TER General Board

Ask for a selfie ... taken now.
Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 241 reads

and yes, you can tell when a photo was taken ...

There's a provider you've seen a couple of times before. The first time you saw her she had an absolute killer body. The next time you saw her she'd gained some weight, which you didn't like. But you like her a lot.

You'd like to see her again, but not if she's still a bit overweight. What's a polite way to find out if she's lost the weight?  Say, "so, can you zip up that dress yet?" or "been to the gym lately?"

Her website photos show the original tight body from a couple of years ago, so that's no help.

I should know better than to ask, but...suggestions?

The best thing perhaps would be to contact another hobbyist who has recently reviewed her and ask them about her weight.

The other way would be if you could meet her somehow like at a meet and greet.

orallyfixated366 reads

You have nothing to lose. If she lost the weight, she'll be proud of it and let you know.  If she gets offended, you'll know she didn't, and you won't want to see her anyway.

Posted By: donbecker54
There's a provider you've seen a couple of times before. The first time you saw her she had an absolute killer body. The next time you saw her she'd gained some weight, which you didn't like. But you like her a lot.  
 You'd like to see her again, but not if she's still a bit overweight. What's a polite way to find out if she's lost the weight?  Say, "so, can you zip up that dress yet?" or "been to the gym lately?"  
 Her website photos show the original tight body from a couple of years ago, so that's no help.  
 I should know better than to ask, but...suggestions?

Her website makes a big deal about her super-tight body and bubble butt. She doesn't look anything like that anymore.

That's false advertisement.

Posted By: donbecker54
Her website makes a big deal about her super-tight body and bubble butt. She doesn't look anything like that anymore.

false advertisement is correct.

politely ask for current pics - if that request is not honored then do not book unless you are ok with how she  looked upon your last visit, and are willing to take the risk that she has since gained additional weight.

assuming you are not proposing an off the clock session or that she pay you, the "dick size" comment upthread is completely irrelevant to your concern, or any other paying customer's concern in a similar situation.

my personal approach from many years in hobby world: if picture representation is inaccurate to the point of session disappointment regardless of performance, i look elsewhere for next time...

Posted By: Fancy8888
That's false advertisement.  
Posted By: donbecker54
Her website makes a big deal about her super-tight body and bubble butt. She doesn't look anything like that anymore.

Tell here you appreciate her and want to buy her a little something nice to wear.

Pretty easy if you ask it the right way.

GaGambler250 reads

I have bought many dresses over the years, but if a woman requires anything larger than about a size four.....

I don't really mean to be a shallow pig, but that's how mother nature made me and I don't do fat broads, much less buy them dresses.

it is that you NEVER inquire, ask, hint, imply, infer or step into the same universe as the Weight Question.

Actually I'd prefer the guillotine, at least it's instantaneous.

recent studies show that women who put on a little extra weight live longer than the men who comment on it.

ask if she's still a big fat cow. Just kidding, please.

I have a line I use ... "what's new"? It works especially well with women I believe may be pregnant. No insult there.

You can also mention you haven't been to her web site lately and ask if she has posted any new photos lately.  

This might help if you are not comfortable being politely direct. That just happens to be in my wheelhouse.  

Or with this and other ideas you may have gleaned, maybe come up with one of your own. If you do, run them by us. I can always stand to learn something new

VOO-doo281 reads

Don't ask her anything weight-related, no matter how obliquely. Even if she's in dynamite shape, she'll STILL want to bite you (and not in a fun way).  

They way I see it, you could do either one of two things:  

1) PM recent reviewers
2) Ask her to take a selfie for you

#2 is one of my LEAST favorite requests. They always come at the WORST times. Like, when I'm driving or w/family and not getting home till, like, 1AM (when OF COURSE I will just want to get into lingerie and heels and snap a selfie for you).  

I actually did a selfie once in a dressing room... I wasn't even shopping. I was minding my own business. But I had a double w/the guy, and I didn't want the date to be lost for the other girl over something so dumb. So, I stopped into a store, pulled down a sweater, and asked for a fitting room. Then I took a few pics. Well, the guy wanted more, with different clothes. Even though he knew I was out and about, and busy. You just can't make some ppl happy. So, anyway, that questions just makes me grumble.

But if you still feel froggy then try recent reviews, backchannel, maybe offer to meet for lunch somewhere "just to reconnect", or mention you were thinking of getting her lingerie and ask what size it should be.

if she does not feel like you do, you are the only loser.  

I can guarantee you that in a non-equal relationship, the question "Are you still fat" (however phrased) is a losing move.  

The winning move is "you like her a lot" if you want to see her, or silence if you do not want to see her again

bigguy30264 reads

Just don't see her if this is a issue for you.
I would not mind her size and enjoy fucking woman of different sizes myself.
You can always find another provider too.
It's really not a issue unless you just want to hurt the lady feelings.

