TER General Board

Arent you contradicting your own post....
40-Watt 16 Reviews 5210 reads
1 / 17

When none of these stipulations appear to be enforced:

"This is a moderated forum in which flames and messages outside the forum topic will be deleted. Please do not post messages that are simply mean, or meant to cause trouble for trouble's sake. This is not the area to post detailed reviews. Please submit them in the review section. That said, have fun. Provider availability posts and spam will be deleted."

ellobo69 2740 reads
2 / 17

Smug know-it-alls doesn't quite describe the essence of the meanness or rabble rousing indicted in your quote. As a non-old-timer I sense, from a limited number of people, a "we-them" attitude that is unwelcoming and just as offensive to newcomers.

danielle dubois 2235 reads
3 / 17

...say, by using words like "smug" and "know-it-all", and claiming that rules arent being enforced, just a thought....


junior457 3148 reads
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I truly hope I am not, however I have a feeling it may be people such as myself with a dry or sarcastic sense of humor to which your post is refering to.

I by NO means wish to "overrun" or even offend anyone let alone the "old" timers. Funny thing is 40 if you are one of the "old timers" to which you refer it's actually a surprise to me. You have a very good wit about you yourself and I have enjoyed several of your posts and one liners.

I would appreciate either public or PM knowing more specifically ways in which you feel the board is being over run.

By this post I wish to extend an olive branch and hopefully continue this conversation..........be well all

Misty See my TER Reviews 2007 reads
6 / 17

undermines and destroys anyone who the bully perceives to be an adversary, a potential threat, or who can see through the bully's mask
is adept at creating conflict between those who would otherwise collate incriminating information about them
is quick to discredit and neutralise anyone who can talk knowledgeably about antisocial or sociopathic behaviors
may pursue a vindictive vendetta against anyone who dares to held them accountable, perhaps using others' resources and contemptuous of the damage caused to other people and organisations in pursuance of the vendetta
is also quick to belittle, undermine, denigrate and discredit anyone who calls, attempts to call, or might call the bully to account
gains gratification from denying people what they are entitled to
is highly manipulative, especially of people's perceptions and emotions (eg guilt)
poisons peoples' minds by manipulating their perceptions
when called upon to share or address the needs and concerns of others, responds with impatience, irritability and aggression
is arrogant, haughty, high-handed, and a know-all
often has an overwhelming, unhealthy and narcissistic attention-seeking need to portray themselves as a wonderful, kind, caring and compassionate person, in contrast to their behaviour and treatment of others; the bully sees nothing wrong with their behavior and chooses to remain oblivious to the discrepancy between how they like to be seen and how they are seen by others

fatcockindallas 23 Reviews 2075 reads
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Well said Junior, but if 40 Watt has something else to say on 'his issue' let him do it in the public forum he brought it up in.

As for me, a middle-timer, this board is alot like watching old people and young people walk down the sidewalk till they come to a corner lot and they need to make a turn. The older people will almost always stay to the sidewalk and respect a persons property, but the young people will almost always cut across the lawn, not always but most of the time.

The know-it-alls comments don't bother me much unless they are self-glorifying and rabble but the one-liners are for the most part, Lame Commentary, which I view as cutting across someone's lawn. Disrespectful and thoughtless.

FreedomRider225 2452 reads
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Dude! Spirited debate and the weighing of contrasting points of view is what its about. With out it a discussion board is flavorless.
 This National board is for the most part a very friendly, non-threatening forum. If you find it too tough of a room then I suggest you either toughen your hide in the LA room or seek out more obsequious discussion boards elsewhere.


Mr. Info 2288 reads
10 / 17
Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 2902 reads
11 / 17

...I never claimed to be anything but an idiot.

200_watt 6283 reads
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Although, it is ironic coming from him.

junior457 1902 reads
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Thanks for responding.........you kind of confused me though. You start with "Well said Junior"..............and end with "one-liners are for the most part, Lame Commentary, which I vew as cutting across someone's lawn. Disrespectful and thoughtless."

I think I'm one of the biggest one-liner perpetrators around. So do you find the majority of my posts to be "disrespectful and thoughtless"? Do you feel that us (I'm 35 so I don't know what the hell I am....young middle....etc) are a detraction from the board. Are my attempts at levity or humor more of a distraction then a benefit?

Please share.....and stay well.....

40-Watt 16 Reviews 2639 reads
15 / 17

Point of the post was to encourage enforcement all around. I will take my lumps, although because I'm not above smuggery I would prefer to be the exception!

Aimee Tailor 1515 reads
16 / 17
zinaval 7 Reviews 3642 reads
17 / 17
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