..

Define honorable...I want my daughter to be happy with the life SHE chooses.  As I read through the threads and posts, I am amazed at the assumptions made by some that escorts are the lowest form of life...and yet, they engage.  I am fine with the life I live, I have a home, saving for college education for the kids, and retirement for myself.  

Let me ask if you have a daughter.  I gather from the content of your posts that you do not have a healthy respect for women in general.  I am interested in hearing about your relationship with her and how you will keep her off the pole.

You're both caught in a judgmental little box with the presumption that these women are somehow damaged. That's clearly the import of the statement in your subject line.
The answer is, some people are just wired differently than others.  It probably has nothing to do with how they were parented.  Put another way, what could your parents have done differently that would have kept you from being a whoremonger?
There are two legitimate reasons for a parent to be concerned about a daughter becoming a hooker: STDs and her physical safety if some demented john gets through her screening.  And you didn't mention either one.

needs to maintain perspective on the job.  So do oncologists for obvious reasons.  Dentists have unusually high suicide rates they say because of the negative feedback.

!_!913 reads

Are you sure majority of these women are "normal" women?

My quest for strange can't be quenched. I've always been a cheater, no sense in upsetting another person, just accept who I am, and the fact that I like to have sex with randoms- it's what I need. So get it through this venue and get some cash; BONUS! much better than going out and picking up strays or getting killed screwing a guy off the List...  

My family is there, always around, always hanging out with family stuff, and we always talk. Don't have many family issues and not sure how my family helps me in my sexual pleasures and to help me reach an orgasm... Not picturing my mom and dad while I am reverse cowgirling but ok your kink not mine...

Dear Jaye:
I am just wondering would you be the girl that LL Cool J describes in "Round the way Girl".  Also since you have lived a upper middle class lifestyle would you say that you always had an interest in variety which would lend itself to being an adult companionship provider? I know you don't want to be a freak but can you help yourself?

Never been the popular kid in school, hung with the kids that were different... Artsy and secretly smart, I downplayed some of my advanced education because looking at me, the teachers would judge and think I was relying on my looks. Fast forward to the online courses of today, and I can get all the straight A's I want because the teacher can't see my cute accessories and pink lipgloss. Lol!

I don't mind being an outlier, and I think my willingness to connect with the not so norm helps me relate to a lot of different guys and their kinks which helps me be a great provider... And with so many choices in life why settle?

Ladies, please please please let your freak flag fly!!!

-- Modified on 11/12/2014 9:48:14 AM

And if they're not "normal" wtf does that have to do with their being hookers.  You got yourself so contorted climbing into that little box of yours you're not thinking straight.

!_!824 reads

If she wanted to suck dick for a living instead of a day job, what would you tell her?

In fact, I do have gorgeous daughter. Her stage name is Kylie Daniels and I helped get her started and am terribly proud of her.
Oh, and you're on her DNS list

!_!1042 reads

Ever hear of fact based studies? Not believing in them is one thing but why ignored a whole group of them entirely? Are people so blindsided by denial that plain data and facts are going ignored?

... as I have no children. Raising them can't be easy.

But I would point out that you have proven yourself unqualified to answer any question.

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
I have no children.
This is proof positive that there is a god, people.

I proclaim - That people whom have yet to procreate, can offer an unbiased opinion to those who have.

Granted, those who have no real world experience in child rearing can not offer absolute advice. They can give an outside the family unit perspective(OTFUP). The OTFUP can be very insightful, as the person has nothing to gain/lose from this perspective. Unlike an actual family member, this perspective can be applied to any group-dynamic.

Posted By: Tobi Telford
Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
I have no children.
 This is proof positive that there is a god, people.

if my daughters go into this with open eyes, why the hell not?  I'd rather they did this than many, many things.

