TER General Board

Aren't you just a fireballteeth_smile
AHappyCamper 9 Reviews 533 reads

You probably just said what every hooker (provider for the sensitive ones) has thought at one time or another, but just didn't have the chutzpah to convey.

Ok, this should be a no brainer being we are getting paid and all, but have you ever been actually pissed that a really hot guy did not bother trying to make the experience good for you? I don't care if EVERY guy I see gets me off, but there are times when I have found myself outright mad because I was into him and the fker did not even bother.  I actually had to talk myself up and say, "Girl, just go to the bank... it's all good."  

Why is it always the awkward dummies who have no clue how to please a woman, that want to give it a go. Some free advice here, guys...

Our vaginas do not flow like a waterfall at the very sight of you even if you do look like Channing Tatum. We are like ovens that need some warm up before you put your fat turkey in. Soooo, please, pretty please, with a cherry on top... do not just come in and try to jam your dry ass, pointy finger in there, slap a condom on and think it's gonna be that easy. Yes, we are hookers (ahem, providers for all you sensitive fks) but we are still WOMEN with body parts that work like women. So, even though we are easy... the vagina still needs some talking to.  

Thank you!!!  

-- Modified on 4/28/2015 10:56:08 PM

Helen Reddy  ;)

Posted By: London Rayne
Ok, this should be a no brainer being we are getting paid and all, but have you ever been actually pissed that a really hot guy did not bother trying to make the experience good for you? I don't care if EVERY guy I see gets me off, but there are times when I have found myself outright mad because I was into him and the fker did not even bother.  I actually had to talk myself up and say, "Girl, just go to the bank... it's all good."  
 Why is it always the awkward dummies who have no clue how to please a woman, that want to give it a go. Some free advice here, guys...  
 Our vaginas do not flow like a waterfall at the very sight of you even if you do look like Channing Tatum. We are like ovens that need some warm up before you put your fat turkey in. Soooo, please, pretty please, with a cherry on top... do not just come in and try to jam your dry ass, pointy finger in there, slap a condom on and think it's gonna be that easy. Yes, we are hookers (ahem, providers for all you sensitive fks) but we are still WOMEN with body parts that work like women. So, even though we are easy... the vagina still needs some talking to.  
 Thank you!!!  

-- Modified on 4/28/2015 10:56:08 PM

Of posting on this same topic today!  

I don't care at all nor do I make a point of making the girl cum. I walk in the room to be pleased, not to please.  

Sometimes they appear frustrated, other times they are kind of happy about it.  

I get tired of reading reviews where the guy goes down for DATY and makes the girl cum 5 times with shivering orgasms.

I will say that girls seem to get really wet after a good spanking :)

Lube that pussy up and let me pound away! Oh yeah! And don't talk so much! LOL

-- Modified on 4/28/2015 8:59:48 PM

So now we need to talk to you and your little vagina? Isn't talking just to you enough...

And when are we supposed to be doing the talking, when you are doing all the talking.. See now why its so hard to get you off...

You probably just said what every hooker (provider for the sensitive ones) has thought at one time or another, but just didn't have the chutzpah to convey.

And they look amazed, but still don't get it?!? If I feel up to it and actually liked them a little, I will masturbate about them once they leave. Usually I forget. LOL! Just fuels the fire for the next time or if I have a current fuck budy, they have to deal with my sexual frustrations. No biggie either way for me.

I never expect it, but appreciate when I get one.

Posted By: rrasha88
I never expect it, but appreciate when I get one.

The ones who do are my favs. One of my favs always tells me stories of how she has to train newbies that the session is not all about them. And my session last Saturday, ended with me spent, completely wasted, when she said, "Do you mind if I have one more?" The answer was, always is, and always will be, 'No, I don't mind at all."

I think the ambiance definitely set the tone for us as women. I always have music with my clients and it helps me feel more sexy even if the client is trying to quickly end the session. I can appreciate your perspective of warming us up as women but do keep in mind that some guys don't know what you allow and what you don't as far a four play goes. Its also possible that he was nervous.  

Don't forget that you can also stimulate yourself just a little bit before your client arrives so that your already half way there.

