TER General Board

aw cute song. It says it all. E. 😊
sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 821 reads


Would it be an outrage if a TS won the provider of the month and her pic were to be displayed in the My TER main page?

what do you guys think?

-- Modified on 8/11/2015 4:37:57 PM

L.Guapo1075 reads

I almost never go to the Photo Only page but I like the way you post and if you put up a good photo, I'll be happy to "like" it.

Bob.Sugar1047 reads

I certainly wouldn't have a problem with you being named a winner  ;)

Posted By: TS Sasha
Would it be an outrage if a TS won the provider of the month and her pic were to be displayed in the My TER main page?  
 what do you guys think?

-- Modified on 8/11/2015 4:37:57 PM

I decided i will post one photo per day from my photo sets and see what comes out of it. I know there's plenty of uber sexy ggs to compete with. I just wonder if TER in fact considers Tgirls also for such honors

Bob.Sugar892 reads

You are a woman...you have reviews...are quite entertaining with your posts.

Am I missing something?  ;)

Posted By: TS Sasha
I decided i will post one photo per day from my photo sets and see what comes out of it. I know there's plenty of uber sexy ggs to compete with. I just wonder if TER in fact considers Tgirls also for such honors.  

GaGambler959 reads

If the guys vote for you in enough numbers for you to win, who is left to be outraged?  

FWIW, I like the way you post too. You don't seem to take this or yourself quite as seriously as some of your "friends". That's a good quality to have on this board

Posted By: TS Sasha
I decided i will post one photo per day from my photo sets and see what comes out of it. I know there's plenty of uber sexy ggs to compete with. I just wonder if TER in fact considers Tgirls also for such honors.  

Theres only one way to find out. where do i sign lol. Thanks for the support.

It's not my thing but I don't see any reason for outrage.

JackDunphy1038 reads

How can TS, or any of her other handles, get provider of the month?

As for you, Sasha...no issues.  

I'll vote for you when my happy hour is over and I have sobered up.  

If I am going to vote for a TS, I wanna be able to do so with a "sound mind and body."

I don't want Storm to use some archaic, TER parliamentary maneuver that I don't know about to throw my vote out and possibly cost you the election. :D

-- Modified on 8/11/2015 7:06:44 PM

I'm sure TER as in admin would gave no problem with it, but there will be some members bitching and moaning, but big deal that happens anyway. You already have some of the qualifications. Member in good standing, reviews, board participation. All you need are the liked on your photos. Keep posting photos and see what happens. Nothing to lose right?

I agree with the others that you are a fun addition to the General board. :)

ValuedCustomer937 reads

No question there are some seriously hot TS girls out there...  Last time I was in West Hollywood (mid 90s) - saw a really hot chick - strutting down the street with legs that wouldn't quit and a seriously nice tight ass that you could bounce a quarter off.. wearing butt less chaps and a thong - almost certainly a TS.  Nearly enough to make this straight guy see the light..... but not quite.

Doubt it is going to happen though. But an outrage - Not for me.  But some folks just get really panicked about stuff like that and just react over the top.  Guess they are just not very secure in their own sexual identity...

So - who knows.  I would LIKE to think this audience is enlightened enough to not take Miss TER too seriously - or view a TS Miss TER as a reflection on their own sexuality.    But.... I gotta admit I am not nearly as confident about that as I would like to be

L.Guapo1149 reads

I am constantly amazed at how intolerant a bunch of whoremongers can be of each others sexual preferences. I'm waiting with interest to see if someone has the cojones to say Ms. TER should not be a TS.  I'll be happy to flame their ass and I doubt I'll be alone.
I can think of one clown who would not surprise me if he said Ms. TER should be capable of menstruating, LOL!

I'm obviously not a TS, but when I won Ms. TER in May there was no "Congrats Alex" the GD Board thread because I'm only 17 months in and some felt I didn't deserve it...

Posted By: TS Sasha
Would it be an outrage if a TS won the provider of the month and her pic were to be displayed in the My TER main page?  
 what do you guys think?

