TER General Board

At least it wasn't milk and diapers lol eom
USGrantlover 220 Reviews 505 reads


Does a firestorm make me more or less likely to visit a provider?

I've seen both views expressed in various posts on the threads below. I can't make up my mind.  

OTOH, since I have little game I really resent a provider that would make fun of hobbyists for having no game and having to visit providers. I mean, you can't just take our money and not make fun of us for it? Do I really want to give that person my business?  

OTOH, wouldn't it then though be satisfying to have and possess her in that very way, to tame the tiger, to make the fireball mine? Sounds hot ;)

And of course what do we all consider most when considering providers. She appears to have my preferred body type and the rate may be reasonable. So I can't figure it out but I'm sure some rational and well-intentioned advice is coming :)

I guess what you don't know won't hurt you.

Why worry about any of that?  The art of mocking johns who can't get laid without paying isn't limited to just escorts.  Most men also mock johns who have to pay.

In P4P why would you or anyone give a shit what an escort thinks of you, publicly or privately?  Show up with your money, fuck her, and leave.

See, that was easy.

Posted By: wholewheelofchz
Does a firestorm make me more or less likely to visit a provider?  
 I've seen both views expressed in various posts on the threads below. I can't make up my mind.  
 OTOH, since I have little game I really resent a provider that would make fun of hobbyists for having no game and having to visit providers. I mean, you can't just take our money and not make fun of us for it? Do I really want to give that person my business?  
 OTOH, wouldn't it then though be satisfying to have and possess her in that very way, to tame the tiger, to make the fireball mine? Sounds hot ;)  
 And of course what do we all consider most when considering providers. She appears to have my preferred body type and the rate may be reasonable. So I can't figure it out but I'm sure some rational and well-intentioned advice is coming :)

wrps07702 reads

Yeah I got over on that sucker. You are paying for the fun don't fall in love with them lol.

Onlyalurker702 reads

Providers never get rich in this business and most are always broke, waiting for the next client to pay their bills

wrps07633 reads

They spend it all on shopping sprees, drugs/and or alcohol. I know one who use to get drunk everyday. When she did not have a trick to use she would steal beer from a store.

LOL, where did you find her? Just so you know, that's not true for the majority of Ladies.  
Shopping sprees? Are you speaking of the elite companions???

wrps07528 reads

Like Kate-Spade. I can remember I was on vacation with the wife, sneak the store and had a expensive kate-spade pocketbook sent back to my PO Box. I was glad to get to the post office in time before it closed. I could barely get the pocketbook to fit in the shipping box.  I gave the pocketbook to the provider when I got back in town.

While there are a number of gals this may well be true for, I hate to see all of us thrown into this description.  I do none of the above.  Those that know me through the "biz" constantly comment on how "normal"  I am, because I have a very diverse life, am involved in a number of community groups, etc.  The majority of my money is put away for investment and retirement. While I shake my head when I see gals who are posing in 1200 shoes, saying they don't have money for rent...... we aren't "ALL" in that situation- so please don't lump us together!

I have done doubles with some providers who DO laugh and say disparaging things about each and every client they have seen.  So sad for them that they truly don't enjoy what they are doing.  I think in most cases, the gents can tell that those ladies really aren't genuine.  I see it in their treatment of the men.  I think that in 99.9% of the time there is something about each and every client that is attractive- whether it be physical- body, eyes, chest hair, smile.... or personality.  I treat everyone with the kindness and respect they deserve.  

On the other hand...... that  .1% just might get the eye roll after I shut the door, and a call to a girlfriend to say...."You won't believe the one I just had!"  It's human nature, after all!

Posted By: wrps07
They spend it all on shopping sprees, drugs/and or alcohol. I know one who use to get drunk everyday. When she did not have a trick to use she would steal beer from a store.

if clients would  act like men instead of boys escorts would have nothing bad to say. If you are clean, respectful of her and her rules (before, during and after meeting), not sexually awkward, and are not too timid/nervous,-which makes them uncomfortable- or aggressive-which also makes them uncomfortable- what can she say? Nothing


Posted By: HeidiSpice
While there are a number of gals this may well be true for, I hate to see all of us thrown into this description.  I do none of the above.  Those that know me through the "biz" constantly comment on how "normal"  I am, because I have a very diverse life, am involved in a number of community groups, etc.  The majority of my money is put away for investment and retirement. While I shake my head when I see gals who are posing in 1200 shoes, saying they don't have money for rent...... we aren't "ALL" in that situation- so please don't lump us together!  
 I have done doubles with some providers who DO laugh and say disparaging things about each and every client they have seen.  So sad for them that they truly don't enjoy what they are doing.  I think in most cases, the gents can tell that those ladies really aren't genuine.  I see it in their treatment of the men.  I think that in 99.9% of the time there is something about each and every client that is attractive- whether it be physical- body, eyes, chest hair, smile.... or personality.  I treat everyone with the kindness and respect they deserve.  
 On the other hand...... that  .1% just might get the eye roll after I shut the door, and a call to a girlfriend to say...."You won't believe the one I just had!"  It's human nature, after all!  
Posted By: wrps07
They spend it all on shopping sprees, drugs/and or alcohol. I know one who use to get drunk everyday. When she did not have a trick to use she would steal beer from a store.