Sometimes I do.... but I remember it is P$P. I get off more with my back and backside more than anything. Just about anyone could do it, tongue, lips, a slight nip....

If they don't, I don't get upset. I am there for them. I am not the easiest to get off. I just take it out on the next one and ride their face :D

I think sometimes my pussy lips talk a different language, likely French.  

Posted By: London Rayne
Ok, this should be a no brainer being we are getting paid and all, but have you ever been actually pissed that a really hot guy did not bother trying to make the experience good for you? I don't care if EVERY guy I see gets me off, but there are times when I have found myself outright mad because I was into him and the fker did not even bother.  I actually had to talk myself up and say, "Girl, just go to the bank... it's all good."  
 Why is it always the awkward dummies who have no clue how to please a woman, that want to give it a go. Some free advice here, guys...  
 Our vaginas do not flow like a waterfall at the very sight of you even if you do look like Channing Tatum. We are like ovens that need some warm up before you put your fat turkey in. Soooo, please, pretty please, with a cherry on top... do not just come in and try to jam your dry ass, pointy finger in there, slap a condom on and think it's gonna be that easy. Yes, we are hookers (ahem, providers for all you sensitive fks) but we are still WOMEN with body parts that work like women. So, even though we are easy... the vagina still needs some talking to.  
 Thank you!!!  

-- Modified on 4/28/2015 10:56:08 PM

he NEEDS to make me cum first. NO. My job is pleasure you and that is what turns me on and gets me off. If I cum first in the process that's ok, but chances are he will stop HIMSELF SEVERAL TIMES because he is obsessed with making me cum. Because I don't FAKE IT, he will often lose his hardness/orgasm and blame me. Especially older men who know they have a limited chance of finishing, if you feel yourself about to cum JUST LET GO & LET IT HAPPEN.  I can finish with your mouth, a vibrator or not at all BUT MY JOB is to PLEASURE YOU.


It is my right orgasm or not.  Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's hard. But GFE does NOT mean you get to FORCE me to have an orgasm. Or keep trying all the wrong things over and over again thinking they work this time.

Don't be greedy! I  find funny when men will make you cum then keep insist to make you cum again and again. Let me enjoy orgasm and the afterglow I am too sensitive cum again and you are ruining a nice beautiful moment. Having a bunch of orgasms does NOT make great or even good sex!

Sex is about sensations and journey along the way. Slow down and enjoy.

xoxo Helena

Thank you. That describes me exactly "limited chance of finishing". Yes, older guy, but I love getting a woman off, or at least trying to. I get more excited the more excited I sense the woman is. And I do need to be more vocal and tell them that if it looks like I'm about to come, don't try to edge me as I will most likely lose it.

In total agreement with all of that as well. When I am being pressured to cum, it's not going to happen. I am sure a guy would not be able to cum if a provider was "Are you there yet, huh huh?" Works both ways. I am happy either way, but do admit there have been times when I was realllly into it and the guy was all about him. Of course, that was when I charged by the hour and attracted dipshits back in 2008. Since 2012, I don't recall dealing with this issue. Guys who want to point and shoot are not going to see providers with strict screening, who are rarely available and high rates... it is far too easy to pick up someone at the bus stop for that lol.

I really don't even try to get the girl off for several reasons. I really don't find myself capable of it. Even after all these years I'm fucking lost when trying to pleasure a woman. Im sure the majority of women I see don't find me the least bit attractive so they can't get excited about my physical appearance. I'm hung like a 12yr old boy so no hope in that department. I also have zero stamina so it's hard for me to believe she will get off within 20 seconds. I'm shy and not a good conversationalist so no mental stimulation for them. And lastly because it is P4P I would NEVER believe her in if it was real or faked. And I can't tell you how many times it's been blatantly obvious it's faked - loud, shrieking moans after 2 seconds of DATY? Cmon you expect me to believe that?

I'd like nothing better than to know how to pilot you before I slip into the cockpit, so to speak.