-- Modified on 8/11/2015 4:37:57 PM

you can't please them all.

so why give a shit trying to...

just be you and welcome along whoever wants to be a part of your life and live it like no other could ever imagine!!

And hope for the best. Thank Alyssa and Alex.  

Posted By: Alyssa Marie
you can't please them all.  
 so why give a shit trying to...  
 just be you and welcome along whoever wants to be a part of your life and live it like no other could ever imagine!!  

i have never lived a minute in your shoes, so i have no clue how to understand what you go through with the ignorant people of the world...  
i can't even compare it to when disgusting men make cat calls and over step their boundary..  
thats gross enough and i dont want to even imagine what you experience.

internet courage can be just as wicked as drunk courage sometimes..  

Better late than never! That is sad that nobody started a thread for you. 😞
I'm guessing people were just sleeping that month. I don't think it's the reason you said. Sure some people were probably unhappy, but there are always people unhappy. There are also always people happy with the selection ,and obviously people were "liking" your pics.  

Posted By: Alexandra Kole
I'm obviously not a TS, but when I won Ms. TER in May there was no "Congrats Alex" the GD Board thread because I'm only 17 months in and some felt I didn't deserve it...  

Should we address our complaints about lux verify to you? You know since your face is on the lux verify banner in the TER website?  

Kidding 😜

Which is what matters, right? People get all pissy, but you just take your extra money to the bank! ;)

Don't worry, you should hear the stuff I get. There are actually ppl who I've heard try to convince real good friends (or potential new friends) I don't deserve to have a friend. How miserable. Just be happy! Jeez! Lol.

So I'm sure if I don't deserve any friends, I definitely don't deserve Ms TER! LOL! But who deserves anything? If we measured it, no one "deserves" anything - they just use their heads and work for it, and GET it!

Doesn't just happen here. Happens in corporate world, school, between escorts and hobbyists, and - in the church - its everywhere. When I worked for a higher up, the shit I heard about one of the most brilliant leaders I'd ever met in my life didn't "deserve that position" per some bitchy lower end co-workers. The same ppl bitching about the leaders spent literally hours every day standing around socializing and gossipping, while the person they were complaining about was picking up their slack.

 (I got to see everything. That was my job LOL. Part of my job was to sit and listen to them gossip. Then when the boss had to make a decision on who to promote, guess who they asked? Awkward! The haters never got very far. If they did, they were gone fast.)

In that light, who's right? The butchers or the smart workers getting promoted?

What matters is you're happy, and making your money. As for me, oh shit when I run for ms TER get ready for some shit to sling lmao! I can't wait lol!

And I'm sorry for not starting a thread! Maybe my profile was down when it happened? I would have! So Congrats!!

-- Modified on 8/11/2015 10:53:47 PM

Despite the few bigots in this thread, the vast majority of us are educated enough to recognize beauty and fierceness in all forms. As a matter of fact, most of us around here are repulsed by transphobia. Repugnant comments like a couple of the ones above really piss me off...until I remember that vitriol like that usually stems from some form of self-hatred. I pity those folks. Homeboy above who thinks having a trans* Ms. TER would be "fucked up" probably jacks off to TS gals on the reg. Guys who are secure in their own sexuality and masculinity aren't threatened by non-heteronormativity.  

I say go for it, sistah. You'd certainly have my vote!

GaGambler909 reads

and it would be great if a few dozen people would join in.

Can you just imagine the outrage from the likes of fatgirl and Herpius when she wins? Don't stand to close to any of them after the news is announced that the next Ms TER is a TRANNY. You won't get any brains splattered on you when their little pin heads explode, but you might end up with some much all over you. lol

bigguy30992 reads

So again no one cares if he wants more men or woman to fuck.
It's his choice and business.

When you are not into something someone else does or into does not make you a bigot either.
Then you mention self hatred is another laughable statement by you.
We are still allowed to disagree and have different views in this country.
Some of us men are still only into a real woman born that way and that is our choice.

I don't care what a TS does because it's none of my business and not my thing.
Just not a turn on at all in my eyes.

