TER General Board

Asians get pretty pissed off when you assume they are submissive.
MasterOfTheObvious 719 reads

If she is not the submissive type, and you assume that going in, watch out.

This mixed ( white euro native american)  girl I met couple months ago said, "Your dick is pretty big for an Asian. It's the biggest one I've seen among my Asian clients".  

Thank you for the compliment but why stress the Asian part? Big for an Asian???  LOL Not that I give a fuck cuz she was nice and I know what she tried to mean,  don't get me wrong. These things are just amusing though, cuz it almost implies a lil bit of an oxymoron.  

I mean, that's like saying you're pretty smart for a blond white girl.  
You're the smartest dumb blond opinionated white girl I've ever met!  
You're the biggest jumbo shrimp!  
You don't seem to enjoy playing basketball for a black dude!  
You're the longest non-incarcerated black dude I've ever met!  
You smell great for an indian guy,  you don't smell like curry at all!  
You have a pretty decent pronunciation for a European,  you don't sound like you're having a productive caugh and vomiting out words at all!  
You're pretty thin for a typical white guy with a double cheese burger for a gut. You're the thinnest double whopper I ever met!  

ROFLMAO!  See what I mean?  :

MasterOfTheObvious720 reads

If she is not the submissive type, and you assume that going in, watch out.

GaGambler1075 reads

Especially when they are half Sicilian. lol

But yes, I get the same thing from women about my dick. I do like it when they say that my dick must be Italian and not Chinese.

what I used to find really funny, in a bad kind of way, was years ago when people were even more ignorant about Asians than they are today, is when people would compliment me on how good my English was. Fucking morons, I was born and raised in California, and except for my bad Spanish and even worse German, it's the only fucking language that I speak.

I can say though, that as I get older, and people don't seem to be quite so stupid anymore, not to mention the fact that I bruise so much easier than in my youth. I no longer punch people in the mouth (or throat) for making those kind of dumb comments, but there was a time.........lol

Chauncey Gardner1304 reads

"You're not as (fill in the blank)/you're so much more (fill in the blank) than the other black guys i know.  Yeah it's tiresome and mildly insulting but except for a handful of circumstances i think it came more from ignorance than ill intent.  And in truth it has happened a lot less in the last several years than in the old days.

GaGambler821 reads

A maybe well intentioned, but still left handed compliment. Kind of like saying, "you sure don't sweat much for a fat broad" lol

Ok, maybe not quite that bad, but it's very similar to saying to a black guy "You sure don't sound black" Just how the fuck is he supposed to take that? As a compliment or as a slam? I guess the truth is a little of both.

"You have a NICE ass for an asian chic!"

 Then I remind them that I'm also part Brazilian; hence the booty. I hear racial stereotypes ALL the time. I'm used to it but I still chuckle from time to time at the things some people say

GaGambler926 reads

You really do have a nice ass, for an Asian, or anyone else for that matter. lol

I dated a girl who was half Japanese and half Native American when I was young. I sometimes wonder what kind of baby we would have made if she had ever gotten pregnant by me. The baby would have been 1/4 Chinese 1/4 Japanese 1/4 Italian and 1/4 Native American. Can you imagine all of the "minority grants" we could have qualified for? lol

Your kids would have qualified for at least 3 minority grants lol. I am actually 1/4 Japanese 1/4 Brazilian 1/4 white 1/4 Puerto Rican. Complete strangers approach me constantly to ask me what ethnicity I am. Some have even held bets amongst each other, trying to guess. I used to tell guys when they hit on me, if they could guess all my races, I would go out with them :)  

The weirdest shit is when other asians INSIST that I am the same ethnicity as them. Vietnemese women get offended when I tell them I'm not part Vietnamese. That's why I started lying to my nail techs, if they were vietnamese, otherwise they would give me a shitty mani/pedi. Sucks being a mutt sometimes.

GaGambler776 reads

back when white people were even dumber than they are now (Sorry white people, but it's true) everybody I met who knew someone from any part of Asia, including the Pacific Islands would not only ask if that was my nationality but if I knew their friend.

