TER General Board

Annual Hobby Spending
jay3130 11 Reviews 3392 reads

Some time in 2014 I realized I had to start keeping track of how much I was spending on "The Hobby"  

My numbers look like this

2017    $5,810
2016    $11,065
2015    $7,515
2014    $7,195

My usual providers charge between $150-$250 per visit. I'm curious how much do you think your average hobbyist spends?

the other half I wasted.


In real good years I've managed to spend a lot more than that, but yours is comparable to mine now.

When asked how much his yacht cost to operate, he replied, "If you have to ask, you can't afford it."

leg-humping Shar Pei's has gone missing.  SOMEBODY got a little butt-hurt?

I spend considerably more than you, but I do not delude myself into thinking I have things under control when it comes to spending on pussy.  I rationalize too much flexibility into my hobby budget by saying I will overspend this month and back off a little next month to make it up, but when next month comes, I never do.  

Oh, like politicians and government spending 😂

I don't go into debt to spend in pussy.


I don't have anything more than the roughest idea how much I spend on pussy, but whatever that number is, as far as I am concerned it's worth it, but like you I have zero delusions that I have things anywhere near "under control" lol

Lack of accounting. When there is no one you have to hide money from, or rationalize your discretionary spending to, it's easy to not give the actual amount involved much thought.  As long as we feel we're getting our money's worth, who cares?

But a comparison to a drunken sailor is probably appropriate.

...it's worth the cost. I know the exact worth of my sanity:)

Definitely have plans to up that amount for 2018

Did not realize it was this much-may not sound like alot but it is
when on a fixed income. I'd love to spend 2 or 3 times that.

I’ve been averaging about 1k a month for the past 6 months

-- Modified on 12/25/2017 2:43:24 PM

.... what it cost me to maintain my last marriage and what it costs me to live in my current situation.

Considering the last few years of that marriage was sexually and emotionally barren, I'm a lot happier.

I did the math.... the last two years close to 6 figures... too much....

NotAnAlias73 reads

Last year I said I’d budget $5K. Then halfway thru 2017 I said OK maybe $10K. Come October is was OK maybe $12K. I believe I finished the year about$15K. I’ve started doing automatic savings transfers so the money is there when I need it in 2018.

The funny thing is escorts end up being less expensive than strip clubs. Of course shorter duration and a different experience. I do love a good strip club and find my burn rate is $200/hr on average. So 4 hrs = $800. And yes 7 hours = $1400. Found that out the hard way after waaaay too much Hennessy!

querious82 reads

I don't spend bucks I don't have, although I may go in the hole on the occasional month.  I make sure it all balances out by the end of the year to break even on the spending vs the income.  My hobby spending includes TER VIP, which I usually purchase at the year end savings event.

2017 $4,125   (13 dates)  Channeled bucks into home improvement this year.  I'd much rather have spent it on pussy.
2016 $6,785  (23 dates)
2015 $8,440  (32 dates)
2014 $3310  (16 dates)

or lots of pussy?  That gentlemen was the question. I’m still driving my classic but reliable sedan.

2017 - Roughly 3 grand among 5 appointments.  
2016 - Roughly 2 grand among 5 appointments
2015 - Roughly a grand among 3 appointments
2014 - Roughly 1,300 among 3 appointments
2013 - 300, 1 appointment

My first time seeing an escort was in September. Roughly recalling the general price of each date and with a faint memory of what I tipped for this or that girl, I'd say I've spent about $3,400 during those four months spanning 12 dates, with the dates costing between 160 to 500 dollars.  

Theoretically if I were to continue this pattern for a whole year I'd end up spending $10,200, something I could technically afford but really shouldn't do. I'm going to force myself to slow down, considering I have plans to travel and go back to school.

TamedRage185 reads

Is what I spend. Most of the agencies I go to r 2.6 an hour, then I usually tip .4.  

I will repeat with certain providers that r superstars, but that's rare. I can afford it and I have separate accounts from the wife.

I guess I spend about 30k a year lol

Mr.M.Johnson37 reads

I don’t regret 1 $ of it!
What I wanted for XMAS - didn’t happen unfortunately - is to find a psychiatrist who doubles as a TER lady.  She could $bill my insurance company for “services provided” and fucking wouldn’t cost me ANYTHING!
I’ll keep looking for this “provider” but unless/until I find her I’ll keep using TER and $paying

John_Laroche34 reads

2017: 41 appointments, of which 31 were 2-hour sessions with my ATF. The rest were scattered among 7 other providers at 1 or 1-1/2 hour sessions.

2016: 56 appointments (with 14 going to my #1 and 10 to my #2). That left time and energy to meet 11 other providers with several earning repeat business.  

2015: 32 appointments (15 with #1). Also a short-lived #2 earned 8 visits. The rest were one semi-regular and 3 or 4 one hit wonders.  

My records are incomplete for earlier years

wrps0741 reads

This year an exact 5400 money came from my pit (pussy investment trust) (swing and day trading of stocks, capital gains distributions, dividends, interest, and discover card cash back refunds (lol)).  

Breakdown 37 visits, 32 hours, 49 pops.  

I am thankful for the guys who encouraged me to take a day trading course, well worth the investment.