Also all of us have to find the right matches on here to date.
This is what we do here and it's not about forcing your own personal views on anybody.
Just like I cannot force my views on this matter on you!



Posted By: Tobi Telford
Despite the few bigots in this thread, the vast majority of us are educated enough to recognize beauty and fierceness in all forms. As a matter of fact, most of us around here are repulsed by transphobia. Repugnant comments like a couple of the ones above really piss me off...until I remember that vitriol like that usually stems from some form of self-hatred. I pity those folks. Homeboy above who thinks having a trans* Ms. TER would be "fucked up" probably jacks off to TS gals on the reg. Guys who are secure in their own sexuality and masculinity aren't threatened by non-heteronormativity.  
 I say go for it, sistah. You'd certainly have my vote!

Posted By: bigguy30
So again no one cares if he wants more men or woman to fuck.  
 It's his choice and business.  
 When you are not into something someone else does or into does not make you a bigot either.  
 Then you mention self hatred is another laughable statement by you.  
 We are still allowed to disagree and have different views in this country.  
 Some of us men are still only into a real woman born that way and that is our choice.  
 I don't care what a TS does because it's none of my business and not my thing.  
 Just not a turn on at all in my eyes.  
 Also all of us have to find the right matches on here to date.  
 This is what we do here and it's not about forcing your own personal views on anybody.  
 Just like I cannot force my views on this matter on you!  
Posted By: Tobi Telford
Despite the few bigots in this thread, the vast majority of us are educated enough to recognize beauty and fierceness in all forms. As a matter of fact, most of us around here are repulsed by transphobia. Repugnant comments like a couple of the ones above really piss me off...until I remember that vitriol like that usually stems from some form of self-hatred. I pity those folks. Homeboy above who thinks having a trans* Ms. TER would be "fucked up" probably jacks off to TS gals on the reg. Guys who are secure in their own sexuality and masculinity aren't threatened by non-heteronormativity.    
  I say go for it, sistah. You'd certainly have my vote!

bigguy301093 reads

This is why we live in this country.
We don't have to agree and that is my right.

Posted By: TS Sasha
Posted By: bigguy30
So again no one cares if he wants more men or woman to fuck.  
  It's his choice and business.  
  When you are not into something someone else does or into does not make you a bigot either.  
  Then you mention self hatred is another laughable statement by you.  
  We are still allowed to disagree and have different views in this country.  
  Some of us men are still only into a real woman born that way and that is our choice.  
  I don't care what a TS does because it's none of my business and not my thing.  
  Just not a turn on at all in my eyes.  
  Also all of us have to find the right matches on here to date.  
  This is what we do here and it's not about forcing your own personal views on anybody.  
  Just like I cannot force my views on this matter on you!  
Posted By: Tobi Telford
Despite the few bigots in this thread, the vast majority of us are educated enough to recognize beauty and fierceness in all forms. As a matter of fact, most of us around here are repulsed by transphobia. Repugnant comments like a couple of the ones above really piss me off...until I remember that vitriol like that usually stems from some form of self-hatred. I pity those folks. Homeboy above who thinks having a trans* Ms. TER would be "fucked up" probably jacks off to TS gals on the reg. Guys who are secure in their own sexuality and masculinity aren't threatened by non-heteronormativity.    
   I say go for it, sistah. You'd certainly have my vote!

Epsilon_Eridani935 reads

in my book, only 100% women are eligible for the TER monthly award.

as long one has a dick and gonads, it's an automatic disqualification.  

I'm only into a real woman, not a "wanna-be".

it seems that tobi wants to force her views on others. not a cool thing to do. maybe it might have something to do with her winning that monthly award. probably made her EGO really big now.