GaGambler734 reads

and don't worry, if LL doesn't make fun of you, I am sure one of the rest of us will find some reason to make fun of you. Especially if it's a slow day.

ES has been around here plenty long enough to know better, No one needs a "good" reason to make fun of someone here. It helps, but it's hardly necessary.

Yes... Yes she get's to make fun of you. So what? Why do you care? You can afford the company of beautiful women who will do things for you that many men will never get to experience. I would envy you if I wasn't doing the same damned thing.

Posted By: wholewheelofchz
You do know that posting this broadcasts the thinness of your skin right?
you're pretty much painting a huge come fuck with me sign on your forehead. And no I don't think that high levels of butthurt in a grown man is perfectly normal. But feel free man it's your ego. From my perspective though... You just got spanked by a 20 something year old girl. Then you whined about the beat down ..... Publically. Wow..... Pretty sad unless you're into getting humiliated. Never know with this crowd.

-- Modified on 7/25/2016 4:44:24 PM

LL never in fact made fun of me. She made fun of another guy for not having game and having to fuck hookers instead.  

As someone who himself has little game, I jumped in to point out she was being a dick.

Now you're caught up. Feel free to revise your attacks on me to be more consistent with the underlying facts

i was with you all the way until "not too timid/nervous" ---

well babe, tho i am no longer that, i started out literally terrified of sexual contact, due to my upbringing and mental/emotional illness in my family.

yes i needed therapy, but guess what, the therapists i saw insisted i didn't have a problem, but the women i went to bed with knew i did, because i did.  i needed partners that weren't insecure in their own sexuality, but also didn't have anything vested in my success/failure, ie no emotional investment in a relationship with me.

i needed a sex therapist, but the one i saw insisted all i needed was a girlfriend.  ironically a girlfriend couldn't help me because she was not versed in sexual procedures.  most of my civie partners were jsut as insecure in their sexuality as i was, and those that weren't, were not at all aggressive/assertive in bed.

providers can help men overcome fear, and that is what i used providers for.  kind of a practice session, if you will.

when i go to meet n greets, there are two kinds of men i see:  the upscale but seriously older gents (like me), and the young men who are terrified of even talking to a woman.  i feel for those terrified guys, because i used to be that way myself, through no fault of my own.

it's funny how society is ready to offer help, hope and sympathy to people with any kind of problem except sexual.  if you can't screw, man or woman, then you are seen as lesser and not complete.

in the end, i would suggest that if you as a provider are uncomfortable with shy men, then say so in your ad literature, ie, "not newbie friendly."

but i personally thank god for all the wonderful ladies who took time with me to help me become more confident.  and i have personally thanked the special ones in person for being there for me.

GaGambler625 reads

At 57 I am hardly "seriously old"  and I damn sure am not a "terrified young man"

There is most certainly a middle ground here that many of us find ourselves in.

I will agree that seeing hookers as "practice" can go a long ways towards building confidence. Of course it can have the opposite effect as some guys lose what little game they had to begin with and find themselves unable to seduce a woman without starting off by offering them money.

I have many SB's tell me this about the guys that contact them. Some of them have nothing to say except "how much" which I suppose works fine for the hookers pretending to be Sugar Babies, but it chases away those that have a hard time admitting to themselves that they are trading money for sex and they completely blow it with the handful of potential SB's that are just looking for a guy to take them to nice places and treat them right and are more than happy to hop into bed with a nice guy who treats them well without a single penny of "allowance"

As for the attraction to women who hate you, this has been covered to a Tee in Seinfeld.  Behold

I guess it's not really all that creepy however  ;)

wrps07663 reads

I remember I bought one some shoes with her kids. Her daughter called daddy about mommy getting some new shoes. Daddy was driving around town looking for me. I had to hide out for a few months lol.

DariusX61683 reads

Really??  Yah those providers are out there but IMHO you should think about stepping up your game a bit.  As in climbing the ladder a bit and rising above the mediocrity of Backpage

And yes luv we do get the last laugh when we pick up that envelope and pull out your hard earned money that you left😅

And the providers that are broke are the ones who don't treat this as a business and therefore do not save or invest their money.

They are human. They have prejudices that may temporarily be suppressed by money.  
If you know their prejudices beforehand, it might be a turn off and dissuade you from seeing them.  

But like you said, they could lose as many potential clients as they gain.
I agree it could be hot going in with the mindset of "I don't give a shit what you think of me, I'm gonna pound the shit out of you and jizz all over your face."