Dear Ms. Rayne:
This would be an excellent feature article for you May edition of Courtesan's Quarterly.  In fact you should get a panel of providers who have regular's who frequent them twice a month or more.  With that said then you should ask the question with how do they approach them with respect to their needs.   It would be a good article because you can navigate the author if you don't want to write it yourself to ask the relevant questions that would come from a woman that would like to have their needs met but is subtle in how she communicates to her counterpart on how she would like to be satisfied and what stimulates her.  It certainly would be an introspective article.

40Cops814 reads

You do understand that your job is to make me pop whether you think I am hot or not. If you get off that is good for you. But you are not paying, I am. BTW, some larger, unblurred photographs on your website would give us some idea of just how hot your are.

Once again for the cheap seats...

I did not say I 'cared' in every instance, and trust me... there has not been a guy yet who I could not get off regardless of how hot he was. You see honey, I spend time on these boards for research so I know what I am getting myself into before I bother taking the money. If you think that just because you have a wallet that EVERY provider needs it bad enough to deal with your nonsense, think again.

As for my photos... you need not worry. My site will be password protected very soon. Psst... I never claimed to be 'that hot' lol. That's not why the men who see me, choose to do so. Must be my charming personality, eh?

40Cops620 reads

Yeah and I bet guys will be falling all over themselves to pay money to see your pictures. Good luck on that. Let's see how many new clients this current thread gets you.

New clients? I can't work until next week, honey and I don't need 'new' clients. I think my gang takes pretty good care of me lol. I was gone for 18 months. Do you think I was knitting during that time? Why so bitter, alias? No runaways hanging around the Taco Bell for you to pick up today? Psst, why are you stalking my website if you find me offensive? Ha... see how that works.

-- Modified on 4/29/2015 12:29:41 PM

40Cops667 reads

Now I am "stalking" your website because I called you on your hypocrisy? It was you who talked about getting off on "hot guys." It is then fair game to ask whether you are "hot" yourself, since you are passing judgment. The logical way to do that is to look at your website, which is sort of the reason to have one. Looks like you took great pains to disguise how you really look. I really couldn't care less about who you see and what you have been doing the last 18 months. You opened this threat and you deserve whatever heat you get. Your comment about "runaways around Taco Bell" suggest you might also be snob as well. Shame on you. You are no different than they are -- you both take money for sex.

Yes, I do go through a bit to disguise who I am... it's called having a career and a child you don't need finding out. I mean, just duh. So, you prefer a provider claiming to be some scholar who can show her face to the world and there is never a backlash? HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Women who work hard at getting a degree are not going to piss it away by being so obliviious for a few bucks in the hobby... that is comical.  

The only guys who bitch about photos that are not enormous BTW are those who spend all day jacking off to them and never see said provider which is why more and more providers are locking their galleries.  

If you can't tell from what is posted I am petite with natural boobs and no tats,  you need your eyes checked. There is no hypocrisy, as I never said shit about NOT being able to get off with a guy who was not hot. In fact the reverse is usually true. The average looking guys TRY HARDER to please us. Now, do you have anything of value to add to the conversation, or do you want to do this shit all day? At the very least, quote me accurately instead of pulling words I never wrote out of your ass.

-- Modified on 4/29/2015 2:12:54 PM

40Cops835 reads

You are a pathetic, washed up skank who obviously has nothing better to do than troll this and other boards tying to be provocative. You really need to get a real job because you obviously don't have much of a career left as a provider. I see you haven't had a review in over a year so that tells you all that you need to know.

On top of being nuts, you are also STUPID. Did you miss that I was gone for 18 months? No site, no email, no London... I was NOT ACTIVE. No shit there are no new reviews, you loon. Oh my... next. You are just too stupid for me to even bother with lol. Feel better now, baby? Pick up your bottom lip and go pay a hooker to pretend to like you. This board is for adults. You are another typical board sissy who cries every time a hooker is not nice to you. Boo hoo. Thanks for the laugh. Go shave your vagina.

-- Modified on 4/29/2015 6:02:40 PM

Not for me and she has been missed by many. You actually sound like the bitter person. London's more fun than a barrel of monkeys!

Lighten up...

-- Modified on 4/29/2015 12:32:45 PM

LMAO. Love you stephie!! I am in your email group now too but I had to keep the auto response. It's already getting crazy. Gambler's drunk ass kept me up all night bwahahahaa.