Posted By: bigguy30
Re: Tobi Telford your logic is all wrong! So again no one cares if he wants more men or woman to fuck.  
 It's his choice and business.  
 When you are not into something someone else does or into does not make you a bigot either.  
 Then you mention self hatred is another laughable statement by you.  
 We are still allowed to disagree and have different views in this country.  
 Some of us men are still only into a real woman born that way and that is our choice.  
 I don't care what a TS does because it's none of my business and not my thing.  
 Just not a turn on at all in my eyes.  
 Also all of us have to find the right matches on here to date.  
 This is what we do here and it's not about forcing your own personal views on anybody.  
 Just like I cannot force my views on this matter on you!  
Posted By: Tobi Telford
Despite the few bigots in this thread, the vast majority of us are educated enough to recognize beauty and fierceness in all forms. As a matter of fact, most of us around here are repulsed by transphobia. Repugnant comments like a couple of the ones above really piss me off...until I remember that vitriol like that usually stems from some form of self-hatred. I pity those folks. Homeboy above who thinks having a trans* Ms. TER would be "fucked up" probably jacks off to TS gals on the reg. Guys who are secure in their own sexuality and masculinity aren't threatened by non-heteronormativity.    
  I say go for it, sistah. You'd certainly have my vote!

TheOriginalFucker847 reads

Talks the guy who don't have balls or dick LOL....

Epsilon_Eridani1015 reads

how would you know?  

have you met me in person?  

I think not!

go away... you're a gnat!

Posted By: TheOriginalFucker
Talks the guy who don't have balls or dick LOL....

GaGambler973 reads

I was already pretty sure I liked her, but it's been said that you can judge a person by their enemies, and anyone with enemies like you and fatgirl has got to be ok in my book.

and don't worry about Tobi's award, you have won your own "Lifetime achievement" award "TER's alltime worst stalker" Maybe you can trade the trophy for something on the Wendy's 99 cent menu. lmao

I think I need to go give TS Sasha a "like" on the Photo board as well. In fact maybe I will start a campaign where a bunch of us agree to give her a "like" every single day just to piss off the like of you and fatgirl.

and I paraphrase ...Those of you who thanked Jesus/God, well he/they had nothing to do with it....so suck it Jesus/God."

bigguy301138 reads

I already called you out so much clown boy.
Just shut up and move on.
It's nothing personal just my opinion.
You are always looking to gang up on people on TER.
Then you are one of the biggest cowards on here.


Posted By: GaGambler
I was already pretty sure I liked her, but it's been said that you can judge a person by their enemies, and anyone with enemies like you and fatgirl has got to be ok in my book.  
 and don't worry about Tobi's award, you have won your own "Lifetime achievement" award "TER's alltime worst stalker" Maybe you can trade the trophy for something on the Wendy's 99 cent menu. lmao  
 I think I need to go give TS Sasha a "like" on the Photo board as well. In fact maybe I will start a campaign where a bunch of us agree to give her a "like" every single day just to piss off the like of you and fatgirl.

STFU already!

you comment on every gosh darn post about TS to keep making your point.

you comment so much that people know your comments are coming before they even do!

seriously!! i think eel is disgusting, but if someone kept bringing it up i wouldn't feel the need to tell you how i felt about it over and over and over and repeat and broken record and blahhhhhh

it would be different if you were like GaG and commented on EVERY thread, but you dont. you pick and choose and why you pick to comment on EVERY. SINGLE. TRANS. THREAD. is beyond my comprehension and i have 4 brothers so i understand a lot of stupidity

bigguy301047 reads

So you and the other TS lovers need to stop forcing your views on others who disagree with you.
When you do that and STFU yourselves.
We will do the same and yes it that simple.

You attack people who disagree with you.
Then expect the same in return baby.
This is why it's called a general broad and not Alyssa, Tobi, GaGambler broad.  


Posted By: Alyssa Marie
STFU already!  
 you comment on every gosh darn post about TS to keep making your point.  
 you comment so much that people know your comments are coming before they even do!  
 seriously!! i think eel is disgusting, but if someone kept bringing it up i wouldn't feel the need to tell you how i felt about it over and over and over and repeat and broken record and blahhhhhh  
 it would be different if you were like GaG and commented on EVERY thread, but you dont. you pick and choose and why you pick to comment on EVERY. SINGLE. TRANS. THREAD. is beyond my comprehension and i have 4 brothers so i understand a lot of stupidity.  

calm down, buddy!

no one is FORCING you to have an opinion.

the problem is you keep reiterating your opinion which is negative.


there are plenty of other threads that i am sure you have ZERO interest in or disagree with, yet you just pass by.. for some reason you are fascinated with voicing your opinion on the TS posts.

it would be different if you made your negative opinions known on it one time, or even one time a year... but you make them known on EVERY. SINGLE. POST. anything to do with TS.

how do you not get this???