Posted By: donbecker54
There's a provider you've seen a couple of times before. The first time you saw her she had an absolute killer body. The next time you saw her she'd gained some weight, which you didn't like. But you like her a lot.  
 You'd like to see her again, but not if she's still a bit overweight. What's a polite way to find out if she's lost the weight?  Say, "so, can you zip up that dress yet?" or "been to the gym lately?"  
 Her website photos show the original tight body from a couple of years ago, so that's no help.  
 I should know better than to ask, but...suggestions?

You could do as suggested and check recent reviews and contact the reviewer.

You could also say you really like the girl in the pictures and want to make an appointment with her. That should set everyone's expectations that the provider is accurately representing herself and if she's far off then you're free to walk out the door without leaving any donation

and yes, you can tell when a photo was taken ...

Squeezetheorem247 reads

Ask her to be doing or wearing something specific in the selfie.  
She'll sort it out, but it's more tactful than the direct approach.

Love her the way she is currently? Is it really ALL about the body...noooo. Of course not lol ;)

Be nice now. Women's bodies are fickle things. Love us for all of every lil bit of us or find someone else. Ya know what I mean?  

Btw I will say it again. All women are beautiful in one way or another. ;)

This is p4p not civie dating.

And no "all" women aren't anything. They are certainly not ALL beautiful for if all of them are, none of them are.

No need for PC nonsense on a fk board.

I am sure you don't think all men are handsome.

I love my friends. I love my lovers. But I'm not "in" love with them.  

There arent too many things or people I don't love who I come across in life. God knows there's never enough love in this world. Every lil bit counts.  

And yes...there can be something handsome in all men. (except bad seeds of course in both genders)...I assumed that's a given.

And again I am referring to p4p here. You ladies charge different rates and part of the difference in rates is often based on looks.  

Yes, looks are subjective, but there is also things common things to what society would call "good looking" i.e. High cheek bone, long shiny hair, hour glass figure etc

I am paying for those things that I am attracted to. "Loving" the woman as a person doesn't enter into it for me.

It's looks, menu, performance, and price.

The things you mention are things I consider in civie dating.

there are guys here who LOVE paying for the things you don't.

Posted By: JackDunphy
And again I am referring to p4p here. You ladies charge different rates and part of the difference in rates is often based on looks.  
 Yes, looks are subjective, but there is also things common things to what society would call "good looking" i.e. High cheek bone, long shiny hair, hour glass figure etc  
 I am paying for those things that I am attracted to. "Loving" the woman as a person doesn't enter into it for me.  
 It's looks, menu, performance, and price.  
 The things you mention are things I consider in civie dating.

If I hook these soft Johns up to a polygraph, if be willing to bet I would be in the majority.

Don't get me wrong Gia, many John's here looking for Mrs. hooker.

Several fall and can't get up on this very board on a weekly basis, as you well know and good ol' Jack will be there to whip their ass back in shape. LOL

I'm a tough love kinda guy.

I think you're one of the "fall and can't get up" kinda guys here. Despite what you spew on a weekly basis lol.

But Jack might be getting close to falling with this brand new SB.

Damn...she's killing me, Gia.

Any advice? LOL

...and it paid off in spades.

I can fake sincerity with the best of them Gia. LOL

sorry to say, but physical looks are part and parcel of the package we are laying down the envelope for.

now personally i like to follow my dad's dictum:  ain't nothin' wrong with a little meat on the bones.  but even i have my limits about the elasticity of the fantasy i am paying for.

i have one atf who's rather zoftig in all the right places.  her weight has fluctuated in the years, but her kissing skills have not, so i still consider her my #1 go to gal.

however if she ever threw caution to the wind and put on the pounds indiscriminately, i would reconsider.  if she was my real life girl friend, i would be more flexible.  but not when it's p4p.

sorry ladies.  you know there's certain things you won't tolerate from us guys and with good reason.  extra weight may not be as morally defensible as stalking as a reason not to see someone, but the $$$ adds density to our side of the equation.

it sucks, but there it is.

And trust me I understand. All I'm saying is "if" he still enjoys her company which it appears he does as he's a repeat customer...usually it has to do with more than just the bod aspect...no?

Hey you have a TON of 10/10s in your repertoire as does Mr. Grant lol. "Perfection" to guys like you both makes women like me shake in my very imperfect boots lol.

absolutely right gfe.  there's no substitute for good company, and yes, i bet i'd give you a 10/10 too, cuz i just go crazy for a girl that gives me attention.

A very high percentage of people on this planet encompass something beautiful about them. I believe everyone has a gift about them in one way or another. Its up to us as the giftee to decipher just what that is when coming across them.  

I know your gift ;)

Posted By: JackDunphy
This is p4p not civie dating.  
 And no "all" women aren't anything. They are certainly not ALL beautiful for if all of them are, none of them are.  
 No need for PC nonsense on a fk board.  
 I am sure you don't think all men are handsome.

with my ex. I loved her despite her being double the size she was when we married.

Now that I'm paying, I don't want anything but tight, perfect bodies. I'm trying to make up for lost time.  

The provider in question has a rate 40-50% higher than the norm in her city. For that premium she has to be the very best.  