Sounds like a jealous female to me. Or one bitchy ass twatty ass guy.

So sad lol. I guess I could benefit from a boob job, but that can be fixed. In her case, you can't really fix stupid. Let's all go bareback our clients now ha ha ha ha ha. OMG. Too funny.  

Posted By: MatureGFE
Sounds like a jealous female to me. Or one bitchy ass twatty ass guy.

Because you give great head? (As evident from your reviews, I have not had the pleasure of finding out first hand)

In my feeble little mind, there is nothing better than a woman who is a great cock sucker and knows it.

No, it is my award winning personality and that's what we are sticking to. :)

in the scenario you described.  

If he didn't try all you had to do was tell him.  

Typical female characteristic trait. Won't shut the fuck up all day then gets zipper lips in the bedroom.

But it’s pure coincidence if he manages to cut a straight line.

Hey, hey hey!!! I have to tell grown (probably over 40) men who have been married and fkin all their lives about sex education? That shit is just too funny, and you of all people should know I never bite my tongue. Being my post has freaking 18 likes and is not even 24 hours old, I would say I am not the ONLY one who feels this way. If it does not apply to you, why get all butt hurt lmao.

termember69655 reads

May be a bit off topic, but . . .   Reminds me of an episode of Two and a Half Men. Alan has a really hot (we'll use the politically correct term) provider, but he can't get it up. He says treat me like you're my wife. So she's even nicer. Alan says no, my wife always said no, and never wanted to have sex. So she says, What the hell is wrong with you? To which Alan replies, That's more like it!

Duh... some guys actually get off on domination.... especially CEOs and other men in a power positions at work all day long. They also have M O N E Y lol. If being fake nice actually worked for me, I would not have 10 pages of reviews all from guys on TER who read my posts. Funny how that happens. Let the sissy boys keep getting dizzy trying to figure this thing out... you know what's up lol.

sex education???

I feel for ya there. nothing worse than bad sex.

Posted By: London Rayne
Hey, hey hey!!! I have to tell grown (probably over 40) men who have been married and fkin all their lives about sex education? That shit is just too funny, and you of all people should know I never bite my tongue. Being my post has freaking 18 likes and is not even 24 hours old, I would say I am not the ONLY one who feels this way. If it does not apply to you, why get all butt hurt lmao.
-- Modified on 4/29/2015 7:09:08 PM

Say something...  Ask to the guy to stay and get you off, OTC of course.

-- Modified on 4/29/2015 2:13:13 AM

that any lady would get steamed up over.  I did in my early hobbyist days did pull the trigger too early with a couple of providers and the looks on their faces are etched in my brain.  The look of surprise mixed with disappointment couldn't be faked.  With that said, I really do want you to have an orgasm.  I want the lady to enjoy the experience as much as I do.  I do have a couple of favs that really really know how to make me feel like I am doing something and that is always a big plus.

Posted By: London Rayne
Ok, this should be a no brainer being we are getting paid and all, but have you ever been actually pissed that a really hot guy did not bother trying to make the experience good for you? I don't care if EVERY guy I see gets me off, but there are times when I have found myself outright mad because I was into him and the fker did not even bother.  I actually had to talk myself up and say, "Girl, just go to the bank... it's all good."  
 Why is it always the awkward dummies who have no clue how to please a woman, that want to give it a go. Some free advice here, guys...  
 Our vaginas do not flow like a waterfall at the very sight of you even if you do look like Channing Tatum. We are like ovens that need some warm up before you put your fat turkey in. Soooo, please, pretty please, with a cherry on top... do not just come in and try to jam your dry ass, pointy finger in there, slap a condom on and think it's gonna be that easy. Yes, we are hookers (ahem, providers for all you sensitive fks) but we are still WOMEN with body parts that work like women. So, even though we are easy... the vagina still needs some talking to.  
 Thank you!!!  

-- Modified on 4/28/2015 10:56:08 PM

Thank you, honey.