NO ONE is forcing you to get naked or even in the same room with a TS.  

I'm sure there is a type of born woman figure that you dont find attractive.. do you bash every single one of those threads?  

everyone knows your opinion by now. can't you take your negative opinion elsewhere???

that youre not even making sense.

why not reread what you type before posting it.

first of all, its a board. not a broad.

i have never said i was a TS lover (nor have i said the opposite or if i am indifferent) - what i have said (asked) is, why do you keep reiterating your same negative feelings over and over and over????

no one has said that you have to sleep with a TS. who cares who you sleep with!

i am not sure who this "we" is that you talk about. i am one person. i may agree with GaG on this situation, but i dont agree with him on anything else. so there is no "we." this isn't an army.

like Tobi said, you are taking this way too personally and for some reason (gee, i wonder) i dont see you relaxing and realizing that this has nothing to do with you (haha! the moment you realize that, you'll laugh too!) any time soon. once you realize that, you won't have to keep stating your same negative opinion over, and over. and over.

and over.


GaGambler1179 reads

He NEVER makes any sense. I just chalk it up to him not only being a racist and a bigot, but being kind of stupid to boot.

For the record I am not a "TS lover" either, and I have ZERO desire to ever see a full frontal nude shot of Sasha, (Sorry Sasha. lol) , but if others are interested in her, that's a matter between consenting adults, and one last thing. I like her style, something that fatgirl has no conception about, considering he is no style, or brains either as anyone who has ever read any of his badly written posts can attest.

bigguy30808 reads

I never take any of your comments seriously.

Posted By: GaGambler
He NEVER makes any sense. I just chalk it up to him not only being a racist and a bigot, but being kind of stupid to boot.  
 For the record I am not a "TS lover" either, and I have ZERO desire to ever see a full frontal nude shot of Sasha, (Sorry Sasha. lol) , but if others are interested in her, that's a matter between consenting adults, and one last thing. I like her style, something that fatgirl has no conception about, considering he is no style, or brains either as anyone who has ever read any of his badly written posts can attest.

GaGambler970 reads

That is quite possibly the smartest thing you have ever said since coming on this board.

So while you are on a roll, why don't you just admit that you are a racist, a homophobe and not too bright to boot? Once we get past those little character flaws of yours we can put your comments into the right context.

bigguy30880 reads

Just move on and you already proved your comments are worthless.
Also you are a insecure man looking to feel good about himself.
So just move on and you are lost with your comments.

Posted By: GaGambler
That is quite possibly the smartest thing you have ever said since coming on this board.  
 So while you are on a roll, why don't you just admit that you are a racist, a homophobe and not too bright to boot? Once we get past those little character flaws of yours we can put your comments into the right context.

bigguy301011 reads

It's fun getting under your skin and now you want to turn into a grammar cop.  
I see this is also starting to get to you.


Posted By: Alyssa Marie
that youre not even making sense.  
 why not reread what you type before posting it.  
 first of all, its a board. not a broad.  
 i have never said i was a TS lover (nor have i said the opposite or if i am indifferent) - what i have said (asked) is, why do you keep reiterating your same negative feelings over and over and over????  
 no one has said that you have to sleep with a TS. who cares who you sleep with!  
 i am not sure who this "we" is that you talk about. i am one person. i may agree with GaG on this situation, but i dont agree with him on anything else. so there is no "we." this isn't an army.  
 like Tobi said, you are taking this way too personally and for some reason (gee, i wonder) i dont see you relaxing and realizing that this has nothing to do with you (haha! the moment you realize that, you'll laugh too!) any time soon. once you realize that, you won't have to keep stating your same negative opinion over, and over. and over.  
 and over.  

