TER General Board

As far as I am concerned
Florida_Evans 913 reads

The longer it lasts, the better.  Whether he booked one hour or 12, the more action the better.  

Unless the sex is just bloody awful, which in that case, 30 seconds sounds good!

gals, what do you consider the ideal amount of time that you'd like to do the nasty with a guy until he has gotten his rocks off?

Guys:  Without getting into the whole "No one can dictate to me what posts I can respond to." thing, please give a chance for at least a few gals to respond before you chime in about how long you last, etc.

A recent thread on the Boston board about some guy who wants a gal he can off with about 8 times in a session got me to wondering about this.

Florida_Evans914 reads

The longer it lasts, the better.  Whether he booked one hour or 12, the more action the better.  

Unless the sex is just bloody awful, which in that case, 30 seconds sounds good!

the girls end up getting emotionally involved with me.  It's hard to explain why,  but I guess I have that effect on women being as charming and gentle as I am. :)  But any time we spend that much time together non stop,  I'm guessing there are feelings that can possibly develop.

Florida_Evans826 reads

What do you expect? :D

That's not really a session anymore.  That's a relationship

89Springer711 reads

I got worn down by the end, though, from lack of sleep.

Time may very depending upon the individuals desires & special needs.  No hurry needed.

No two sessions are ever "identical."
No two moods of two people seem to be "lined up" the "same way as last time."

Example- Week before last, I saw my ATF- I couldn't seem to get enough.... 20 minutes later, 30... Finally got mine. Yay. Relief.

Saw my ATF again Friday night... I was feeling that itch, so so much, and it took all of 3 minutes before I was screaming from an "O."
I was good, both times. Satisfied both times. I suppose my personal needs were different those nights?

How long do I want to fuck? As long as it takes to get off.  And however long it takes him after that (hopefully won't be too too long, seems like most men cum right as I do or shortly thereafter;thankfully.) Seems like she stops making lube after a really good "O." So I say let the countdown timer begin then lol
But as long as it isn't hurting (trust me, I will stop it if it is actually HURTING) and a man has some pleasurable strokes with that meat, hey what does it matter? Long as no partner leaves the other one hangin', know what I mean?

Posted By: Madame Patricia
Time may very depending upon the individuals desires & special needs.  No hurry needed.

Cosette727 reads

Of actual full on heavy penetration. 10 min rest and then attempt again.

Sooo...YouWanna832 reads

There are guys out there who will just fuck and fuck and fuck just off principle, and all I can do is stare at them and wonder if they realize how fun this could actually be. It's very awkward, knowing that nothing you do is going to get him off because he's not even interested in enjoying himself , just getting his money's worth. It can be a marathon, if it so happens that way, but a forced one really is awful. The ladies know what I'm talking about.

Posted By: mrfisher
gals, what do you consider the ideal amount of time that you'd like to do the nasty with a guy until he has gotten his rocks off?

Guys:  Without getting into the whole "No one can dictate to me what posts I can respond to." thing, please give a chance for at least a few gals to respond before you chime in about how long you last, etc.

A recent thread on the Boston board about some guy who wants a gal he can off with about 8 times in a session got me to wondering about this.

Or if he is dick about it STOP asshole. You ladies do not have to endure such shit. But if you do, well then you can't complain. And some just love to have their vaginas worked the fuck over.

-- Modified on 4/20/2014 8:47:54 AM

Sooo...YouWanna615 reads

We don't have to put up with shit until it's your* shit, then we're just lazy bitches who don't appreciate the job, right?

*the most general use of the your

Mostly kidding. We will put up with a lot in an attempt to keep people happy, but "no" isn't something that is very often listened to when it comes out of our mouth.

Does not mean she has no voice. If he is hurting her, speak the fuck up! Or is it the thought of a bad review that seems to make hookers feel they can't just say no??

JackDunphy717 reads

1) you're being raped at that point or
2) he knows for a fact you didn't really mean it when you said "no."

If its #1 it's obviously his fault and call the police asap... but if it's #2, its clearly yours, then you should STFU b/c you are giving out mixed signals to guys reading your posts that "no" sometimes mean "yes."

I don't think that's something you want to perpetuate on a p4p fk board where these girls are meeting strangers day in and day out, is it?