If she were at the city's average rate, I'd see her, even with the extra weight. As I said, I really like her, but I'm not paying that premium to get even less than what I could get at the city average rate.

Yes, I"m a pig. But I'm a pig who tries to get the most for his money.

I guess you'll be missing out. Not sure what else to tell you except that I have one question for you...

You can't 'make' her lose the weight anymore than you could make your wife lose the weight. So why are you wasting your breath (and any further potential cashflow) on this then?  

If the premium buys you the very best, then buy the very best. There will always be gents who will think spending time with her (just the way she is) to be the premium and not question a thing about it.  

Now I will say, if we are talking about false advertising. Than that's an entirely different bird here.

I'm not here for love, or love handles ...

-- Modified on 2/4/2016 8:47:19 PM

Therefore, I'd just move on.  

But next time, ask these questions under an alias. You're essentially putting every chick you've ever reviewed under scrutiny and at least 6 of them don't deserve it.

...but indiscretion has been all the rage the last 10 days or so.  

This OP is being a tad indiscrete so I will agree with your basic assessment but if I was grading him on a curve, he might be at the head of the class.

Yes...it's been that bad lately. LOL

A www come on Jack I'll give you 7 guesses. I think I guessed it the first time. Is there a prize?

Frank132225 reads

Getting asked questions like these is the natural consequence of having old pictures.  If you want to be subtle, ask for a current selfie.

bbfs4ever233 reads

If she's still a fatso she'll ignore you.  And that will save you from wasting your money and being taken advantage of.

Does anyone here tell the truth?

Get her to send you some selfies.  And not those upside down ones.  Or with towels covering up her fat belly.

It's your money.

"Havnt seen u in a while..Do you have any current pics?"
That could help...

Posted By: donbecker54
There's a provider you've seen a couple of times before. The first time you saw her she had an absolute killer body. The next time you saw her she'd gained some weight, which you didn't like. But you like her a lot.  
 You'd like to see her again, but not if she's still a bit overweight. What's a polite way to find out if she's lost the weight?  Say, "so, can you zip up that dress yet?" or "been to the gym lately?"  
 Her website photos show the original tight body from a couple of years ago, so that's no help.  
 I should know better than to ask, but...suggestions?

FatVern241 reads

I didn't notice until she pointed it out. IMO, it's an improvement, not that she needed to make any.

Posted By: donbecker54
There's a provider you've seen a couple of times before. The first time you saw her she had an absolute killer body. The next time you saw her she'd gained some weight, which you didn't like. But you like her a lot.  
 You'd like to see her again, but not if she's still a bit overweight. What's a polite way to find out if she's lost the weight?  Say, "so, can you zip up that dress yet?" or "been to the gym lately?"  
 Her website photos show the original tight body from a couple of years ago, so that's no help.  
 I should know better than to ask, but...suggestions?

I said it not once but many time in this board . The most successful providers are in business less than 5 years  Along with  longevity of life as the ones that stay in the business make $$$$ and leave or become successful owners agency .. I seen so many top 5 providers in region over a period of 5 years who let them self go or became addicted to substance 👎. It's a shame but true . In life greedy people don't last in this world period .

Said but true , safe hobbyist everyone ...


My favorite-to-date has been in the business for probably eight or nine years. She looks different than she did in the beginning, but she's every bit as beautiful. Killer body and face, and super performer (not to mention a total sweetheart).

There's a provider in Las Vegas I'd just love to see, but I never go to Vegas. She's in her late forties, but doesn't look like it at all. She can compete with just about any 20-30 year-old.

In jeans and a t-shirt   (picture)  not an unusual or awful request

As a woman I do understand our bodies change for limitless reasons, with that's said, there is no acceptable excuse for false advertising. If you've gained some weight, have pictures to reflect such or post size in your ad. If you've lost weight, same thing. There is someone for every body type but it should be the buyers choice to purchase his type. If you don't want people asking about your weight, be honest about it. You'd have a different tune if someone said I'll pay your hourly fee and short you a couple bucks. Buyers feel the same way, shorted out on what they paid for. Nothing wrong with gaining but pretending you didn't then getting angry it was asked is bogus. If it makes you angry that it's noticeable, do something about it besides lie and get angry at those who ask. If someone is being rude or degrading is one thing but asking is another. Just like some females say no black men as is their right, it's a man's right to say no heavier woman. You can't get mad at choices. He may like her thin but not heavy, he doesn't have to like her no matter what. If women stopped that bs, there'd be allot less clients here. We catch them looking one way and say, aww, gotim now I can let myself go. It doesn't work like that. Yes you love your mate but your mate should try and be what you fell in love with. Woman have a kid and 6 years later still blame the pregnancy for the extra 50lb. We all change but when you are selling a look that's how you should look. If it's all about personality, then you shouldn't mind presenting your real self. If you order a black evening gown online and get a yellow summer dress, you don't keep it just because it's nice. It's not what you saw, ordered or expected point blank period.  

Jmo and I'm sticking to it.

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