L.Guapo1122 reads

So he tries to prove his masculinity to himself by posting about how he doesn't like TSs.  But secretly he beats off to tranny porn.  Many sources have told me this.

bigguy301019 reads

So we all can see the truth about you and don't put that shit on me.
It's clear you are insecure about your personal life choices.
Since you keep lying and making things up about people who do not agree with you.

When you have to make things up and lie on other people.
Then you are the one with the problem not me.
I have no problem telling people what I want in only dating real woman.
You can't say the same and again that is your right too.

Posted By: L.Guapo
So he tries to prove his masculinity to himself by posting about how he doesn't like TSs.  But secretly he beats off to tranny porn.  Many sources have told me this.

L.Guapo822 reads

TS Sasha forgives you for being a dunce.

bigguy30906 reads

You have not figured out already I don't care what you or your buddies think of me?
So you and your boyfriends have no effect on my life.
Just proves I pick the right nickname for you. Lol

Posted By: L.Guapo
TS Sasha forgives you for being a dunce.

L.Guapo1015 reads

do you keep responding to everything I post?  Yep.  You care. Desperately.

Of course not. All of us who support her are simply saying that we're cool with the idea of a TS Ms. TER. That title doesn't automatically mean every member of this site has to bang the winner. When I won, I'm sure there were plenty of guys who said to themselves "meh, she doesn't do anything for me," but they didn't go ranting and raving that what they're not into isn't deserving of such recognition.  

You're taking this WAY too personally for someone who "doesn't care." Hmm.

that is my point, too!!!
something that bigguy doesn't seem to get...

you can like and be attracted to whoever you like...

but why, why, why the constant reminder of his stance on one specific genre of human kind?????

bigguy301214 reads

It's not a constant reminder but Tobi and you trying to force your views on other people.
So don't play the I don't understand game.
You seem smarter than that grammar cop. Lol

Posted By: Alyssa Marie
that is my point, too!!!  
 something that bigguy doesn't seem to get...  
 you can like and be attracted to whoever you like...  
 but why, why, why the constant reminder of his stance on one specific genre of human kind?????

"hey baby, youre gorgeous.. when are you coming to middle of nowhere, somewhere you can't place on a map!? please let me know when you do. i would love to book a half hour with you, first appointment of the day."  ;)


that doesn't work ? damn, I was just about to send you an e-mail from bumfucknowhere... and could you see your way to doing a 20 minute special ?

Can any of the older members remember if a TS has ever won Miss TER?  I think it would be cool, of course, I like trans women, as long as they are persuasively female in general appearance and mannerisms.  Also, I should point out that psychological studies have found that T-girls generally attract straight men.  That's certainly the case with me.  A T-girl I was with once decided to bring another guy to the party, and it didn't work out too well for her.  For that particular story, please read my reviews.

Not much archiving there. There have only been 19 Miss TERs and I can tell you the name of every one if you want. (You can check your home page anc see the first 12. There have been no TS winners so far. I'm not even sure any TS providers  have posted pics on the photo board before yesterday. I wish Sasha the best in becoming the first.

aw thanks. I tried looking up the guidelines or rules to win the Ms. TER of the month but found nothing.

GaGambler871 reads

The number of likes on the photo board are most definitely part of it, but not all of it. TER has alluded to the fact that board participation is also important, so keep posting.

...will always be sheltered, ignorant and hateful.  Beauty is beauty, and is always in the eye of the beholder.  There are very few individuals that appeal to everyone.  Most of us appeal to a select few, and those are the few that are worth getting to know.  Because we all want our passions, desires, and interests to be mutual in any relationship.  Its the special, tolerant, and open-minded beauties that make this industry worth anything.  That's just my opinion and I'm sure it's not shared by everyone, or anyone, but who cares.  I don't.  I think it would be fantastic for a TS to be featured if she's deserving, just like anyone else that has won or will win.  If nothing else, maybe it'll start to break down the walls of narrowmindedness, however unlikely that is.

Posted By: TS Sasha
Would it be an outrage if a TS won the provider of the month and her pic were to be displayed in the My TER main page?  
 what do you guys think?

