TER General Board

And you probably think....
elainaamhurst See my TER Reviews 302 reads

that a Honda civic is the same as an Alfa Romeo Spider. Both will get you where you want to go....but it's not the same.

Guys what do think that will happens  if we all agree for our own benefit not to see any provider above $300 and we dictate our own price...,and we stand like that for a month or perhaps two month,think about what will happens...

Hobbyists don't need to see providers to survive, but many providers rely on income from clients to pay for food, rent, etc. Think of how you are paying for a real service from skilled providers instead of how little money you can get away with spending.

Think about what would you do if you can't find any hobbyist that will paid you more that that...

Stick to providers in your own price range. I started off at my price with an agency and when I went indy I realized why their price was what it was. Prime manhattan real estate... Im not sharing with another provider and the amount that goes into hair make up and beauty expensive shoes and lingerie... yikes. There is always a girl and a client at various price points. I Have no problem finding clients at mine in fact I have so much considering the effort I put into it and caliber of service I provide you shouldn't have any problem finding girls at your price point either :)

GaGambler445 reads

I am not going to place a bet on whether blue balls on the john's side is a stronger motivator than the rent being due for a hooker, but I will bet, and I will give LONG odds that no coalition or cartel of either hookers or johns is ever going to hold together. Care to place a wager? I am more than happy to take any action you can afford.

No no Mr.Gagambler,I will not place any wager on that,I only bet on sports,I was just curious to know how the hobbyist think about that,after all we are the ones  who support this providers and $300 an hour is a lot, how many people that you know make that money an hour?,I still believe that if we stand by that,they have to lower it down...

i have more than once in my life made $500/hour.  not many times more than once, but more than once (20 or thirty times perhaps).

dude if you don't want to play take your balls and go home.

I am happy for you,but you just didn't answer my question,how many people make $300 an hour?

Yes you are right but they are not the majority of the hobbyist.

Have you taken a survey?  I DEFINITELY know that the majority of you $250 K-girl hobbyists aren't Drs. or lawyers because if you were, you wouldn't be bitching about getting all providers to reduce their prices to $300.

Sure, I don't make $300/hr, but I get paid for 40 hours, every week.

Posted By: PLEASURE7
No no Mr.Gagambler,I will not place any wager on that,I only bet on sports,I was just curious to know how the hobbyist think about that,after all we are the ones  who support this providers and $300 an hour is a lot, how many people that you know make that money an hour?,I still believe that if we stand by that,they have to lower it down...
If the over 300 price is too much for you then I suggest finding a new hobby (but there are clearly still  plenty of options in the 300 and under price point).  

As for successfully forming a buyers cartel to force prices down that just aint gunna happen.

I am not forcing anybody to do anything,I was just asking what do you guys think it will happen if we all stand by that price,that's all,obviously the ones that can paid more felt offended and started to tell me that I was crying about the prices.

While I think the idea is a nonstarter out of the gate and have no problem with the service provider setting their rate where ever they want in my case (and probably a lot of others) I don't need to worry about rushing any picket line. I've never needed to pay over 300 unless I'm staying more than an hour and typically it's less than 300 an hour.

Squeezetheorem419 reads

Your reviews indicate that you aren't seeing anyone above that price anyway (in LA, at that), so you are really just asking the guys who can afford higher rates to hold off for your benefit. Lol

No Sr., I am just trying to let you know that you are paying to much for the same thing that I am getting...

bull shit.

if you think it's only about getting it in a hole and shooting off, then when i masturbate in a gym sock i'm getting the same thing you're paying $300 for.

the higher priced ladies in la give much better service than the $300 girls imo.

the women i see give incredible service, making me feel like i am their boyfriend and that they truly love having sex with me for the few hours i am with them.  and that's what i'm laying down the envelope for.

if you're so happy with your cadre of $300 girls, then why are you posting grade school posts about how unfair life is that somebody is charging more than you can afford?

see this?      .        

it's the world's tiniest violin playing sad, sad music for you, my friend.

Sr the same girls that make you feel like your girlfriends are just acting like the ones I see for less that you...

Squeezetheorem287 reads

I don't know what sort of nationwide Megan Fox-lookalike fire sale you are imagining will occur after a month-long boycott, but you should know that the whales and frequent fliers often get the first crack at things like deals and service level-ups.

-- Modified on 1/24/2016 6:27:18 PM

Ahhhaha 😂

Posted By: Squeezetheorem
Your reviews indicate that you aren't seeing anyone above that price anyway (in LA, at that), so you are really just asking the guys who can afford higher rates to hold off for your benefit. Lol
-- Modified on 1/24/2016 7:38:34 PM

there are plenty of women for $300...  if you can't afford over $300 then stick to $300... don't begrudge the free market.

this is the ultimate of discretionary spending.  if you can't afford it, don't buy it.  spend what you can afford.  don't cry because other guys and gals have more $$ and can afford a higher price.

ps it helps if you realize the grass is not greener.  i have ventured into the elite priced provider area a few times, and without exception been disappointed.