Sooo...YouWanna500 reads

1) Calm down
2) You are attempting to both victimize and victim blame us here

Just because I'm tolerating something I don't want because I'm at WORK doesn't mean I'm being raped, and it also does not mean that it's excusable and I should STFU about it if I do outright tell someone "no" and they don't listen.  

My initial post was in response to the OP asking what we thought of how long guys go. I clearly stated that I was aware of what was happening, and that it was something I was willing to do, even if it wasn't my favorite. That is part of my JOB. To put aside the personal preferences I can part with, and make you as happy as I can while you're there. That does not make me a victim. That is a conscious business decision on my part. Not rape.  

Do you not notice the parts of your job that are unnecessary, over the top, a waste of time, or just plain not your favorite? Do you just tell your boss to fuck off on all those occasions? No. And just because I've chosen to "endure" something, doesn't mean I can't be aware of when I'm "enduring" and when I'm actually experiencing something against my will.  

How often do you see guys on here asking how to get extras? How to convince a girl to do this or that? Why won't she spend OTC time with me? How do I get around X screening method? Do you have any idea how many times we say "No" in a day? Do you have any idea the ridiculous things we have to say "No" to? Do you even know how often we do say "No" to anything, and it is actually ignored? You don't. 99% of the stuff that we say "No" to isn't worth calling the police over, even if we have to repeat ourselves a couple times. Some situations are more serious than others, and there are a million different consequences for the actions we choose to take to deal with them. We are perfectly capable of recognizing the differences and handling them appropriately without your, respectfully, uneducated input about what you THINK is happening.

Don't act all indignant, like I am the one perpetuating a rape culture mentality by being able to recognize what is serious and what is just a work place bother that I can handle. You are blowing this way out of proportion, and making an awful lot of statements that I'm not sure you totally understand the gravity of. Just because someone doesn't listen to me doesn't mean I didn't mean it

JackDunphy697 reads

To compare you fkin some John with me or anyone else's relationship with a boss is ludicrous. None of these tricks are your boss. NONE of them. I can't "fire" my boss but you have the ability to "fire" any john at any time and still keep your "job."

The more comparable situation would be me being the owner of my business and a client treated me with disrespect. I don't ever put myself in a position that I have to sell out my self repect for some a-hole customer. The fact that you feel the need to do so is sad, quite honestly.

Your problem is exacerbated by the fact that you don't back up your "no" with any consequences, so of course your guys are going to walk all over you.  

Whose fault is that? Simple logic dictates it has to be someone's fault. If you are shielding yourself from the blame then it has to be the guys fault. Maybe THAT'S what your trying to tell me?

It doesn't sound like rape to me either, and thank God for that, but that is what the feminists tell us every day, that "no means no," and here you are saying "no means no, unless it means yes."  

And you're really having trouble figuring out why some of your guys don't listen to your "no?" This is laughable. Let me be the first to break the news to you SYW...YOU are an ENABLER. That's why it continues. This doesn't make you a bad person, just a weak one.

If you choose to endure something, then ENDURE it. Part of endurance is keeping some things to yourself.  

You had the guts and drive to stand up to me today right? Now stand up to your clients when you tell them "no" from this point forward and tell them you mean it this time around.  

You'll not only gain respect from them for doing so, but restore respect in yourself as well.


-- Modified on 4/20/2014 8:22:13 PM

-- Modified on 4/20/2014 8:50:10 PM

Sooo...YouWanna575 reads

You know nothing darling, so you can go ahead and quit with the condescending attitude. It only makes it more obvious you don't know what you're talking about.

You are making a lot of assumptions, wrong assumptions, because you don't know anything about the business in general, or mine. And I'm not going to sit here and waste my time with an ignorant guy who thinks he can talk me into both crying rape and at the same time blame me for it. If you're stuck on that, you are no where near ready to wrap your mind around what actually happens and how our side of the business actually works. The real world is a lot different than what you have imagined, and not nearly as black and white as you would like for it to be.

I've repeatedly told you that no means no, even if someone doesn't listen. YOU are the one who keeps asserting that no means yes if the guy does it anyways. Good thing you posted under an alias.

JackDunphy523 reads

Worst thing I said about you SYW is that you are enabler. My opinion on that hasn't changed. We disagree. No big deal.

My guess is your a good person. Take the last word on ths topic if you want it.

Peace, JD

Cosette760 reads

Would cum 2-3 times in 30 min.  

The first was making out plus a soft touch.  
The second a short blow job.  
We attempted intercourse but maybe 10-30 seconds

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