-- Modified on 8/11/2015 4:37:57 PM

JackDunphy1041 reads

When your headline mentioned "sheltered, ignorant and hateful", I just assumed you were talking about me. LOL

All this time spent at Tobesters "Dick Poster Reform School" must be paying off! :D :D

Posted By: JackDunphy
When your headline mentioned "sheltered, ignorant and hateful", I just assumed you were talking about me. LOL  
 All this time spent at Tobesters "Dick Poster Reform School" must be paying off! :D :D
You're so close to graduation! Final exam: no bragging about negotiating for a whole week. :D

Bob.Sugar1078 reads

He already did today.

Now he'll have to pay for another semester.

Well played...that's how the Top Universities are funding everything today.

4 year graduation?  Not in this lifetime  LOL

Posted By: Tobi Telford
Posted By: JackDunphy
When your headline mentioned "sheltered, ignorant and hateful", I just assumed you were talking about me. LOL  
  All this time spent at Tobesters "Dick Poster Reform School" must be paying off! :D :D
 You're so close to graduation! Final exam: no bragging about negotiating for a whole week. :D

5th year = victory lap.  

Posted By: Bob.Sugar
He already did today.  
 Now he'll have to pay for another semester.  
 Well played...that's how the Top Universities are funding everything today.  
 4 year graduation?  Not in this lifetime  LOL  
Posted By: Tobi Telford
Posted By: JackDunphy
When your headline mentioned "sheltered, ignorant and hateful", I just assumed you were talking about me. LOL    
   All this time spent at Tobesters "Dick Poster Reform School" must be paying off! :D :D
  You're so close to graduation! Final exam: no bragging about negotiating for a whole week. :D

Why does there have to be a TS in front of your name?

Seriously.  It's inconsistent to say that there is something different requiring a disclaimer of sorts, but no one should be offended if you win Ms. TER.  

Does the TS bother you?  Or not really

GaGambler1158 reads

Some people would blast her for being deceptive, others would ask if she were ashamed of being a TS, others would find some other reason to blast her.

Let's say she was black and she used the handle "Ebony Sasha", would you still say she was inconsistent?  Lots of Asians use the handle "Asian Sasha" I actually dated a Thai girl who went by that name.  

I don't think it's her that is bothered by the TS, can you say the same?  

and who ever thought that an asshole like me would be on THIS side of the argument? lmao

But yes, I can say the same. It doesn't bother me in the least and I'd venture anyone who knows me would know that. Which is why it would be especially silly for me to open with the trans version of the "I'm not a rascist, so..." disclaimer.

I thouht TS was required, as a disclaimer along the lines of "not really," meaning she could be Ms. TER, but could only be Ms. TS TER

L.Guapo891 reads

Some men prefer to have sex only with women who started out that way and are in possession of a natural vagina.  While we have complete respect for TS people -- providers or not -- it's our right to have the information.
Then there are guys who like "chicks with dicks."  They have a right to know that's what they're getting.
It's just truth in advertising.

I assure u my university ID doesn't start with TS. Cuz I'm not interested in them knowing nor they care. I'm there to study... Here on the other hand lol... It's a diff story.

Am I wrong?

If that's not the case, then nevermind. Oops.

but the famous website that Starts with E. adds is whether you want it or not. most sites do usually.

It's not my thing but San Francisco has always had a large LGBT population. Over 100 posts and all this controversy because a TS wants to be a TER girl of the month? The world will not come to an end if a TS is a TER girl of the month. This proves the rest of the USA is 20 years behind the Bay Area and trying hard to stay that way. LMAO

Posted By: TS Sasha
Would it be an outrage if a TS won the provider of the month and her pic were to be displayed in the My TER main page?  
 what do you guys think?

-- Modified on 8/11/2015 4:37:57 PM

GaGambler931 reads

Many of the past winner were did not accumulate the most likes on the Photo Board, but we know that is at least a major part of the equation. To the best of my knowledge TER has never come right out and told us exactly what the winning criteria is. It would be nice if they demystified the process.

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