If it was good for business more service industries would do it or stop apologising when their employees..  Enough said

Posted By: wholewheelofchz
Does a firestorm make me more or less likely to visit a provider?  
 I've seen both views expressed in various posts on the threads below. I can't make up my mind.  
 OTOH, since I have little game I really resent a provider that would make fun of hobbyists for having no game and having to visit providers. I mean, you can't just take our money and not make fun of us for it? Do I really want to give that person my business?  
 OTOH, wouldn't it then though be satisfying to have and possess her in that very way, to tame the tiger, to make the fireball mine? Sounds hot ;)  
 And of course what do we all consider most when considering providers. She appears to have my preferred body type and the rate may be reasonable. So I can't figure it out but I'm sure some rational and well-intentioned advice is coming :)

EVERY woman laughs at men... even the woman you've married, had children by etc etc.
NOBODY is exempt from giggling and just outright laughing at men. Even men laugh at other men.

To each his or her own on this point, but personally I like a little fantasy in my GFE.  It makes it more difficult for me to suspend my disbelief if I've seen too much behind the scenes footage.  Once you see how the sausage is made, you will lose your appetite for hot dogs.  Once you see that it's just a bat-shit crazy old goofy man behind the green curtain, you'll lose your faith in the magic of the wizard.  Once I know too much about a provider's RL SO, business model, experiences with other clients, love-hate relationship with TER reviews, etc., it feels too much like a cold, mechanical business transaction and not enough like the GFE I'm going for.  It may be a business transaction, but I personally prefer that it doesn't feel like one.    

I'm not delusional, I know the reality is there.  I just prefer that the ladies not rub my nose in too much reality.  Keep that behind the curtain, please.  If they want to laugh their asses off about me or other clients in private, go right ahead.  It's probably healthy for them to vent over the crazy stuff that they see in this gig.  (Actually, I think the idea of a reverse-TER where the ladies review the clients would be absolutely hilarious.)  But if you're going to talk shit about me, I'd just as soon you do it quietly behind my back like everyone else.  Otherwise, you're biting one of the hands that feed you.  I'm not paying for someone's time if they disrespect me to my face.  That's for the guys that want a domme to slap them around.    

Uncle Walt is right that the providers' participation on the board is largely an exercise in business development.  And branding is part of business development.  Some girls may brand themselves as feisty firebrands.  Some girls brand themselves as the sweetheart types.  And everything in between. Viva la difference.  There's something for everyone on here.

but there's no real need to get overly cynical either.

Remember, it's a job.  Think about your own job.  Aren't there good days with good customers that make you smile?  (I hope there are, otherwise things can get so bleak you burn out.)

Be a good customer.  Make the gal smile inside by doing so.  You'll both be winners

I agree completely.
I've been trained very well by crafty strippers to never look too deep below the surface in this business.  
Life's simpler (and sexier) that way.

Agree. Who cares if they have a laugh? I wouldn't blame them for laughing at a guy who falls in love with the first provider who tickles his balls with a feather. I'd rather be in the "Zero Fucks Given" group.

Posted By: wholewheelofchz
Does a firestorm make me more or less likely to visit a provider?  
 I've seen both views expressed in various posts on the threads below. I can't make up my mind.  
 OTOH, since I have little game I really resent a provider that would make fun of hobbyists for having no game and having to visit providers. I mean, you can't just take our money and not make fun of us for it? Do I really want to give that person my business?  
 OTOH, wouldn't it then though be satisfying to have and possess her in that very way, to tame the tiger, to make the fireball mine? Sounds hot ;)  
 And of course what do we all consider most when considering providers. She appears to have my preferred body type and the rate may be reasonable. So I can't figure it out but I'm sure some rational and well-intentioned advice is coming :)

I'm just under 50. I got a gut that's just over 50... inches that is.

If they're not laughing they're not paying attention.

I really don't care.

I like the social aspect as well, so for a girl to be a good match for me, she needs to be close to intellectual equal.  I often learn more about a provider when she gets into it with someone as far as how quick-witted she is.  Just because she disagrees with someone in not in itself a turnoff if her position is reasonable when viewed solely from her perspective.

You could fool me with some of your responses to posts.  

As far as what you and some others consider "reasonable". But it's a discussion board,  right? 😂
when one of the sharks comes out to feed .... you just know who and what's coming next

I think most here are reasonable most of the time.   Its human nature to be passionate about certain things you believe in. I know I certainly try to avoid being the one that is not always reasonable, and I think most people here are similarly situated when it comes to their opinions.  Are you buying this bullshit?  I can't believe I'm writing it with a straight face.

certainly many interesting posts that run off the rails when they're hijacked by the same school of sharks ... regardless of who's posting, so much bullshit to sift thru to find the interesting kernels.  

I'll include myself in some of the unnecessary replies. But I avoid getting caught up in the endless back and forth/ganging up. It tells me a lot about the school ... then there's the wannabe sharks that agree just to part of the feeding frenzy.

Sometime it's hard to see when your "en school". To use an analogy, sorta like closet Republicans who claim to be independents. LOL

Signing off ... gotta go buy some shark repellen

I think it is a matter of what is important to you. Just the service, or what is going on in someones head while she is providing that service? It sounds like you already pick up on energy easily, so most likely, you'd be able to tell if she is faking it or not into it. I'd say, pick another girl in that case.

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