TER General Board

And one positive post like this is worth more than 20 Board Bitch Sessions. Let's hope the Mongolteeth_smile
DC. 51 Reviews 509 reads

Horde Bypasses this one.

CasTiger2135 reads

"minutes are worth more than Money. Spend them Wisely"

recent personal challenges have made me enjoy life so much more.

The minutes and hours I have spent with a provider.....will last a lifetime....will always make me smile.....will always make me feel like a teenager in love......

IF you have a chance to reach out to your ATF (hobbyist or provider) - no matter the reason....do it.

"Lost time is never found again" B. Franklin.

Feel good nonsense. :D

I'm touched a little bit. Hmm, I think feel a little warmth inside,  oh wait,  now they are getting a little warmer.  Nope,  I think it's my dick getting a bit of blood rushed into it.  Oh waddya know,  it just got bigger.

Instead of emailing my favorite, I decided to txt her and book a session.  I do thank her for giving me priority booking. Considering she is under the radar,  I guess I was her only client this evening lol.  
I pay her for services and it's a clean business transaction.  

We both appreciate each other for the mutually beneficial transaction, I do wish her a good day but would it make much of a difference to the actual outcome when I know for a fact she will have a great day just from seeing me this evening.  :

Me and the Horde were wondering how many hookers are waiting anxiously by their keyboards, pining for a deluge of happy-talk posts that have nothing to do with booking a date?
I mean, me and the boys with the horned helmets like the ladies as much as the next barbarian, but doubt they truly want time-wasting emails.
But then again, what do we know.  We're just a bunch of knuckle-draggers.
LOL!  All in good fun, my friend!

GaGambler538 reads

nah, I am not going to rain on this particular parade, there are plenty of posters deserving to have their posts shit on, no reason to rain on this one.

I certainly appreciate the providers whose company I enjoy - and I treat them accordingly, which always seems to be rewarded as well.....

many think that whoever has accumulated the most wealth or possessions when they die "wins" -  at this point in my life, which is getting shorter by the day,  I prefer to invest money in those moments you eloquently speak of -   if I take anything with me after I die it will be memories,  not money....

is none the less dead. Have fun and keep on smiling.

True gentelman.
 Glad it makes things go smother and tough times easyer, With thoughts of a pleasureable moments with a great provider

bonordonor474 reads

Posted By: CasTiger
 "minutes are worth more than Money. Spend them Wisely"  
 IF you have a chance to reach out to your ATF (hobbyist or provider) - no matter the reason....do it.  
That made me remember one of my ATFs shorted me on minutes one too many times. So I just called her & told her to Go Fuck Off!!! I appreciate the reminder. Have a Nice Day:-)

Just kidding.  

I agree with you. Minutes spent happy and content no matter whom with are important and we must always cherish good times no matter the bad that was mixed in.  

I'll drink to this later. Thanks.

Once I missed sending her an email for a couple of days and she dropped by to see if I was OK. LOL Remember I'm 82 8>)

if there is one I may send an "E" card of small gift at some random time. The response to the first reach out has a bearing on future booking, for me. I do little things for people IRL too, so why be different here?
I am so looking forward to getting this week over. thanks

Skyfyre425 reads

Posted By: CasTiger
 "minutes are worth more than Money. Spend them Wisely"  
 recent personal challenges have made me enjoy life so much more.  
 The minutes and hours I have spent with a provider.....will last a lifetime....will always make me smile.....will always make me feel like a teenager in love......  
 IF you have a chance to reach out to your ATF (hobbyist or provider) - no matter the reason....do it.  
 "Lost time is never found again" B. Franklin.
Exactly! that's why my motto is "Quantity over quality".  I want to spend as many minutes as possible with my girls, old and new. Afterall nobody said "he who dies with the best toys win" but rather "he who dies with the MOST toys win".


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