mom kicked me out for behavioral issue at ten, then i got kicked out the dads and step mums, then to nanas, then a mental hospital, then foster care.
                 I found it easier to shack up with an older man than deal with my other living options at age 15 so. I d say maybe not being so strict? I recall i was big hippie pot smoker and liked to party, Looking back i think if i maybe always had a place to sleep in same bed and felt welcomed. i wouldnt have learned to rely on men for food and sheltter which is what ended uo happeniong ..................................
                              BUT i like the person i am and love my life, but in all honestly i d say being abandoned at a young age, may have caused some damage in my thought process or my progress in growing. I am lucky i always met nice guys never been raped or hit. I count my blessing the guy i moved in with that got arrested for being a pedophile after..............
                 He actually was a vegan and into yoga and he did smoke alot pot but didnt drink.  
          It coulda been worse ! I coulda got taken in by some coke dealer pimp or some abusive person, i managed to find a hippie guy to take me in he only taught me good thing and got me to become a vegan like him at 15.  
                    I been in intensive therapy 5 times a month! since age 27. i dont drink smoke cigarettes or anything. I guess my life now may seem boring to some i watch tv excercize cook, talk to friends n faily.  
 I see some my friends they had rich parents and paid for ivy league school educations.  
              And at 40 they are hot messes on drugs out partying for days . I think having a rockier maybe disruptive childhood you even out earlier on in life and for me since i partyed alot as a youth i sewed my wild oats so to speak and am like more chill and stable NOW than say the latter that didnt get thier wildness out at a younger age they are still in that rebellious mode......
                                 I think alot of things can lead to some one finding them selves for me i was never so far in my life able to hold a job longest was 8 months.
 so maybe thats why i was drawn to this its only an hour and its food and utility money, I have yet to ever make enough to pay off student loans or save and i still always seem to be very very behind and in the red with bills and rent , but I am ok with not being perfect! and will keep trying, i know what mky goals are.  
                       I am curios but i think alot these ladies are simpky intellegent and only doing it for the money. I know even with the amoutn i COULD be making i always fall behind and struggle still, but i had other problems like them finding a tumor in my boob last month , so i have excuses why i fell behind from matter out of my control,.

stories about dysfunctional upbringing, I dont get why he d wanna hear the stories?? i know i dont like talking or hearing about peoples negative stories. I like talking about animals, food, diet, excercize.  
            But if he wants to know peoples stories i dont see why not . i just dont get why youd wanna open a ca of worms and hear sad stories. I know i wouldnt want to post a thread asking if any the hobbyist been molested or if any one ever seen an animal abused, To me it seems as silly as asking a question like that as a thread topic or as odd. But i responded any way. I guess he is looking to hear a few sad or unfortunate stories by doing this? i am unsure why?
                          I have an idea for a more positive counter thread now to balance out the negativeity here. This thread well i dont personally wann remeber or dwell on negative things . Its useless.

!_!830 reads

You made some great points and yeah it's great for a girl to be able to make a few grand in a day if she wanted to. Ultimately, seems its mostly about the money. How do you still struggle financially with what you're making now though

CorbinCandor1060 reads

...but you don’t know how they’re going to turn out.

As one previous OP stated, she did not have to go into this line of work as she was taken care of, but she choose to.  

Question you might ask yourself, if your daughter does anything you don’t approve of, including becoming a provider, will you still accept what she does and be there for her?

How many of us know of others that have cut family off completely because they didn't approve of one thing or another that they did? It can go both ways: parents shunning their children or children shunning their parents.

Good to read here that some here maintain a healthy relationship with there children regardless of the choices or paths their kids have made and taken

I certainly could waitress and have roomates and NOT live in an ocean facing high rise one bedroom with out roomies. But for now with my edction level If  want to have oodles of idle time to dilly dally day dream and just well relax...............which i do alot of ...
too much in fact.
                       well i have to make sacrifices and take a riskier more mentally and physically draining job, But sometimes I THINK.  What would be more tiring for me now working 40 hours as a barista which i always enjoyed but still, so workin 40 hours as a barista for maybe 300-400 weekly if that.
          Or like last week i did 2 appts had 2 men over one gave me 620 {he also gave me 2 rolles of quarters for laundry from bank hence the3 odd numbers!}  
 the other got the 400 gfe hour and was a doll. Nice asian boy, Business guy , younger than me , handsome, And bith were easy easy on my physically so i wasnt exhasted or felt like my neck was gonna break off after for 2 days, BUT i was lucky that week , Some guys like show up on 2 viagra and like an energy drink . you never know wo the guy will be . Some are a drain some revive ya. People in any job do this.
       It can just be more extreme in this field.
 But i do think deep down guys postin threads like that it shows thier disdain, because they CANT get away with this as a job and deep down, guys like him have a sort of resentful attitude towards us for whatever reason, Maybe they wish they could also escort as it bides you the free time to pursue other things and even like me i been through school for multitudes of things, thai shiatsu AND cosmetology, if not for escorting i couldnt have dont that whilst singing in bands with out a 9-5

My child/ren (only have 1 right now, but currently pregnant) becoming escorts is the LEAST of my worries.

