TER General Board

Another poorly written article that conflates sex-trafficking and prostitution. -e-
cocktail-party 296 reads


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Now, to the post.

I just read an article about a woman who, to put it mildly, did not enjoy her time as a provider. She is described as "a disastrous, trembling, chaotic mess of a human being" whose clients "crave and solicit the sexual attention and acts of others — often forced interactions that rarely come without coercion."  

Of particular interest to members of TER is this passage: "She recoiled when she read the first review of her. The way the client described how her breasts looked and felt, how long and deeply she kissed, the shape of her butt, the size, feel and look of every inch of her. It sickened her."

The article gives the impression that this is what it's like to be a provider. Innumerable posts on this site by actual providers would lead one to a contrary conclusion.

-- Modified on 4/14/2015 5:27:09 PM

No harm, no foul.  She tried it & it wasn't for her.  She should get out & do something she likes.

GaGambler544 reads

I can see how many women would be sickened by the whole thing, but those aren't the women I see, nor do I suppose those are the women that 99% of other TER members see.

I've seen many strippers have the same reaction to get naked and dancing on a pole in front of a bunch of horny, yelling, screaming strange men. I suppose if it were that easy, all women would be doing it.

GaGambler366 reads

and it seems like the jobs with the highest potential rewards are the ones that "aren't for everyone" aint life grand?

I've told plenty to do what I do. They shoot back quickly with the most absurd responses. "I'm not a pretty girl with boobs", or "I can't expletive an ugly girl". From both sides of the coin comes reasons why they can't. After my eyes un-cross and I try and shake the stupid out of my head I explain to them what it is that I do and have done. You need to apply yourself, there's something for everyone. The cop outs make me laugh, the unwillingness to even try, yet judge is what floors me. It's why the majority will never get beyond a menial job! Successful people have failed the most but at least they had the balls and tenacity to at least try and do so until they get it right!

Posted By: GaGambler
and it seems like the jobs with the highest potential rewards are the ones that "aren't for everyone" aint life grand?

GaGambler354 reads

but people who don't even try and then have the balls to criticize those that do get nothing but contempt from me.

I have jealous people tell me all the time how easy I have it and how "lucky" I am, they have no idea how many times I have to fall on my face before finally making it.

and TER is proof positive that you don't have to be nunway model material to be a successful hooker,  but you DO have to have so much more to actually be successful as a hooker. Just look at how many girls try and fail. I will go back to my original statement, if it were that easy, every girl would do it and there would be no money in it.

I will agree she is in the wrong business if this is how she feels.

"The article gives the impression" that's what articles do, give impressions. Are you buying into this impression, only to say the provider's who post on this site are of the contrary?

You don't have to believe the article, but do you believe the woman is expressing her opinion in the article?

I would assume some providers like their job, and some don't.

I mean, here's a gal that has had to hump a bunch of smelly, ugly guys and has probably had more than a few close encounters with their bodily fluids - and it's their descriptions of her body in a review that she finds time to carp about?  Give me a break.

But, if you really want to have a good excuse to bitch about a job that will make you sick, go take a job in a sausage factory*, then write about that.

*Or take a job on Capitol Hill, that'll work too.

Sounds like one of those where they start with true things, but then spin an elaborate tale. I really don't like the implication  that clients are by and large rapists. This sentence:

 "...whose clients crave and solicit the sexual attention and acts of others — often forced interactions that rarely come without coercion."  

What does that even mean? Obviously seeing a provider is "craving and soliciting sexual attention and acts", but so is trying to get laid on a date. Then those words "forced" and "coerced" are slipped casually in there. It's simply couching the word rape in softer language.  

It's a nice tactic, because you can plant the image of rape in your reader's mind, yet can evade if challenged, by giving your own definition of coercion (paying money), or forced (needing money). Yet unquestionably it evokes the image of an unwilling woman with no other options, being manipulated or perhaps physically overpowered. Such is the power of staying vague and suggestive.

That being said, I agree with everyone else that it's not a job for everyone. I think it's a lot like being a stage actor... you have to be "on" when it's time for the show, and have thick skin for being publicly judged. You have to be master of your squeamishness like a nurse, and be caring like a nanny. I don't think it's a job I could do, and that makes me appreciate those who do it all the more.

Sounds like an assertion based on no facts, just the writer's opinion.   No wonder "journalists" are held in such low regard.

What's tricky is that they can loosely base what they say on facts (undeniably there are providers who have been forced or coerced), yet lead people to a false conclusion (that this is the norm). It's more sophisticated and calculated than an average idiot asserting an unfounded opinion. Once a narrative has been built up this way, it tends to be self perpetuating. I too used to think that all sex workers were being exploited and abused, even though I don't remember ever being explicitly taught so. Modern mass media has a scary amount of influence over the mind.

Why is it so hard for some peeps here to wrap their heads around the ugly side of this biz?

Is it always like this-hell no! Does this kind of scenario happen-yes it does.

Steph xoxo

The problem is that the ugly side is the only side ever presented. It wouldn't be good for society to condemned education, because there are some schools in terrible condition. Of course those should be exposed, but it is a real problem if people believe that the worst is representative of the institution itself. Such is the case for prostitution, and I think that by continuing to promote hatred and bigotry toward the entire profession, it makes cases like this woman's more likely. The "seedy underbelly" has been created and is perpetuated by the society that condemns it the loudest.  

So I guess my problem is not with the article by itself, but the trend and ideology it belongs to. Naturally people will ask themselves after reading such an article, "how do we stop such a thing from happening?" If knowledge of the business is limited only to its ugliest side, then of course the answer is to abolish the entire thing, and demonize those who would object, or currently participate in it. They have presented us with a tale of good and evil, monster and victim, and in many reader's minds, somewhere like TER will fall squarely in the evil monster camp

I can't remember the name of it but there's some kind documentary type show done that included ladies right here on TER. It's been awhile since I searched for it. But not everything they had to say was all peachy either.

Steph xoxo

Thanks for having a brain and identifying the poor attempt at swaying the public perception of hookerdom. Looks like some gullible folks swallowed the canard.

This is the way the anti-sex league wants to portrait the average "hooker" - a mess; someone not in control of her life; hating herself for what she does, etc... It is part of the effort to control women and exorcise their control over their own bodies (like letting Hobby Lobby tell them what birth control they can use ).
Don't believe a fucking word of it.

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