For all the delusional who actually thought I was serious 100 percent, they might want to read my other post about simply appreciating those of you who do make an effort. If all a guy wants is an acrobatic monkey, he is not going to pay my rate for that service alone anyway, so no harm no foul in that equation. I am more than happy to get a guy off without getting mine and smile all the way to the bank, but being my dates are few and far between it's nice to actually take time to relish in the entire thing, not just the CIM.

I've met some clueless providers, but on this page I don't seek to make providers wonder if we clients see them as "dummies" or wonder if we think their pussy lips are "sloppy turkey wattles".  Your second complaint is valid but would be absorbed better by those in your audience who really need to hear it if you were not so caustic.  

(1) Doesn't get you off:  
So what. He's paying you $$$$$$$ for his pleasure, not yours. As long as he is clean, polite, and does nothing hurtful, the quid pro quo is met.  In P4P you have no business upping the pressure on the client, and that's what your posting implicitly tries to do to every guy reading it. Not to mention that this board has had many posts conveying the opposite message -- that providers see this as nothing but business and regard guys who really think they are getting the provider off as delusional.

(2) Dry finger/ Need to warm up:  
Agreed. Of course he has to be considerate of your body. Just tell him nicely if he is making unreasonable demands. Must be guys out there who are clueless and maybe that's why they P4P, so you should educate them. If they ignore your advice, then they are bums and that's a different thread than the one you opened here.

This is London Rayne we are talking about. Queen of all things hilarious and related to hooker life. Its all in good fun. Make some popcorn, the boards are always lively when she's around .

By the way, welcome back LR. I miss your banter  

Posted By: dani987x
I've met some clueless providers, but on this page I don't seek to make providers wonder if we clients see them as "dummies" or wonder if we think their pussy lips are "sloppy turkey wattles".  Your second complaint is valid but would be absorbed better by those in your audience who really need to hear it if you were not so caustic.  
 (1) Doesn't get you off:    
 So what. He's paying you $$$$$$$ for his pleasure, not yours. As long as he is clean, polite, and does nothing hurtful, the quid pro quo is met.  In P4P you have no business upping the pressure on the client, and that's what your posting implicitly tries to do to every guy reading it. Not to mention that this board has had many posts conveying the opposite message -- that providers see this as nothing but business and regard guys who really think they are getting the provider off as delusional.  
 (2) Dry finger/ Need to warm up:    
 Agreed. Of course he has to be considerate of your body. Just tell him nicely if he is making unreasonable demands. Must be guys out there who are clueless and maybe that's why they P4P, so you should educate them. If they ignore your advice, then they are bums and that's a different thread than the one you opened here.

Heyyyyyy pretty girl!!! Glad to be back and still kicking ass lol. I might actually opt to work this go round. :)

If you don't like my posts, don't read them. I am sure there are plenty of BP hookers who are waiting for your change to spend. You're not and never will be my 'target audience.' I am here to fk around with my FRIENDS. You are obviously one of the overly sensitive must have my ass kissed types in order to feel like a man... sorry kiddo, not gonna happen here. My post was meant to be tongue in cheek and comical, with a little bit of truth. You should be pleased that ANY provider gives two shits about actually enjoying the date, which I tend to do.  

Posted By: dani987x
I've met some clueless providers, but on this page I don't seek to make providers wonder if we clients see them as "dummies" or wonder if we think their pussy lips are "sloppy turkey wattles".  Your second complaint is valid but would be absorbed better by those in your audience who really need to hear it if you were not so caustic.  
 (1) Doesn't get you off:    
 So what. He's paying you $$$$$$$ for his pleasure, not yours. As long as he is clean, polite, and does nothing hurtful, the quid pro quo is met.  In P4P you have no business upping the pressure on the client, and that's what your posting implicitly tries to do to every guy reading it. Not to mention that this board has had many posts conveying the opposite message -- that providers see this as nothing but business and regard guys who really think they are getting the provider off as delusional.  
 (2) Dry finger/ Need to warm up:    
 Agreed. Of course he has to be considerate of your body. Just tell him nicely if he is making unreasonable demands. Must be guys out there who are clueless and maybe that's why they P4P, so you should educate them. If they ignore your advice, then they are bums and that's a different thread than the one you opened here.
-- Modified on 4/29/2015 11:27:57 AM

and then the announcement of the grand retirement because you were sick of casting your pearls before swine. You sounded very much like depression mixed possibly with a personality disorder, and you would probably benefit by getting therapy instead of cycling back into lashing out in a profession that you seem to resent.

is merely horseplay for others..  