The two things I care about most are:

1. Will my child/ren grow up to think that I was a good mother?  Will they feel that I generally did a good job of making them feel safe, loved, and respected?  Are they confident that I will be there for them if/when they need me?

2. Are they / will they be happy?

There are many things my mother could have done differently.  She was not a great mom.  But I don't think her mistakes led to my pursuits as a professional companion; nor do I believe that becoming a professional companion was a bad thing - on the contrary, I can say wholeheartedly that it's one of the best things that ever happened to me!  In the present, my mom knows what I do for a living - and RESPECTS my desire to define success and happiness for MYSELF.  She does not impose her desires on me, nor has she revoked her love or respect for me simply because I may have chosen a path for me that she might not have considered ideal.  (On the contrary, my stepdad has occasionally told me that he is more proud of me than even his biological children, because of my initiative, work ethic, and savvy saving techniques.)  THAT is, by far, the best thing that ANY parent can do for their child.

What I want, truly want, for my children, is for them to be HAPPY and SUCCESSFUL - however they define it for themselves (so long as their fulfillment is not derived from harming others).  How they choose to pursue that is honestly not for me to judge.  I do not own their lives.

I love your answer butterfly dust, thats what i feel but I wasnt able to think of such a remarkable response, i tend to just blurt out all kinds of colorful stories, Wish i couldve came up with a smarter response, BUT My mother also like you knows i do massage and knows i have relied on boyfriends is more what it appears to her. In fact she met the older man i lived with whilst underage . I guess she rather get to see me back then than not at all so she accepted the fact i was shacked up with a 38 year old irish polish hippie guy form n.h. He wasnt a bad guy at all he brought me to meet his mother and things, I think it wasnt the normal life for a teen but I did well while living with the guy,  
 i also dont blame them because being bipolar, borderline personality disorder, adhd............
             I guess they didnt know how to handle me and did the best they could!!!!!!!!!!
         Regardless because of my slight craziness i have many a memory in the arts the more left brained "normal " quote un quote folks will never experience, I allowed my negative traights to be fueled into a positive outlet which for me was art and music and have many a memories only a "crazy" rock star could have. So i dont blame any one. But yes were things off the chain disfunctional as a kid for me due to mainly my outright absurdly out of control behavioral problems.!
 But dam i wouldnt swithc places with ANY ONE for the world and love having a creative wild mind and thought process. I am NEVER BORED!  
 and make people laugh and smile ALL THE TIME. and thats what life is about, Its not about prying to view skeletons in peoples closets that led them to thier jobs. '
Those scientists that test on innocent animals? I wonder what happened in THIER childhood. I think thier are worser people to attack than escorts.
                       but this answer is AWSOME ! I LOVE IT>   i feel same way.  

I did my time in the food service trenches in my youth, and I found that experience often exhausting and degrading as a man, let alone for the women I saw who were expected to flirt for a dollar while being pawed and propositioned all the time. If the ladies can avoid the creeps and psychos, and handle the stigma, then sex work is not such a bad gig at all.

And as Tobi alluded to, as a provider, she's essentially a small business owner. Lot's of skills can be learned from this occupation.

I guess instead of teaching me to love people they could have instilled fear of people.
Instead of telling me to be the greatest expression of myself they could have told me to deny my nature.
Instead of telling me that I was competent to make my own decisions they could have forced me to conform.
Instead of telling me it was OK to be happy they could have wished suffering on me.
Instead of making me believe I had a gift to share with the world they could have told me I was worthless.  
Instead of telling me that I could do anything I wanted in life they could have put limits on my creativity.  
Instead of instilling the belief that you should expect great things they could have told me that nothing good ever happens.
Instead of telling me to be myself they could have told me to aspire to be someone else.  

I guess they could have taken this gift away from me by doing things differently but I am so grateful that they loved me enough not to do that.  

For my daughter I want her to be happy. What is the point of being anything else?

