TER General Board

sgtdong 8 Reviews 3376 reads

For 500, you can get her an Eagle.  Gold Eagle, it will increase with value over time.  It is a great gift and it is a beautiful sight to behold too.  


E-bay has them.

Firebirdguy6173 reads

Ladies I have an ATF that is 30 years my junior and don't have a clue as to what to buy her for Chistmas. She is 20 something what jewelry is hot this year? Budget $500.00. Please give me some ideas. Thanks

blakkromeo2g2969 reads

I'm not a lady, but I find that you can't go wrong with a Tiffany bracelet. That baby blue box alone will light her eyes up and, in turn, she'll light you up.

Go onto the Tiffany.com website and you'll find something nice well within your budget.

LVP3116 reads

I personally prefer the Little Debbie cakes Christmas trees

Firebirdguy3364 reads

really people I need some real help here. A black and decker dildo with a kick starter is hard to find

continue being a great customer and bring her Little Debbie Snack Cakes and maybe some corn nuts.  And a necklace.  And give them to her in a mud bath at a fancy spa.  And take her to Big Sur and make hippie love.

blakkromeo2g3044 reads

Okay...enough about the friggin Little Debbie cakes already. No woman wants a box of snacks from a sugar daddy. You can't go wrong with jewelry.

I spent some time with my lady Holly and the Sybian this evening.  You'd think I'd be sleeping like a rock instead of participating in this silly conversation...

If she likes toys, this is THE gift... though is quite a bit over the stated budget of $$$$$.

And I'm not touching the pun in that comment. It's to damn early.

But they have it, for real.

GLisHJ4734 reads

Maybe it's just that some guys like to hear themselves talk.

Everytime someone on this board asks the ladies' opinions on something, a bunch of guys jump in.  WTF!

I don't mean to sound rude here, but perhaps you're asking in the wrong place.

If I put alittle thought into it I could spout off a list of possible gifts for just about any woman that I've seen more than once. The operable words being.... that I've seen.

Tiffany's is a nice suggestion, and I'm not downing it. The problem is that your asking people who have no idea who your lady is what you should buy for her.

Take some time to replay the conversations in your head, or try to pick up on things that comes out just in general conversation when you're with her in the future between now and then.

If you really want her to appreciate your gift, all it has to be is something that comes from your heart. Something that shows her that you paid attention to the little things that she mentioned or that you noticed the way she looked at something in a window that the two of you may have passed by. It really isn't a matter of money, it's a matter of finding something that is a fit for HER, not for the female population in general.

-- Modified on 11/16/2004 8:04:43 PM

I hadn't replied before as well...
it wasn't a thread which drew my attention.  
Though since the ladies are pretty silent and only a couple of the men seem to "get it"...
and because I have insomnia tonight LOL!
I will take some time to elaborate.

Jewlrey will only impress her if she is a fond of jewelry.  Me?  I like a simple 14" gold herringbone necklace.  Not because I wear jewlrey often but because they are fragile and I am forever replacing the special necklace given to me by my great-grandmother just before she passed away.  Anything else will likely end up at the bottom of a drawer or gifted to someone who would appreciate it more.

Obligation gifts feel hollow to receive and they make you look shallow.  Do you really want to tell her that all you can impress her with is $$$$$, or do you want to give her a gift that she will enjoy and make her think fondly of you past the unwrapping?

By "obligation gifts" I am not speaking of token gifts - flowers just to brighten a day, some nice music that she can listen to and think of you, etc.  I mean those impersonal gifts given just because it is "that time of year".  Blech!

If she is your ATF, daydream a bit on your past encounters.  Think of things that she has said.  What does she like to do?  Has she mentioned any specific needs?  Keep rolling her in your mind until you think of something which will make her eyes light up and her heart feel the special connection that the two of you have. Oh, and THEN check between the thighs, I guarantee she will be wet.  She deserves this much from you... and if you don't think so... a simple gift certificate will do.

Tami Monroe4416 reads

She will be so excited when she sees the famous pink & black gift box...you will be excited when she wear her gift! Happy HO-lidays!

Turkana3699 reads

distinctive than Tiffany's (which, I agree, is always reliable) and has inherent "head turner" appeal.

blakkromeo2g3760 reads

this girl is 20 something and, in my experience, won't appreciate the exclusivity of the brand---not to mention the cost (again, people...in MY experience). I've purchased the Tiffany heart bracelet at a cost of less than $300 for 5 different women and ALL of them expressed a reaction far beyond my expectation. I should just buy a drawer full of them and hand them out every time I hook up with a new steady.

Michele, if this is on your wish list... this present is from me!  All I would ask is a pic or two...
maybe a live demo...
I'd sub to you in a heartbeat!


I am sure he will remember do this for me.....eventually.  LOL. I think I would look so hot in it.  xoxoxox

If it meane that I get to tie you up this time.....Your body art can serve as the wrapping for My present....LOL

-- Modified on 11/17/2004 4:35:25 PM

And sounds perfect for a twenty something, Charm Bracelets are back with a vengeance, pricing will vary according to the charms you pick you can go all out and pick a really nice bracelet and one really nice charm and allow her to slowly collect additional charms as she goes along or you can spend a minimal amount a larger number of not so fancy charms.  Just remember the idea is to pick charms that will reflect the receives personality and hobbies.  If the charm bracelet does not sound good to you a gift in a little turquoise/ baby blue box, works everytime.

Without knowing her at all, that is a tall order.

If she doesn't like jewelry, how about tickets to a play/concert, dinner, a car to pick her up, hotel suite.  A nice evening planned is a wonderful gift.

Depending on where you are, is there something she would like to learn?  Skiing, snowboarding, flying, surfing, horseback riding lessons.  A gift certificate to a few lessons would be a really nice start if there is something she would like to try.

A spa day.  Total pampering, nails, hair, facial, massage, the works.

Coffee, I know it doesn't sound so romantic, but I can't live without it.  Many of the higher end coffee houses send baskets every month.  That gift will remind her every month of how much you mean to her.

There are a million ideas, but without any knowledge of your ATF, we could be way off track here.  Good luck.


If you know her well enough to want to get her something for the holidays you should know what types of things she likes too

The first lady I had ever seen...I saw her many times then the holidays came up so since I knew she was a fiend for those Sims games I got her a bunch of Sims games I knew she didn't have yet

It worked out quite nicely since she had just gotten a laptop and did a lot of traveling she had something to do on the dull times in new towns between appointments

While she seemed to really like the gift I did include the receipt just in case I was wrong so she could exchange them for whatever she really wanted...as far as I know though she played those games for a long time

You can always go the unholy trinity of jewlery, flowers, or candy route but if you want to show her how you think of her as a person you have to get something specifically chosen for HER

We can give you gift ideas for a generic woman but we don't know your ATF..only you do

For 500, you can get her an Eagle.  Gold Eagle, it will increase with value over time.  It is a great gift and it is a beautiful sight to behold too.  


E-bay has them.

but I like mine shrinked wrapped first, so it'll fit in my handbag.

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