(and a whole other problem with your op is that different areas of the country have different median prices.  here in la $300 gets you a street walker with a heroin habit (j/k exaggeration for effect).  save your pennies if you really want that $400/hr girl, and stop whining).

Mr,I am not crying,I just trying to let you see that you can get quality for less,we work and they get supported by us,so that tells you that we can dictate the market,not the area and not the elite,is us the ones who pay...

thanks for insisting other people's experience are incorrect!

Sr,I am not insisting that other people experience are incorrect,I just trying to show you the other side of the hobby...

the less you make sense.

you are just trying to show us the other side of the hobby by asking what would happen if we stopped paying over a certain price?  what language does that make sense in?

VOO-doo289 reads

I guess I'd have to double my volume.  

Although, with such low rates...demand would likely go up. So, I'd probably triple or quadruple my volume.  

I'm sure that guys would still value a non-rushed, personal feel to the date. And, I'm sure they'd hope for a companion truly open to enjoying the time with them (rather than just ticking them off like, 2 done, 3 to go). And let's not even mention OTC...

Yep, that'd work great!!! I AM kind of cute and funny when I get all grouchy. :-S

I will die with more money than I need, St. Judes gets whatever that is left over, so my perspective is that I don't wish to participate in the stand you wish to take, to try to drive down rates. I'm not going without pussy for your benefit, sorry but that's just the way it is.

If I was a model airplane enthusiast, and I couldn't afford to participate in that hobby, then I'd find another hobby. I sure wouldn't try to get other model airplane enthusiast's to not participate in their hobby just to lower prices so that I could afford to play.  

It's called living within your means, what a concept.

Very simple,how can the hobbyist be awful lot of unhappy if they are the one who pay to support the providers,therefore we shoul be the ones to set the prices,not then...

Posted By: PLEASURE7
Guys what do think that will happens  if we all agree for our own benefit not to see any provider above $300 and we dictate our own price...,and we stand like that for a month or perhaps two month,think about what will happens...
Another "rate" post.  If you can't afford to be in this game, then this game isn't for you.  We hobbyist have a couple of options, either save for a longer period of time, or our step our financial game up.

Legit providers usually quote 200 to 600 an hour, find a window that works for you.  I'm not wealthy.  I have other priorities in life as well, so I accept the fact I can't see some ladies or see them as frequently as I would like to.  Getting frustrated and making a passive/aggressive, indirect, undercover post complaining about rates is not going to do anything.

Posted By: SoapMactavish
Getting frustrated and making a passive/aggressive, indirect, undercover post complaining about rates is not going to do anything.
what about making two?  (see above: "who need who")

also, the guy might benefit by not seeing one of those $300/hr ladies for a couple of weeks and taking a remedial english course.

Posted By: BigPeterJohnson
Posted By: SoapMactavish
Getting frustrated and making a passive/aggressive, indirect, undercover post complaining about rates is not going to do anything.
 what about making two?  (see above: "who need who")  
 also, the guy might benefit by not seeing one of those $300/hr ladies for a couple of weeks and taking a remedial english course.

Do you really want it on record that you're thinking of ways to cheap out on escorts? If you're going to post such an asinine idea, at least use an alias

They let their dicks do the thinking, and pay the astronomical prices. The ladies have figured that out, and we continue seeing them, albeit with far fewer sessions than the old days.  

But your idea is good. If only we could think with our brains. But alas, that's one of life's impossibilities.

At the same time let's refuse to pay more than 1.59 a gallon for gas, (sorry GaGa) and no more than 2.00 for a Big Mac. And not more than $20,000 for a car or 150,000 for a house, or.....

You guys got it all wrong,I was just asking what do you guys think that it will happen if the hobbyist will not paid more than $300 an hour,and all of the sudden I was accused of crying for the prices.

for less than $300 but not many. Sure, many areas have average donations in the $300-500 range and other areas start at $600 for a quality lady.

Some ladies are creative to have a bottom price of $450 or more for 90 minutes. There was one lady I tried to see several years ago that did that. The problem was I was only able to get away for an hour and when I asked her if she had an hourly rate she said "sure, $450 for 90 minutes and if you have to leave early that is your business." Needless to say I didn't see her.

Think about this,I don't think is the area,we are the ones who work to support then in any area,and the quality will be top of the top if they know that they are getting a ceiling(300),I am sure that the quality will be less if thay get less,but how can they dictate  a price when we are the ones who work to support then?,How many of us make 300,600,800,or even more than 1,000 an hour by working?

Posted By: PLEASURE7
Think about this,I don't think is the area,we are the ones who work to support then in any area,and the quality will be top of the top if they know that they are getting a ceiling(300),I am sure that the quality will be less if thay get less,but how can they dictate  a price when we are the ones who work to support then?,How many of us make 300,600,800,or even more than 1,000 an hour by working?
Your logic is quite flawed, and I fear you won't listen to anyone who will point that out.

First of all, we are not working 40 hours a week. That is why we can do what we do. Lower volume, higher price, better quality.  

Second of all, you are not "supporting us" like some sort of 1950s husband. These are our businesses. We spend time marketing, and take the time and money to present ourselves well. Obviously you have not been with many providers because many are not just holes to fuck, but provide an emotional intimacy.