Just like a change up for a little leaguer from a pro, can be much worse than a fastball from his peer.

I never 'retired.' I just pulled all things LR related. Don't get it twisted... it was never MY clients who annoyed the shit out of me. It was whiney manginas like you. The business was not the cause for my unhappiness... it was me. As for therapy, thanks... I get enough. My biggest issue with working as LR was my faith in God if you must know. It's hard to try and be in two worlds at once without being a bit torn, but a simpleton like you could not possibly grasp anything like that. Your mind is ruled by your weenie and the need for ass kissing to feel secure. Might want to look into therapy for being so codependent.

Johnny3Balls743 reads

your profile shows your age as being 31-35 however the pics on your website look north of that by about 7-10 years. Does the profile need updating or are the pics deceiving?

P.s. I would still love to see you regardless of age, I'd bang you while you held on to your walker with your depends around your ankles. Giddy up.

I started providing at age 25 or 26 if I recall, so yes my profile was updated from 26-30 to 31-35 in 2012. Oldest pics on site are from 2012 when I was over 120 lbs. I am now 107 and have added some selfies to show the difference. If you must know, Curly and I are one year apart... me being a year younger if I recall. You probably could not fk me, but I am sure we would have some laughs over drinks. If early 30s is too old for ya, that's ok. I am too old for many of my friends here to pay, but we manage to have a great time anyway. I aint mad at ya.

-- Modified on 4/29/2015 3:33:57 PM

Johnny3Balls782 reads

Who's curly and who cares how old he/she is. I was just commenting on your pics after looking at your profile but cool, your age bracket is right, awesome.  

Ain't mad,.... yeah right.

She has the proper age bracket. Her photos are accurate too. Like she said, some are very recent. I know both of these as hard facts :D

If you let her use your walker and bring her some new, not used, depends... I am sure she could fit you in :D   You get her all excited, then you got to deal with her. Heh heh

Posted By: Johnny3Balls
your profile shows your age as being 31-35 however the pics on your website look north of that by about 7-10 years. Does the profile need updating or are the pics deceiving?  
 P.s. I would still love to see you regardless of age, I'd bang you while you held on to your walker with your depends around your ankles. Giddy up.
-- Modified on 4/29/2015 4:28:56 PM

... if we follow directions,  and make it more pleasurable for you.  
Like a 5 - 15% discount, based on manners, technique,  stamina,  whatever. :)

Posted By: London Rayne
Ok, this should be a no brainer being we are getting paid and all, but have you ever been actually pissed that a really hot guy did not bother trying to make the experience good for you? I don't care if EVERY guy I see gets me off, but there are times when I have found myself outright mad because I was into him and the fker did not even bother.  I actually had to talk myself up and say, "Girl, just go to the bank... it's all good."  
 Why is it always the awkward dummies who have no clue how to please a woman, that want to give it a go. Some free advice here, guys...  
 Our vaginas do not flow like a waterfall at the very sight of you even if you do look like Channing Tatum. We are like ovens that need some warm up before you put your fat turkey in. Soooo, please, pretty please, with a cherry on top... do not just come in and try to jam your dry ass, pointy finger in there, slap a condom on and think it's gonna be that easy. Yes, we are hookers (ahem, providers for all you sensitive fks) but we are still WOMEN with body parts that work like women. So, even though we are easy... the vagina still needs some talking to.  
 Thank you!!!  

-- Modified on 4/28/2015 10:56:08 PM

One thing I learned a long time ago was that it's the tongue that works best with ladies you are fortunate enough to play with.  This always works, most of the time.

Epsilon_Eridani715 reads

... you already know the answer to your question.  
 I thought you had retired from the business completely.  
 did you lose you job? maybe lost your sugar daddy?  
 please, do us all a big favor... retire again!  
 we don't need your kind in TER.

F.Y.I., the past 18 months was pure bliss without your TER presence.

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