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Are you still getting married?
Bob.Sugar 467 reads

I've got the date circled and can't wait to see you dance.

Posted By: 2x4

Bob.Sugar1443 reads

But is it sexy?

Ladies...would you show up with that critter attached to your butt?

Embellished butt plugs are fun! I prefer something simpler myself, but I think a tail can be adorable on a hot chick like Tabu.

(I may be wrong, but I have a feeling the tail in this context is more decorative than a representation of inter-species play.)

Speaking of animal play, are you being a judgy giraffe?

I agree Inari, I find it hot.  I have no idea where I picked up this particular fetish - probably too much manga/anime or Josie and the Pussycats.  :-)

It is a thing though - cosplay in general and animalgirls in particular.  May I present for your pleasure (or disgust as the case may be) exhibits A and B:


I also agree that we don't need judgy giraffes.

Or holier-than-thou hares
Or sanctimonious sheep
Or condescending coyotes


-- Modified on 9/28/2015 9:50:30 AM

I'm familiar, and I'm a fan!

And disgust, never! Even if I weren't a fan, I try to adhere to three basic principles of sexuality:
1. It's your kink, it's not my kink and that's okay;
2. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law (with the mitigating condition being enthusiastic consent);
3. Judge not lest ye be judged.

I could really wax poetic on creature cosplay, interspecies/trans-species play, otherkin, primals, and other expressions of the remarkable depth and breadth of human sexual ingenuity, but I feel like i've already hijacked this thread enough!

But "sanctimonious sheep" and the rest of the myopic menagerie slays me!

Well, aren't you an open-minded ocelot?

I like your style young lady.

I wouldn't mind petting your tail some day.  Either one.  ;-)

Posted By: inari
I'm familiar, and I'm a fan!  
 And disgust, never! Even if I weren't a fan, I try to adhere to three basic principles of sexuality:  
 1. It's your kink, it's not my kink and that's okay;  
 2. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law (with the mitigating condition being enthusiastic consent);  
 3. Judge not lest ye be judged.  
 I could really wax poetic on creature cosplay, interspecies/trans-species play, otherkin, primals, and other expressions of the remarkable depth and breadth of human sexual ingenuity, but I feel like i've already hijacked this thread enough!  
 But "sanctimonious sheep" and the rest of the myopic menagerie slays me!

I think it's sexy, but would show up in costume only if it's a residental type place bc if any one ask
on the street you can say your attending a party but not to hotel room, I would change clothes  
in a hotel room. I haven't experienced this yet but would Love to
~ kisses~

-- Modified on 9/27/2015 2:48:31 PM

But if it was on a young hotty, I might give her a pass. (Still don't find it sexy)

It isn't really my thing, but is kinda fun on rare occasions to mix things up with animal role-playing. Plus the costumes are sexy. I wouldn't want to do it often, as the novelty is its main appeal.

-- Modified on 9/27/2015 1:56:28 PM

I'm glad to clarify the way I'm enjoying this lush little toy... First, it was a rather expensive gift from a lovely client. I had been wanting a foxtail butt plug for years, and he made my dream come true. It compliments my auburn hair and swishes so delightfully on my thighs when I walk in my high heels.

I have no animal fetishes, unless you consider it animalistic that I'd gladly rip Daniel Craig's clothes off and devour him...

Returning to my previously scheduled festivities,


Bob.Sugar522 reads

Maybe your next client can get you a beaver tail?

Posted By: Tabu
I'm glad to clarify the way I'm enjoying this lush little toy... First, it was a rather expensive gift from a lovely client. I had been wanting a foxtail butt plug for years, and he made my dream come true. It compliments my auburn hair and swishes so delightfully on my thighs when I walk in my high heels.  
 I have no animal fetishes, unless you consider it animalistic that I'd gladly rip Daniel Craig's clothes off and devour him...  
 Returning to my previously scheduled festivities,  

Bob.Sugar468 reads

I've got the date circled and can't wait to see you dance.


Posted By: 2x4

As part of my Frisky Critters Fantasy Package, not only will I wear a raccoon tail, but I’ll sneak into your garage and knock over your trash cans. (I was recently tested and I am rabies free.)

That's a little weird, but to each his own!

I think i would rather have that between my butt cheeks than a snarky client who has nothing better to do :-)

I used to wear fur stuff a lot. Jackets with real fur, gloves with rabbit fur on the inside, fur scarves, etc. But if I wore a fur coat today to a date, I guess I just don't see why that would translate to animal play, and I don't see how this does either.

People wear animal products all the time. Hell, if I had a sexy fur coat on, and a guy asked to fuck me while I'm in it, I would assume the turn on is riches and glam more than imagining he's banging a giant rabbit lol.

To me the fur thing reminds me more of combining glamour and prestige with anal play rather than animal play. Kind of like a string of rubies. Artistically and marketing wise, I see someone who is trying to attract kinky people who are attracted to expensive things. I think it's brilliant.

(I'm assuming most people based on the replies aren't seeing animal play.)

-- Modified on 9/27/2015 11:32:02 PM

Yes it is sexy.

Any other questions?


Honestly it's a photo and fox tail butt plug. I couldn't tell if it was a butt plug or just a tail she placed just so, for the photo. I think it's cute but I am a huge animal lover. If she were wearing ears that would be adorable too. It's just a fun and unique photo. It's not offensive in any way. It isn't saying she is into beastiality.  

  Some people need to lighten up.

mommy never let you have any fun.

lolzzz. sidney your responses are always so kind!

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