Women do most of the emotional and sexual labor in American culture for free. We are just smart enough to charge you for it.

All the money that you make for your marketing and whatever you do is coming from us,therefore  we support you.

Sure so everyone that's buying the stuff paying you money should do the same -- maybe try to get you down to minimum wage for instance?

... As it takes me to swoop in and offer $350 in order to secure her away from all of the other cheapskates wasting her time with low-ball offers.

Spaces after commas,(insert here)are a very good thing. Thank you.  

Carry on then...

Gia xo ;)

Posted By: PLEASURE7
Guys what do think that will happens  if we all agree for our own benefit not to see any provider above $300 and we dictate our own price...,and we stand like that for a month or perhaps two month,think about what will happens...

...He's like a kid looking through a department store display window, wishing he could afford the fancy toys he sees.  He's pissed off that he can't communicate with his providers and that he's probably the tenth client of the day.  He wants to bring down the price of the "fancy toys" so that he could afford them, instead of being stuck with the only providers he can afford to see.

I being on this hobby for more than 20 years and most of my reviews were on adultfax and they shut down about two month ago,I have seen all kinds of provider,but never for 400,500,600,800 or more that 1,000,that is absurd,they all give you the same,acting!!!

that a Honda civic is the same as an Alfa Romeo Spider. Both will get you where you want to go....but it's not the same.

...That's all you can afford to see - K-girls and BP girls.  So you just keep swimming in your public municipal swimming pool with whatever the hell is in there along with you.  I'll enjoy my expensive, sparkling clean, germ-free infinity pool.

Oh yes that's right,you think that the  expensive,sparkling clean and germ-free infinity pool that you swim in it is not going to give you any desease,think twice,FYI agency girls are cleanest than independent girls because the agencies make then check themselves,who make the independents girls go check themselves?

I will never no because I always make sure I am the first dick of the day!!!

GaGambler279 reads

Unless you spent the previous night with her, you have no idea if you are the first.

Even if you have a 7 AM appointment you have no way of knowing if she had an overnight appointment that was supposed to end at 6 AM, but ran over a bit and she only had time for a "quick wipe" before her "first" appointment of the day.

Or she might have a BF who barebacks her every night who left her incall only five minutes before you arrived, after dropping a cream pie in that pussy that you are about to put your face into.

The long and the short of it is you have no fucking idea who and when she fucks, nor should you. If you like KGirls, fine. Personally I love KGirls, but thinking you are always going to be the first is delusional almost as delusional as thinking anyone is going to join your crusade to lower the prices of HDH's

People who beat this subject to death usually fall into two categories, trolls and moron. After reading your many responses to the replies you have gotten here, I am pretty sure you are in category number two. You "might" be a troll, but you are most definitely a moron, but you are a moron who got a lot of people to respond. so kudos for that at least

This would never work in the hobby because of something called "supply and demand" and there is a reason why some ladies get top dollar for their services and some don't.  Furthermore, most hobbyist would NEVER unite behind this idea.  All providers are not created equal and l truly believe you can't put a numerical value on your erotic experiences.  Just because you think $300.00 is reasonable; it does not mean we should all follow this logic.  I believe you get what you pay for in this business and if you take the time to do your homework you will find "value" in what ever you are seeking - at any price point.  I have had great experiences at $300.00/hr but I have also had great experiences at $600.00/hr.  You can not make a comparison on just price alone.  If you don't want to see a provider who charges above $300.00/hr than don't see her.

Have you ever seen a provider over $300 and turn out to be a worst experience that a provider at $300,that is my point, the more the provider charge,the better their acting have to be,that's the difference,some call then service,I call it acting!!!

Posted By: PLEASURE7
Guys what do think that will happens  if we all agree for our own benefit not to see any provider above $300 and we dictate our own price
Combination in Restraint of Trade: An illegal compact between two or more persons to unjustly restrict competition and monopolize commerce in goods or services by controlling their production, distribution, and price or through other unlawful means. Such combinations—whether in the form of a contract, holding\ company, or other association—are prohibited by the provisions of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and other antitrust acts

Posted By: PLEASURE7
Guys what do think that will happens  if we all agree for our own benefit not to see any provider above $300 and we dictate our own price...,and we stand like that for a month or perhaps two month,think about what will happens...
-- Modified on 1/25/2016 3:58:55 AM

Wait into the economy gets really worst and you will see how many clients will pay that...,because the way is going,the middle class will be eliminated one day.

It basic market economics.  Although I'm sure for a lot of ladies (and hobbyists for that matter), their price points are a matter of pride, it really goes with what the market will bear for their goods.  I've seen quite a few ladies price themselves out of their reasonable range and then drop their rate back down.  Some will rebrand, some will have "specials" and then grandfather you in, but that's just marketing allowing for their sense of self esteem.

Most hobbyists play in the market they can afford and they get what they pay for.

Posted By: PLEASURE7
Guys what do think that will happens  if we all agree for our own benefit not to see any provider above $300 and we dictate our own price...,and we stand like that for a month or perhaps two month,think about what will happens...

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