Tippecanoe53 reads

I spend roughly $12-20K a year depending on providers I want to see. Some years are much higher, some are lower. This year was lower because I decided to stop funding GPS providers. Extensive travelling has proven that there isn't much difference between $1k plus pussy and $300 pussy - when in fact most of the $300 pussy was BETTER than GPS women.

There were a couple that were worth the premium and multiple hours this year. The difference is better lingerie, make-up, clothes, and ability to carry on a great conversation on a myriad of topics. Women who know proper etiquette and manners, and can carry themselves in many settings. I don't need it at that often, but every now and then its a nice way to spend an evening and morning.

...after taxes...i take $1500 a month off the top and put it into my "pussy bank"...its usually empty by months end...i travel a lot and have a couple of local providers i like to spent weekends with-that also includes dinners/shows/hotels/etc...it keeps me on track and helps me too "choose wisely"...(will admit tho,i sometimes "break the bank")  :)

I don't put a price limit on treating myself.One life to live and I work hard.So I don't think about .

for 2017, $6,310 on 38 visits, mostly FBSM/MPs in NYC

Ok so I ended up fucking one last girl before the year ended, so I ended up spending about $3,900 this year, spanning 13 dates.

If it was 28800.00 We all would say your clearly f--- up lol .  How to write it off? gift card or charity gift?  
Glad the ladies kept you alive and with a smile.  what money anyway but to make us happier.  
all in love, from Jenn

Let's see. I got into this hobby because I was tired of the heartache's of relationships. My hobby started back in 2012 when I ended up divorced. Started by meeting this drop dead gorgeous woman Katrine Kannon. Short, stacked in all the right places and the softest lips ever! JACKPOT. At the time, $200 was the going rate and I was seeing her every other week. She fell off the face of the earth and had to find a new SP but turned to MA's...not to worry. It's leading somewhere.

2012 about $1,600

2013 was a bit different. Met this woman at one of the local parlors and was seeing her every other week at $180 but turned very quickly to weekly. Right to the penny, 2013, I spent $6,840.

By 2014, I was seeing my regular MA but ended up FS on Valentine's Day when she says to me "When are you going to f^&k me?!" We ended up dating and it was an insanely amount of money. Vacations, weekly visits, dinners, outfits, new boobs...my hobby turned into Sugar Daddy. Of course, I'd get the monthly freebie but would have to pay for the door fee! I don't want to even think how much 2014 cost...over $22,000. Hey! Can you put a price on happiness?

Turn to 2015 and my MA decided to up and move. Heartbreaking. Flew out to see her a couple times, spent a week in the Dominican Republic but knew this wasn't where I wanted to be or go. So, stopped cold turkey. 2015 including the vacation was $3,900.

Ended up meeting someone in 2015 as well.

2016 - $0

2017, no longer in a relationship, started a new and successful business and I'm seeing one particular SP. See her once a month and have spent $500...started seeing her in October. LOL.

I don't regret any bit of it.

Tbh, I really dont have a budget.  I'd say over 35k a year. I usually go 2x a week. Sometimes 3. Im expanding now into new providers. I was usually into asians but wanna expand my horizons.  Any takers in the wash dc area? Who wants some of mu charity? 😂

I'm no where as high as many of you.  i'm around 1-3k/yr.

After reading these posts I did an accounting yesterday and it totaled up to $14K for last year, my first in the hobby. Maybe 20 trysts with mostly fav girl/s (8K to ATF!!  No wonder she likes me) and occasional new babes. Budget included provider fees, flowers, gifts, travel expenses (won`t do outcalls not yet anyway) and OTC dinners with the ATF which for me is a cherry on the sundae. Always lets me stay overnight OTC so I don`t  drive home "Buzzed." She so has my back and tucks me to bed with a smile on my face every time.

I use my monthly SS money  (1K) and this seems affordable and works well for me all though I fear that in 2018 I will go way over budget. F-it, I only live once and the shadows are growing longer every day : /

I must be in the minority.  I see about 4-8 providers a year if that.  But, they're always on the higher consideration side.  I always schedule at least a two hour meeting and it's usually around $1200-$1500.  I may spend more if...

1. My the ones I want to meet where in my town regularly.
2. If my sex drive was stronger.  Normally, after meeting someone for two hours I don't even think about sex for at least two weeks.

In a way it's a good thing the ones I really like aren't local - lol.  Most are from CA or in Vancouver.

Alright, So I'm pretty new with only starting in Sept. 2017.

So far $1,990 with pros.  
$850 with SB's.
I'm trying to keep it to only twice a month with pro's since I'm saving up for a new kitchen.

...in absolute dollar terms, I’d love to see what percentage of income people are spending. I often wonder if I’m not making enough money in what I do (and therefore should endeavor to make more), or if people are just spending all their money on the hobby, and nothing else.  

I’m sure it’s a mix - some wealthier guys who can afford to drop $20K, some poorer guys who spend every spare dime on the hobby, and have nothing, including savings - but I’d still be interested to see what the mix is.

12000 to 15000 area the stock market needs to keep its upper movement.

...tarnish these good times by thinking about how much I have spent, I worked hard building my savings & I hate it that my bank teller calls me Mr.Hundred dollar bill, somehow I think she knows what those draws are for. I am certainly not the frequent flier I used to be but i only see well reviewed providers & I really believe quality is more important than quantity.

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