TER General Board

Ask Erin Keevy about the Bukkake brushes they sell at Sephora -e-teeth_smile
RSpork 23 Reviews 303 reads


My picks

Most entertaining - GaGambler
Most Sincere - MasterZen
Most Endearing -Mr. Fisher
Funniest - Fancy

He doesn't post that often, but when he does, it's very much worth reading

Posted By: MasturbationContingencyPl
My picks  
 Most entertaining - GaGambler  
 Most Sincere - MasterZen  
 Most Endearing -Mr. Fisher  
 Funniest - Fancy

FatVern395 reads

Myself included, the concept is rather ridiculous to say the least.

There have been some outstanding trolls over the years too.  Some I really miss as they were quite entertaining.  Others thought they were funny, but they are/were just plain ignorant and made/make for a difficult read.

Where is RidgeTucky?

Posted By: MasturbationContingencyPl
My picks  
 Most entertaining - GaGambler  
 Most Sincere - MasterZen  
 Most Endearing -Mr. Fisher  
 Funniest - Fancy

I think I saw Udo in Rio this week.

He was making friends with Ryan Lochte.  

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm

GaGambler378 reads

and if you think the posts that you got to read were bad, those were the ones that got past the moderators. You should have seen the ones that were too bad to air here. I think he was the first poster ever to get "lifetime moderation" even before that other fucking fucker.lol

Posted By: GaGambler
and if you think the posts that you got to read were bad, those were the ones that got past the moderators. You should have seen the ones that were too bad to air here. I think he was the first poster ever to get "lifetime moderation" even before that other fucking fucker.lol

wheres Drunkin Asian!!! I adore & miss his posts!!!

JakeFromStateFarm267 reads

and is happily living his life as a woman.  He tells me he is pretty hot and is seriously thinking about entering our business as a provider.  He says for the first time in his life he feels fulfilled.

I love the posts from ladies such as Debra, Terrilynn, Erin, Steph, and several others. It's easy for someone like me to post without my work identity attached, but they show their humor, brains, and sometimes even dissent without hiding.

Posted By: Sex-Aeterna
I love the posts from ladies such as Debra, Terrilynn, Erin, Steph, and several others. It's easy for someone like me to post without my work identity attached, but they show their humor, brains, and sometimes even dissent without hiding.

Aww...thank you! I enjoy your post too! :)

Posted By: Sex-Aeterna
I love the posts from ladies such as Debra, Terrilynn, Erin, Steph, and several others. It's easy for someone like me to post without my work identity attached, but they show their humor, brains, and sometimes even dissent without hiding.

That's what happens when you sell a friend a Bentley that is a lemon.

Last I heard was Bob was in Rio.  He was setting up an annex of JDU.  Actually Bob was in charge of hiring young Brazilian girls to teach proper twerking techniques.  USGrantlover is expected to help with this process.

that young Brazilian girl that was always crying marco polo on these boards for bob?

She tested it out one day and left him because he gave her a lemon, but wouldn't buy her a second one until he sold the first...

Didn't she run off with the new car, or is she also teaching twerk techniques?

Assange is telling me he has other pressing matters at the moment but will get to it in early/mid November or so.

As for USG, I had to give him the boot.  

He insisted on paying the Brazilian gals so he could watch them twerk. And sleep. And eat. And shop.  LO

And give them "10's."  I love how just because I can afford to pay ladies to do many things I like, you try to revoke my tenure. Ain't gonna happen boss. Give it up. You know you love me even if I have to teach the "here's how not to do it" class at JDU.  

And don't worry about Lisa. I'm still trying to patch things up for you. I know you've been busy lately but man that ass.......its killer.

from humor to "woah - that was deep." LOL

IDK why that entertains me, but it does lol!

Met GaG and Fish once...at the late summer 14 M&G in Vegas.  They were both cool...

I do not go to the Theatre to see ONE actor perform.

There has to be a Synergy of all the cooperative components,  
for the Experience to be an Entertaining way of spending time.

Thank you to ALL for making it FUN!

-- Modified on 8/16/2016 12:06:08 AM

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