LongDukDong826 reads

I got started in this biz a few years back because my mother was wrongfully terminated from her job and lost all of her health benefits. My parents were divorced at an early age and my mother raised two kids on her own going through many health issues throughout the years. She dedicated her life to us. She had polio at an early age, a two time cancer survivor, and ended up with heart disease from radiation at age 49.  
Though I was a small biz owner with a college degree and doing quite well for myself when she lost her job, it just wasn't enough to pay my bills and hers. I did what I thought was necessary to provide for her health and keep a roof over her head. AND I have zero regrets for that. I was somewhat promiscuous before I did this, tho I realize it's not moral, socially acceptable, blah blah blah. If I had a do-over, I'd do it exactly the same.  
I'm sure most guys here think all providers are f'd up, misguided trailer trash. Per the majority of threads I've read, difficult to come to any other conclusion. But it's just not the case. I think a lot of women do this out of love for their children, parents to ensure that they're well cared for. And why not? You guys keep coming back. It's always in demand.

I come from a very normal non-dysfunctional family: never any abuse, no molestation, no alcoholism or other addictions. Just a very Beaver Cleaver like family. My folks will be celebrating 60 years of happy, loving, marriage in just a few more years. We grew up with lots of love and care. All my siblings are happily married with children. My mom and dad could not have done anything different or better. I have the best parents in the world! :-)

I just needed to get myself out of a bad financial situation when I started escorting. Then, I just stayed in. I'm a sexual woman who enjoys people...:-)

hotplants1130 reads

and unhealthy family environments growing up, and "daddy issues".  

But, there is no universal 'unspoken' truth here. Sex workers come from healthy family environments, and fucked-up family environments, and everything in between; same as doctors, or janitors, or artists, or homeless people, or.....

Sex workers are not some unique category of people. They are just people.... who do all the same kind of things, and carry all the same kinds of baggage as anyone else....whatever that is.....which is different for everyone

You are my favorite lesbian.  Well, there is my friend whose family actually comes from the island of Lesbos....

!_!996 reads

You seem to wish to ignore facts. Yours and Tobi's case, while it's all well and nice, is not typical and does not represent prostitution as a whole. Take it for what it's worth but I'm guessing that multiple studies don't really lie. Sure, it may have some inaccuracies here and there but in general it doesn't lie. They reveal that majority were abused as a child and had other issues. Granted, 2/3rd grew up from families that were doing OK in the beginning but they began escorting when the family income dried up. It seems that the ones posting here claim to be from normal families but the statistics of a broader scope seem to tell a very different story. Are you saying that these studies are  completely false?  

There was a study from labor economics showing girls from wealthy families getting into prostitution as just another career move, but they are much more likely to be high end providers seeing an upper class clientelle, they avoid legal brothels and low end escorting. Therefore, your argument only holds true for girls in the "high end" market where girls are far more likely to be doing this as a personal choice considering they have other career opportunities and a stable supportive family as well, but we aren't talking strictly about just the high end rather we're talking about the whole universe of escorts in general: upper middle, middle, low range. As a whole, many escorts started young, from dysfunctional families, and they aren't high end escorts either, according to the studies

And what portion of this game did they survey? Trafficked street girls maybe.  So don't extrapolate to make it valid here? Idiot.

!_!838 reads

The study shows 50% were not trafficked or coerced, so no it's not just about trafficked girls.

And that's the implication of your saying 50% were not.  Therefore, 50% were.  TER girls are not trafficked.

GaGambler791 reads

but liars certainly figure.

Those studies aren't worth the TP that they are written on. There is a huge difference between a genuine study and one that only serves to confirm a preconceived conclusion.

This whole conversation is TSTTT. If you want to PROVE that a girl is being trafficked all you have to do is change the definition of the word "trafficked". If you want to PROVE that a substantial number of hookers come from broken homes, all you have to do is change the definition of what constitutes a broken home.

This is hardly anything new, people have been using this method to sell snake oil for centuries and stupid people still fall for it today. The good news is that it appears that very few people here seem to be quite stupid enough to believe this garbage, the OP excepted of course, but we all know that he is stupid beyond belief. Maybe he should throw away this persona, just like he did with the NEG persona after he ran it into the ground

!_!807 reads

Please nominate me, please? Pretty please with sugar on top? I always wanted to win it. ;)

hotplants846 reads

This is a tangled mess of unrelated statistics pulled from other sources.  

