TER General Board

Another opinion....from an old guy
ThePeopleRule 341 reads

The OP did not specify if he meant a photo in TER ads or elsewhere.  If he meant here.....

Menu and reviews are more important to me than appearance, unless a gal is a ssbbw, which would make DATY (one of my favorite activities) difficult-to-impossible.  She has to have links in her profile, so some photos are available that way, unless the only link is to that GD "skipsweb" which is useless; I wish TER would do something better than use those links.

Plain Janes Are Often The Best Provider

skepticalpatron1769 reads

I just don't get it.  You'd think putting a pic in an ad is no brainer, but so many ladies seem to skip such a simple and essential step.  The chances of most guys will click through multiple links just to find a pic are slim to none.  There are already enough ads to slog through.  Time (and first impressions) matter.

It took me more then a hot minute to figure out how to post a picture to my ads. Truthfully I get the same amount of response and figure guys who are serious about booking check reviews and my site for additional information.

They do so, many of them anyway, by skimming ads at first. The odds of me going to your website with no pic in your ad goes down substantially.  

Many guys like myself, look at dozens, sometimes hundreds, of ads per week and we whittle our choices down from there.

It is just common sense, from a marketing/advertising stand point, to make a potential customer do less work and to grab his attention as early into the decision making process as a possible

I can't vouch for OP, but my business is exactly the same with or without. I know exactly how many new inquiries and regulars I deal with well scheduled every month.  How do guys get serious, guys who are serious IMO probably follow a provider for a bit look through reviews and chat with hobbiest, drop an introduction email to see if personalities jive or not. If someone one doesn't take the bite on my ad, well then they don't and both of us move on with life and no harm to either side .  Each lady Knows what ups her business and what doesn't, and I work with what works best for me and my existing friends and clients.

Guys are visual creatures. It makes no sense, common sense wise or scientifically, not to include a pic in your ad.

No sense trying to re-invent the wheel.

You could be losing several guys a year who could turn out to be regs but you would never know it.  

Just look at some of the guys responses in this thread.

GaGambler505 reads

but when customer after customer tells you something about what they want, it does seem a bit foolhardy and arrogant to ignore what the market is telling you.

Personally, I am with you, I am very lazy AND I am a visual creature. If you want to grab my attention, and grab it enough for me to even read your ad, there better be a picture that makes me want to fuck you. Of course if you aren't that hot to begin with, then I suppose it doesn't matter too much as I won't be calling unless the pic is of a hottie. I have no idea if "Alyssa" is a hottie and as I said, I am too lazy to go find out.

bonordonor440 reads

neither is a blowjob, but for 30's she is pretty hot! So, if your ever in the mood for a massage, she's your girl.

GaGambler261 reads

Or I can get GFE for three hundred or less. Or I know of a couple of AMPs where I can get a great massage along with a pretty decent GFE, plus a table shower for two hundred bucks. Paying two hundred bucks for a massage and a hand job just doesn't do it for me.  

I do see how her business might be different from the typical hooker however. Guys aren't going to be kissing her, fucking her, or anything of the kind. So tempting guys with hot pics is probably not as vital to her business as it would be for an actual hooker. I still don't know what prompts guys to spend almost as much to NOT fuck some woman as they could to actually fuck an equally attractive woman, but each to their own. It doesn't affect me either way, so if her clients are happy, she is happy, who am I to judge? but personally I still don't get it.

I make twice that in the professional massage market. Anyways to each his own. If you like your $60 massage or GFE or whatever it is you like that's great enjoy your time. My goal is to have happy clients which I do and that's really only what I care about and probably what most providers care about. If you love photos so much check the Photo only board you can look at photos all day until your eyeballs fall out or your boss catches you be unproductive with a bonner under your cubicle.  
Have a great day gentleman!

GaGambler380 reads

and I don't get off on viewing pictures of women I won't ever fuck either. Besides, I always seem to run out of eye bleach after viewing the photo board, even twenty hot chicks can't erase the image of the one shamu that is always lurking there, just waiting for you to click on her pic. lol

OTOH, Jack speaks for most of us when he states that men are most easily attracted visually, and except for the he cunts looking for some kind of deep "connection" with the woman they are going to pay to fuck by the hour, most of us can't be bothered wading through volumes of text looking for the few snippets of information we find to be relevant in our search to find someone pleasant to have sex with for an hour or two.

BTW, sorry but I have no boss and I most certainly have no cubicle. I think you must be confusing me with "JakefromStateFarm" and I don't own a single pair of khakis either.

Skyfyre342 reads

That is for a provider who already is well-known and have extensive reviews as well as frequent presence on public forums.