Just how dumb do you have to be to ask some half Chinese mutt if he knows some Korean guy named Kim in Los Angeles??? lol

and it's true what they say about those Vietnamese nail techs that they talk bad about you in Vietnamese, right in front of you if they know you don't understand them. I dated a Vietnamese girl who owned a nail shop and she confirmed it. So if you ever think that they are talking about you, they are. lol

And I know for a fact they talk about me, in their language, because there's always one that doesn't speak any english at all, so she'll have someone else ask me her question for her. That's why I lie and say I'm half Vietnamese but my Vietnemese mom died when I was a baby so I don't speak Vietnemese. LMAO. This little white lie is what keeps them from cutting me with the nail files and drills and then dabbing alcohol on the cuts, yes plural cuts. I have no problem lying to someone if they have sharp instruments in their hands, near my hands. I will be whatever they want me to be lol

However, I'll be at the Vegas M&G during AVN week.....come see me in the flesh :) I'll be the 1/4 asian 1/4 brazilian 1/4 white 1/4 Puerto Rican wearing a very stereotypically slutty dress.

usually doesn't work out too well

-- Modified on 12/5/2014 7:21:22 PM

We all know that the dick comment is a part of an escorts repertoire. Sometimes they will just turn my dick from side to side, and go hmmmm.. That's a good one..
I just hate it when an escort tells me how great my cock is... Pet peeve i guess.
I find it embarrassing. It's like saying. "Yay! Your dick isn't weird."
BTW. Asians have small dicks, and Indian men reek of whatever disgusting shit they have been eating.
Ive lived in Brooklyn,and Queens.. It's a fact my friend...
You are an American.. Big difference there you know.

I would assume an escort would be thinking to herself...  

Hmmmm.. This sure beats washing dishes as a way to earn a living, and no dishpan hands

Back_In_Black767 reads

who fear soap and water . and wear the same fucking clothes , one guy used pass a store I had same fucking clothes everyday , I think he was a doctor you know he looked like a chocolate elvis and the bugs swarming around him , the cats used to follow him until I think he ate them . and the dogs tried to pee on him like a fucking tree , or he peed on them anyway many should take personal hygiene more seriously .  

hey hows the gf situation im tired of your old one anyone new ..lol hope you had a good thanksgiving dawg and merry Christmas , xl if your getting me a gift . lol lol  

Posted By: TheHoundOfCullin
We all know that the dick comment is a part of an escorts repertoire. Sometimes they will just turn my dick from side to side, and go hmmmm.. That's a good one..  
 I just hate it when an escort tells me how great my cock is... Pet peeve i guess.  
 I find it embarrassing. It's like saying. "Yay! Your dick isn't weird."  
 BTW. Asians have small dicks, and Indian men reek of whatever disgusting shit they have been eating.  
 Ive lived in Brooklyn,and Queens.. It's a fact my friend...  
 You are an American.. Big difference there you know.

She was desperate to have my cum inside her. Im leery of women like that.
I still entertained her. Of course we played house! It truly was pathetic.  
I'm ashamed to admit I enjoyed it.  

Dodging bullets every day I guess

Hound has not sucked or touched my dick.. :D

Yes,  I  see  what  you  mean.   Calling  a   jumbo  shrimp - big,  is  an  ignorant  racial  stereoype.  

Posted By: Blowing Chunks
This mixed ( white euro native american)  girl I met couple months ago said, "Your dick is pretty big for an Asian. It's the biggest one I've seen among my Asian clients".  
 Thank you for the compliment but why stress the Asian part? Big for an Asian???  LOL Not that I give a fuck cuz she was nice and I know what she tried to mean,  don't get me wrong. These things are just amusing though, cuz it almost implies a lil bit of an oxymoron.  
 I mean, that's like saying you're pretty smart for a blond white girl.  
 You're the smartest dumb blond opinionated white girl I've ever met!    
 You're the biggest jumbo shrimp!    
 You don't seem to enjoy playing basketball for a black dude!  
 You're the longest non-incarcerated black dude I've ever met!  
 You smell great for an indian guy,  you don't smell like curry at all!    
 You have a pretty decent pronunciation for a European,  you don't sound like you're having a productive caugh and vomiting out words at all!  
 You're pretty thin for a typical white guy with a double cheese burger for a gut. You're the thinnest double whopper I ever met!  
 ROFLMAO!  See what I mean?  :D  

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