TER General Board

Anything for you, but you knew that.teeth_smile
JackDunphy 535 reads

Now why don't you show me some love, and cut me a commission check? LOL

Normally, I would have worked out a trade of some sort, but I would have to ask you to put a sock in your mouth during the act...and...to be honest, before the act and...during the pillow talk time as well. :D

daninja2298 reads

If one of you ladies would be so kind to check? If you pm me I will give you the info she would have used, I have email proof that I am NOT totally at fault. Not gonna air out any dirty laundry, just wanna know what's going on. I have NEVER had a prob with screening, but now a girl I really want to see denied me.

If you have a lady you've seen several times she might help you if you explain the situation. It's doubtful some random lady is going to help you on here.

GaGambler835 reads

BL's info is not supposed to be shared with the johns. BUT just like both the RO and PO boards leak like sieves, I am sure if you have a lady who likes you as much as you believe this hooker dislikes you, it shouldn't be THAT hard to find someone to help you.  

That said, and woman who comes forward publicly to help you will be risking the slings and arrows from the hookers who don't believe you are entitled to know what is being said about you. Your VERY limited posting history and zero reviews is not going to help you much either.  

BTW, I just reread your other two posts from last year and something puzzles me. You claim that the 600 bucks you lost was about a weeks pay, yet that was only a cancellation fee that amounted to 50% of the cost of the date. I am not trying to tell you how to live your life, but WTF is a guy barely making thirty grand a year doing booking $1,200 dates?

Hope that's a multi hour.... No pussy is worth $1200 an hour... Ugh...  

Seriously, it may not even be blacklist...... maybe you were denied by the one cuz you don't have reviews or enough verification/screening...

Ten, and you might be having a problem. Not all disagreements end up on there,  especially if she was part of it, so don't jump the gun stressing yourself just yet. I know that's easier to say than do though...

And comments can be removed, so if you really do think something happened over a disagreement, not something you really did wrong (like robbing her at gunpoint or something crazy), the original provider can probably be appeased and things smoothed over. I really do think the majority of people here are reasonable, so you might have to wait a minute for her to cool down but you're not ruined if you haven't been violent, from what I've seen. There are some prolific mongers with a mile long blacklist for a variety of things and they still do just fine.

Slings and arrows? I think they would throw rocks. Big, hard, fucking Rocks ... they would aim low only IF some balls were there to be hit. In this case, I think it's going to be all head shots.

Posted By: GaGambler
BL's info is not supposed to be shared with the johns. BUT just like both the RO and PO boards leak like sieves, I am sure if you have a lady who likes you as much as you believe this hooker dislikes you, it shouldn't be THAT hard to find someone to help you.  
 That said, and woman who comes forward publicly to help you will be risking the slings and arrows from the hookers who don't believe you are entitled to know what is being said about you. Your VERY limited posting history and zero reviews is not going to help you much either.  
 BTW, I just reread your other two posts from last year and something puzzles me. You claim that the 600 bucks you lost was about a weeks pay, yet that was only a cancellation fee that amounted to 50% of the cost of the date. I am not trying to tell you how to live your life, but WTF is a guy barely making thirty grand a year doing booking $1,200 dates?

I realize that the idea that your actions may be recorded so that someone else can be "warned" about you is nerve racking. However, this is our sanity and our livelihood, and your dick. I hope you know how incredibly insulting, infuriating, and sketchy it is when you (general) make requests like this. More than likely you're being paranoid, but if you really know you did something to make her blacklist you, you can always explain yourself to a new lady up front or, you know, smooth things over with the other instead of trying to undermine an entire industry full of ladies trying to use the one tool available to them to keep them safe.  

I have to be honest, when's guy asks me to check, I assume he deserved it. He usually does...

Bob.Sugar860 reads

Guess I deserved it  LOL

You gals are a riot.

Glad to see you back Charlie.  Was the honeymoon fun with Jack?  See you at the party.

Posted By: OhCharlie
I realize that the idea that your actions may be recorded so that someone else can be "warned" about you is nerve racking. However, this is our sanity and our livelihood, and your dick. I hope you know how incredibly insulting, infuriating, and sketchy it is when you (general) make requests like this. More than likely you're being paranoid, but if you really know you did something to make her blacklist you, you can always explain yourself to a new lady up front or, you know, smooth things over with the other instead of trying to undermine an entire industry full of ladies trying to use the one tool available to them to keep them safe.  
 I have to be honest, when's guy asks me to check, I assume he deserved it. He usually does...