That's fine if it works out for you and you're happy with the result.

But for other less well-known, relatively new... ladies it probably won't work.

Just like any business in real life better marketing means more $$$

Posted By: AlyssaTantra
It took me more then a hot minute to figure out how to post a picture to my ads. Truthfully I get the same amount of response and figure guys who are serious about booking check reviews and my site for additional information.
Good advice about pictures and booking

YoMaMaDo584 reads

Tell you what,

First, decide what business you want to be in.

Second, devote your energy to that.

At that point if you decide to suck cock and let strangers bang you for money, make sure you place a picture in your ad so I can decide if I want to depart with my funds for the luxury of slamming you with my massive 2inches of manmeat while you tell me what a stud I am, that usually gets you tips by the way, especially from me.

Like Don Rickles once said to a heckler...

" hey buddy I don't come down to where you work and slap the dick out of your mouth while you are trying to do your job , so why don't you stop bothering me while I am trying to do mine ?"

 Sir or Madam, if you happen to be LOPAW or cut from that same cloth, not to put too fine a point on it, but it is none of your damn affair how these gifts from God decide to market themselves to us.  

"If a you no a like....Then a you no a buy....."  

( use of an old world Italian accent will help you decipher that quote) (Or first gen. Chinese at the cleaners or market)

JakeFromStateFarm316 reads

so 9 times out of 10 if you don't put a picture in your ad I'm gone.  There are exceptions, but very few.

That has never been a rule. Photos are allowed, not required.  
What is required is a link. (To a provider's website, or other internet ad, or verification site profile, etc.)

GaGambler492 reads

regardless of what board it is on. Meaning of course that a post with a pic attached to it posted on a discussion board is disallowed as an "ad post"  

Of course as you have rightly pointed out the reverse is not true, ads without pics are most definitely allowed as a quick perusal of any ad board will attest.

ThePeopleRule342 reads

The OP did not specify if he meant a photo in TER ads or elsewhere.  If he meant here.....

Menu and reviews are more important to me than appearance, unless a gal is a ssbbw, which would make DATY (one of my favorite activities) difficult-to-impossible.  She has to have links in her profile, so some photos are available that way, unless the only link is to that GD "skipsweb" which is useless; I wish TER would do something better than use those links.

Plain Janes Are Often The Best Provider

bonordonor282 reads

I agree skipsweb is useless but TER uses that site because the link never expires, so they don't have to give free days out for reporting expired links. More importantly, regarding the photos on skipsweb, I recently discovered that they are decent pics if you "click" on them. They are more than what the thumbnail represents.

Found a profile the other day with a skippy link even more worthless than usual, if you can believe it. Literally nothing there but her name and phone number. No pics. I sent a problem report with four better links complete with pictures and it was rejected outright. Now I know why.


The guy who runs that site does NOT have permission to use ladies photos and writes bad reviews when they take action to get them removed. He has been doing that for a while, and although it provides a link for a TER profile, he really tries to mooch off of TER, too, because that is how he finds the ads in the first place; he scrapes new reviews here on TER, and then depending on where a lady has an ad, the scraper follows the link and steals the picture.

To me, no pic is a sign of either laziness or not so hot. The provider didn't bother so why should I?

Starting to see more and more ads with links to videos as well...which is terrific. If a picture is worth a 1,000 words - a video has got to be a million billion.

Videos can be photoshopped, but it is more money.  Mine are homemade and not photoshopped, because I wanted to get one out every month, not once a year.  I am sure more and more girls, who can, will start putting them out there. There's "No Hiding" in a video.

I think a lady can decide for herself what works and what doesn't work. Sure , I like a pic to be included in an ad but if it's not included I'll just click onto the review link. I'm going to do that anyway so no big deal.


Where I do draw the line is sites that require a third party pay membership to see pics. If a lady does that it's goodby for me.

but if there's no pict readily available...  I'm just gone.

The reason u posted this is because you're curious enough to want to meet her. Just not smart enough to pass on her :-)

The end :-)

he considers a purchase. Without a photo, it is not easy to do without going to her website, finding the gallery and then viewing what is available. There are certain websites that have "protected" over the photos which is a deal breaker.

-- Modified on 4/28/2016 10:41:51 PM

My words tell a story  
They stimulate more than a picture
I create the picture for you

The "words" are not what attract most men. It's images. Photos. Video.

Do as you see fit but if you really believe what you are saying, you fundamentally just don't understand the male gender.

We are pre-historic in our needs and neandrethal in our wants.  

Don't tell us about a great steak dinner, show us the pic.

