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"And BTW, the USA lost the Vietnam War."
MasterYoda2 4 Reviews 2917 reads

Sarcasm or simply an attempt to belittle the previous poster for his declaration at having served and invalidate his expression of pride in his daughter's service in combat?

I'll rephrase: I could say that you should be grateful that this gentleman's daughter and others like her are willing to put their own lives at risk in order to guarantee your freedom to be disrespectful, but I doubt you'd see the suggestion as more than a hackneyed line.


Rarely do I like to dabble or shall I say take my claim on politics as I know the craziness it projects in others. However today I felt it necessary after reading in a local paper let alone having heard it and reading it for a week now that there have been more deaths in April then in the entire war. (entire war meaning???)So I send a link to my fellow (community) and friends as a reminder that our lives truly are not bad. Yes, one might have a child support payment that's outrageous, or mortgage bill that is still unpaid, or taxes that had to be extended........my point is we all have problems but at least we are alive to have them. Thank you all who serve!! I meant no disrespect on my recent post!!!



There was nothing wrong with your post.

I served in VM, and my daughter served in the Air Force as a security policeman in Iraq.

I have never been prouder of her.

We all need to remember this was not an isolated incident.
It has changed the face of the world forever...

Just my opinion...

I agree, I didn't see anything wrong with the post either.  I haven't served in the military but my dad did (Navy).

I think it's good to have explicit reminders of things from time to time since we, as a whole, sometimes get so wrapped up in everyday life that we DO forget about the past and don't always adhere to the lessons learned by past events.

I'm in the San Francisco Bay Area and about the only way I can even begin to relate to destruction caused on that tragic day is to think about the Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989.  Even with the damage caused by that earthquake, that's nothing compared to what happened to the WTC.

My heart goes out to our military since they volunteer to put themselves in harm's way to protect us, our country, and our way of life.


The E Ticket3954 reads

Are you saying the War in Iraq is being fought because of 9/11?

If so, that is simply not true.

Iraq and Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11 or any other terrorism on the USA before Bush invaded Iraq.

And BTW, the USA lost the Vietnam War.


The E Ticket3245 reads

Yes, the US lost the war in Vietnam. Unless you mised the North Vietnamese flag flying over the US embassy in Saigon.


It would be nice if no nation ever had security concerns that lay outside their own borders, but the world is not that tidy.  

I could say that you should be grateful that this gentleman's daughter and others like her are willing to put their own lives at risk in order to guarantee your freedom to be sarcastic, but I doubt you'd see the suggestion as more than a hackneyed line.  

Speaking only for myself, your gratitude was never a condition of service during my 23 years on active duty.  On the other hand, your freedom (including your freedom to be disrespectful of those who serve) was and is more important than my life.


Master Yoda;
My daughter thanks you and I thank you for your wise thoughts.
But you are correct, my service and i know my daughters is not to gain anyones thanks or gratitude.
We did it out of love for our country and what we felt was an obligation to give back something to the greatest counrty on Earth.


Sarcasm or simply an attempt to belittle the previous poster for his declaration at having served and invalidate his expression of pride in his daughter's service in combat?

I'll rephrase: I could say that you should be grateful that this gentleman's daughter and others like her are willing to put their own lives at risk in order to guarantee your freedom to be disrespectful, but I doubt you'd see the suggestion as more than a hackneyed line.


Telling ItLikeItIs2875 reads

and sarcastically implied that he was stupid.

To go beyond that is to put words in TET's mouth in a way that is unfair.

Instead of just putting out jibes - perhaps you can show a Vietnamese flag flying on US soil?
We left the war! - We didn't want to win it! Civilians were running it!
Perhaps you should revisit history!
Don't diminish the efforts of all who fought, suffered and died.

Ci Ci2568 reads

I try to see everyone's point of view, and I think perhaps maybe you meant that war kills people and that you thought Vietnam was useless. I understand. However, being in the military myself and serving in Saudi, I cannot agree with how you worded your posts. It's shameful and degrading to those of us who got injured protecting others, not only our country but for those who are less than fortunate to have their own nation protect them.  I'm sure you would feel differently if you were in a third-world country and your brothers, sisters, mother or father were beaten to death, raped or killed. Please consider what you say when talking politics or religion. You do have a right to your opinion, but there's no need to make those whom have attempted to go to war or sacrificed their lives feel unworthy. I don't agree with everything the president does, too, but I still support our men and women in uniform.


that if you have to be walking, don't think of others driving, but think of the person behind you pushing a laden cart.

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