Keep bragging that you repulse women who are used to it buddy πŸ‘

Bob.Sugar602 reads

I leave the bragging to those who need that.

Just the facts ma'am.

Why so upset today?  

Posted By: OhCharlie
Keep bragging that you repulse women who are used to it buddy πŸ‘

No party. But I digress...

What does "I assume he deserved it. He usually does..." mean?  

Maybe he deserved it, maybe he didn't but how in the world would Charlie know what is "usually" the truth?

Many guys have been put on those lists for vindictive reasons, to the point where many girls no longer trust them.  

But I guess Charlie has some magical power you and I are not aware to determine that guys are "usually" guilty of the charge.

Maybe she can share it with us?

GaGambler700 reads

I think I get it now. All hookers tell the truth, all tricks lie.

I think that sums up Charlie's POV in a nutshell, and to think you guys call H+T a MHB, she doesn't hold a candle to Charlie in that regard.

That's brutally unfair to HT. She isn't down with Charlies nonsensical bullshit.

I think I have made my feelings clear on many occasions as to the gals safety. It is VERY important to me.

Some girls I see have gaping holes in the security plan/verification system, and I tell them and they are grateful.

I wish I could point them to a BL site with confidence and I just cant. The girls fked it up. No, not all of them certainly, but far too many of them took their petty squabbles there and made those sites a joke.

They should be reserved for DANGEROUS men i.e. stalkers, blackmailers, anyone that commits any type of physical/sexual assault, etc.

But instead they have made those sites meaningless with all the bogus and half assed reports. Sad, really.

I've caught guys on there who were convicted rapists, had profiles on sluthate, etc. I've been able to warn women of men who have robbed or raped me. You may like to downplay it for your own personal reasons, but you are far from correct, and that's why you get the pushback you do when you post things like this. You, personally, are going out of your way to make life more difficult for EVERYONE. Providers and clients who have to go through X screening process alike.  

I wish you guys realized how much harder you really do make it on yourselves. Do you think the ladies want to *have* to have a more than healthy dose of paranoia to do this? No. But the more you try to undermine our safety and sanity, the worse it's going to get for you, and all the other guys that women wouldn't mind meeting. And the whole time you'll have done nothing but make it easier for the ones who do deserve to be avoided.  

Just lookin out, whether you want it or not...

Bob.Sugar626 reads

Some BSC hookers will BL a guy for that 9/9 review when she wants that 10/10.  Kind of like putting some johnnie boy on a BL for posting on the boards the word "hooker"...oops...that might cost me  LOL


Posted By: GaGambler
I think I get it now. All hookers tell the truth, all tricks lie.  
 I think that sums up Charlie's POV in a nutshell, and to think you guys call H+T a MHB, she doesn't hold a candle to Charlie in that regard.

If I'm a man hating bitch because I suggest men are capable of acting like gentlemen, what does it make you? The guy who picks women to follow around and insult on the internet? I mean, you still yammer on about Julia from two years ago, but the integrity of a blacklist makes me the bad guy? Hoooookayyyy.  

This board, she is interesting, lol

This question actually comes up a lot more frequently than you would think. I don't think all guys lie and all girls are angels, but how many times have you checked a blacklist and said to yourself "yup, someone was going to do that eventually"? I'm guessing none.  

It's not man hating to acknowledge that some people suck or to warn others of bad behavior. If you take it personally, that's your prerogative. This particular person (asshole or not. We don't know) has already stated he was part of the problem, so no magical powers necessary. As I already said, it's probably worse in his imagination than it is in real life. Again, because I do actually know what I'm talking about. Cause, you know, I actually do this.  

Go ahead and keep telling ladies they don't know anything because you know it all though...

And sweetie, you have been in this biz a VERY VERY short period of time and you act like you know more than all the experienced people here.

That really is the crux of your problem. You think you are smarter than the room and that arrogance, couple with your anti-male rants, gets both guys and girls calling you out on it.

Your inexperience comes shining through again

You wish I was inexperienced enough for these tired jokes πŸ˜‚

Who could I possibly check with that is still alive to verify it? LOL

Maybe biz is bad because of your board demeanor?