Sell the sizzle, baby. Lo

It had only one word:  FEVER!

I must say I found it compelling, and so I answered it.  I was not disappointed either.  She raised my blood temperature among other things.

Maybe there is something to what she says

I have played with ways to advertise over the years.  My conclusion is that guys are not wanting to read the words. Blah, Blah, Blah.  They want to see pussy/ass/tits. The girl should hone in on her best assets and sell.  Videos are my new medium now.  They are like looking at a 3D picture and it is easier to convey who I really am.  It's incredibly hard to hide anything in video.  I am anticipating more and more girls will be participating in video advertising, in the near future.

This isn't meant as a criticism, but you talk in your videos.  Which is completely unnecessary for the blah blah reason you mentioned in print ads.  Natural body motion (not dance or other weird gyrations.) Visual perspectives (camera moves, girl relatively stationary.) These two things while wearing suggestive clothing (or nothing if you are that brave) will be sufficient for most guys.  Talking is actually risky.  Every man will have a mental image of how you present yourself.  Actually presenting yourself by talking could be a turn off if it differs from what was in his mind's eye.  Better to leave some things to the imagination.

Posted By: GYBOpower
I have played with ways to advertise over the years.  My conclusion is that guys are not wanting to read the words. Blah, Blah, Blah.  They want to see pussy/ass/tits. The girl should hone in on her best assets and sell.  Videos are my new medium now.  They are like looking at a 3D picture and it is easier to convey who I really am.  It's incredibly hard to hide anything in video.  I am anticipating more and more girls will be participating in video advertising, in the near future.

I appreciate your valuable opinion. Yes! I love what I do! Yes! I am filled with love and overflowing! Yes! I love myself, therefore I can love you! Yes! I get better every day!  Thank you!

I note a hint of sarcasm.  :-)  I didn't mean to suggest there is anything wrong with informational videos.  I just said the informational part is not necessary as a means of advertising.  Sell the sizzle, as they say.

Posted By: GYBOpower
I appreciate your valuable opinion. Yes! I love what I do! Yes! I am filled with love and overflowing! Yes! I love myself, therefore I can love you! Yes! I get better every day!  Thank you!

"Sell the Sizzle"  -- Wonderful!   And you are an Advertising and Sales consultant?  I know my target audience.  We (escorts) do what we feel is best for US. We are all Unique and Different--isn't that great news!  We know what advertising works- pictures, no pictures, words, no words.  Videos are pretty new to the territory.  My videos come from a place of love and I receive back love. They work for ME.

I'll take your words under consideration

Posted By: JackDunphy
The "words" are not what attract most men. It's images. Photos. Video.  
 Do as you see fit but if you really believe what you are saying, you fundamentally just don't understand the male gender.  
 We are pre-historic in our needs and neandrethal in our wants.  
 Don't tell us about a great steak dinner, show us the pic.  
 Sell the sizzle, baby. Lol  

Skyfyre287 reads

It just means they're already making shitload of money living the good life from their loyal regulars and they do NOT need any new client and his stupid patronage/money.

More reasons to reward those providers who do right and put out.

Obviously pictures should be somewhere.  

Beyond that it would be nice if they are recent pictures -- and actually you.

They should also be bigger than the size of a postage stamp.  High resolution and good lighting.

I'm not a professional photographer, but even I know I can get some better photos than some I've seen posted.

On the other hand, some done by pros are really breathtaking -- my hat is off to the photographer and the model.

At the beginning, minus her face shots of course. Then her great reviews came in, she developed a following and now voila...no need for pictures. And its great that she's doing well.....I kick myself for missing that boat when she first started out.....oh well.

-- Modified on 4/28/2016 10:55:45 PM

Seems she's still taking passengers.

watch the la board...i'm pretty sure you could get a ticket for her cruise!

point taken...i must say though i didn't know her when she first started so i never saw her pix.  but believe me folks, she's gorgeous!

I never have and never will. I value my privacy far too much. And nope, I'm neither ugly nor fat. My face is pretty. My body, while imperfect, is great. I'm just very, very private. The internet is a big place and can be a big, ugly place at times. For me, the risk of having pictures far outweighs the benefits.

I do provide a very detailed ad that is written skillfully with a very specific target demographic in mind. I'm busier than I've ever been.

I agree that pictures will make it more likely to receive business.  I admit that if I don't see a picture, it makes me wonder "what is she hiding?" And worse yet, is when I see those super-model type of photos on an ad that is offering everything for "80 roses" ... Well we all know what that means. The pictures are FAKE for sure!  

My point is: yes, put up a photo, and secondly put up an ACTUAL photo representing what you really look like.

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