It lumps together childhood sexual abuse, sexual assault AS PART OF sex work, and violent sexual assault of adults, unrelated to sex work. It  goes on to mix random factoids about race, adult sex work, juvenile sex work, child prostitution, trafficking (however that is actually defined), participation in pornography, family history, physical abuse, alcohol use, even childhood church attendance. It’s meaningless and unsubstantiated.  

There are 313 million people in the US—-give or take; that’s 159 million women and 154 million men.  1 in 6 women (17%) and 1 in 33 men (3%) report having been a victim of some type of sexual violence, as children or adults. Thats 20%, or roughly 63 million people. Now, consider that it’s estimated that 60%+ of all sexual assaults are never reported.  

To use scientific language-—that’s a fuck of a lot of people. A very small % of whom happen to be sex workers.

The paper you cite says: 1% of US women have worked as prostitutes at some point….” Who knows where that number came from, but lets go with  it.

If I utilize at least as much scientific method as the author of this paper, I conclude that: 17% of all US women have reported being a victim of sexual violence. And, 1% of all US women become sex workers; ergo 99% do not. Of course, one might try to argue that the majority of that 1% is coming directly from the 17%.  

But a little more simple ninja math tells us this isn’t true either.  

1. 17% of (27 million) US women report having been a victim sexual violence.  
2. According to your source 1% of (1,590,000) US women are now, or have been sex workers.  
3. 1,590,000 is 6% of 27 million

This means if we pull only from the 17% of women who report being sexually victimized, to try to establish that being a victim of sexual violence “causes” women to become sex workers,  we still find that 94% of women who have reported being a victim sexual violence do NOT become sex workers.  And this doesn't account for unreported sexual assaults. So if we apply common sense, we know the 27 million number is actually higher; which means the 6% number is actually lower.  

Posted By: !_!
You seem to wish to ignore facts. Yours and Tobi's case, while it's all well and nice, is not typical and does not represent prostitution as a whole. Take it for what it's worth but I'm guessing that multiple studies don't really lie. Sure, it may have some inaccuracies here and there but in general it doesn't lie. They reveal that majority were abused as a child and had other issues. Granted, 2/3rd grew up from families that were doing OK in the beginning but they began escorting when the family income dried up. It seems that the ones posting here claim to be from normal families but the statistics of a broader scope seem to tell a very different story. Are you saying that these studies are  completely false?  
 There was a study from labor economics showing girls from wealthy families getting into prostitution as just another career move, but they are much more likely to be high end providers seeing an upper class clientelle, they avoid legal brothels and low end escorting. Therefore, your argument only holds true for girls in the "high end" market where girls are far more likely to be doing this as a personal choice considering they have other career opportunities and a stable supportive family as well, but we aren't talking strictly about just the high end rather we're talking about the whole universe of escorts in general: upper middle, middle, low range. As a whole, many escorts started young, from dysfunctional families, and they aren't high end escorts either, according to the studies.  

LongDukDong742 reads

What do you think your parents could've done differently? Are you not a married man saving every penny, taking money from his kids college fund, putting the wife on a budget so you can go out and stick your itty bitty penis in some random woman you don't know? What's wrong with you? What absurd, disgusting type of environment did you grow up in to turn out so filthy? You must've been abused as a child! I'm guessing your parents were likely drug addicts who beat you. Right? Get the point jagass? At least the gals are using money from this for greater good. Hopefully most.  
What do you and your family get out of it? A tighter budget? All for the sake of your dick getting wet? Sheesh! Grow up

I have always fantasized about this, and escorting was literally living that fantasy for me.  

And unlike some, I am neither ashamed of myself nor of other people for them.  

As for my hypothetical daughters? This is better money than most people will ever see in their entire lives. Why would I push her away from such an opportunity, and why would I shame her for taking it? Would I encourage her to be safe? Absolutely. But see the above. I would be much more upset if I raised a son (or daughter) who can't let others live their lives and thinks something as silly as sex is a judgement of anything, let alone entire family dynamics.  

I find that double standards are really for the people that espouse them, not the people they try to force these "standards" upon.  

And that is all I am going to say about this pointedly and annually offensive topic.

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