Guys LOVE drama filled gals who act nutty, angry and insecure on the boards! LOL

Its a major aphrodisiac! :

I don't meet new people very often, but you actually wouldn't believe how great you are for business, Jack! Lol

I'm so inexperienced that all my clients are dead and gone... Lmfao

-- Modified on 7/28/2015 3:30:38 PM

Now why don't you show me some love, and cut me a commission check? LOL

Normally, I would have worked out a trade of some sort, but I would have to ask you to put a sock in your mouth during the act...and...to be honest, before the act and...during the pillow talk time as well. :D

71 Reviews in 2 years?

Prices at the high end for her market?

And an overall rating of 9.3?

Applying the "Rule of 10" - that works out to about 7 dates a week ... every week ... for those 2 years.

You might disagree with her opinions ... but to call her "inexperienced" is really dumb.

It always feels weird to throw that out there even though it's TER but... Yeah. It's not my first rodeo lol

Thanks honey, I appreciate it ☺️

ATLDAWG601 reads

Sounds like time to move on-if the gal doesn't want to see you-she doesn't want to see you...

Hobbyists: Please, please, PLEASE stop assuming that you know how to run our businesses better than we do.  Yes, it's frustrating when you think that a provider is treating you unfairly, but at the end of the day it is OUR time and OUR bodies that we're protecting and we have the right to do so however we see fit.  

Whining about it publicly, then offering to share private correspondence with other providers is, at best, an embarrassingly bad idea and, at worst, the kind of stupidly indiscreet behavior that is likely to get you placed on a few more blacklists in the process.  

If you feel the need to get to the bottom of this situation, there are only two people you should be talking to about it:  the provider you think blacklisted you and the one who denied you. If you can't get answers from them, suck it up, move on, and try your luck elsewhere.

Bob.Sugar628 reads

There are plenty of players on both sides that love the drama.  Don't dissuade the OP from asking for help  LOL

I'll bet he doesn't really even know that most here call their personal DNS lists blacklists  ;)

It's all so terribly confusing!

Posted By: THEAvaStClaire
Hobbyists: Please, please, PLEASE stop assuming that you know how to run our businesses better than we do.  Yes, it's frustrating when you think that a provider is treating you unfairly, but at the end of the day it is OUR time and OUR bodies that we're protecting and we have the right to do so however we see fit.  
 Whining about it publicly, then offering to share private correspondence with other providers is, at best, an embarrassingly bad idea and, at worst, the kind of stupidly indiscreet behavior that is likely to get you placed on a few more blacklists in the process.  
 If you feel the need to get to the bottom of this situation, there are only two people you should be talking to about it:  the provider you think blacklisted you and the one who denied you. If you can't get answers from them, suck it up, move on, and try your luck elsewhere.  

Providers usually won't tell clients they are blacklisted because guys start to explain why they shouldn't have been BL'ed and a whole shit storm starts. You'll know when new providers tell you they are fully booked and you can't get an appointment.

Posted By: daninja
If one of you ladies would be so kind to check? If you pm me I will give you the info she would have used, I have email proof that I am NOT totally at fault. Not gonna air out any dirty laundry, just wanna know what's going on. I have NEVER had a prob with screening, but now a girl I really want to see denied me.
-- Modified on 7/28/2015 2:50:17 PM

join the fucking crowd..

Posted By: daninja
If one of you ladies would be so kind to check? If you pm me I will give you the info she would have used, I have email proof that I am NOT totally at fault. Not gonna air out any dirty laundry, just wanna know what's going on. I have NEVER had a prob with screening, but now a girl I really want to see denied me.

Posted By: daninja
If one of you ladies would be so kind to check? If you pm me I will give you the info she would have used, I have email proof that I am NOT totally at fault. Not gonna air out any dirty laundry, just wanna know what's going on. I have NEVER had a prob with screening, but now a girl I really want to see denied me.

Uh "African American" is the preferred term here on the mainland, Storm.

Posted By: perfectstorm
Posted By: daninja
If one of you ladies would be so kind to check? If you pm me I will give you the info she would have used, I have email proof that I am NOT totally at fault. Not gonna air out any dirty laundry, just wanna know what's going on. I have NEVER had a prob with screening, but now a girl I really want to see denied me.

What did you do to be a part of this? And how do you know a hooker put you on a BL...did the hooker who refused you tell you that? You do know she could be using that as an excuse to not see you? Have you seen this blacklisting?  

I would not even consider seeing you for this public display of whining. You hardly seem worth the trouble. You were part of the negative discourse and now want to try and force yourself onto a hooker who has already said no?

Move on.

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